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Wall Street hits 2009 highs after labour data


Have a happy xmas all and a wealthy new year!

And this is how it is being done :)

The US Bull Market in Smoke, Mirrors and Gullible Investors


Happy Christmas zorro :D ( i didn't get my present from you yet ? :D )

I fully accept you don't understand the market so will try and help. Thursday wall st hit its high for 2009 closing above 10500 on the dow, that's fact not fantasy. Your link is fantasy , keeping it simple here specifically for you

Midas I gave you my gift at the start of the thread. Your a simple man with simple needs..... looks like it will stay that way :D:D


bit quite in here??? Bears have hit the woods ,oh well was a tough year for them. To those who took the plunge congrats on riding out the massive rally, big $$$ for no work, beats teaching lol

. Also there was no traditional new year sell of which is very encouraging going into 2010

Share market set to gain up to 15%

The Australian share market is expected to lift by up to 15 per cent in 2010, after posting its best gains in 16 years as the domestic economy continues its recovery from the global financial crisis.


bit quite in here??? Bears have hit the woods ,oh well was a tough year for them. To those who took the plunge congrats on riding out the massive rally, big $$$ for no work, beats teaching lol

. Also there was no traditional new year sell of which is very encouraging going into 2010 ?? :)

Share market set to gain up to 15%

The Australian share market is expected to lift by up to 15 per cent in 2010, after posting its best gains in 16 years as the domestic economy continues its recovery from the global financial crisis.


What wad this then ...............?

Fitting End To 2009 Trading: Big Volume Sell Off


bit quite in here??? Bears have hit the woods ,oh well was a tough year for them. To those who took the plunge congrats on riding out the massive rally, big $$ for no work, beats teaching lol

. Also there was no traditional new year sell of which is very encouraging going into 2010 ?? :)

Share market set to gain up to 15%

The Australian share market is expected to lift by up to 15 per cent in 2010, after posting its best gains in 16 years as the domestic economy continues its recovery from the global financial crisis.


What wad this then ...............?

Fitting End To 2009 Trading: Big Volume Sell Off


Yes your correct couldn't edit in time to say major sell off (-200to-300). Dow was down 120 pts (from memory) on close hardly a dent in the approx 4000pt gain. I stand corrected. Still dam_n good recovery looks very VEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE as you can see.


Just want to say (cuz no one else will) I CALLED IT RIGHT LAST YEAR! no capitulation as suggested here daily by those that missed out on the BIG ONE :D Never mind could be another historical rally in the next 20 years, just be patient :)

2010 will see more of this



bit quite in here??? Bears have hit the woods ,oh well was a tough year for them. To those who took the plunge congrats on riding out the massive rally, big $$ for no work, beats teaching lol

. Also there was no traditional new year sell of which is very encouraging going into 2010 ?? :D

Share market set to gain up to 15%

The Australian share market is expected to lift by up to 15 per cent in 2010, after posting its best gains in 16 years as the domestic economy continues its recovery from the global financial crisis.


What wad this then ...............?

Fitting End To 2009 Trading: Big Volume Sell Off


Yes your correct couldn't edit in time to say major sell off (-200to-300). Dow was down 120 pts (from memory) on close hardly a dent in the approx 4000pt gain. I stand corrected. Still dam_n good recovery looks very VEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE as you can see.

The bottom line zorro is that no one really has a clue ?

Even the " experts " that handle bigger sums than you cant agree :)

Your graphs are indeed very colourful ( and entertaining :D ) but given I choose those

who are providing REAL explanations such as TrimTabs' Charles Biderman and others

as why Dow could hit 4000 :D


bit quite in here??? Bears have hit the woods ,oh well was a tough year for them. To those who took the plunge congrats on riding out the massive rally, big $$ for no work, beats teaching lol

. Also there was no traditional new year sell of which is very encouraging going into 2010 ?? :)

Share market set to gain up to 15%

The Australian share market is expected to lift by up to 15 per cent in 2010, after posting its best gains in 16 years as the domestic economy continues its recovery from the global financial crisis.


What wad this then ...............?

