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Walking Street July 31


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I went out last night and hit a few bars on Walking Street; business is picking up! It helped that the "CIA" was in town... Not the infamous US spy agency but the nouveau rich, the Chinese, Indians and Arabs. (Although the "New" CIA seems to buy their beer in 7-11 and do the economy shuffle down the strip...)

Late June and most of July seemed to be exceptionally quiet, but the August bounce seems to have put new life into the town. Sure, a lot of bars and businesses are hurting, especially away from WS and Beach Road but the demise of Pattaya has yet to happen.

Sometimes I piss and moan about Pattaya but truth be told, it-Pattaya- is a brand name with world wide recognition and has at least nine lives. No Swine Flu, Airport/taxi/dual pricing scams can kill this kitty :)

I think it would take nothing short of a nasty civil war or similar extreme disaster to keep the tourists/expats away.

Love it or hate it, Pattaya just seems to rock on :D

Just my two satang.


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I was also there and business seemed really good. The bars were packed with customers and there were plenty of tourists at the discos and clubs.

I must admit that I also love this city.

I love that I can walk up and down walking street (and even in the narrow side streets) not worrying if someone is gonna rob me like in Rio, beat me up like in Copenhagen, or pull out a gun like in L.A. - I have been all over the world and there is nowhere I feel more safe and comfortable as right here in Sin City :)

Just my Song Larn Baht.

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WS is a 500 m strip, 2000 people across that street in bars and disco's looks alot.

If you want to know that business is realy picking up, you better ask the hotels managers around town...

I know what you are saying and I agree that WS is a relatively small area of Pattaya but it has an huge impact on the city. Let me put it another way, if there were no tourists or expats on WS, then many hotel mangers would be unemployed...

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WS is a 500 m strip, 2000 people across that street in bars and disco's looks alot.

If you want to know that business is realy picking up, you better ask the hotels managers around town...

I know what you are saying and I agree that WS is a relatively small area of Pattaya but it has an huge impact on the city. Let me put it another way, if there were no tourists or expats on WS, then many hotel mangers would be unemployed...

Walking Street is a good barometer. Perhaps the people crying about hotel occupancy should visit some Arab Hotels which are doing a lively trade.

Walking Street was not exceptionally quiet in June or July.

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Myself and 5 m8, just spent the last 2 weeks in Pattaya. This was my 5th visit and it is comparatively dead. All the hotel managers bar owners I spoke to say this is this lowest season they have ever seen. I agree Walking street was mainly occupied with the CIA, and a few europeans. Prices are up and spirits are down. The poor Indian tailors look very depressed, I spoke to a few who said business is bad and the are barely holding on til peak season. It also seemed that every ladies I spoke to was leaving Pattaya at the end of July, but I am not sure the reason for this.

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While we were there, 3 of us got pulled over by the BIB, on a registered and insured bikes, doing the speed limit, with a helmet and an international license, He walk around for 10 minutes wondering what to charge us with, then said we have to go to the police station. I said how about I give you some money, he said OK 200 baht each, I said 200 baht for all. He took and we left. Later one m8 got his wallet stolen, the BIB wanted 500 baht to investigate and issue a report.

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It also seemed that every ladies I spoke to was leaving Pattaya at the end of July, but I am not sure the reason for this.

Hey Waza hope you enjoyed your trip. Personally I like less tourists because its better for me but not for the Thais employed in tourisim.

I think when business is down a lot of the girls just pack up and go back home to their village. Sort of a suppy/demand smoothing thing :)

June and early July were very quiet but last night I noticed that traffic had picked up considerably and some of the go-go bars have raised their prices. Sisterz used to have Leo for B45 all night; now its on special from 8 to 10 only. Catz had all their bottled beer for B80, last night I paid B95. Not complaining, just picking up on the pricing signals that their trade is picking up.

Over all business is not super great. Why do I say that? Becuase I've suddenly become a very handsome man :D

Edited by Lancelot
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OK Lancelot,When I was in Pattaya everytime I told a lady I was going to Ubon they wanted me to take them with me, til I told them I was riding there. I am in Ubon now and I never seen they place packed like this. The traffic is murder, even the BIB are staying off the roads, the the Big C was packed. Every farmer and his daughter is in town. I am not sure whats up. Tho I heard a wisper it has something to do with Taskin????

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While we were there, 3 of us got pulled over by the BIB, on a registered and insured bikes, doing the speed limit, with a helmet and an international license, He walk around for 10 minutes wondering what to charge us with, then said we have to go to the police station. I said how about I give you some money, he said OK 200 baht each, I said 200 baht for all. He took and we left. Later one m8 got his wallet stolen, the BIB wanted 500 baht to investigate and issue a report.

