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I'm sure no one remembers (or cares, which is fair enough), but about 12-18 months ago I posted that I'd cleaned my D40 sensor with a Visible Dust Ultra MXD-100 swab and Sensor Clean Liquid and had no problems.

After some trepidation I've just done the same to my D90 (after a few days of trying to find out what size swabs I needed and finding out it was the same size as the D40). A couple of Changs for confidence ... three drops on one side ... swipe ... three drops on the other ... and it seems to be factory-fresh clean. Easy, simple and effective.

It was a big, black, sticky looking thing, and no amount of blowing with my blower would shift it. Two swipes and it's gone! So if anyone is worried about cleaning their sensor ... just go ahead and do it. So far (touch wood) I've had a 100% success rate (out of two tries!) and no problems at all.

And as a PS: The Film vs Digital debate: Grow up! All the (pro) photographers I employed or used freelance (in publishing) went digital around 2000/2001 -- no one would pay the processing costs anymore when a cheaper alternative came along (and when you're talking about cut-out product shots about 3'' by 2'' on the page, you really can't tell the difference). I'm sure some pros carried on with analogue, but arguing about digital vs analogue is pointless. It's like arguing about film types. Horses for courses, some people like one thing, some people like another. They are different shades on the same palette. (And isn't stock movie film really crappy quality but they get away with it because it's moving images?)

[Reason for edit: Pure semantics]


I use a Lenspen Sensorklear - seems to be an excellent bit of kit. Use it after the rocket blower and everything is as good as new :) No liquids, no mess, no hassle.

I use a Lenspen Sensorklear - seems to be an excellent bit of kit. Use it after the rocket blower and everything is as good as new :) No liquids, no mess, no hassle.

Without Googling it, I guess it's one of those pen thingies (er ... like what the name suggests :-). They always scared me, so I got the swabs. But honestly, the liquid and the swab combo is no hassle either (but you probably have to be at a desk or table to use them).


Yes it is a pen thingie :)

They say its good for 50 sessions but I would think that unless you have a load of cameras you will never reach 50 uses !!


I sure remember your original post "Mark" and taking your advise I also bought the visible dust kit. Brilliant, been using it for a year or so and absolutely no issues.

And a nice clean sensor :)

I sure remember your original post "Mark" and taking your advise I also bought the visible dust kit. Brilliant, been using it for a year or so and absolutely no issues.

And a nice clean sensor :)

Glad to be of assistance :-)

Only wet-cleaned twice, which is surprising considering how often I change lenses, but it is surprisingly easy and effective isn't it?

I sure remember your original post "Mark" and taking your advise I also bought the visible dust kit. Brilliant, been using it for a year or so and absolutely no issues.

And a nice clean sensor :)

Glad to be of assistance :-)

Only wet-cleaned twice, which is surprising considering how often I change lenses, but it is surprisingly easy and effective isn't it?

The first few times I had to really work at getting a very mucky sensor back to pristine.

One this was done, I've found that if I use the blower and a quick brush-over after each shooting session it keeps everything clean.

Prevention versus cure I suppose

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