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The Third Sex


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Capital punishment - death - is extremely cruel for doing what comes naturally, for something like anal or oral penile penetration, which the Hebrew God apparently blesses for straights. Yet while executions are mentioned for other crimes, none is ever recorded for this ritual uncleanness. There is no evidence that Hebrews or Jews ever followed this command to execute gays. The New Testament never mentions it, and the subject was ignored in the early centuries of Christian history.

Here we are in Thailand, a Buddhist country.

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Well Im not the worlds most masculine man

But I know what I am and Im glad Im a man

And so is lola

haaaaa yessss, love that song, thanks for posting. Been looking for a new song to learn on the guitar...that's it.....LA LA LA LOLA.....perfect!

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I've heard him speak as well, and his voice isn't deep, must have been letting his guard down (as another poster mentioned). It's been suggested by some friends that she might get reverse 'outed.' In that she actually is a girl pretending to be a ladyboy. It's been mentioned that it's a possible niche that no one has thought to take advantage of. Try to be a 'star' as an attractive gal and you have tens of thousands of girls who are this attractive. Try to be one as a transgender and the real transgenders have no hope of competing with you. Anyway, that's just party talk, whatever he/she is, he's played his cards well.


That's a brilliant scam if it's true. I would think that someone like "her" would have been revealed to have been actually a 100% woman a long time ago if this was the case. Usually people in show business have a multitude of partners and or other relationships so it's hard to keep things like this under wraps indefinitely. This is especially true if a lot of other ladyboy competitors are jealous of their success. I suppose they could pay people off to keep quiet but unless they are western rock star wealthy it ain't going to be a secret for long.

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if ur lover is a man that makes you gay.

The Third Sex. LB's are not "men".

So when a lady boy was born they didn't have a dick, they were born with nothing, or were they born with a fanny and the ability to have a baby?

It's make up your mind time.


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if ur lover is a man that makes you gay.

The Third Sex. LB's are not "men".

So when a lady boy was born they didn't have a dick, they were born with nothing, or were they born with a fanny and the ability to have a baby?

It's make up your mind time.


It's a bit simplistic to say that penis = male, vagina = female. This has recently been highlighted by the African athlete issue. The medical experts even say it's not simply a matter of chromosomes and hormones but much more complex to categorically define her gender.

Another issue is what has the gender status at birth got to do with gender status after gender reassignment and hormone treatment?

In nature there are quite a few fish species that have individuals change gender at certain times. Natural.

I'd still be interested in your answer to the question: if a lesbian was attracted to a LB, would she be deemed straight? :)

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It's a bit simplistic to say that penis = male, vagina = female. This has recently been highlighted by the African athlete issue. The medical experts even say it's not simply a matter of chromosomes and hormones but much more complex to categorically define her gender.

Another issue is what has the gender status at birth got to do with gender status after gender reassignment and hormone treatment?

In nature there are quite a few fish species that have individuals change gender at certain times. Natural.

I'd still be interested in your answer to the question: if a lesbian was attracted to a LB, would she be deemed straight? :)

The gender status at birth is just that, the gender status, and no matter what you do to your body either with surgery or pills you will still be the same person underneath albeit with a new outfit on the outside.

In regards to you using fish as an example, I know absolutely nothing about fish so you could tell me anything about them and I couldn't argue.

As for the lesbian who was attracted to a ladyboy would she be deemed straight? One of my best friends is a dyke (Her words, before I get in to trouble) I asked her and she said that no lesbian she knows would be attracted to a ladyboy because underneath they are still men and that is the whole point of the OP's post is it not, are ladyboys a third sex? And in my opinion they are men dressed as woman.


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who cares really?

there are ladyboys in Thailand and there are shemales in Brazil.

and there are ladyboy lovers and shemale lovers.

there are men who like passive sex but who are not gay.

there are woman who like other women, women who like ladyboys, ladyboys who like women, others that don't...

humans come in all sizes, shapes, colors and tastes.

why is it important to find a box for every style to fit in?

And in my opinion they are men dressed as woman.

Your view is so narrow.