And thats exactly why he expected money...dummies giving him money for nothing!!!

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While we were there, 3 of us got pulled over by the BIB, on a registered and insured bikes, doing the speed limit, with a helmet and an international license, He walk around for 10 minutes wondering what to charge us with, then said we have to go to the police station. I said how about I give you some money, he said OK 200 baht each, I said 200 baht for all. He took and we left. Later one m8 got his wallet stolen, the BIB wanted 500 baht to investigate and issue a report.

And thats exactly why he expected money...dummies giving him money for nothing!!!

LOL, true I could have just kept riding and not stopped or just called his bluff, but I did it for the entertainment value, had a couple of first time visitors to Thailand with me.

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Someone forget: Police sweep beach road clean every night and start early now ...

All girls go walking street = the punters follow them. Thats why WS seems crowded.

Ask any hotel and restaurant owner, ask any other business owner ......

Seen in the 10+ years perspective I lived here, this is record LOW season.

I still love this city, but it is realy "dead".

Guess "who" comes with his 50 satang now ....... Pattaya "Lovers" come on :-)

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Someone forget: Police sweep beach road clean every night and start early now ...

All girls go walking street = the punters follow them. Thats why WS seems crowded.

Ask any hotel and restaurant owner, ask any other business owner ......

Seen in the 10+ years perspective I lived here, this is record LOW season.

I still love this city, but it is realy "dead".

Guess "who" comes with his 50 satang now ....... Pattaya "Lovers" come on :-)

Thanks for supplying your 25 satang's worth.

All wrong. Pattaya is not dead.

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Someone forget: Police sweep beach road clean every night and start early now ...

All girls go walking street = the punters follow them. Thats why WS seems crowded.

Ask any hotel and restaurant owner, ask any other business owner ......

Seen in the 10+ years perspective I lived here, this is record LOW season.

I still love this city, but it is realy "dead".

Guess "who" comes with his 50 satang now ....... Pattaya "Lovers" come on :-)

Not dead, but slow. Some biz seems to be hurting, but the skin trade is flourishing!

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While we were there, 3 of us got pulled over by the BIB, on a registered and insured bikes, doing the speed limit, with a helmet and an international license, He walk around for 10 minutes wondering what to charge us with, then said we have to go to the police station. I said how about I give you some money, he said OK 200 baht each, I said 200 baht for all. He took and we left. Later one m8 got his wallet stolen, the BIB wanted 500 baht to investigate and issue a report.

And thats exactly why he expected money...dummies giving him money for nothing!!!

What a heart warming reply, well done 'PatinBKk', please, please let us know how you would have dealt with it..?? :)

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OK Lancelot,When I was in Pattaya everytime I told a lady I was going to Ubon they wanted me to take them with me, til I told them I was riding there. I am in Ubon now and I never seen they place packed like this. The traffic is murder, even the BIB are staying off the roads, the the Big C was packed. Every farmer and his daughter is in town. I am not sure whats up. Tho I heard a wisper it has something to do with Taskin????

Isn't the candle festival about this time of year in Ubon? Maybe you hit the tail end of it. Shame if you missed it.

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Myself and 5 m8, just spent the last 2 weeks in Pattaya. This was my 5th visit and it is comparatively dead. All the hotel managers bar owners I spoke to say this is this lowest season they have ever seen. I agree Walking street was mainly occupied with the CIA, and a few europeans. Prices are up and spirits are down. The poor Indian tailors look very depressed, I spoke to a few who said business is bad and the are barely holding on til peak season. It also seemed that every ladies I spoke to was leaving Pattaya at the end of July, but I am not sure the reason for this.

Must be that time of the month for them !

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While we were there, 3 of us got pulled over by the BIB, on a registered and insured bikes, doing the speed limit, with a helmet and an international license, He walk around for 10 minutes wondering what to charge us with, then said we have to go to the police station. I said how about I give you some money, he said OK 200 baht each, I said 200 baht for all. He took and we left. Later one m8 got his wallet stolen, the BIB wanted 500 baht to investigate and issue a report.

And thats exactly why he expected money...dummies giving him money for nothing!!!

LOL, true I could have just kept riding and not stopped or just called his bluff, but I did it for the entertainment value, had a couple of first time visitors to Thailand with me.

