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Mia Noi


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Never wanted one thus far. I personally think one woman to have misunderstandings with is enough! The wife has said however, "When I'm old and not sexy you can have one". Question is...will I want one? If we grow old together do we not really notice the changes that much? In 7 years of marriage the wife looks the same to me and I'm still very attracted to her. To be completely honest, I would rather 'consider' (when she's old and not sexy) a meaningless 'short time' as it would be... well, meaningless. Unless guilt got a hold of me and brought misery upon me.

What if you start to love the mia noi more than the wife? Can't imagine life with the wife being bearable and so you bring misery upon yourself. I like being happy.

Interesting idea for a thread BTW. Should get some people thinking, it did me.

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I tease my wife about a mia noi and she says she has no problem if I want one. The problem is to find one who will put up with the mia luang's conditions. My wife will pay her and she must do as my wife says. My wife says she will sleep as late as she wants and the mia noi will do all the work.

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What were those old sayings?

"Cheaper to Keep Her" and " Free Sex? I never had to buy a house for a H@@ker"

I have my hands full with just the wife... I can't imagine having two women nag.... er um disussing my shortcomings with me all the time. :)

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gik is the way to go if you suffer from wandering willy syndrome id say,, ,why risk it all if you get overly involved with no 2, .i dont need either,and id say why get married if you want to mess about, is it some sort of acheivment,..in thailand you can have as many as you can afford,you just need no conscience to qualify,.and im a firm beleiver that if a wife tells her husband he can have a mia noi the marriage isnt based on love, try money , :) .lets ask the girls, would they rather their man had one night stand, or another woman in a condo living across the road that hes financially supporting,., ?

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gik is the way to go if you suffer from wandering willy syndrome id say,, ,why risk it all if you get overly involved with no 2, .i dont need either,and id say why get married if you want to mess about, is it some sort of acheivment,..in thailand you can have as many as you can afford,you just need no conscience to qualify,.and im a firm beleiver that if a wife tells her husband he can have a mia noi the marriage isnt based on love, try money , :D .lets ask the girls, would they rather their man had one night stand, or another woman in a condo living across the road that hes financially supporting,., ?

My wife and I were at a friends bar one evening chatting it up with a few other expats and "the joke" came up. My wife later told me that if I were to have another "lady"...

1. Use protection and not catch anything to make her sick

2. She didn't want to know or hear about it

3. She didn't want me paying for them to have another house or apartment

Oh yeah... and the other thing I almost forgot to mention...

4. She said that she would require that I leave Mr. Willy and his two friends in a jar that she'd keep at home.

We dropped the subject right there :)

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My neighbour bought a condo without telling her husband. When I told her I'd be upset if my wife did the same, she responded 'It's Thai culture, women need to protect themselves." So I said "Mia nois are Thai culture, too, is it OK if Somchaat has one?" Big pause.............mind racing......how to get out of this....big smile...."sure, up to him."

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C'mon, lets have some stories :D

Instead of sitting back waiting to be tittelated by other people's sordid stories, why not fess up and give us some of yours - you started the topic after all. :)

Oh .....and Mr LIE has so many stories to tell.

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I look at it this way. Husbands rate very low in Thailand. They are often ignored, alienated, and made to turn all their money over to their wives. Ask any farang or Thai man married to a Thai woman where the husband stands in comparison to everyone (and everything) else in her life. It will be somewhere above the family dog but below the family cow (the cow they can at least sell for money).

And in light of the many conditions put upon men by Thai women, sin sot, harsh treatment, I say why should a man not have a mia noi? Maybe he can actually be treated well while he is with her.

I have a Thai wife and am treated as if I were a Thai man and it sucks. And I pay for everything. Would I like to have a mia noi? Sure. Am I afraid of losing my private parts if the wife finds out? Heck no. Because then she would have to find another walking ATM and almost nobody is as big a sucker as I am

By the way, I read "that book" about Thai women and farang men many times and it even states that after a certain age, a Thai woman considers sex dirty and rude, and something that is reserved for young people. Its no wonder the mia noi and other pay-for-sex industries are alive and well in Asia.

Weeeelll, Never had one and I dont fancy being abused by two women at once.

