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Anyone Have Swine Flu? Samui, Phangan And Tao Residents

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Given all the swine flu cases being reported in the news, I am curious if any members here have actually been diagnosed with it by a doctor? If so, what did the doctor do, what did you do? How long before you got over it?

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Given all the swine flu cases being reported in the news, I am curious if any members here have actually been diagnosed with it by a doctor? If so, what did the doctor do, what did you do? How long before you got over it?

i have been told that bkk hospital has a ward dedicated to the h1 virus and that cases seem to be coming in on a daily basis, so i ahev been advised to stay away from large groups of people such as movie theaters, parties, etc....no prob for me because i dont like to be around people anyway :)

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nothing here (fingers crossed) but my sister is over form the UK atm and has informed me that my nephew has it :/. Apparently any one with a sniffle atm in the UK is being treated as if they have swine flu.

I read some where that the virus is killing loads of fat people (people with 35+ bmi) i dont know if this is true or not.

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Heard today that a local 6 year old died from Swine Flu - I have made enquiries at the Tesse Bahn as to who would make a decision to close schools on Samui - and if the above is true I would hope they will decide sooner rather than later .

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nothing here (fingers crossed) but my sister is over form the UK atm and has informed me that my nephew has it :/. Apparently any one with a sniffle atm in the UK is being treated as if they have swine flu.

I read some where that the virus is killing loads of fat people (people with 35+ bmi) i dont know if this is true or not.

It is not killing fat people in particular but some kids in good health, only if they were not immunized by 1977 flue.

Death in western country seems 50% kids, 50% older people or people at risk (fat, respiratory problems, etc).

For normal folks nothing is necessary, it is less bad than the australian of last year.

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Good Source produced by W.H.O. Canada gives the rates of infections around the world, preventative measures an treatments.


Just wondering...is ordinary common or garden flu still around? Has this now vanished? Seems from my introverted island perspective that anything ranging from

a mild cold to full blown flu is diagnosed and /or reported as Swine flu.

Would the same sort of number of fatalities have been the same for "ordinary" flu?

I'm not in any way trying to belittle the problem but I get the feeling that there may be some over-reaction.

(Got to go...can't stop sneezing). :)

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Have to disagree with you, went to the hospital about 10 days ago (Thai Inter) with flu symptoms and the Doctor ruled out Mexican flu and left it up to me to have more tests done in case I wanted to.

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Went to BKK hospital yesterday with headache, runny nose, aches and slightly high temperature. There are 2 types of flu, type A and Type B Swine flu comes under type B (along with many other types of flu) I tested positive for type B so they are sending samples to Bangkok for testing for H1N1 results back in 3 days. :D . In the meantime wearing a mask and keeping away from everybody was their recomendations.

Oh yes and a bill of nearly 9,000 Baht, but what do you expect from Bangkok Hospital!! :)

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Went to BKK hospital yesterday with headache, runny nose, aches and slightly high temperature. There are 2 types of flu, type A and Type B Swine flu comes under type B (along with many other types of flu) I tested positive for type B so they are sending samples to Bangkok for testing for H1N1 results back in 3 days. :D . In the meantime wearing a mask and keeping away from everybody was their recomendations.

Oh yes and a bill of nearly 9,000 Baht, but what do you expect from Bangkok Hospital!! :)

I read somewhere, they can't charge you for running the swine flu tests.Either the government is subsidising it or laying the ground rules on costs.

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Went to BKK hospital yesterday with headache, runny nose, aches and slightly high temperature. There are 2 types of flu, type A and Type B Swine flu comes under type B (along with many other types of flu) I tested positive for type B so they are sending samples to Bangkok for testing for H1N1 results back in 3 days. :D . In the meantime wearing a mask and keeping away from everybody was their recomendations.

Oh yes and a bill of nearly 9,000 Baht, but what do you expect from Bangkok Hospital!! :)

So the cure was the same as normal flu, ibuprofen 2 times a day?

What is the point to know when it is gone (3 days test to bkk) that it was H1N1 instead of xyz?

9000b for a reccomandation to not sneeze?

gee, for fever avoid Bkk Hospital, thai international is much cheaper, and for any kind of flu they give you a full spectrum of antibiothics, that i trowed away after my skin changed colors a couple of times...

