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Jakarta Bomb Meant For United....


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Jakarta Bomb Meant For United

Website claims 'the Crusaders' were intended target

The Times reports that United's poorly chosen trip to Indonesia could have been the last for the squad.

The Manchester United football team was the target of a bomb attack on the Ritz-Carlton hotel in Jakarta two weeks ago, according to a message posted on the internet purporting to be from Indonesia's most wanted terrorist suspect Noordin Mohammed Top.

The message, in which Malaysian born Noordin claims responsibility for the twin hotel bombings that killed seven people, confirms that the Ritz was targeted by a suicide bomber because it was about to host "the Crusaders" Manchester United who were due to play an exhibition match in Jakarta.

It says the attack was a warning to Indonesians "against the arrival of the soccer club Manchester United" at the hotel.

"These players are Christians, so Muslims should not honour and respect these enemies of Allah," it said.

The posting, written in Indonesian and Arabic, claims the attacks on the Ritz and the Marriott hotels were specifically aimed at American interests and US allies.

Manchester United abandoned its planned game against an Indonesian all-star side after the bombings. The posting described the team as "salibis", or Christian crusaders, who were unworthy of the support of Muslims.

The posting has not been independently verified but is described as "plausible" by Sidney Jones, the Jakarta based analyst for the International Crisis Group. Indonesian police are examining the posting, which carried Noordin's name and identified his group as "Al Qae'da in Indonesia."

I've been away for a couple of weeks so, missed this but I cannot get my head round the ramifications. No innocents should die and religion is no place for football but to target a football team loved by millions of your fellow countrymen baffles me. Then, to totally <deleted> it up and kill your own people, well...... :D

Hate is too easy a word these days, "I hate City, I hate Liverpool", this goes way beyond that and would not wish the intended outcome of this on my worst enemy. I never even thought that United were the target, I guess I am little naive still....! :)


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Titel of the article's a little misleading then...

It wasn't actually " meant " for the Team to be the victims as the article goes on to say " It says the attack was a warning to Indonesians "against the arrival of the soccer club Manchester United" at the hotel. "

Irrelevent though cos whatever it was " meant " for, it was a truly cowradly & dispicable act which is par forthe course sadly with this type of extremeism..

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If Man U were the targets of a suicide bomber then either the terror Cell were not too switched on with the travel schedules of the team or they used a very dodgy detonation timer/whatever.

Man U were still in Singapore when the bomb was detonated.

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If Man U were the targets of a suicide bomber then either the terror Cell were not too switched on with the travel schedules of the team or they used a very dodgy detonation timer/whatever.

Man U were still in Singapore when the bomb was detonated.

They weren't, as i said above, the Title of the article is massively misleading & it's sensational Journalism at it's very best...

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If Man U were the targets of a suicide bomber then either the terror Cell were not too switched on with the travel schedules of the team or they used a very dodgy detonation timer/whatever.

Man U were still in Singapore when the bomb was detonated.

They weren't, as i said above, the Title of the article is massively misleading & it's sensational Journalism at it's very best...

In The Times.... :)

Sensationalistic or not, it seems its not hard (for some) to do the act in the first place. These actions will not deter me and, never have but, will they affect future tours....? You and I can travel on in the face of extremism but, will Clubs even entertain the idea in the future, putting teams, locals and, tourists alike a risk.!


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Ive always thought that a high profile Premier League game would be a perfect target for one of these Muslim terrorist groups, the potential damage with so many people crammed into a small space must have not gone unnoticed by their twisted minds ..... though im sure clubs are well and truly switched onto such a threat.

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If Man U were the targets of a suicide bomber then either the terror Cell were not too switched on with the travel schedules of the team or they used a very dodgy detonation timer/whatever.

Man U were still in Singapore when the bomb was detonated.

They weren't, as i said above, the Title of the article is massively misleading & it's sensational Journalism at it's very best...

In The Times.... :)

Sensationalistic or not, it seems its not hard (for some) to do the act in the first place. These actions will not deter me and, never have but, will they affect future tours....? You and I can travel on in the face of extremism but, will Clubs even entertain the idea in the future, putting teams, locals and, tourists alike a risk.!


Yeah but red, to be honest, i was absolutely amazed that your lot chose Indonesia in the first place to be honest, an accident waiting to happen, that thankfully never actually did..

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