What !..you say you could have kept going..you mean you should have kept going..this makes it harder and harder for us who want to live here if you condone their behaviour..how do you expect to put a stop to corruption when you play into their hand like this..got me stuffed !

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It also seemed that every ladies I spoke to was leaving Pattaya at the end of July, but I am not sure the reason for this.

I think when business is down a lot of the girls just pack up and go back home to their village. Sort of a suppy/demand smoothing thing :)

June and early July were very quiet but last night I noticed that traffic had picked up considerably and some of the go-go bars have raised their prices. Sisterz used to have Leo for B45 all night; now its on special from 8 to 10 only. Catz had all their bottled beer for B80, last night I paid B95. Not complaining, just picking up on the pricing signals that their trade is picking up.

When is ricing planting / harvesting. Girls go home to help the family

Pricing shows that business is DOWN. Thai economics is not like the rest of the world - low turnover means you increase prices rather than try to increase sales.

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i'm also curious about these "rice growing seasons" i've been getting that from my little friend as well. she needs to go home

and help out. as i can't get her to even help clean the bathroom i suspect her mother would prefer she stay here. :)

seriously, walking st is the focal point? there always seems to be people there but anywhere else in town is completely

empty, many of these massage shops for example stay empty all day long? how does that business work?

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Wouldn't Friday also have been pay day for most people?

Yep, more people visit WS on the weekends, including a lot of Bangkok expats. But its not payday for the tourists :)

August is usually like a mini high season mostly due to the european holiday season but the CIA folks are in town as well.

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Was down walking St last night,there was plenty of people around but a lot just do the walking and people watching,many don't frequent the businesses there.

It's the main part of town so many folks just go down there to see what it's like.

I was also around the soi 8 area of town last week and that was dead to say the least.

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I think it would take nothing short of a nasty civil war or similar extreme disaster to keep the tourists/expats away.

Well, the next ASEAN summit starts next week, so you may find out....

WS and entire town definitely busier than a month ago, but still very much off the norm.

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When o n l y Walking Street is busy - how can people claim Pattaya is doing well?

Last time I checked, Pattaya is alot more than only WS. And they are clearly "hurting".

People who post "Pattaya is doing well" are either blind, or Not Here In Pattaya!

Or - someone need a pair of glasses, reading and seeing glasses that is.


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When o n l y Walking Street is busy - how can people claim Pattaya is doing well?

Last time I checked, Pattaya is alot more than only WS. And they are clearly "hurting".

People who post "Pattaya is doing well" are either blind, or Not Here In Pattaya!

Or - someone need a pair of glasses, reading and seeing glasses that is.


Very true........you would be surprised many people on TV (probably people who have some stake in real estate and say they don't) continue to proclaim everything is fine. I don't live in Pattaya-Jomtien any more.......only visit from time to time.

On my last visit it seemed like a dead zone for geriatric patients and freaks of all kinds.......strange.......surreal. The "sanook" seemed to have gone. Sort of like a bad episode of Twin Peaks if you get my meaning.

My friends who do live there have all stated it is down like they have never seen it down (and they have been there for 20 plus years).

And where I live now, I am seeing loads of girls coming back from Pattaya-Jomtien. Why? No work!

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When o n l y Walking Street is busy - how can people claim Pattaya is doing well?

Last time I checked, Pattaya is alot more than only WS. And they are clearly "hurting".

People who post "Pattaya is doing well" are either blind, or Not Here In Pattaya!

Or - someone need a pair of glasses, reading and seeing glasses that is.


If you read carefully, I said WS traffic has picked up since June/July. I stand by my observation that an increase in tourists to WS means an uptick in over all business for Pattaya. Yes, I live full time in Pattaya and my eye sight is great so we'll just have to agree to disagree.

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i was on walking last night, felt like i was in saudi :D what are those dam_n pipes they smoke?

talking to some bar owners, things are slow

another indicator, i got about 30 phone #s of girls i have frequented programmed into my phone, well the last month or

so they have been calling me like crazy, i am at the point now of changing my sim/ph # :)

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OK Lancelot,When I was in Pattaya everytime I told a lady I was going to Ubon they wanted me to take them with me, til I told them I was riding there. I am in Ubon now and I never seen they place packed like this. The traffic is murder, even the BIB are staying off the roads, the the Big C was packed. Every farmer and his daughter is in town. I am not sure whats up. Tho I heard a wisper it has something to do with Taskin????

Isn't the candle festival about this time of year in Ubon? Maybe you hit the tail end of it. Shame if you missed it.

Hi yer missed it by about 4 weeks, but it is coming up to the annual shrimp swarm.........

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