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Calling All Nutritionist (amateur Or Professional)

Drew Aitch

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  • 5 weeks later...

Like the OP, I like the flavor of Thai foods, but I want to avoid toxic substances ... One of my personal items to avoid is MSG.

Some good news to help answer the OP's question about "unknowns" in Thai food:

For those who cook their own Thai food, Rimping supermarket (Chiangmai) has identified seasoning sauces low in MSG or salt.

And they have put small signs on the shelves to identify those products.

Not many qualify: only about 10 in a display of 200 bottles, but those little signs are a big help, since most of the bottle labels are in Thai.

Thank you, Rimping.

(I saw those signs at Rimping's branch in Nim City Daily -- don't know about other locations.)

-- Oneman



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I am lucky that I'm like my father and can eat just about everything with no side effects. I stay in a hotel room in Thailand so I have to accept whatever meal I get prepared by the cook in the few cafes I eat at regularly. I do enjoy those restaurants where you cook your own food on a heater placed on the table. But, it's more of a group thing where we all go. I also know I lose weight when I'm in Thailand and gain it back when I get home to Canada. I'm a good cook and eat a lot of fresh fruit and vegetables mixed with all the fish products I catch and the wild game that I shoot. But, I tend to overdo the pasta-pizza meals I find so tasty. And, I do love bread. I probably eat too many eggs as well, because I'm always making 3 egg omeletes wrapped around vegetables and chedder cheese.

In Thailand I always have fresh fruit available as a mid day meal. I normally only eat two meals a day. Sometimes I don't eat until 3 in the afternoon.

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A lot of people feel that some saturated fats such as coconut and palm oil are actually quite healthy. It is only the hydrogonated types that are unhealthy.

yes some interesting reading on this that these oils may actually be the healthy ones and that the hydrogenated oils are actually the dangerous oils... I think there may be a lot of truth to this as heart related problems have not decreased since the move away from butter and saturated fats...

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