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The Third Sex


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Having lived both in Thailand and the western world and myself being one of those dirty freaks of nature. i would like to answer the initial question: why there is more LB in Thailand that in Europe or the USA?

Thailand: it is tolerated and accepted and kathoey makes part of the society and no one will stare or say rude things or make you life difficult.

Western world: if you are kathoey expect a lot of hatred, being a kathoey equal taking the risk of being beaten raped or even killed. In the best case people will stare and make rude comment and that will be your day to day life. When you are in a situation where you have the risk of loosing familiy friends job and having very little chances of finding any proper job then many people will hide it instead of being them self.

i have a friend that was disowned and kicked from house by her mother while she was still a teen. How much hatred does it take a MOTHER to throw in the street her own daughter? How much hate is needed for a father to beat her daughter to the point she finish in hospital? you can rape a girl or sell drugs or kill someone and family in the western world will stand by you and support you and visit in prison but if you are transgender there more chances of them not supporting you or even disowning you.

does this answer the question?

Best Regards,

Freak of nature.

Edited by yabbit
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That it is, and very fetching us Scotsmen are in our kilts. Although I've only worn a kilt once, when I got married, felt very weird especialy as I was a "True" Scotsman.


Wuz it a wee bit breezy aroon th' Gorbals then pal?

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Brigante7 - your understanding of gender is not so much simplistic as abysmally ignorant. Try googling 'new scientist', and then searching for 'sex in shades of grey'. There you will find an introduction to the chromosomal makeup of us humans, wrt gender. Just male and female is a myth, promulgated for the purpose of control, by whoever.

As to where this thread belongs on Thaivisa - some people, perhaps unreasonably, are of the opinion that, if you suck c*ck, and take it up the sh*tter, you should be classified as gay. Others differ. For a debate on this subject, try 'theladyboyforums.com' - wonderful stuff, with both sides getting hot under the collar.

Tolerance, such a nice word - still, looking on the bright side, as long as intolerant rednecks continue to deny their own responses in order to be properly male (or female), I will be left with less competition, and so able to enjoy ladyboys far more beautiful than otherwise.

And as far as God is concerned - wouldn't it be perverse if God made all these wonderful ladyboys, but made nobody to appreciate them?

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I've always wondered why so many straight western men have such a fascination for ladyboys and why the assumption that this is prevalent in Thailand or that somehow Thailand is odd for having it?

India has a well known 3rd gender, the Hijras, the Lakota Sioux and Blackfoot native Americans, Polynesia, etc etc. all had third genders. The list is long and rather varied and extends back to Mesopotamia, the Incas and more

I have no fascination for ladyboys in the slightest and cannot understand why a guy would have sex with one and then go on the defensive and say they are not bi-sexual.

In the tourist areas there should be 1 area for ladyboys and keep them away from hetro areas,then maybe there will be less crime too.

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With all the ladyboys alleged to be around, it's a wonder why there isn't a sizeable population of elderly ladyboys. Is it because they turn to dust at the age of 40? Is it because the visibility of these people is a recent phenomena? Or is it because the stresses they face and the lifestyle they lead brings an early death?l Or maybe they just stop being ladyboys once they get older.

I bet that all these ladyboy admirers would run away when confronted with a ladyboy that was a senior citizen. Look at all the pictures: Almost all are of subjects in their early 20's. To those that think Thailand is a wonderful place for kathoeys, think again. For the older kathoey, life is a lonely solitary existence. The Thai population may not be overtly hostile but many of the older ladyboys are isolated and have a difficult life.

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Brigante7 - your understanding of gender is not so much simplistic as abysmally ignorant. Try googling 'new scientist', and then searching for 'sex in shades of grey'. There you will find an introduction to the chromosomal makeup of us humans, wrt gender. Just male and female is a myth, promulgated for the purpose of control, by whoever.

