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Pet Peeves About Firefox 3.5.2


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I promised to try out Firefox 3.5 and see what the fuss was about. Up to now, every time I've tried it, I've always hated it, and ended up deleting it quickly... But this time I decided to try and use it and give it a real everyday work-out.

But I'm on the verge of hitting the delete Key once again! Which leads me to wonder, just why do geeks accept such user unfriendly software... Is that what makes them Geeky? Is it the ability to handle the frustrations and wasted time and energy?

Here are my reasons.... But, If there is some setting I'm missing in the limited preferences/options available to setup this program, please point them out to me, and I'll give them a try... See, I'm being open-minded here.. maybe it's my old age and addled mind, and not just badly designed and unintuitive software that is driving me crazy!

These peeves are based on BASIC options and operations that have been part of other browsers for centuries... especially my Preferred Browsers (both IE Shells) Avant and Maxthon. Even IE8 will do this stuff and has since IE7. It's basic.

1) Why don't web pages update themselves every time I open FireFox .... Like ThiaVisa!!!

The New York Times Home Page, because they use Push update will, sometimes after a delay when I open, but the Opinion page won't, unless I manually refresh. The same with Bangkok Post, the Nation, ThaiVisa or any other page that you would expect to change daily. Nor is there a "Refresh All" button or menu option in FireFox???? Mai Kow Jai?

2) Why does every new tab open at the END of the Tab bar, and not next to the one I'm reading. It's a real pain to have to scroll all the way down the row in order to find that new tab (I usually have 20 or more tabs open in any browser I use - Work - Reference - Play - News, etc.)..... I want to read that link next.... It's totally inconvenient to be forced to go hunt for it.. sometimes when reading a page I'll open 3-4-5 new tabs of info to do follow up work... and then the next day, when I open the browser, I may find ThaiVisa links at the beginning, middle and end of the Tab row... If I don't close them right away after I read them, and have left them open for future reference or have to manully DRAG them over to put them next to it's parent, where it should be from it's creation.... Totally disorganized system.. They should be kept together... after all they are related.

3) Why won't a new tab open automatically from the URL bar Or Google Search box, and then the old tab that is open gets overwritten? Why must I be forced to remember to open a new Blank tab first?

4) Why, if these peeves have been fixed by some plug-in or add-on, haven't these basic intuitive navigational tweaks been built right into the Browser, like any well designed browser should be?

What is the big fuss about?

Mai kow jai??? How can such a badly designed browser be getting these reviews? It seems to me to be as much of a Beta as Chrome is!

Is this just the "Anything but Microsoft" syndrome run amok? If so, then these MS haters deserve all the extra frustration and suffering they get, for being so paranoid and obtuse in the first place.

If the fuss is about all the Plug-ins available, then I wonder why all these plug-in need to be available, when all those features are already part of the basic install setup of a well designed browser... and I bet that more then 99.5% of the thousands of plug-ins for Firefox are NOT used by the majority of users. Just how many Juke-Box plug-ins do you need, anyway.... especially when the jukebox probably has it's own plug-in to begin with!

Frustrated and Confused


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1- No idea what you are talking about. What is "not updating"? When you go to a web page, it updates... if you have 50 favorite sites, open them all in tabs, then save them as a toolbar bookmark. Then you hit the bookmark all 50 tabs will open and update.

2 - It opens at the end so you can find it. I'd be annoyed if I had to hunt for new tabs that opened somewhere in the middle of the other tabs. I know they open at the end. Try to use the keyboard shortcuts to navigate there quickly, or don't open so many tabs. The tabs interface really only works well if you can see all your tabs, once they fall off the right end it's not all that useful anymore anyway IMO

3 - type your address in the address bar, and hit Ctrl--Return instead of return. Same in the google box.

4 - Plug ins are my pet peeve with FF. FF updates every other week and then... the plug-ins break... new ones are found... new ones might install at startup... all in all, there is way too much time spent managing plug-ins and their updates. I'd love it if there was a setting saying "try to automatically update plug-ins in the background, but if it doesn't work, leave me alone, just ignore those plug ins until updates are found". I never want to hear about updating plug-ins. FF does it all the time. Annoying. Easy solution is to not install any of course. But I need at least a theme, the default is too ugly for me to look at all day.

