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Why Would A Thai Girl Get Involved With A Farang?

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      I did not meet my wife in a bar.  She has a university degree, and was a virgin when we met.  We were introduced by mutual friends.

Wow! You must be the world's first guy to have met a Thai girl this way!!


I've been resisting the urge to post something in this topic, but this stupid and ignorant comment deserves a reply.

You speak utter crap. :o

Agree !

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Ok let's me speak as a Thai girl.. :D

always good to hear from Thai person here - especially a girl ! :D

thanks for good input !

BTW - sunlaree, tell the truth as Thai girl - Tomazi isn't Thai name / word, right ? sounds more like malay or even japanese ... if at all asian ....

Tomazi - are you trying to speak on behlaf of Thai gals here ? coz seems likethere are some other Thai girls who has different point of view ! :o

yeah Tomazi is not Thai name :D

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Foreigners look different, smell different and have hair everywhere. Their company is embarrassing for Thai girls, since farangs make all kinds of mistakes, get angry easily, make a scene over little things and talk a lot about their problems. The communication is difficult not only because of the different languages, but also because of the different way of thinking - lots of misunderstandings, long discussions because she said the "wrong" thing, and being accused of lies, even though she was only talking in a wishful thinking way. Most farang are not "sanook", after the initial fun time of partying in bars and discos they get serious soon.

Other Thais look down on her because they know she met him in a bar. They look down on her because a decent Thai girl should be together with a Thai man.

So why does a Thai girl get involved with a farang? Does the straight nose, the light skin and the blue eyes make up for all those drawbacks?

perhaps you should change the title of your post to:

Why Would A Thai Girl Get Involved with Rolo Tomazi?

Rolo Tomazi, is this you?


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-This is the real story of how a wishy-washy nobody gets a king’s ego.

:oA gem. If we had a farang ladies quote of the week, this would be it (and no, you wouldn't need to be a farang lady) :D

Facts :

1. MOST Thai women marry farang chaps because they are neither wanted by Thai men nor successful in life.

2. Farang men are thought by the less educated and worse off Thais to be richer, cleverer and better looking than Thai men.  A statement which is highly flawed, given that MOST farangs in Thailand are the ones having been outcompeted socially and occupationally in their countries, and in most cases they are merely bald, sex-starved and pot-bellied mingers.

3. Farang men therefore feel priveleged being in Thailand and are desperate to marry Thai women.

These are painful and harsh but you must admit their also true.

Wow. Where have all of you been on this forum?

Thai women go out with farang men cause farang men have a lot of money and they do not, end of story

What about thai women who already have more money or a simlar amount of money to the foreign man ? Yes, it does happen mate. How do you factor that into your theory ?

...it don't happen so often...

It may appear that it doesn't happen that often, in fact it probably forms the smallest sector of thai-foriegner relationship types, but it does happen !! People usually only talk about BGs or GTGs, but there is a 3rd category ETGs (elite thai girls). ..

It doesn't happen that often in comparison to the opposite ratio. And your quote that elite Thai girls are not concerned about money is one of the biggest misconceptions of all time: they are the most concerned about money! Everything here is about status and face, and the elite have the most to lose in that regard.

(We are often better equipped physically than thai guys, at least that's what I'm told  )

sorry to break your delusions, but as a women with a fair bit of knowledge on this subject :D your not :D


Totally seconded Boo!

:DMy thoughts exactly. Thirds!

Edited by kat
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Why is that farang blokes with Thai girlfriends have always been rejected by farang girls in the past ?

This is also true for the other way round.

Why do I even bother?

He has letters before his name, Meadish, and must therefore be brought under consideration...

Hang on a sec, that says "DJ", not "Dr". Nevermind.

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Quite right meadish - why should we bother. We are apparently just

merely bald, sex-starved and pot-bellied mingers

Well we have both put on a few pounds.

Sheeeesh, talk about an axe to grind. Suddenly we are all Bill Maynards

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Rolo Tomasi was a character in "LA Confidential".

your right, a quick Google and it appears "Rolo Tomasi's" abound,

... I needed this Tomasi diversion from this heavy thread ... :o

This is almost correct. Rolo Tomasi was a name given to the unknown bad guys who always got away with murder. Catching the "Rolo Tomasi" was the reason given by the young police lieutenant for joining the force in LA Confidential.

But, for an even further diversion from this thread, what is the connection between Rolo Tomasi and Keyser Soze?

Edited by Thomas_Merton
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Rolo Tomasi was a character in "LA Confidential".

your right, a quick Google and it appears "Rolo Tomasi's" abound,

... I needed this Tomasi diversion from this heavy thread ... :o

This is almost correct. Rolo Tomasi was a name given to the unknown bad guys who always got away with murder. Catching the "Rolo Tomasi" was the reason given by the young police lieutenant for joining the force in LA Confidential.

But, for an even further diversion from this thread, what is the connection between Rolo Tomasi and Keyser Soze?

Neither existed?

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Rolo Tomasi was a character in "LA Confidential".

your right, a quick Google and it appears "Rolo Tomasi's" abound,

... I needed this Tomasi diversion from this heavy thread ... :o

This is almost correct. Rolo Tomasi was a name given to the unknown bad guys who always got away with murder. Catching the "Rolo Tomasi" was the reason given by the young police lieutenant for joining the force in LA Confidential.

But, for an even further diversion from this thread, what is the connection between Rolo Tomasi and Keyser Soze?

Neither existed?

Seems like nobody knows (or cares?) including Rolo Tomasi!

So for you, Pie Boy:

Rolo Tomasi were the dying words of the character played by Kevin Stacey in the film LA Cofidential. Another "Rolo Tomasi" type character (bad guy who gets away with murder and worse) was Keyzer Sozo in the film The Usual Suspects. In the brilliant dying seconds of this film, it is revealed who Keyser Soze is: the character played by Kevin Stacy.

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  • 2 weeks later...

      I did not meet my wife in a bar.  She has a university degree, and was a virgin when we met.  We were introduced by mutual friends.

Wow! You must be the world's first guy to have met a Thai girl this way!!


I've been resisting the urge to post something in this topic, but this stupid and ignorant comment deserves a reply.

You speak utter crap. :o

Really, people believe it is impossible to meet decent girls in this country. Depends where you look!!! As a starter, go-go bars might not be a good place to start!

Agree !

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coz thai ladies behaves well and honestly wiht couples, i think that so, i have a swedish boyfriend and truthful , honestly wiht you i esteem his-self respect him  :D

and on another thread

and i looking for farang boyfriend on Thailand but i amot prostitude na ka but i like farang >>>  :D

and again

my bf live in Sweden, i am single >>  :D and looking for but willnot meet  :D and who want you appication ? i am not fix age  :o

eh? which is it? :D:D:D

Edited by bkkmadness
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Haven't been to this forum for a while...

Now see that things have not changed...

Still fun to come round here once in a while though.....

Why would a Thai girl get involved with a Farang??

Well, I guess there are many different reasons... for some, it's the money... for others... it's the (so-called) status.... and for many more (who already have BOTH money AND status), the reasons are not that far off from any other relationships in the world....

Just my opinion...

Personally, am with my guy because I love him... and why do I love him?... well... he understands me... I understand him... We are compatible... with similar outlook in life...I guess that pretty much covers it.

I don't think you can pinpoint the 'ultimate' answer to the question why a Thai girl would get involved with a Farang. We would be here till the cows come home.....


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