Once I thought that if my view was as narrow, I'd be happier in my life.

I could never find out.

she said that no lesbian she knows would be attracted to a ladyboy

with emphasis on *that she knows*

because otherwise the statement is complete <deleted>.

Sexual instincts come in so much variations that one should "never say never".

Whatever is fun and makes happy?

Live and let live.

Don't think too much as they say, just enjoy whatever you like.

Edited by manarak
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............... and that is the whole point of the OP's post is it not, are ladyboys a third sex? And in my opinion they are men dressed as woman.


That's your opinion but you're mistaken and off track.

There's an enormous difference between a Transsexual (Katoey/Ladyboy) and a Transvestite. The latter are men who like to dress up as a woman but are definitely not born as transsexual; but they fit your description: "men dressed as woman"

It's a long and painful road for someone who is born in the wrong body so to speak, and one should have respect for those individuals because they didn't have the opportunity or chance to chose their own sex.

For most it's a nightmare when they discover, in their early years, that they detest their own body and wish to transfer themselves whether from man-to-woman or woman-to-man (which occurs also).


Ladyboys, Katoeys, Transsexuals, Transgender.... ARE the third gender, the third sex but the vast majority didn't chose to be born like one.

We should have respect, the same respect we like to receive from others.


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who cares really?

there are ladyboys in Thailand and there are shemales in Brazil.

and there are ladyboy lovers and shemale lovers.

there are men who like passive sex but who are not gay.

there are woman who like other women, women who like ladyboys, ladyboys who like women, others that don't...

humans come in all sizes, shapes, colors and tastes.

why is it important to find a box for every style to fit in?

And in my opinion they are men dressed as woman.

Your view is so narrow.

Once I thought that if my view was as narrow, I'd be happier in my life.

I could never find out.

she said that no lesbian she knows would be attracted to a ladyboy

with emphasis on *that she knows*

because otherwise the statement is complete <deleted>.

Sexual instincts come in so much variations that one should "never say never".

Whatever is fun and makes happy?

Live and let live.

Don't think too much as they say, just enjoy whatever you like.

Why is my view so narrow, because it's not the same as yours? And you say my statement is complete <deleted>.

It's not about finding box's for every style, the disussion is about whether ladyboys are a third sex and as this is an open forum where people are allowed to have an opinion on a subject (Subject to the rules of said forum) then I will do that even if it means that you, tombkk, fridgemagnet and anybody else doesn't agree with that opinion.


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Why is my view so narrow, because it's not the same as yours? And you say my statement is complete <deleted>.

It's not about finding box's for every style, the disussion is about whether ladyboys are a third sex and as this is an open forum where people are allowed to have an opinion on a subject (Subject to the rules of said forum) then I will do that even if it means that you, tombkk, fridgemagnet and anybody else doesn't agree with that opinion.


It's "<deleted>" because it doesn't have any relevance to actual studies done in sociology because it's just your own uneducated opinion. Gender is defined by environment and culture aside from physical differences.

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Why is my view so narrow, because it's not the same as yours? And you say my statement is complete <deleted>.

It's not about finding box's for every style, the disussion is about whether ladyboys are a third sex and as this is an open forum where people are allowed to have an opinion on a subject (Subject to the rules of said forum) then I will do that even if it means that you, tombkk, fridgemagnet and anybody else doesn't agree with that opinion.


It's "<deleted>" because it doesn't have any relevance to actual studies done in sociology because it's just your own uneducated opinion. Gender is defined by environment and culture aside from physical differences.

...and body chemistry.

Of course opinions are fine...... we just have to remember that an opinion can be made that belies the facts. Opinions are often made from an emotional source rather than a factual source.

An ostrich burying it's head in the sand has the opinion that because it can't see the predator, the predator can't see it.

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ok, I'll risk a second post.

Gender is perceived by many as a black/white concept, same as right/wrong or god/devil.

These concepts are handy for people who need pre-thought certainties with which they can structure their minds and the world.

The question if ladyboys are a third sex is totally dumb for several reasons:

- doctors themselves tell that sexual differences are not always clearly cut (pun intended). Sometimes, there is even no way to tell.