Sad to say but FF 3.5 now seems to go the way of Netdscape, a slow decline caused by a code base that wasn't great to begin with, then piled hacks upon hacks to make it usable... that kind of thing will catch up with you sooner or later. FF needs a rewrite. Meanwhile, there's Chrome. IE not an option.

Edit: Try Safari, you might like it.

I am using this now primarily (on the Mac), and since version 4 it's super-fast. It also has cool stuff like search history - it's pretty amazing because it shows you all hits in a cover-flow view which is a miniaturised view of the actual web page. That recently saved me when I couldn't remember very much about a page I had visited... looked at the mini-previews an found it very quickly. See below how that looks like


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I have been a long time user of Firefox, and must say that I have never experienced the problem you describe in item 1. It appears your browser is opening the cached page without updatig it.

I have just done a quick Google search for ideas but have drawn a blank.

2. The extension that will solve all your tab issues is Tab Mix Plus. It is one fo the first that I load when installing a new copy of firefox. It gives you all the options you ask for plus many others such as the ability to make unread tabs a different colour, and to configure what actions or web page criteria open a new tab or window. It also lets you close multiple tabs with a single click and highlight the current active tab.

3. You make a good point about the number of extensions and why some of the features they offer are not included by default.

I think this ay be a combination of reasons for example

a) Some people do not want the bells and whistles, just a lean fast browaser so do not want the features offered by extensions

b ) different users have different ideas about how certain features should operate, and by choosing the extenson that suits you, you can achieve that.

c) Depending on browsing habits not all users want all features, but just a subset.

It should be noted that many of the features offered by extensions can ne implenented by modifying the about:config file (type about:config in the url bar)

I personally have many extensions and the ability to customise firefox to my way of working and not having to train myself to do it the M$ way is why I like Firefox

Maybe we should start a thread of favourite firefox extensions. My favourites include

Tab Mix Plus as mentioned above,

Quick drag, - With this tab if you highlight and drag text it will open it if it looks like a URL, or do a search on other text without having to copy and pste the info to your search engine

Tiny Url creates a short url for long links with a single moyse click

At the end of the day if we all liked the same features and had the same ideas there would be no market for alternative browsers. I am sure users of Opera and Safari have their reasons for their choice.

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4 - Plug ins are my pet peeve with FF. FF updates every other week and then... the plug-ins break... new ones are found... new ones might install at startup... all in all, there is way too much time spent managing plug-ins and their updates. I'd love it if there was a setting saying "try to automatically update plug-ins in the background, but if it doesn't work, leave me alone, just ignore those plug ins until updates are found". I never want to hear about updating plug-ins. FF does it all the time. Annoying. Easy solution is to not install any of course. But I need at least a theme, the default is too ugly for me to look at all day.

Couldn't agree more.

Updating FF is the most annoying, as it does it at start up without asking, and if I'm in a hurry to do something, I find it an invasion of my privacy to stop me browsing until it is updated. OK it doesn't take long, but <deleted>? Why doesn't it ask me first before updating? Even Microsoft does that, if you set it up right.

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4 - Plug ins are my pet peeve with FF. FF updates every other week and then... the plug-ins break... new ones are found... new ones might install at startup... all in all, there is way too much time spent managing plug-ins and their updates. I'd love it if there was a setting saying "try to automatically update plug-ins in the background, but if it doesn't work, leave me alone, just ignore those plug ins until updates are found".

After upgrading most extensions that do not work are because of the built in version checking

The answer to yur problem is as follows

Open the about:config file and do the following

right click anywhere and from the options select New and then Boolean; you will be prompted for a Preference Name. Type extensions.checkCompatibility and set it to false, close Firefox and then restart it.

This way any extension with incorrect versions will not be disabled and all extensions will be checked for new versions on startup as normal

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Thaimite.... There you go.. getting all Geeky again.... :)

The point of my Post is Why all these Plug-Ins when these features are basic and intuitive and should have been built in to begin with. You had to add them cause most users want them. Second, Too many choices and Plug-ins are just confusing and a waste of time.... Great for Geeks, but not for "Prime Time" , meaning the general public. Even a guide to the "Best" is a waste.. I have better things to do with my time... I just want something intuitive that WORKS!

