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True And Icon


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i just got true , everything work fine , speed ok , will said 4-5 time of what i was getting .

my questions is i have two new icons on my taskbar ..

one said local area connection limited or not connectivity

one true corp-PPPoE said connected

i think one is on lan or high speed , the other one dial up

can i delected the lan one ?

i know if it is not break do not fix it .. but just like to know ......

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Most of the True usb modems will put two icons on the taskbar. One is the modem status, which shows whether the ADSL link is working or not. It usually doesn't look like a normal connection icon. It should be there all the time as long as your modem is connected to the computer.

The other icon is for the actual PPP connection you make to True in order to use the net (with user/pass). That's usually only on when you establish the connection.

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firefox thank for the answer , do you know where i need to go to clear the task bar ( who has the clock ) ?. I do not want to delected anything but will like to hide some .

after hidding inactive icons i still have 12 on view ..

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right click all the icons and search in preferances - most will have disable icon somewhere. Like the volume control or printers. The true connection you will have to hide evey time - I cannot find an option to hide permanently. But you have too many programs open. they chew up memory, though its not a majour problem with a reasonable cpu. Programs like Real player, Winamp etc.. all like to keep themselves running the whole time. Personally I like to shut down all programs, and even windows services that I do not use. Some of them are a security hazzard too.

If you go linux style, then set up multiple desktops and keep internet progs on one, video players on another, Office apps on another etc. It's quite a nice way to do things as all the programs are fully functional and open all the time, just flip to the desktop you want. Linux however does handle ram a lot better than windows. It's a good system if you are doing research and want to organise particular projects on different desktops instead of having the desktop (not toolbar) clogged with too many icons, and to keep files seperate.

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Different taskbar icons have different ways of disabling. For example, the network connections status can be disabled by unchecking "show icon in taskbar when connected" in properties. Other things, like winamp and messenger, you disable in options, and tell it not start when windows starts.

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The True ADSL icon which looks like a capsule with two green monitors has the option to be removed from tray.

But every time you restart it will be back in the tray, the task bar icon is actually a running exe called CnxDslTb.exe

To remove it permanently, delete the entry of this exe from the start up.

It will save your tray space and also reduce a couple of megs from your memory.

The purpose of this program is to monitor the connection between you and TRUE. Whenever your modem is on or your line drops you hear that sound because of this running taskbar application.

My connection hardly drops so I do not need to keep this exe running.

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thank for the answer, but not looking at disabling them just want to hid them .

my tools bar is one hiding for the one not use but still showing 10 icons.

perhaps it is not possible .

i have ( where is james star up manager program) for the task list .

i have four new icons with true . 2 * 2 monitors as said firfoxx plus one two green arrow showing up and down ( upstream ) + a red T said connected ..

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