- "ladyboy" or "shemale" could qualify as a designation for a group of persons of similar sexual identity. But this is not true for the groups "men" and "women", because inside these groups, there are gays, lesbians, bi, foot fetishists, people who like small children, ...

- then most ladyboys want to be perceived as women, and quite a lot succeed in it. Sexual identity is mostly based on sexual attraction, which is mostly based on appearance and perception - why would we want to separate ladyboys from women in that case?

- then why insist on saying "man or woman" or "man or woman or ladyboy" I can't see have making three boxes instead of two changes anything. Wouldn't we need another box for the tomboys then?

Please understand that these boxes are needed by people who otherwise can't grasp reality. Religion loves boxes like that.

That's why some men who take a ladyboy to the room and then discover her "extra bit" become angry and violent, sometimes so much as to murder the poor ladyboy.

My last point will be to say that the man or woman debate is like arguing over a polygon and a circle.

Begin with a triangle and a circle - they look totally different. Plus, you can calculate exactly the surface of the triangle, but not of the circle, for which you need PI with the infinite decimals.

Then add angles to the triangle. First it will look like a square (long hair) - still very different from a circle.

Then the square becomes a hexagon - a roundish shape can be seen - feminine walk

Octagon - make up

Decagon - laser-removed hairs

Dodecagon - hormone titties

then come pills to stop muscle development

then other pills to make the skin smooth

then come tit implants

then sexy clothes

then some nice jewelry


maybe an operation of the vocal chords

maybe an ablation of the adam's apple

maybe a removal of the lower ribs

and finally maybe the final cut (but some prefer to keep their tools, some opt for ball removal only)

At that stage, your polygon has so many angles that you can't see the difference with the circle anymore, unless you get very close. And technically, at that point, if you know how much angles the polygon has, you can still calculate its surface without using PI. But in practice, it doesn't make any difference.

And that's all the point there is.

The debate is so totally irrelevant to anything, it is like asking is there a god or asking when you will die. You can debate endlessly without finding an answer. Except if you're a religious or moralistic nut of course.

Questions and debates like that are a waste of time and lead nowhere.

Edited by manarak
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Why is my view so narrow, because it's not the same as yours? And you say my statement is complete <deleted>.

It's not about finding box's for every style, the disussion is about whether ladyboys are a third sex and as this is an open forum where people are allowed to have an opinion on a subject (Subject to the rules of said forum) then I will do that even if it means that you, tombkk, fridgemagnet and anybody else doesn't agree with that opinion.


It's "<deleted>" because it doesn't have any relevance to actual studies done in sociology because it's just your own uneducated opinion. Gender is defined by environment and culture aside from physical differences.

My life is black & white wintermute, I live my life in black & white so in my opinion a person that is born with a penis is a man and a person that is born with a vagina is a woman. Since when does culture and enviroment define a gender? Call me old fashioned but in my "Uneducated opinion" gender is defined by what you were born with, you don't agree with me, up to you.


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Sigh. Here we go again: cue closet ladyboy fanciers who want to talk about 'gay men' liking ladyboys. cue me reminding them that the ladyboy bars are in the straight entertainment districts. Repeat ad infinitum.
Capital punishment - death - is extremely cruel for doing what comes naturally, for something like anal or oral penile penetration, which the Hebrew God apparently blesses for straights. Yet while executions are mentioned for other crimes, none is ever recorded for this ritual uncleanness. There is no evidence that Hebrews or Jews ever followed this command to execute gays. The New Testament never mentions it, and the subject was ignored in the early centuries of Christian history.

Here we are in Thailand, a Buddhist country.

i don't find ladyboys attractice , and i am sure that i am not gay. what is a "straight entertainment districts" anyway?

how comes that a few gays here immediately tell the others, that they as gays have nothing to do with ladyboys and claim that is a straight thing, meanwhile others grab the change and lecture about the issues of being gay in the history of the early Christian times. have the first somekind of a ladyboy phobia?

why draw such a strict line in what is gay and what is straight and what not. the thai word kathoey doesn't make big distinction here.

