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Mem Upgrade To 4gb - See Only 2.8gb ?

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Upgraded from 2GB to 4GB memory.

Running Vista 32 bit, service pack 1 last updated 29 july.

Windows Task manager say Total 2813 physical memory (MB).

From BIOS:

Installed memory (RAM) 4.00GB

Total phys memory 2.75GB

Avaiable phys mem. 1.08GB

Total Virtual mem. 5.71GB

Avaiable Virt.mem. 3.85GB

Page file space 3.04GB

How to adjust this so 3.2 - 3.3GB visable in (Vista) Task manager?

Also using Kingston data traveller 16GB for "ReadyBoost".

Is maximum only 4GB for boosting?

Any way around this?

64bit operating system?

32bit Windows will not allow memory mapping above 2.something GB

Actually, I'm running a newer system with 4 GB of memory on XP Pro, and the system seems to recognize 3.25 GB of it (according to: Control Panel -> System).

It's also my understanding that I'll never see the remaining memory until I switch to a 64 bit OS.


I got this information

It shows that it detects it, but it can't really address all of that 4 gigs, because Vista / XP or any other 32 bit OS can only address 4 gigs of TOTAL memory, and so when booting into the OS, it first addresses I/O devices with their own onboard memory like video cards and things like that first. That uses up some of the address space, then when Windows boots, it will address the rest of the 4 gigs that it can address, which usually leaves about .5 to .8 of a gig of the real RAM that the OS can NOT address. So as somebody else had stated before, when most people would install Vista, people got mad or concerned that it could only show 3.2 - 3.5 gigs RAM, so they wrote a patch in SP1 to make Vista REPORT all 4 gigs, when really the OS can only address 3.2 - 3.5 gigs of it. Does this make sense?

The only 32 bit OS that can see all 4 gigs is 2003 server edition because it supports 36-bit PAE extensions. Both XP and all versions of Vista in 32bit can only address 4 gigs TOTAL (including the video card and all other I/O devices).

This is why, if you want to use all the RAM, you must either install Windows 2003 server


Problem is that my system only "see" 2.8GB, when I've read before 3.2-3.3GB is normal when using Vista.

Shure some of the tech experts here know "how to do" ?

Waiting for Windows7 - 64bit (THB 10.000)? :)

Problem is that my system only "see" 2.8GB, when I've read before 3.2-3.3GB is normal when using Vista.

Shure some of the tech experts here know "how to do" ?

Waiting for Windows7 - 64bit (THB 10.000)? :)

Check if you have a setting in your BIOS with memory re-mapping. You should see all 4GB in your BIOS, regardless of your OS. And you see a reduction in memory for 32bit OS.


I had a similar problem though this was with XP, installed 2gb of memory but only one something showed. It was the on board graphics taking the extra memory.

When I installed a graphics card with it's own memory I got my full 2gb back.



Get Windows 7 RC 64bit don't think you can download but if you know someone you get a copy from it is legal to install on 3 computers. Works well and free till next july. If anyone say you will have trouble with 64 bit don't listen.


Enable, or google, then enable PAE to see more memory - not the full 4GB, but more than 2.8GB

[edit] forgot to add, look at control panel/system - it should say if you have PAE enabled on the first pane you see, if it does - upgrade to a 64 bit OS.


PAE unknows to me. (instruction pls) Control panel/system dont mention PAE.

However: Control panel - advanced sysyem settings - performance - settings -advanced - virtual memory "total paging file size for all drives: 3113MB.

Change - "recommended 4219MB - curently allocated 3113MB (and dont give option to adjust). :)

Windows Task Manager says as always: Physical memory Total 2813MB


I read about the topic PAE "be careful playing with the PAE switch, it can make applications not work properly, and in some cases prevent the system from booting".

Sounds dangerous for a non expert.

Still I'm confused if my laptop have 2813MB or 3113Mb avaiable.

When I multitasking both CPU and memory go to the roof frequently.

Thats why I'm hunting for the last 0.5 - 1.0BG that might be avaiable under Vista (?)


webfact: in your opinion does NVIDIA Geforce 9100M G takes 1.2GB of the memory?

Change to another graphics card with its own memory an option?

Using Acer laptop, dont know if its much to choose from.

I read about the topic PAE "be careful playing with the PAE switch, it can make applications not work properly, and in some cases prevent the system from booting".

Sounds dangerous for a non expert.

Still I'm confused if my laptop have 2813MB or 3113Mb avaiable.

When I multitasking both CPU and memory go to the roof frequently.

Thats why I'm hunting for the last 0.5 - 1.0BG that might be avaiable under Vista (?)

Some information can be found in these articles: PAE Physical Address Extension

Microsoft on PAE

webfact: in your opinion does NVIDIA Geforce 9100M G takes 1.2GB of the memory?

Change to another graphics card with its own memory an option?

Using Acer laptop, dont know if its much to choose from.

In my view the answer is YES but wait for other members opinion

Regarding Geforce 9100M

The Nvidia GeForce 9100M G is a DirectX 10 capable onboard (shared memory) graphics adapter

And IMHO it will "eat" a lot of memory....


The true is if your system is 32-bit, memory size will not display more than 3G, but I've heard that all the memory is fully used.

The true is if your system is 32-bit, memory size will not display more than 3G, but I've heard that all the memory is fully used.

That's true. i.e. XP (32bit) will only display 3GB even if you have 4GB on your motherboard installed. The maximum amount of RAM a 32bit OS can handle is 4GB

This can only be achieved withe a /PAE and /3GB switch in the boot.ini. Acually not a good solution.

Windows will automatically enable Physical Address Extension (PEA) if Data Execution Prevention (DEP) has been enabled.

Be cautious with the 3GB switch. It may reduce overall performance as it reduces the system KERNEL to 1 GB.

Maybe you are happy if your Photoshop loads 10 seconds faster.... than use it on your own risk.

My advise: stay away from the /3G switch on a 32bit system. Only a 64bit OS will do the job.

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