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Is It Still Possible To Make A Living From Seo Articles

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I teach full-time but manage to knock out about 10 SEO articles a day. I make a bit of pocket money this way, but wonder if it would be possible to make a living at it. I have received quite a bit of good feedback about the stuff that I submit, but is the industry just getting too swamped. Is there anyone here making a living from SEO submissions.

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WHO or WHAT is Seo? :)

It stands for Search Engine Optimised; basically copy-writing in the form of articles which contain a certain amount of keywords so as to do well in Google or other search engines. Advertisers pay a lot of money for sending people their way.

Edited by garro
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I make a living by applying SEO on my internetmarketing projects, you should try it. :) Why write about it? Take action... instead of educating other people you can use your time and knowledge to setup a nice SEO optimized contentnetwork.

Edited by new2bangkok
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If you really enjoy writing why not start your own Blog or build a website themed on a particular niche, stick some AdSense on and start building links, thousands of them for your targeted keywords. You could write about a subject/niche that you know about, something that you enjoy, you will make more money that way as your heart will be in it. Selling SEO Articles or offering the service is a very difficult way to make a living, I can head over to DP and get a student from a top University in the USA to write a 500 word article for pennies.

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If you really enjoy writing why not start your own Blog or build a website themed on a particular niche, stick some AdSense on and start building links, thousands of them for your targeted keywords. You could write about a subject/niche that you know about, something that you enjoy, you will make more money that way as your heart will be in it. Selling SEO Articles or offering the service is a very difficult way to make a living, I can head over to DP and get a student from a top University in the USA to write a 500 word article for pennies.

Hi Kasabian, I have my own writing in my name. The SEO stuff is extra at the moment and not under my name. Maybe I'll try to do something with my own stuff later. I have heard that if you meet the right contacts you can $$$ with SEO pieces.

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I'm guessing that by "a top University in the USA" you mean some dude from Pakistan, right?

Lots of services offered from that part of the world but if you look hard enough and are web savvy there's plenty of very good article writers making some extra bucks whilst studying at University USA and UK. I have some very bright talented people on my books that have written some excellent articles for me.

Unfortunately people come and go as time goes on so it can be a pain once you find someone really good and after a year or so they are no longer offering this service. I've been gaming Google with articles and links since way before the famous Florida Update (those were the days) so easy then to game Google, Matt Cutts and CO and have changed the Algorithm that much that it is now very difficult to game the SERPS like back in the old days.

Good luck garro whatever you decide to do.

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I teach full-time but manage to knock out about 10 SEO articles a day. I make a bit of pocket money this way, but wonder if it would be possible to make a living at it. I have received quite a bit of good feedback about the stuff that I submit, but is the industry just getting too swamped. Is there anyone here making a living from SEO submissions.

do tell...

I'm starting up my own consulting business shortly, and I'm going to be including at least one dedicated page where I'm going to write intelligent things about my industry. It will be very niche. The main purpose of these articles will be to get people reading about things they'd be interested in, and then, look at my services.

BUT...I'm facinated in the pocket money side of things on the SEO whatisyamathingy.

If I'm posting these articles, is there any scope for their to be google ads on the side somewhere where I write these articles? How does all this work? Any examples out there?

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