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Narathiwat To Kota Bharu

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Yes - I am aware of the 'troubles' down south and I am not seeking comments about the security situation.

Has any one recently travelled from Bkk to Narathiwat with Thai Airasia? If so, I'd appreciate some info on the following:-

1 - Public transport from airport to Narathiwat town? Cost of? or the cost of a taxi?

2 - Is the a van or a bus going from Narathiwat direct to Kota Baru or just to the boarder?

3 - Is it easy to get a new visa or are they being strict for those who have been here a 'while'


Much appreciated


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I Do not have the answer for your first two questions; however from the border you can take either a bus or share a taxi with someone else to Kota Bharu.

For the visa, it seems as they go by an individual cases. If this is the first time you go there or you are not going there frequently, and your passport not filled with Thai visas, then you might get double entries, tourist visa easily, otherwise, they will just give you a single entry tourist visa.

Good luck


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Yes - I am aware of the 'troubles' down south and I am not seeking comments about the security situation.

Has any one recently travelled from Bkk to Narathiwat with Thai Airasia? If so, I'd appreciate some info on the following:-

1 - Public transport from airport to Narathiwat town? Cost of? or the cost of a taxi?

2 - Is the a van or a bus going from Narathiwat direct to Kota Baru or just to the boarder?

3 - Is it easy to get a new visa or are they being strict for those who have been here a 'while'


Much appreciated


To Nr 2 only:just to the border.For bus/taxi to Kota Bahru better to have some Ringgit already.

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1. Dunno. Never flown into that one. Expect slim pickings from available transpo, tho. If you see a waiting songtaeo out in the parking lot or along the exit road (like at Hat Yai Airport) go ask them if they can take you to the bus station or bus stop for the next bus to Sungai Golok (Thai border). (say "yahk pai santanee rote may, pai Golok, kup")

2. I'm pretty sure Sungai Golok only. It might be upwards of 50B and take at least 40 min. Upon reaching Golok take a moto taxi to the border (30B). Then when you reach the Malay side (remember to set your watch forward an hour!), follow the covered walkway all the way down to the end (just before it angles left) and there will be some people standing around. This is (as far as I can tell) an unmarked bus stop for the #29 which will take you to the main bus station in KB. (it may be possible to board the bus at the immigration pavilion itself. Ask someone where the stop is, as I haven't tried that yet...) Cost is now 5.1 ringgit and takes about an hour. Apparently, the bus runs only hourly, too. (Note: if you don't have any ringgit on you yet just give the driver 55-60B).

3. Reports are no double entries for tourist visas at the moment (but you can still try). Also, take note of their hours, as they are only accepting apps up to 11:30am and they are closed Fri and Sat (but open for business on Sun).

Here's an ongoing thread about this consulate:


Good luck.

Edited by relayer
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  • 3 weeks later...

From TAT

Dear Sir/Madam,

According to the information by TAT Office in Narathiwat, the fare of the van

from Narathiwat Airport to Narathiwat Town have risen from 50 Baht to 80 Baht.

The van service is available only at the flight's arrival time. The drivers

will be waiting for their passengers right at the airport and passengers just

go outside the terminal to use the service.

Best regards,

R. Buramook

Information section

E-mail: [email protected]

Tourism Authority of Thailand (www.tourismthailand.org)

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