"ladyboy" is a very broad term and they come in many variation as Hermaphrodite (born with two sexes), as woman (in the transsexual sense, born in a wrong body), as a third gender and as transvestites (cross dresser, males dressed as females, taking female hormones). in addition a kathoey can be also a very girlyman gayboy, make up maybe, without any crossdressing. you can see them, met all this kinds of ladyboys in different parts of the society, in various occupations.

whereat the ladyboy bars in the entertainment districts not places are where you can make field studies about this phenomenon. only very loud, noisy and shrill "phenotypes" you will met there.

if i search google images for ladyboys i got very explicit results. photos of ladyboys of the bar category i guess. mostly pornographic photos and lots of photos focussed on the cock. that makes them very male looking and for me as the viewer (a heterosexual man who likes woman) any femininity is lost. it reminds me more on photos of gay males. but okay, there are still tits and a slim body that maybe turns a gay who likes real man also not on, despite the hugh dick.

but having a look at the google image results i come to the conclusion that this "ladyboy thing" is more about cock worship. and persons who are into that kind of ladyboys seems to admire cocks.it's not about having perfect boobs or be(coming) a woman. this kind of 'ladyboy' isn't from "the born in the wrong body" category.

is that the definition of the third gender? female attributes are not choosen to become a woman or more like a woman, that is not the goal. the goal is to distinguish themself from a primary male appearance. a 'female' look just the only choice to reach that goal. and also a lot of them can not hide or do not deny the fact that they are not woman.

on the other hand, in a full reverse direction is a person like "Buck Angel". a transexual female to male person. google the name. s/he look like a real man, and i think want it to be, a 'man' and not somekind of third gender. but he still have a pussy and makes porn. very masculine but without cock. does it look gay, or is that also somekind of cue closeted straight thing. and gay only a pure real male-male thing without any gender bender hullabaloo.

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Sigh. Here we go again: cue closet ladyboy fanciers who want to talk about 'gay men' liking ladyboys. cue me reminding them that the ladyboy bars are in the straight entertainment districts. Repeat ad infinitum.
Capital punishment - death - is extremely cruel for doing what comes naturally, for something like anal or oral penile penetration, which the Hebrew God apparently blesses for straights. Yet while executions are mentioned for other crimes, none is ever recorded for this ritual uncleanness. There is no evidence that Hebrews or Jews ever followed this command to execute gays. The New Testament never mentions it, and the subject was ignored in the early centuries of Christian history.

Here we are in Thailand, a Buddhist country.

i don't find ladyboys attractice , and i am sure that i am not gay. what is a "straight entertainment districts" anyway?

how comes that a few gays here immediately tell the others, that they as gays have nothing to do with ladyboys and claim that is a straight thing, meanwhile others grab the change and lecture about the issues of being gay in the history of the early Christian times. have the first somekind of a ladyboy phobia?

why draw such a strict line in what is gay and what is straight and what not. the thai word kathoey doesn't make big distinction here.

"ladyboy" is a very broad term and they come in many variation as Hermaphrodite (born with two sexes), as woman (in the transsexual sense, born in a wrong body), as a third gender and as transvestites (cross dresser, males dressed as females, taking female hormones). in addition a kathoey can be also a very girlyman gayboy, make up maybe, without any crossdressing. you can see them, met all this kinds of ladyboys in different parts of the society, in various occupations.

whereat the ladyboy bars in the entertainment districts not places are where you can make field studies about this phenomenon. only very loud, noisy and shrill "phenotypes" you will met there.

if i search google images for ladyboys i got very explicit results. photos of ladyboys of the bar category i guess. mostly pornographic photos and lots of photos focussed on the cock. that makes them very male looking and for me as the viewer (a heterosexual man who likes woman) any femininity is lost. it reminds me more on photos of gay males. but okay, there are still tits and a slim body that maybe turns a gay who likes real man also not on, despite the hugh dick.

