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Run Over Dog


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they had a dog cull in Bangkok a couple of years back, they were spose to shoot them, but the price of bullets was too much ,so they bludgeoned them with sticks with nails in instead

You could have it sponcered for charity..a weekly thing, send out the boy scouts.."will you sponcer me 10 baht a dog please mister?" kill two dogs with one stick...count me in for the slaughter and the charitable giving

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In Australia there is flying frogs,frog jumps on the road get hit by a truck,the sun dry the frog up,you can then pick it up and throw it away like a freesbee...never heard about flying dogs?

Sorry doglovers..this is just a story I heard on a beerparty.. :D

I hope it was a Cane Toad....... bastards are killing off all our wildlife! :o

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In Australia there is flying frogs,frog jumps on the road get hit by a truck,the sun dry the frog up,you can then pick it up and throw it away like a freesbee...never heard about flying dogs?

Sorry doglovers..this is just a story I heard on a beerparty.. :D

I hope it was a Cane Toad....... bastards are killing off all our wildlife! :o

I don`t know about "bastards" it`s the truckdrivers I reckon,and they do not even slow down for kangaroos...!

Anyway..as I said,it was just a story,so don`t get so upset about it :D

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another crackdown?

they had a dog cull in Bangkok a couple of years back, they were spose to shoot them, but the price of bullets was too much ,so they bludgeoned them with sticks with nails in instead

You could have it sponcered for charity..a weekly thing, send out the boy scouts.."will you sponcer me 10 baht a dog please mister?" kill two dogs with one stick...count me in for the slaughter and the charitable giving

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another crackdown?
they had a dog cull in Bangkok a couple of years back, they were spose to shoot them, but the price of bullets was too much ,so they bludgeoned them with sticks with nails in instead

You could have it sponcered for charity..a weekly thing, send out the boy scouts.."will you sponcer me 10 baht a dog please mister?" kill two dogs with one stick...count me in for the slaughter and the charitable giving

Put a 30 baht bounty on dead Soi dogs and see how much Thais love animals :o:D

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Some of the road trains need a mile or so to stop, a bit like an oil tanker :D

Just pissed off at the gov't for not putting a bounty on the cane toads, an American (Hawaii) import..... :o

Open up a cane toad driving range!

Swooosh!Splotch! Wfffffffffffffffff! Splatt! :D

250 yards, not bad :D

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Sure, it's sad when you run something over, but these dogs roaming the streets, either stray or owned, are a menace. A friend was returning home recently and one ran out into the road. He hit it, fell off the bike and damaged his face, arm and broke his collar bone. He didn't see any Thai person claiming responsibility for the cur.

In the UK, it's the law that you have to stop and report to the police if you run a dog over. Happened to me once, but nobody came forward to claim it. They'd have had to pay for the damage to the car. It's also against the law to be in charge of a dog that's out of control on, or around, a road.

In a country where the vast majority of drivers will flee a scene after hitting another human, I don't think that a dog comes very high on the list of priorities when it's most likely caused an accident.

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So many soi dogs,

So few recipes....... :D

It's nice to be in a country at present where I'm not being menaced by rabid soi dogs or trying to avoid stepping in "barker's nests".

BKK seems to be covered in their brown nests...... :o

Edited by udon
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So many soi dogs,

So few recipes.......

The last school I worked at had some of the most horrendous food I've ever tasted in Thailand...surely it had to be barbecued soi dog and Klong Saen Saep cabbage. I noticed that there were virtually no soi dogs living around the school property...strange huh? :o

For recipes, try "The Original Roadkill Cookbook"...it's hilarious! Seriously, I would be wary about stopping suddenly or swerving to avoid a dog bolting across the road. I'd rather run over a soi dog and damage the car a bit than get into an accident.

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another crackdown?
they had a dog cull in Bangkok a couple of years back, they were spose to shoot them, but the price of bullets was too much ,so they bludgeoned them with sticks with nails in instead

You could have it sponcered for charity..a weekly thing, send out the boy scouts.."will you sponcer me 10 baht a dog please mister?" kill two dogs with one stick...count me in for the slaughter and the charitable giving

Put a 30 baht bounty on dead Soi dogs and see how much Thais love animals :o:D

You got it. Spot on :D

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Tally so far in two years driving in Thailand: Two chickens(one a beautiful cockrel on Ko Chang that changed direction at the last moment)and at least two snakes;one of which was very brightly coloured.Numerous large toads,but no wild birds at all,never see many realy.Dogs have come close many times.

In UK probably around 50 birds and a dozen or so rabbits in 35 years.

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hi its me the animal person again:


Coincidentally, there was a report this evening on the television news that there were 400,000 (FOUR HUNDRED THOUSAND) people bitten by animals (vast majority being dogs) in Thailand last year.