And tweaking the Config file is GEEK big time.... Intuitive means I don't have to Tweak... Argument over... Firefox is for Geeks only!

Firefox should NOT be promoted as The Best consumer Browser, if it is not built for non-Geeky consumers.

Nikster - Why hit "Control-Return" when in IE based browsers "Return" alone does the job.. That's much more intuitive.. and besides that, How are new users supposed to know or remember about theses Keyboard shortcuts if there is no tutorial that is easily accessed to explain it.. but more importantly.. why did they take a simple solution (Return only) and geek it up (Control-Return)? >BTW "Return" went out with Typewriters.. You are showing your age. I think "Enter" is a more commonly understood term for the young folk.<

And about Updating... I'm NOT talking about Updating a Tab that is already Open !!!! When I close my Browser, I expect and have set the preferences, so that all my tabs re-open when I re-open the browser... Having to save them as a favorites group and reload them each time is stupid... The browser was closed, all pages should update when it's reopened,.. simple and intuitive. But, you are right, I get the Cached view, even when It's days out of date. If IE can update a page when the Browser is opened, why not Firefox.. and why am I not at least given the chance to set that option? or the option to refresh ALL tabs at the same time?

And my peeve about opening at the end is because it should OPEN just NEXT (on the Right or Left) to the one I am reading at the time... I'm not worried about finding it.. I'm pissed about all the extra scrolling i have to do, because I LIKE MANY tabs open not just the number limited to a window view... that's why Firefox built in the scrolling Tab bar.. so i use it. If you want to see ALL your tabs in one window, then use Maxthon, which gives you a multi-row tab bar.

NOTE: I don't do Apple or Mac (Meaning Safari.. and everything Safari does is already available in Opera, IE and Chome.)

Finally, this thread is about Firefox.. What is the big fuss about? Is it deserved?

So suggesting I use something else is OFF TOPIC... Please either defend Firefox, or admit that I am right!


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1. Suspect you are saving tabs when you close so it opens the saved tab without an update. If you do not save tabs your home page will open updated. I use Speed Dial to load frequently used tabs after opening.

2. There is an option under tabs to automatically switch to a new tab when it is opened - just tic it.

3/4 Believe is the way the browser is built - by users who want a basic browser and fit there specific needs with extensions. Once you get used to the concept it seems to work quite well.

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Is this just the "Anything but Microsoft" syndrome run amok? If so, then these MS haters deserve all the extra frustration and suffering they get, for being so paranoid and obtuse in the first place.

You are just suffering from 'unfamiliar interface syndrome'. If you stick with it long enough to learn where everything is in Firefox, you'll probably come to appreciate how bad IE is. Suggest you spend 15 minutes going through tools/options in Firefox to see where everything lives.

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1. Suspect you are saving tabs when you close so it opens the saved tab without an update. If you do not save tabs your home page will open updated. I use Speed Dial to load frequently used tabs after opening.

2. There is an option under tabs to automatically switch to a new tab when it is opened - just tic it.

3/4 Believe is the way the browser is built - by users who want a basic browser and fit there specific needs with extensions. Once you get used to the concept it seems to work quite well.

1) No need to suspect.. I've already admitted that this is what i do... My beef is that the pages are not automatically updated when the browser is re-opened, forcing me to update each one manually.. And SEPARATELY, as there is NO "Refresh ALL" command.. Extremely time-wasting, frustrating and unintuitive!

I Don't have or USE any homepage.. I don't feel they are useful or necessary... I know what pages I use on a daily (hourly) basis and those are the tabs I leave open when I close the browser... Plus additional tabs for unfinished or Unread stuff i want to get to later. Again, this is the Peeve... Firefox should refresh all pages (tabs) when it is opened.. If it doesn't, then it is missing a BASIC feature, forcing users to do more work.... Other Browsers (IE based) can and do refresh automatically.. and give you a "Refresh All" Option.... and no one here has yet addressed this glaring missing feature! Why not?? Using speed-dial just forces more repetitive work!

