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Women And The Pro-democracy Red Shirts


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I made an observation yesterday, that I was surprised I had not noted before, having attended upwards of ten major rallies.

It was at the huge, huge pro-democracy Red Shirt Rally in Udon Thani yesterday. The one that your domestic media informed you all about....???????

My observation?...........the vast majority of the pro-democracy Red Shirts are women. As I was sitting in the crowd, all-of-a-sudden I realized that the women outnumbered the men noticeably. To test this observation, I drew an imaginary line around a section within my line-of-vision and counted. I counted twenty women and three men. I did the same thing in three different directions. Almost the same results for each one.

Trying to get a handle on age groupings, I would say roughly in the age group of 30'ish on up, with plenty of grey hairs.

So why is that? I asked my in-house political activist wifey. She posited the following notions: #1 - Women are more interested in politics, #2 - there are more women in that age group. More men have died off in that age group, #3. Women have a clearer recollection of the difference between 'pre' and 'post' Thaksin years. They experienced the difference more intensely, #4. Women are more patient (not sure how that one applies)....I dunno, maybe there are more women than men in Udon Thani.

This male-female comparator was also evident in the Iran post-election protests. I recall reading a story when the security forces came out, women were calling the men cowards as they ran for cover.

As an aside, I recall telling Farangs in the thread dealing with "GF wants a salary", they should get away from the BG syndrome. Unless they insist on having an uneducated, goofy, immature young one gracing their breakfast table every morning. Get out and find better compatibility. Use your market value. There are many sources for alternatives. Here is one of them. This demographic group is also politically savy and involved, so a cut above the average.

I keep telling Farangs that the pro-democracy red Shirts are "Farang friendly" due to their perceptions that Farangs come from deep democratic traditions. Although I admit, I never thought of this angle before.

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Your observation may only applies if they were not being paid to attend the rallies, which I still think that.

As usual, the women who are the ones they go to work while the male spend the money on beer.

These may just be a financial phenomenal

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Wow, givenall. That is an unsubstantiated charge if I ever saw one.

Just throw stuff at the wall, regardless of any credibility or knowledge, and hope some of it sticks.

But I am sure readers on this board know that.

You are deadwrong Givenall, and you know it!

Edited by Ferwert
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the huge, huge pro-democracy Red Shirt Rally in Udon Thani yesterday

my line-of-vision and counted. I counted twenty women and three men.

"huge" ? ? :D :D

Well Mr.Ferwert missed to mention that he brought his kaleidoscope

along and watched the "mass rally" through it as he seems use this

for all his observations! :)

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Yes, huge..'Sriracha john' and 'Samuian'.....HUGE. Any other questions?

But you dissapoint me.

I expected some sincere responses to my points.

I think I provided this board with some interesting insight.

Why do you think women are the primary 'movers 'n shakers' in both the Iran pro-democracy, anti-government protests and also the Thai pro-democracy Red Shirt movement.

I offered a couple opinions and hoped for the same in return.

But I am long-suffering......Sigh!

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