A mia Noi is a P4P after all and why would I want to buy/rent a pad for a P4P, doesnt make sense to me.

Also I try to please everyone so it would just spread me too thin.

Anyway, how do you get rid of them when the time is up? Last outside experience (only since i moved in with the missus) she aged very quickly (literally). Only served to keep me happy at home.

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Q By the way, I read "that book" about Thai women and farang men many times and it even states that after a certain age, a Thai woman considers sex dirty and rude, and something that is reserved for young people. Its no wonder the mia noi and other pay-for-sex industries are alive and well in Asia. UQ

Yes, things could change....

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hello folks.....

it's true that nowadays all of community prohibit to have another wives except Muslim...???

I've been heard there's only monogamy are allowed...... but for past 60 years... yeah, second wife are allowed....

it's true..????

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I've always thought it was pretty pathetic to pay a woman on a one night basis to have sex with you who really doesn't want to and is only interested in the money.

But to have some pot bellied 50 year old have some kind of fake relationship with an attractive young woman over months or years, spending hundreds of thousand or millions of baht on a someone who is NOT interested in them is just unbelievable.

I guess they rationalise it by saying that she DOES really like me, the payment for her car, her condo and the tens of thousands I give her every month are just incidental. She's poor and I just want to help her.

Sad, sad husks of human beings.

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I've always thought it was pretty pathetic to pay a woman on a one night basis to have sex with you who really doesn't want to and is only interested in the money.

But to have some pot bellied 50 year old have some kind of fake relationship with an attractive young woman over months or years, spending hundreds of thousand or millions of baht on a someone who is NOT interested in them is just unbelievable.

I guess they rationalise it by saying that she DOES really like me, the payment for her car, her condo and the tens of thousands I give her every month are just incidental. She's poor and I just want to help her.

Sad, sad husks of human beings.

Strong words...

Do you have a Thai wife? :)

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I've always thought it was pretty pathetic to pay a woman on a one night basis to have sex with you who really doesn't want to and is only interested in the money.

But to have some pot bellied 50 year old have some kind of fake relationship with an attractive young woman over months or years, spending hundreds of thousand or millions of baht on a someone who is NOT interested in them is just unbelievable.

I guess they rationalise it by saying that she DOES really like me, the payment for her car, her condo and the tens of thousands I give her every month are just incidental. She's poor and I just want to help her.

Sad, sad husks of human beings.

Strong words...

Do you have a Thai wife? :)

It's a variation of the standard illusion for many foreigners here. Simply unbelievable, that many smart and successful men have suddenly long time rational black outs concerning that matter.

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When I lived with my previous GF (6 years ago), I foolishly took a Mia Noi and put her in a rented condo some 400 meters from where I lived with my GF. Every morning at 6am I got up 'to go to the gym for 2 hours', jogged around the corner and jumped into bed with my mia noi. Then I came 'home' for breakfast and then off 'to my 2 hour Thai language lesson', walked around the corner and jumped into bed with my mia noi again!

I was able to keep up this pretence for about 2 months until I was physically exhausted. Then (bad move), I moved in with the mia noi.

My deception with my GF obviously resulted in bad karma for me and my subsequent 5-year affair/marriage with this mia noi ended in her going clinically insane and me losing everything...

Where am I now? Back with the GF whom I should never have deceived in the first place! I have learnt my lesson and know which side my bread is buttered on :) (Amazing that she waited 5 years for me to return - it must be my stunning good looks)


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i find the attitude of many foreigners strange here

lets be blunt what unless you have the looks of brad pit or the charisma of svengali women only want thing in life security

here in thailand it comes across a lot more strong and a lot more truthful they will not lie to you why they will choose a foreigner over local

my first wifes lawyers took me for a lot of money when we got divorced what i have spent on my wife is a drop in ocean compared

do not kid yourself women around the globe want financial security but what femininisation has taught western women is to be self reliant (i am not having a go at feminists)

and to have a far higher personal standard when choosing a mate - this in itself has put of many men and some of these men have ended up marrying asian women

because they still have "old world values" in other words they like to feel needed and western women the slate them with "sugar daddies" or "sex tourist" and other nice comments

the same inexorable march towards feminist liberalisation and freedom is already here in thailand

so be afraid

be very afraid



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