but having a look at the google image results i come to the conclusion that this "ladyboy thing" is more about cock worship. and persons who are into that kind of ladyboys seems to admire cocks.it's not about having perfect boobs or be(coming) a woman. this kind of 'ladyboy' isn't from "the born in the wrong body" category.

is that the definition of the third gender? female attributes are not choosen to become a woman or more like a woman, that is not the goal. the goal is to distinguish themself from a primary male appearance. a 'female' look just the only choice to reach that goal. and also a lot of them can not hide or do not deny the fact that they are not woman.

on the other hand, in a full reverse direction is a person like "Buck Angel". a transexual female to male person. google the name. s/he look like a real man, and i think want it to be, a 'man' and not somekind of third gender. but he still have a pussy and makes porn. very masculine but without cock. does it look gay, or is that also somekind of cue closeted straight thing. and gay only a pure real male-male thing without any gender bender hullabaloo.

gender bender hullabaloo, isnt that a late night cable show from Austria? I think your thesis title should be "chicks with dicks".

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Why is my view so narrow, because it's not the same as yours? And you say my statement is complete <deleted>.

It's not about finding box's for every style, the disussion is about whether ladyboys are a third sex and as this is an open forum where people are allowed to have an opinion on a subject (Subject to the rules of said forum) then I will do that even if it means that you, tombkk, fridgemagnet and anybody else doesn't agree with that opinion.


It's "<deleted>" because it doesn't have any relevance to actual studies done in sociology because it's just your own uneducated opinion. Gender is defined by environment and culture aside from physical differences.

My life is black & white wintermute, I live my life in black & white so in my opinion a person that is born with a penis is a man and a person that is born with a vagina is a woman. Since when does culture and enviroment define a gender? Call me old fashioned but in my "Uneducated opinion" gender is defined by what you were born with, you don't agree with me, up to you.


So, "never too old to learn" (ie educate yourself) doesn't apply to you and that's sad: for yourself.

I hope you don't have any children because you would teach them the wrong way, walking into the future.


Edited by LaoPo
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gender bender hullabaloo, isnt that a late night cable show from Austria? I think your thesis title should be "chicks with dicks".

No, is not about chicks. Do you think they are chicks?

but you are right it's about dicks. and more about the question are they are men or not. and if a dick makes you obligatory to a man.

and there is the difference between biological gender sexes like male and female and the gender as sociology term, man or woman, in the later case is gender just a social cultural construction. gender studies, an interdisciplinary field, good for many things and everybody can have his own opinion. and next to many other things this gender concept gives us the change to have much more kinds of gender roles and gender identities than just male and female, a more differentiated system.

There are transsexual woman. they feel like biological woman that are born in a wrong body. usually they cut off their dicks or try to ignore for themselves that they have dicks and try hard to live a life as woman. in the in the narrow sense of the word i wouldn't call them ladyboys. they are are transsexual woman. the dick doesn't play a role in their life.

the third gender, ladyboys act different. LB mostly come with dicks. the dick plays a role in their life. is important.

a few maybe cut it off too, but even then it's more some kind a body modification, then a gender switch. they define themselves about the absence of their dicks, but are still ladyboys and act like ladyboys and doesn't become transsexual woman.

someone before me said they are not men, okay. talk about this later. i wanted to add that they are also not woman.

another theory: chicks with dicks, but i guess it's mostly based on the cool rhyme.

and the third gender isn't a category of a physical law, like the First law of thermodynamics. it's just part of an abstract model, a theoretical concept, one could developed a model with 57 different categories or just 2 like brigante7 did. there are only men and woman, some men have maybe a little bit longer hair and like to wear pink nail polish and some woman can not cook but drive a car and prefer women over men. in general, there are only men or woman. and actually he is right. and could argue with the acceptance of an additional gender, the third gender, next to male and female. why not a 4.,5.6. an7. gender as social construct or even more and more and to keep it simple some broad rule of male and female. and born with a penis=man. that is just another model, with an other definition and not totally wrong. that gender theory started as feminist argument that the difference between man and woman are not natural differences but nothing more then social constructs but there should be equal rights and opportunities for both.