As to where this thread belongs on Thaivisa - some people, perhaps unreasonably, are of the opinion that, if you suck c*ck, and take it up the sh*tter, you should be classified as gay. Others differ. For a debate on this subject, try 'theladyboyforums.com' - wonderful stuff, with both sides getting hot under the collar.

Tolerance, such a nice word - still, looking on the bright side, as long as intolerant rednecks continue to deny their own responses in order to be properly male (or female), I will be left with less competition, and so able to enjoy ladyboys far more beautiful than otherwise.

And as far as God is concerned - wouldn't it be perverse if God made all these wonderful ladyboys, but made nobody to appreciate them?

I watched a documentary recently about a study done at a US university: A large sample of heterosexual men were given a questionaire to determine their level of homophobia. Each man was then put in a room with a device attached to their penis that measured the smallest amount of erectile excitement (true story!) and then watch homoerotic videos. Quite significantly, the most outwardly homophobic had the greatest arousal.

This study tends to confirm an old adage that homophobia comes from a deepset fear or insecurity of one's own sexuality.

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That it is, and very fetching us Scotsmen are in our kilts. Although I've only worn a kilt once, when I got married, felt very weird especialy as I was a "True" Scotsman.


Wuz it a wee bit breezy aroon th' Gorbals then pal?

It was balltic, we got married on a cold January day, but well worth it.


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Brigante7 - your understanding of gender is not so much simplistic as abysmally ignorant. Try googling 'new scientist', and then searching for 'sex in shades of grey'. There you will find an introduction to the chromosomal makeup of us humans, wrt gender. Just male and female is a myth, promulgated for the purpose of control, by whoever.

As to where this thread belongs on Thaivisa - some people, perhaps unreasonably, are of the opinion that, if you suck c*ck, and take it up the sh*tter, you should be classified as gay. Others differ. For a debate on this subject, try 'theladyboyforums.com' - wonderful stuff, with both sides getting hot under the collar.

Tolerance, such a nice word - still, looking on the bright side, as long as intolerant rednecks continue to deny their own responses in order to be properly male (or female), I will be left with less competition, and so able to enjoy ladyboys far more beautiful than otherwise.

And as far as God is concerned - wouldn't it be perverse if God made all these wonderful ladyboys, but made nobody to appreciate them?

I'll try again and see if this post stays up.

Yes fridgemagnet, tolerance is such a nice word, especialy when it goes both ways, bust as long as "Intolerant rednecks" aren't alound to have an opinion then the word tolerance is irelevant.

Many people, not unreasonably, are of the opinion that if you suck c*ck and take it up the sh*tter then you are gay, so what? that is there opinion and they are entitled to it even if you don't share it.

Minority's bang on about their rights, and gay people are a minority, but what about the rights of everybody else?

I couldn't give a monkeys chuff what gay people do, I just don't want to hear about it or read about it, that's why I don't go in to the gay forum on TV.

I'm not going to get in to a slagging match with you fridgemagnet because I don't want to get slung of TV.

Mods, if this post is going to be removed also could somebody please tell me why asI've had 2 posts removed already with no explanation or reaason given, thank you.


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Does anybody have any objections to good Jewish women who "suck cock and take it up the shitter"? God thought it was normal in Leviticus 18:18.

I was intrigued enough to get out my Bible.

Leviticus 18:18. Neither shalt though take a wife to her sister, to vex her, to uncover her nakedness, beside the other in her lifetime.

I read that as saying don't have a twosome with your wife and her sister.....bad advice if you're into fun, good advice in the long run, I can truly atest.

Reading further, chapter 18 is all about what you should not do. I would love to know where the verse you talk about is to be found, PB.....I'm not religious but it's good to know stuff like that! :)

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Does anybody have any objections to good Jewish women who "suck cock and take it up the shitter"? God thought it was normal in Leviticus 18:18.

:D ..are you sure ? There's nothing of the kind in Leviticus 18:18....


Apart from this can you please explain what it means: ".....and take it up the shitter" ? It's a slang I'm not familiar with.