2) I don't want to switch to new tab when opened... I can do that now by just clicking on the link.... so that switch is already turned on... I want to stay on the page I'm reading, "Right Click" on "Open in New Tab" and go to that page later at my leisure, which is what happens now.... The PEEVE is that it doesn't open BESIDE it's parent page, but at the end of the Tab row... again.. this is the peeve.... Is this correctable easily, without adding on another plug-in, or is this BASIC feature missing from Firefox???

3) If I want a basic Browser I can always go back to Mosaic or even Chrome... but this is 2009 and Browsers have progressed to a minimum sub-set of features.. Even Chrome is beginning to catch up... seems to me that Firefox is a major step back into the Dark Ages, not a Great Leap Forward!

Again... Forcing you to add on a slew of Plug-Ins to make a browser intuitive is a GEEK answer... not a Consumer answer... so What makes it so "Great"??

Even the old supposed "Security" advantage is no longer applicable, as it succumbs to its own success and makes itself increasingly a target of hackers who are just salivating at being able to crow about bringing it down.

Can anyone answer this simple question.... What makes it so great? Why should Everyone, including my clueless Father, switch to Firefox, when Other browsers are more intuitive and easier to use? (yes I know I'm being redundant.. just making a point) Is Firefox for geeks Only? Is it ready for "Prime Time"?


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4 - Plug ins are my pet peeve with FF. FF updates every other week and then... the plug-ins break... new ones are found... new ones might install at startup... all in all, there is way too much time spent managing plug-ins and their updates. I'd love it if there was a setting saying "try to automatically update plug-ins in the background, but if it doesn't work, leave me alone, just ignore those plug ins until updates are found". I never want to hear about updating plug-ins. FF does it all the time. Annoying. Easy solution is to not install any of course. But I need at least a theme, the default is too ugly for me to look at all day.

Tools>Update>Advanced>Update Tab>uncheck 'Automatically check for updates to installed Add-ons'

Then you can update Add-ons manually when you feel like it.

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1) No need to suspect.. I've already admitted that this is what i do... My beef is that the pages are not automatically updated when the browser is re-opened, forcing me to update each one manually.. And SEPARATELY, as there is NO "Refresh ALL" command.. Extremely time-wasting, frustrating and unintuitive!

On my installation right click on any tab -> third option down [Reload All Tabs] or with tab drop down menu visible just press [a]


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Updating FF is the most annoying, as it does it at start up without asking, and if I'm in a hurry to do something, I find it an invasion of my privacy to stop me browsing until it is updated. OK it doesn't take long, but &lt;deleted&gt;? Why doesn't it ask me first before updating? Even Microsoft does that, if you set it up right.


Firefox update:-


Select check box for Ask me what I want to do


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1) No need to suspect.. I've already admitted that this is what i do... My beef is that the pages are not automatically updated when the browser is re-opened, forcing me to update each one manually.. And SEPARATELY, as there is NO "Refresh ALL" command.. Extremely time-wasting, frustrating and unintuitive!

On my installation right click on any tab -> third option down [Reload All Tabs] or with tab drop down menu visible just press [a]


Well that works... 'Sank you V'rry much....

Now if you be so kind as to tell me how to prevent new tabs from opening at the End of the Tab row, rather than next to the parent tab where it belongs, I would be ever so grateful!!!

Mucho Thanks again,


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I like Firefox but find problems irritating after having it installed after a few weeks. It develops glitches the longer you use it. Some of the add ons also cause problems.

I have an aversion to anything Apple but must admit that Safari is pretty solid. I use it quite a bit.

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Glad to help. On the tab opening point, the problem is more to do with closing, that is if you open a tab from within a page how are they related [or not] Initially FF used a principal that there was a relationship which led to issues since people found it difficult to follow once multiple tabs were in place. As other providers came to use tabs different models become operational, and indeed in January it was expected that 3.5 would offer the described functionality [though there was still a debate about how to manage in page links and new [logically unrelated] tabs.

Owing to time pressures and a concern about yet another UI change for existing users, the tab side moved down the hierarchy, added to which this exact functionality is provided by a number of add-ins.

Hopefully I'd expect to see it in the not too distant future, though I'd prefer it to be selectable by mode [e.g. an internal link {using your term Parent} opens to the right of the page, a new {orphan?} link at the end of the stack].