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Yes the annual flu is here as usual that one you can get a shot for now.

Interesting so far they actual death rate is higher for that flu annually then what we have seen with the Swine flu.

The the time and number of countries it spread is what made it a pandemic. The fear is that it will mutate a the Spanish flu did leaving of people dead around the world.

9 K wow glad I don't live there,

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I have a flu, maybe swine. Eyes watering, no energy, temperature high, appetitie low. Kicked in last night at buffet.

Anyway what to do. I dont want to pay 9000 baht, can I just go to the local pharamcy (usually very cheap) and ask them for antibotics if im no better tomorrow. As to keeping away from others, the pub I went to before (couldnt even finish one beer) has a few people in same boat so too late...

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From everything I have seen thus far it attacks the lungs add coughing to that get to a hospital yesterday.

Got to be a less expensive hospital the that. Even if there is not it's still worth money. It does not sound like the medication needed is available at drugs stores.

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From everything I have seen thus far it attacks the lungs add coughing to that get to a hospital yesterday.

Got to be a less expensive hospital the that. Even if there is not it's still worth money. It does not sound like the medication needed is available at drugs stores.

There aree no drugs for flu, just pain killer for side affects.

If no high temp ibuprofen 2 times a day, 400mg.

In UK they are giving everybody Tamiflu, but it must be taken the first day of the flu and there is no info about how it works, apart the fact that people cured with it have 1 day less of flu.

In USA CDC is mad with UK becouse the widespread use of tamiflu will only create a new strain resistent to it.....

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I have a flu, maybe swine. Eyes watering, no energy, temperature high, appetitie low. Kicked in last night at buffet.

Anyway what to do. I dont want to pay 9000 baht, can I just go to the local pharamcy (usually very cheap) and ask them for antibotics if im no better tomorrow. As to keeping away from others, the pub I went to before (couldnt even finish one beer) has a few people in same boat so too late...

Take ibuprofen NOW after eat, 2 times a day, 400mg.

if high fever go to thai international close to tesco.

cheaper but not free, they will do malaria test if you are not thai.......

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My 2 yearold daughter have had the swineflu about two weeks ago but she is ok now.

We came back from 1 week in Bkk and when we got back it broke out on her.

She lay for two days with high fever (38,8 degrees C) and seemed to have a lot of pain when she tried to move. She was also vomiting a lot.

We went to the hospital the first day she had fever and took the test but the test turned out NEGATIVE.

We felt lucky but when she did not want to walk by herself for the fifth day in a row we went back to the hospital.

The fever was gone but she still seemed to have pain in her joints. She usually run around like crazy but now she was crawling instead of walking but mostly she lay still.

They took mucus (?) from the nose and saliva from her mouth for the first test and we got the result within 15 minutes. The test cost 1000 baht.

The second time they only took mucus from her nose and we got the result again after 15 minutes. POSITIVE H1N1 A-virus. The test cost 800 baht.

And this was Bangkok hosptial at Samui by the way.

The doctor did not want to give her Tamiflu after the second test because she was already recovering good and it was not too serious, but she told us to stay inside for 1 week and if we wished to go somewhere we would have to wear facemasks.

Now that i think of it, not many of the hospital staff had face masks at that time.

Strangely me and my husband seem to have made it, but i guess we have more resistance than a 2 yearold child.

Take care now!


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9000 BAHT???

And why did they have to send the test to Bangkok??? *feel confused here*

We have tested our 2 yearold daughter two times and got the answer after 15 minutes each time!!

She had the A virus, perhaps it its different with the B virus, i dont know.

I am happy she is well now at least.

I hope you get better soon, and that your family or friends have not been infected.

Take care of your self now and speedy recovery.


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I have a flu, maybe swine. Eyes watering, no energy, temperature high, appetitie low. Kicked in last night at buffet.

Anyway what to do. I dont want to pay 9000 baht, can I just go to the local pharamcy (usually very cheap) and ask them for antibotics if im no better tomorrow. As to keeping away from others, the pub I went to before (couldnt even finish one beer) has a few people in same boat so too late...

Don't forget an important rule : antibiotics don't help against viruses, only against bacterias ! Using them when you don't need them, will only make the bacterias resistant.