Fitting End To 2009 Trading: Big Volume Sell Off


Midas I was truly shocked at your come back. Not joking either you picked up on my error within a few minutes. Why not jump the fence, its more fun being positive and making a few $$$. Dont need to kill the pig but an easy living can be made scalping a few hundred a day. Give it some thought.

bit quite in here??? Bears have hit the woods ,oh well was a tough year for them. To those who took the plunge congrats on riding out the massive rally, big $$$ for no work, beats teaching lol

. Also there was no traditional new year sell of which is very encouraging going into 2010

Share market set to gain up to 15%

The Australian share market is expected to lift by up to 15 per cent in 2010, after posting its best gains in 16 years as the domestic economy continues its recovery from the global financial crisis.


last time you stopped by you'd sold everything on a 1% correction even though you maintained you had a 15% stop loss. What are you trying to say here, other than post articles other people have written and charts other people created?

Midas I was truly shocked at your come back. Not joking either you picked up on my error within a few minutes. Why not jump the fence, its more fun being positive and making a few $$$. :) Dont need to kill the pig but an easy living can be made scalping a few hundred a day. Give it some thought.

Zorro go back to your Post #15 and you wrote :-

“ momentum and sentiment will drive the markets forward short to medium term. Just look at the way the DOW has chomped through horrific data and now we are actually getting snippets of good news forcing the bears to cover shorts. Trade whatever style you like but momentum trades are the most rewarding …………… “

At that time you were correct even though fundamentals were dreadful.

Now we have :-

1. No momentum and questionable sentiment

2. Many professional traders crying foul about market manipulation by Obamas admin and distortions from high frequency trading

3. Even worse fundamentals

4. Interest rates likely to increase

So please explain why ANYONE in their right would jump on board with the “ bulls “ now “ ? :D

Midas I was truly shocked at your come back. Not joking either you picked up on my error within a few minutes. Why not jump the fence, its more fun being positive and making a few $$. :) Dont need to kill the pig but an easy living can be made scalping a few hundred a day. Give it some thought.

Zorro go back to your Post #15 and you wrote :-

" momentum and sentiment will drive the markets forward short to medium term. Just look at the way the DOW has chomped through horrific data and now we are actually getting snippets of good news forcing the bears to cover shorts. Trade whatever style you like but momentum trades are the most rewarding …………… "

At that time you were correct even though fundamentals were dreadful.

Now we have :-

1. No momentum and questionable sentiment

2. Many professional traders crying foul about market manipulation by Obamas admin and distortions from high frequency trading

3. Even worse fundamentals

4. Interest rates likely to increase

So please explain why ANYONE in their right would jump on board with the " bulls " now " ? :D

"So please explain why ANYONE in their right would jump on board with the " bulls " now " ?"

But you have been saying this all the way through the rally, no?

At 14000 you will be say the same thing

bit quite in here??? Bears have hit the woods ,oh well was a tough year for them. To those who took the plunge congrats on riding out the massive rally, big $$ for no work, beats teaching lol

. Also there was no traditional new year sell of which is very encouraging going into 2010

Share market set to gain up to 15%

The Australian share market is expected to lift by up to 15 per cent in 2010, after posting its best gains in 16 years as the domestic economy continues its recovery from the global financial crisis.


last time you stopped by you'd sold everything on a 1% correction even though you maintained you had a 15% stop loss. What are you trying to say here, other than post articles other people have written and charts other people created?

No just some of my pennies and it was a smart move. After the initial euphoria they all slipped back up to 50% re trace in that time as most pennies did. What am I trying to say here? your joking right? Geee that was a poor post Lanna.The charts can be created by anyone and will be exactly the same. There historical charts Lana, I thought you knew your stuff...

"So please explain why ANYONE in their right would jump on board with the " bulls " now " ?"

But you have been saying this all the way through the rally, no?

At 14000 you will be say the same thing

Between then and now we have seen contracts ripped up by judicial decree and people walking out

on their mortgages and credit card obligations-at a casino at least you have a 50% chance of winning. :)

"So please explain why ANYONE in their right would jump on board with the " bulls " now " ?"

But you have been saying this all the way through the rally, no?

At 14000 you will be say the same thing

Between then and now we have seen contracts ripped up by judicial decree and people walking out

on their mortgages and credit card obligations-at a casino at least you have a 50% chance of winning. :D

You talked it down all the way up. your still doing it lol

market up, midas down :D at least you have some mates here in the same shoes , Lanna and flying both watching their money earning 4% ROFL!

I thought 14% was okay but 200% was even nicer :) and we only half way through. Any way will leave you and your mates alone , see you around 11,000 for some more whipping :D

market up, midas down :D at least you have some mates here in the same shoes , Lanna and flying both watching their money earning 4% ROFL!

