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Two issues if I may

No 1)

The second image is what I have set as my colour settings. I also tick "View" > "proof colours". Are these settings accurate for digital submissions. I don't print digital at all, only supply images.

No 2) Previously when I opened Photoshop the image went straight in. Lately, I get the Adobe Raw option as per the first image. I don't need/want this screen but I can't stop it opening. How do I disable this option?

Thanks for your help


Those are the color setting we use, however depending on who you're submitting work to they may want a wider color gamut, you would need to ask the people you're submitting to what color space they want to see images in. Are you opening your images in Bridge?


As The Vulcan said is not for printing so i doubt they need wider color gamut spaces, in any case converting into a wider color space will not gain more colors as the actual one not contains more information, unless you scan again or process the raw directly into the wider color space.

The proof colors are relatively accurate as depends also on the quality and colors of your monitor, I agree with runker, check what color space they need, but of course what they will see is not what you see, unless you have the same monitor, same settings, and same color profile as the other viewers. My suggestion is to color calibrate your monitor first.

For the camera raw window opening on loading jpgs there should be a settings button on the same window and you can disable to open itself when loading jpg and tiff files.


Thanks guys for coming back.

Firstly, yes "Runker" I am (kind off) coming from Bridge. My last action in my workflow is utilising Bridge to keyword. I then proceed to CS3 to re-size and conclude.

Ironically, if I keyword in Lightroom and opt to edit in CS3 the opening screen problem doesn't occur. So it's the Bridge action?

However I've been using Bridge to keyword for years - why suddenly happening? And more to the point, how do I overcome it?

"Aeon" no button as far as I can see?

Colour setting - I'm a stock photographer so my settings are for digital submission. Apple Imac calibrated with Syder Pro. Adobe RGB needed by libraries.

It was the CMYK element that I was unsure of. If this is as per your setting I'm comfortable.

Thanks for the help, await hearing more


the button is the third last on top, you can access it also by shortcut with command K, once opened the camera raw settings window, in the lower part (jpgs and tiff handling) set "Automatically open jpegs with settings". The next time your jpegs will not open up on camera raw window. You can access that settings also from photoshop/preferences/camera raw.

If you open the file from file/open recent, it will open in the same way as you opened it the last time, so I suggest you after changing the settings load the file from file/open for the first time.

With that color settings your file will keep for printing the same color profile that your file has enbedded (in your case adobe rgb).

the button is the third last on top, you can access it also by shortcut with command K, once opened the camera raw settings window, in the lower part (jpgs and tiff handling) set "Automatically open jpegs with settings". The next time your jpegs will not open up on camera raw window. You can access that settings also from photoshop/preferences/camera raw.

If you open the file from file/open recent, it will open in the same way as you opened it the last time, so I suggest you after changing the settings load the file from file/open for the first time.

With that color settings your file will keep for printing the same color profile that your file has enbedded (in your case adobe rgb).


I was in that area originally but as you can see I do not have the options you outline ?


oh just noticed now that could be a difference between cs3 and cs4 (I checked on the last one).

Try this: when open a new file, select the jpg file and before open it change the option dialog you have on the left bottom of the same window, from camera raw to jpg (I think there should be that dialog on cs3 too)

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