There was also 35 cases of rabies from dog bites resulting in death.

It's mind-boggling to me, given those stats, that soi dogs are tolerated at all...

Avoid them like the plague that they are.

Well I`m on the side of the dog here...It`s not their fault that they are trying to survive and begging food and running across roads.

It always amazes me that people can be so callous when it comes to the poor dogs.

They`re loved when they are cuddly puppies and when they grow older a lot of them are then cast out to fend for themselves, having to duck from the stones which are hurled at them and having to cower away from the bas*tards who beat them with sticks.

It must come as a relief to a lot of them to be put out of their misery by death.

I remember once in Pattaya a few years ago I was sat at a bar and a food vender came along selling cooked chickens. I bought a piece and soon there was a dog there.....I gave him a piece and then I was feeding about 5 of them. So what they were hungry.

The chicken vendor said to his mate that I was mad "Farang ba-klang" when I told him to make sure that the chicken was well cooked for the dogs....There were 5 happy dogs in Pattaya that day.

Yes they can be a nuisance and yes they can bite if rabid so be careful...but use a little compassion at times....it`s not really their fault.( and that`s coming from a Fox) :o

What a ridiculous post. would you say rats have a right to take care of themselves? they are vermin too, but can be quite cuddly to those who like them.

Stray dogs are a menace and in packs can be dangerous. Why don't they cull them

every now and then, or send them to Nongkai, where they eat them :D

Ridiculous to you .....maybe......but your post seems ridiculous to me to compare rats with dogs.....and now you are advocating that more are eaten.......disgusting.

For your information in Pattaya strays are rounded up and some are killed and some are injected to prevent disease and some females are spayed to prevent breeding....

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hi its me the animal person again:


Coincidentally, there was a report this evening on the television news that there were 400,000 (FOUR HUNDRED THOUSAND) people bitten by animals (vast majority being dogs) in Thailand last year.

There was also 35 cases of rabies from dog bites resulting in death.

It's mind-boggling to me, given those stats, that soi dogs are tolerated at all...

Avoid them like the plague that they are.

Yes they can be a nuisance and yes they can bite if rabid so be careful...but use a little compassion at times....it`s not really their fault.

Just to clarify.... they certainly do NOT have to be rabid to bite.

I agree their wretched existence is not their fault, but in my opinion, the most compassionate thing to do is to end their obvious suffering. Feeding them chicken one day only prolongs their woeful suffering.

So then if you were starving, suffering and near death`s door and begging for food should we decline to feed you because it might make you live a little longer???......

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If I stood around outside you house yelling at the top of my voice all night and fighting with every stranger who appeard, attacked children and shat all over. you would be screaming "take this man away, he is a menace to society" and quite rightly too, why do I have to put up with it from packs of soi dogs?

Edited by toastwars
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If I stood around outside you house yelling at the top of my voice all night and fighting with every stranger who appeard, attacked children and shat all over. you would be screaming "take this man away, he is a menace to society" and quite rightly too, why do I have to put up with it from packs of soi dogs?

Toastwars...I am sure that the dogs would NEVER go near your house......they wouldn`t stand a chance......that is of course unless you were still pi*ssed from drinking the 100 Pipers...and then they would join in the Ball :o

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another crackdown?
they had a dog cull in Bangkok a couple of years back, they were spose to shoot them, but the price of bullets was too much ,so they bludgeoned them with sticks with nails in instead

You could have it sponcered for charity..a weekly thing, send out the boy scouts.."will you sponcer me 10 baht a dog please mister?" kill two dogs with one stick...count me in for the slaughter and the charitable giving

Put a 30 baht bounty on dead Soi dogs and see how much Thais love animals :o:D

There's 210 baht waiting at Nai Harn Beach, Phuket:


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another crackdown?
they had a dog cull in Bangkok a couple of years back, they were spose to shoot them, but the price of bullets was too much ,so they bludgeoned them with sticks with nails in instead

You could have it sponcered for charity..a weekly thing, send out the boy scouts.."will you sponcer me 10 baht a dog please mister?" kill two dogs with one stick...count me in for the slaughter and the charitable giving

Put a 30 baht bounty on dead Soi dogs and see how much Thais love animals :o:D

There's 210 baht waiting at Nai Harn Beach, Phuket:


You`ve obviously missed the other three dogs in the background 10 in total.

Nice to see the dogs going for a dip....I suppose it`s too polluted for human bathing....

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I once accidentally squashed a hedgehog while reversing my car at night. I described what happened to a friend known for his dry sense of humour, saying how much, as an animal-lover, I hated doing things like that. 'I don't suppose the hedgehog was too delighted either,' he replied.