I thought 14% was okay but 200% was even nicer :D and we only half way through. Any way will leave you and your mates alone , see you around 11,000 for some more whipping :D

Why don’t you just get on a plane and go to Macau for a long weekend – much quicker to achieve your ail and easier than you trying to talk up the “ market “ ?

Please enlighten us and tell who exactly do you think will the buyers and why ?

The Wall Street Journal on Thursday reported 2009 net outflows in stock mutual funds was $31 billion and net inflows to bond funds was over $300 billion. :D I think mums and dads are sworn off stocks for good and are quite content with 4% ! You know what I mean zorro – more concerned about return of capital than return on capital. Could be like Japan, where burnt equity investors stay out of stocks for 20 years and stay safely in bond funds. :)

market up, midas down :D at least you have some mates here in the same shoes , Lanna and flying both watching their money earning 4% ROFL!

I thought 14% was okay but 200% was even nicer :D and we only half way through. Any way will leave you and your mates alone , see you around 11,000 for some more whipping :D

Why don't you just get on a plane and go to Macau for a long weekend – much quicker to achieve your ail and easier than you trying to talk up the " market " ?

Please enlighten us and tell who exactly do you think will the buyers and why ?

The Wall Street Journal on Thursday reported 2009 net outflows in stock mutual funds was $31 billion and net inflows to bond funds was over $300 billion. :D I think mums and dads are sworn off stocks for good and are quite content with 4% ! You know what I mean zorro – more concerned about return of capital than return on capital. Could be like Japan, where burnt equity investors stay out of stocks for 20 years and stay safely in bond funds. :)

Please enlighten us and tell who exactly do you think will the buyers and why ?

Why? you have given 100 reasons why we should have crashed, yet we rallied hard. shold I cut n paste? or should I do what Lanna does and change the words so they are now my own concoction? Go with the flow Midas, stop trying to anaylise, even analysts cant do it correctly . Look at the charts, they can only go up midas if there are more buyers than sellers. What do they know that you dont? Why do we continue to hit new highs on poor job data? I know why but you need to research how the market works first Midas. When you show some understanding perhaps we can debate. :D

Why? you have given 100 reasons why we should have crashed, yet we rallied hard. shold I cut n paste? or should I do what Lanna does and change the words so they are now my own concoction? Go with the flow Midas, stop trying to anaylise, even analysts cant do it correctly . Look at the charts, they can only go up midas if there are more buyers than sellers. What do they know that you dont? Why do we continue to hit new highs on poor job data? I know why but you need to research how the market works first Midas. When you show some understanding perhaps we can debate. :D

But there is no rally any more ?

And you didnt even know the market had fallen " there was no traditional new year sell off " :D

How embarassing for you zorro :D

And lannarebirth would be the last person I would be insulting regarding his knowledge of stockmarkets :)

Why? you have given 100 reasons why we should have crashed, yet we rallied hard. shold I cut n paste? or should I do what Lanna does and change the words so they are now my own concoction? Go with the flow Midas, stop trying to anaylise, even analysts cant do it correctly . Look at the charts, they can only go up midas if there are more buyers than sellers. What do they know that you dont? Why do we continue to hit new highs on poor job data? I know why but you need to research how the market works first Midas. When you show some understanding perhaps we can debate. :D

But there is no rally any more ?

And you didnt even know the market had fallen " there was no traditional new year sell off " :D

How embarassing for you zorro :D

And lannarebirth would be the last person I would be insulting regarding his knowledge of stockmarkets :)

:D _1% is not a sell off :D

Jeez Midas . Okay this is for you. The dummies guide to reading a chart. I made it nice and easy with big arrows and big words. Midas what do you see in this chart? Keep in mind you called a great depression all the way, now THATS embarrassing :D

What do you see Midas?

(yes you can p.m Lanna)


"So please explain why ANYONE in their right would jump on board with the " bulls " now " ?"

But you have been saying this all the way through the rally, no?

At 14000 you will be say the same thing

Between then and now we have seen contracts ripped up by judicial decree and people walking out

on their mortgages and credit card obligations-at a casino at least you have a 50% chance of winning. :D

You talked it down all the way up. your still doing it lol

market up, midas down :D at least you have some mates here in the same shoes , Lanna and flying both watching their money earning 4% ROFL!