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9000 BAHT???

And why did they have to send the test to Bangkok??? *feel confused here*

We have tested our 2 yearold daughter two times and got the answer after 15 minutes each time!!

She had the A virus, perhaps it its different with the B virus, i dont know.

I am happy she is well now at least.

I hope you get better soon, and that your family or friends have not been infected.

Take care of your self now and speedy recovery.


glad to hear your daughter recovered comehome. What treatment did the dr recommend for her?

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2 nights now. Very high fever at night and head is splitting, I dont think I manage to get much consecutive sleep. A gatorade and ibprofen seems to have milding effect.

I guess I'll take a run up to Thai international later but if they cant do anything not sure what;s the point.

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he point is if you don't take care of yourself and seek medical treatment who will do it for you. If you have H1N1 you need to know it,.. You may just have annual flu. If that is the case you probably are going to get some peace of mind. Then just keep taking care you have been

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I have a flu, maybe swine. Eyes watering, no energy, temperature high, appetitie low. Kicked in last night at buffet.

Anyway what to do. I dont want to pay 9000 baht, can I just go to the local pharamcy (usually very cheap) and ask them for antibotics if im no better tomorrow. As to keeping away from others, the pub I went to before (couldnt even finish one beer) has a few people in same boat so too late...

Antibiotics are ineffective against flu, which is a virus. Antibiotics are used to treat bacteria.

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Maybe this is good news for some

"Breakingnews » Breakingnews

BMA to hand out oseltamivir on Monday

Writer: BangkokPost.com

Published: 1/08/2009 at 03:57 PM

The Bangkok Metropolitan Administration is now surveying clinics in the capital city and will distribute osdeltamivir antiviral medicine to them from Monday, Bangkok governor Sukhumbhan Baripatra said on Saturday afternoon. The Bangkok Metropolitan Administration is now surveying clinics in the capital city and will distribute osdeltamivir antiviral medicine to them from Monday, Bangkok governor Sukhumbhan Baripatra said on Saturday afternoon. The Bangkok Metropolitan Administration is now surveying clinics in the capital city and will distribute osdeltamivir antiviral medicine to them from Monday, Bangkok governor Sukhumbhan Baripatra said on Saturday afternoon.

The distribution of the antiviral drugs is aimed at curbing the outbreak of the A (H1N1) flu virus.

After three weeks of the handout, BMA will evaluation whether the medicine can help reduce the number of the deadly virus infection and fatality as planned."

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9000 BAHT???

And why did they have to send the test to Bangkok??? *feel confused here*

We have tested our 2 yearold daughter two times and got the answer after 15 minutes each time!!

She had the A virus, perhaps it its different with the B virus, i dont know.

I am happy she is well now at least.

I hope you get better soon, and that your family or friends have not been infected.

Take care of your self now and speedy recovery.


glad to hear your daughter recovered comehome. What treatment did the dr recommend for her?

Thank you! :)

When we visited the doctor the first time and the test was negative the doctor ordered us to give her lots of water or any kind of fluid she likes to drink and paracetamol for children.

She also said that we should come back if the fever was not gone after three days.

The fever did go down but when she was still not able to walk after five days we went back to the hosptial.

That is when they tested her again and that time the test was positive.

The doctor did not want to giver her Tamiflu because she was already recovering well and did not need it.

I guess they only give it to real serious cases.

If they would have given it to her through iv? (through a needle into the blood, sorry my english) the doctor said.

The doctor told us about another boy who got tamiflu and he was like a complete different person after one day.

She said that Tamiflu is working very quickly.

I guess we are lucky that our daughter got well by herself. She was very ill for two days but started recovering on the third day.

We thought it was just the normal flu since the first test was negative.

Perhaps if the test would have been positive the first time they would have kept her in the hospital.

The doctor we had the first time said that we came to the hospital very very early.

After having fever the whole night, is it early to go to the hospital first thing in the morning?

Now i read people are dying because they come to the hospital - to late!

I still think you cant be too careful when you have young children.

I should also make clear that the first doctor and the second doctor we met is not the same.

The second doctor we met is our daughters regular doctor who has taken care of her since she was born.

She is the best doctor ever, a simply outstanding lady! :D

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