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another crackdown?
they had a dog cull in Bangkok a couple of years back, they were spose to shoot them, but the price of bullets was too much ,so they bludgeoned them with sticks with nails in instead

You could have it sponcered for charity..a weekly thing, send out the boy scouts.."will you sponcer me 10 baht a dog please mister?" kill two dogs with one stick...count me in for the slaughter and the charitable giving

Put a 30 baht bounty on dead Soi dogs and see how much Thais love animals :o:D

There's 210 baht waiting at Nai Harn Beach, Phuket:


You`ve obviously missed the other three dogs in the background 10 in total.

Nice to see the dogs going for a dip....I suppose it`s too polluted for human bathing....

:D You've got a good eye! OK, 300 baht, but I think the owners walking the other 3 dogs might get upset :D .

But yes, they were in and out of the water all the time. I'm sure I saw one of them up to its b*lls wading in the water and having a pee. Just like the humans I suppose :D .

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another crackdown?
they had a dog cull in Bangkok a couple of years back, they were spose to shoot them, but the price of bullets was too much ,so they bludgeoned them with sticks with nails in instead

You could have it sponcered for charity..a weekly thing, send out the boy scouts.."will you sponcer me 10 baht a dog please mister?" kill two dogs with one stick...count me in for the slaughter and the charitable giving

Put a 30 baht bounty on dead Soi dogs and see how much Thais love animals :o:D

There's 210 baht waiting at Nai Harn Beach, Phuket:


You`ve obviously missed the other three dogs in the background 10 in total.

Nice to see the dogs going for a dip....I suppose it`s too polluted for human bathing....

:D You've got a good eye! OK, 300 baht, but I think the owners walking the other 3 dogs might get upset :D .

But yes, they were in and out of the water all the time. I'm sure I saw one of them up to its b*lls wading in the water and having a pee. Just like the humans I suppose :D .

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another crackdown?
they had a dog cull in Bangkok a couple of years back, they were spose to shoot them, but the price of bullets was too much ,so they bludgeoned them with sticks with nails in instead

You could have it sponcered for charity..a weekly thing, send out the boy scouts.."will you sponcer me 10 baht a dog please mister?" kill two dogs with one stick...count me in for the slaughter and the charitable giving

Put a 30 baht bounty on dead Soi dogs and see how much Thais love animals :o:D

There's 210 baht waiting at Nai Harn Beach, Phuket:


You`ve obviously missed the other three dogs in the background 10 in total.

Nice to see the dogs going for a dip....I suppose it`s too polluted for human bathing....

:D You've got a good eye! OK, 300 baht, but I think the owners walking the other 3 dogs might get upset :D .

But yes, they were in and out of the water all the time. I'm sure I saw one of them up to its b*lls wading in the water and having a pee. Just like the humans I suppose :D .

..Yes I thought it would be Peeluted :D

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Tally so far in two years driving in Thailand: Two chickens(one a beautiful cockrel on Ko Chang that changed direction at the last moment)and at least two snakes;one of which was very brightly coloured.Numerous large toads,but no wild birds at all,never see many realy.Dogs have come close many times.

In UK probably around 50 birds and a dozen or so rabbits in 35 years.

you should paint their respective black silhouettes on the side of your vehicle like a World War I flying ace..... :o:D

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Coincidentally, there was a report this evening on the television news that there were 400,000 (FOUR HUNDRED THOUSAND) people bitten by animals (vast majority being dogs) in Thailand last year.

There was also 35 cases of rabies from dog bites resulting in death.

It's mind-boggling to me, given those stats, that soi dogs are tolerated at all...

Avoid them like the plague that they are.

Ridiculous to you .....maybe......but your post seems ridiculous to me to compare rats with dogs.....and now you are advocating that more are eaten.......disgusting.

For your information in Pattaya strays are rounded up and some are killed and some are injected to prevent disease and some females are spayed to prevent breeding....

some? ... and in the meantime, hundreds run lose.

Edited by sriracha john
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hi its me the animal person again:


Coincidentally, there was a report this evening on the television news that there were 400,000 (FOUR HUNDRED THOUSAND) people bitten by animals (vast majority being dogs) in Thailand last year.

There was also 35 cases of rabies from dog bites resulting in death.

It's mind-boggling to me, given those stats, that soi dogs are tolerated at all...

Avoid them like the plague that they are.

Yes they can be a nuisance and yes they can bite if rabid so be careful...but use a little compassion at times....it`s not really their fault.

Just to clarify.... they certainly do NOT have to be rabid to bite.

I agree their wretched existence is not their fault, but in my opinion, the most compassionate thing to do is to end their obvious suffering. Feeding them chicken one day only prolongs their woeful suffering.

So then if you were starving, suffering and near death`s door and begging for food should we decline to feed you because it might make you live a little longer???......

When dogs can do algebra, I'll consider your analogy between dogs and humans...

but just to show I don't discriminate between species, I do support euthanasia for humans that choose it.

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