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Updating FF is the most annoying, as it does it at start up without asking, and if I'm in a hurry to do something, I find it an invasion of my privacy to stop me browsing until it is updated. OK it doesn't take long, but &lt;deleted&gt;? Why doesn't it ask me first before updating? Even Microsoft does that, if you set it up right.


Firefox update:-


Select check box for Ask me what I want to do


I guess I should have known better.

Thanks very much, I have now changed the update option.

Not really griping, but they might have made it a bit more obvious to find this option, or to tell you about it when you install FF. (or maybe they did, and I didn't read it :) )

There's no computer fool like an old computer fool :D

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Updating FF is the most annoying, as it does it at start up without asking, and if I'm in a hurry to do something, I find it an invasion of my privacy to stop me browsing until it is updated. OK it doesn't take long, but &lt;deleted&gt;? Why doesn't it ask me first before updating? Even Microsoft does that, if you set it up right.


Firefox update:-


Select check box for Ask me what I want to do


I guess I should have known better.

Thanks very much, I have now changed the update option.

Not really griping, but they might have made it a bit more obvious to find this option, or to tell you about it when you install FF. (or maybe they did, and I didn't read it :) )

There's no computer fool like an old computer fool :D

But isn't this my original issue... and what we have learned here, from our friendly members that are in on the "in thing"...

Firefox is more for Geeks that know all these hiddden secrets than for general consumers that think things should be intuitively laid out?


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Glad to help. On the tab opening point, the problem is more to do with closing, that is if you open a tab from within a page how are they related [or not] Initially FF used a principal that there was a relationship which led to issues since people found it difficult to follow once multiple tabs were in place. As other providers came to use tabs different models become operational, and indeed in January it was expected that 3.5 would offer the described functionality [though there was still a debate about how to manage in page links and new [logically unrelated] tabs.

I don't understand what the BIG issue is... It's a very Geeky argument... Right side,... left side,... end....

Just put a switch in the preferences and let the user chose what ever they like best... Maxthon (IE Shell) has done it that way for years now..

It's Not re-inventing the wheel. No need for more add-ons.


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Anyone has the problem with firefox 3.5 or higher that it takes up to a minute to open first time after you strted the computer.Have done some googling and it seems to be a bug in windows xp but can't find the solution.

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I'm using Win 7, and I don't mind waiting a minute or even 2 for the program to open...

But I do mind having to wait all over again after I manually instruct the program to "Refresh ALL Tabs"... as it doesn't do that intuitively when it starts... That means now waiting 2-4 minutes!

To me, this is a Major bug... almost a deal breaker.


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Given that your chosen browser is, in point of fact one big add-on :) and would fall into the category of serious geekdom for most I do find you seem to protest too much, added to which a couple of posts whilst apparently tired and emotional doesn't engender feelings of assistance in individuals. However, allowing for probable response.

Cache control

Type about:config in address bar. Agree to be careful <sigh I hate cute messages> at the Here be Dragons prompt. Scroll down to the following filter


Right Click select Modify

Set to 1 {see below}

Close tab

You'll probably need to restart Firefox for this to take effect. Cache Control defaults to only update if page appears to be outdated from last view. Some sites do this well, the majority unfortunately do it badly, even though structurally it is the responsibility of the site to advise the browser of state changes.

Options for cache frequency

3 - only check if page seems outdated

2 - always use cached version

1 - always check for newer version

0 - check for newer version once per session

In closing it's not a bug simply a preference, and is completely under the control of the user as shown herein.


//edit format//

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My primary whine .. maybe someone can tell me how to fix it?

In older versions I was able to set the search engine URLs (search window) as I pleased. Now, geotargeting seems to be permanently engaged and any search in Google shows results from google.co.th.

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Not sure if this is the 'approved' work around, but I set my home page to www.google.com/ncr

This then reconciles the search engine window to the ncr setting [no country required] rather than locality.



PS Just to add there is an inbuilt geo-location function in Firefox for sites able to recognise it. You can however turn it off:-


Find the filter geo.enabled double click it to disable the function.

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Given that your chosen browser is, in point of fact one big add-on :) and would fall into the category of serious geekdom for most I do find you seem to protest too much, added to which a couple of posts whilst apparently tired and emotional doesn't engender feelings of assistance in individuals. However, allowing for probable response.

