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Allowance Or Shop


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Luckily, I anticipated many of the problems and so did not invest too much initially: about THB60,000 for the pet shop and THB100,000 for the clothing shop. The pet shop had an interesting legacy; a problem that I did *not* anticipate. When the woman stopped trading, our house was home to over 100 guinea pigs. When I broke off the relationship, she wanted to take them with her. I refused to allow this, on the grounds that she would have neither the time nor the money to take care of them and they would die an early death. So, since then, I have spent nearly a million baht over five years, just taking care of guinea pigs. Luckily, I am very fond of the little critters. I didn't allow them to breed, so the population has now dwindled to 13.
In fact, that was not the case, because when I moved house to another city, the neighbours complained to the local authorities about the guinea pigs, so to prevent the local authorities taking the guinea pigs away I then had to incur a further monthly expense by renting a second house, just for the guinea pigs! :-)



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Interesting thread.

My wife works at a factory, long hours, short pay and for a while I have been talking her into leaving, anyway during Sept I have family coming for a short holiday 10 days, she ask the factory if she could have 10 days unpaid leave to which they refused, so she is now leaving in 2 weeks.

She has a friend who has a clothes shop in south BKK who has given her details of her suppliers and prices she pays ( one of the most difficult hurdles in business, good supplier) & I have given her some simple lessons on calculating running costs, profit, loss and break even.

She has toured the local clothes shops, noting what they sell and prices, looked at some retail space, but has decided to sell first to friends, family and doing clothes parties to cut her initial overheads until she thinks she can make a go of it.

I have only made 1 rule, NO CREDIT to anyone. so I'm investing 80k B, 40 up front with 40 in the wings if it's needed, for me investing a few weeks salary in this is better than just giving her XXX B every month, if I wanted a pet to keep, I would buy one from the pet shop.

and who knows maybe one day I will get my money back (ha ha, only joking)

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Planning ahead...

Are you ever likely to want her to visit your home country? Owning and running a business here - rather than just receiving regular payments from a sugar daddy - might help her show she has ties to Thailand.

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Hello, I would think that an allowance would be a better choice unless you do not care about losing a lot more money. Maybe you could make an agreement for her to be busy with charity work to be busy for the agreed allowance. Cheers.

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my tgf want me to buy her a shop selling girls underware. would it be cheaper just to give her allowance of 150$ a month. i dont see her making much.

Buy her a shop -or finance a shop rental contract and initial stock? Better than a resturant - from what other ex-pats tell me they tend to be never-ending money pits.

Why not - so long as she has the determination and self discipline to make a success of the business (because thats what it is - it is a business, and will have to be run like one to be a success), it may be a jolly good idea.

Ask her about the "business plan" - and if not get her to do some research on possible stock sources (loads of cheap undies factories in Thailand), local pricing, get her to understand what she is going to have to do to beat other sellers in the area, plan out a budget ect ect ..... all the usual stuff associated with getting a business up and running properly.

It may well generate more than a 150bucks a month for the household.

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It may be a little on the low side, but I don't think it's way out of line. You're paying for everything when there, and it's more than enough when she goes to the parents in Issan. I don't think I've ever met anyone that paid more than $300 a month.

Why pay more than that?


150$ a month???

Tight wad.

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