to diss brigante7 you must came forward with better definitions of the third gender. LB are not woman, not 'real' woman, not transsexual woman, not woman (as a social and cultural constructed gender), not men (as in the cultural construction of a male gender), they have dicks.

hormone therapy and plastic surgery for (pervious) man - isn't that just crazy modern times, like longhaired male hippies didn't became a new gender in the 60ies and are still men like the metrosexual boys of the last decade?

and there are more questions and some needs for definitions. that third gender- whats it's sexual orientation? the third gender dates and mates with what other gender, are there any preferences? and which gender is into the third gender. are the terms straight, lesbian, gay or hetero, homo, bi sexual enough to describe these relationships? have been there any tests like those where a large sample of whale hunter and dog haters were given a questionnaire to put in a room with a device attached to their penis that measured the smallest amount of erectile excitement (true story!) and then watch Flipper and Lassie videos. Quite significantly, the most outwardly dolphinophobic had the greatest arousal.

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gender bender hullabaloo, isnt that a late night cable show from Austria? I think your thesis title should be "chicks with dicks".

No, is not about chicks. Do you think they are chicks?

but you are right it's about dicks. and more about the question are they are men or not. and if a dick makes you obligatory to a man.

and there is the difference between biological gender sexes like male and female and the gender as sociology term, man or woman, in the later case is gender just a social cultural construction. gender studies, an interdisciplinary field, good for many things and everybody can have his own opinion. and next to many other things this gender concept gives us the change to have much more kinds of gender roles and gender identities than just male and female, a more differentiated system.

There are transsexual woman. they feel like biological woman that are born in a wrong body. usually they cut off their dicks or try to ignore for themselves that they have dicks and try hard to live a life as woman. in the in the narrow sense of the word i wouldn't call them ladyboys. they are are transsexual woman. the dick doesn't play a role in their life.

the third gender, ladyboys act different. LB mostly come with dicks. the dick plays a role in their life. is important.

a few maybe cut it off too, but even then it's more some kind a body modification, then a gender switch. they define themselves about the absence of their dicks, but are still ladyboys and act like ladyboys and doesn't become transsexual woman.

someone before me said they are not men, okay. talk about this later. i wanted to add that they are also not woman.

another theory: chicks with dicks, but i guess it's mostly based on the cool rhyme.

and the third gender isn't a category of a physical law, like the First law of thermodynamics. it's just part of an abstract model, a theoretical concept, one could developed a model with 57 different categories or just 2 like brigante7 did. there are only men and woman, some men have maybe a little bit longer hair and like to wear pink nail polish and some woman can not cook but drive a car and prefer women over men. in general, there are only men or woman. and actually he is right. and could argue with the acceptance of an additional gender, the third gender, next to male and female. why not a 4.,5.6. an7. gender as social construct or even more and more and to keep it simple some broad rule of male and female. and born with a penis=man. that is just another model, with an other definition and not totally wrong. that gender theory started as feminist argument that the difference between man and woman are not natural differences but nothing more then social constructs but there should be equal rights and opportunities for both.

to diss brigante7 you must came forward with better definitions of the third gender. LB are not woman, not 'real' woman, not transsexual woman, not woman (as a social and cultural constructed gender), not men (as in the cultural construction of a male gender), they have dicks.

hormone therapy and plastic surgery for (pervious) man - isn't that just crazy modern times, like longhaired male hippies didn't became a new gender in the 60ies and are still men like the metrosexual boys of the last decade?

and there are more questions and some needs for definitions. that third gender- whats it's sexual orientation? the third gender dates and mates with what other gender, are there any preferences? and which gender is into the third gender. are the terms straight, lesbian, gay or hetero, homo, bi sexual enough to describe these relationships? have been there any tests like those where a large sample of whale hunter and dog haters were given a questionnaire to put in a room with a device attached to their penis that measured the smallest amount of erectile excitement (true story!) and then watch Flipper and Lassie videos. Quite significantly, the most outwardly dolphinophobic had the greatest arousal.

You raise many a pertanent question there Rummy, I do hope you will keep us abreast of your research.

Edited by daoyai
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