Cache control

Type about:config in address bar. Agree to be careful <sigh I hate cute messages> at the Here be Dragons prompt. Scroll down to the following filter


Right Click select Modify

Set to 1 {see below}

Close tab

You'll probably need to restart Firefox for this to take effect. Cache Control defaults to only update if page appears to be outdated from last view. Some sites do this well, the majority unfortunately do it badly, even though structurally it is the responsibility of the site to advise the browser of state changes.

Options for cache frequency

3 - only check if page seems outdated

2 - always use cached version

1 - always check for newer version

0 - check for newer version once per session

In closing it's not a bug simply a preference, and is completely under the control of the user as shown herein.


//edit format//

You are "Da Man".. all the answers... a Firefox doctor... and without any disrespect intended, ( I do respect your greater knowledge), I must ask..... Why is a doctor necessary in the first place, unless the program has serious flaws and shortcomings to begin with.... These tweaks, should be in the preferences, where anyone can get at them and make their adjustments without fear of screwing around with the registry or any other crucial and sensitive parts of the O/S. It's fine if you are into geeky stuff and love reading all the technical blogs and forums, or like to dive into the code and see what happens... I assume that is how you got your knowledge... but that is dangerous for the Great unwashed who are only looking for a program that is intuitive and easy to operate and set up right out-of-the-box. I can follow and implement your instructions.. but my Father would have a Heart-Attack. And that is my initial argument... FireFox is for Geeks not Consumers.

I am a big man, and I have no problem in agreeing with you about IE and it's shells (Avant & Maxthon). They are bigger (Bloated??) and so, have all the missing functionality that I desire pre-built in... (One big ADD-ON, as you put it), but that is in fact the whole point isn't it.. By having it built-in and easily configurable via the preference page, once it is configured after install to suit my needs and browsing style, then I can forget about it....

Now with Firefox I have to waste time going out to find and install all that missing functionality, or consult the "Doctor to find all the hidden "fixes" and tweaks and wade through the confusing multiplicity of competing add-ons, all promising to do the same thing and each claiming to be the best at it... I hate choice.. It's a headache and time consuming.. and in the end.. I end up with a program just as bloated as IE is accused of being.

Promises of changes in the future, just indicate Firefox will end up where other browsers are now. Wasn't that what happened to Netscape??? Started off Lean and Mean.. then disappeared after even it's own supporters accused it of too much Bloat. Meanwhile, IE is still around, being more choosy about the functionality it implements, and maybe slower at getting it right... But still here, increasingly better and Still #1... though I admit that it is slipping... All things have dips and valleys, however, and nothing is forever.... (I still mourn for AltaVista and MusicMatch.)

So where is the benefit??? I ask Again! (Which is, after all the Topic of this tread.)

Your fix, while appreciated, still leaves me with the continuing question...

Why do I have to do this? Where is the Benefit?

Is there any benefit when it's users must go through all these hoops in order to get it to the functionality they want?

Or is it just a continuing manifestation of the old "Microsoft is the Devil" Syndrome?


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My primary whine .. maybe someone can tell me how to fix it?

In older versions I was able to set the search engine URLs (search window) as I pleased. Now, geotargeting seems to be permanently engaged and any search in Google shows results from google.co.th.

I think that's more Google's fault than anything else. They are using this retarded technology everywhere now, as if it was a good thing. What I don't get is that these sites, who, for the most part, recognize me through a Cookie, don't remember that I am rather fond of the English language. Worst offender is Blogspot / blogger which consistently shows me everything in Thai. &lt;deleted&gt;. I have changed it to English many times, but it think it's smarter. You've travelled to Thailand - surely,now, you'll want all pages in Thai, right??

/ rant

For Google, it's very simple, do this:

1 - Go to http://www.google.com/

2 - This will redirect you to google.co.th, but don't be deterred!

3 - Look at the bottom of the page, where there is a link saying "Use Google.com in English" or something to that effect

4 - Click on the link

From now on, your Google search bar searches, and everything Google will go to Google.com instead of Google.co.th. They actually do remember this in a cookie, so if you update browsers cookies sometimes get lost and you are back on the (mostly useless) google.co.th....

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