I thought 14% was okay but 200% was even nicer :) and we only half way through. Any way will leave you and your mates alone , see you around 11,000 for some more whipping :D

Actually, a pretty good portion of it is only earning 2.25%. The rest of it earning at much much better rate. Thanks for yor "interest".

market up, midas down :D at least you have some mates here in the same shoes , Lanna and flying both watching their money earning 4% ROFL!

I thought 14% was okay but 200% was even nicer :D and we only half way through. Any way will leave you and your mates alone , see you around 11,000 for some more whipping :D

Why don't you just get on a plane and go to Macau for a long weekend – much quicker to achieve your ail and easier than you trying to talk up the " market " ?

Please enlighten us and tell who exactly do you think will the buyers and why ?

The Wall Street Journal on Thursday reported 2009 net outflows in stock mutual funds was $31 billion and net inflows to bond funds was over $300 billion. :D I think mums and dads are sworn off stocks for good and are quite content with 4% ! You know what I mean zorro – more concerned about return of capital than return on capital. Could be like Japan, where burnt equity investors stay out of stocks for 20 years and stay safely in bond funds. :)

Please enlighten us and tell who exactly do you think will the buyers and why ?

Why? you have given 100 reasons why we should have crashed, yet we rallied hard. shold I cut n paste? or should I do what Lanna does and change the words so they are now my own concoction? Go with the flow Midas, stop trying to anaylise, even analysts cant do it correctly . Look at the charts, they can only go up midas if there are more buyers than sellers. What do they know that you dont? Why do we continue to hit new highs on poor job data? I know why but you need to research how the market works first Midas. When you show some understanding perhaps we can debate. :D

Almost everything I post here is my own work. What I trade on is 100% my own work.

Why? you have given 100 reasons why we should have crashed, yet we rallied hard. shold I cut n paste? or should I do what Lanna does and change the words so they are now my own concoction? Go with the flow Midas, stop trying to anaylise, even analysts cant do it correctly . Look at the charts, they can only go up midas if there are more buyers than sellers. What do they know that you dont? Why do we continue to hit new highs on poor job data? I know why but you need to research how the market works first Midas. When you show some understanding perhaps we can debate. :D

But there is no rally any more ?

And you didnt even know the market had fallen " there was no traditional new year sell off " :D

How embarassing for you zorro :D

And lannarebirth would be the last person I would be insulting regarding his knowledge of stockmarkets :)

:D _1% is not a sell off :D

Jeez Midas . Okay this is for you. The dummies guide to reading a chart. I made it nice and easy with big arrows and big words. Midas what do you see in this chart? Keep in mind you called a great depression all the way, now THATS embarrassing :D

What do you see Midas?

(yes you can p.m Lanna)


Are you familiar with Igor Tebelev's Nine Counter?

Why? you have given 100 reasons why we should have crashed, yet we rallied hard. shold I cut n paste? or should I do what Lanna does and change the words so they are now my own concoction? Go with the flow Midas, stop trying to anaylise, even analysts cant do it correctly . Look at the charts, they can only go up midas if there are more buyers than sellers. What do they know that you dont? Why do we continue to hit new highs on poor job data? I know why but you need to research how the market works first Midas. When you show some understanding perhaps we can debate. :D

But there is no rally any more ?

And you didnt even know the market had fallen " there was no traditional new year sell off " :D

How embarassing for you zorro :D

And lannarebirth would be the last person I would be insulting regarding his knowledge of stockmarkets :)

:D _1% is not a sell off :D

Jeez Midas . Okay this is for you. The dummies guide to reading a chart. I made it nice and easy with big arrows and big words. Midas what do you see in this chart? Keep in mind you called a great depression all the way, now THATS embarrassing :D

What do you see Midas?

(yes you can p.m Lanna)



1 at a time gents . Midas come out from behind lannas skirt :D

Jeez Midas . Okay this is for you. The dummies guide to reading a chart. I made it nice and easy with big arrows and big words. Midas what do you see in this chart? Keep in mind you called a great depression all the way, now THATS embarrassing :D

What do you see Midas?

(yes you can p.m Lanna)

And I will make it simple for you zorro. :)

Since you are unable to answer my question “ who will be the buyers in 2010 and why “ ?– what would happen to the “ nice recovery ” if the computers were no longer trading between each other ?

Inverse relationship deteriorating.


And because zorro is such an expert on reading charts.........i am sure he

can provide a commentary about the implications of this ? :D


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