The first part of that quote I'm familiar with though :)


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Does anybody have any objections to good Jewish women who "suck cock and take it up the shitter"? God thought it was normal in Leviticus 18:18.

:D ..are you sure ? There's nothing of the kind in Leviticus 18:18....


Apart from this can you please explain what it means: ".....and take it up the shitter" ? It's a slang I'm not familiar with.

The first part of that quote I'm familiar with though :)


Come on!!! A little bit of imagination! Which orifice do you think he means?

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Come on!!! A little bit of imagination! Which orifice do you think he means?

:) ..I think I understand now....your push for some imagination really helped :D


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Sorry; it's Lev18:22:

"22 Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is detestable." The word translated as detestable is toevah, ritually unclean. It wasn't 'detestable" or unclean for Jewish patriarchs to put their penis inside all the mouths and anuses of all their wives and concubines. Non-Jews are not bound by the Law of Moses, anyway.Preach that.

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Generally Western Christian upbringing is for heterosexual people and couples. Gays or whatever you want to call them, including Ladyboys are frowned upon. That does not make us uptight or bad people.

Not so many years ago Buggery was treated with harsh penalties in the west and in the Royal Navy you could be flogged and hung for such acts.

Maybe we are more enlightened these days, that is a matter of opinion.

Crikey, I thought buggery was a prerequisite for employment with the royal fleet. :)

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I've heard him speak as well, and his voice isn't deep, must have been letting his guard down (as another poster mentioned). It's been suggested by some friends that she might get reverse 'outed.' In that she actually is a girl pretending to be a ladyboy. It's been mentioned that it's a possible niche that no one has thought to take advantage of. Try to be a 'star' as an attractive gal and you have tens of thousands of girls who are this attractive. Try to be one as a transgender and the real transgenders have no hope of competing with you. Anyway, that's just party talk, whatever he/she is, he's played his cards well.


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I've heard him speak as well, and his voice isn't deep, must have been letting his guard down (as another poster mentioned). It's been suggested by some friends that she might get reverse 'outed.' In that she actually is a girl pretending to be a ladyboy. It's been mentioned that it's a possible niche that no one has thought to take advantage of. Try to be a 'star' as an attractive gal and you have tens of thousands of girls who are this attractive. Try to be one as a transgender and the real transgenders have no hope of competing with you. Anyway, that's just party talk, whatever he/she is, he's played his cards well.


:) ..is that a Pussy she's showing......or is he showing her pussy ? :D


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It's been suggested by some friends that she might get reverse 'outed.' In that she actually is a girl pretending to be a ladyboy. It's been mentioned that it's a possible niche that no one has thought to take advantage of.


That thought had crossed my mind as well Heng. Even with the most female looking of Ladyboys there's usually some small hint of the man that was in there somewhere. Whenever I see Poy on the TV or in pics I just can't spot anything minutely masculine about "her" at all.

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She carries around a pic her herself as a 6-7 year old school boy but that's pretty much the one photo she shows everyone. That's not much different than the katoeys that prey on unsuspecting foreigners who use their sisters' expired "lost" ID cards. Anyhoo, that's just what 'they' say, and 'they' do talk a lot, but FYI.


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I am not familiar with this person but its possible that he/she was a hermaphrodite and thus more feminine than the other LBs.

I have been fooled once of twice from the back or side by a ladyboy, but I have never seen any that were at all convincing even if I were drunk looking directly at them and listening to them speak.

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This was an entirely boring subject (who cares about ladyboys - they are what they are, and its so nice that Thai people don't have a problem with it) until the olympic athlete question came up.

She's clearly not a normal woman, but if she's been brought up as such, all of the questions and press speculation must be incredibly damaging to an 18 year old woman.

But, then again ...if she is largely male, its hardly fair on the other female athletes.

I feel v sorry for her, but don't think hermaphrodites should be competing in olympic games, its not fair on the others.

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