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Recommended Book "and Then One Morning"


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I just wanted to recommend to anyone looking for a good book related to Thailand to read "And Then One Morning" by Aaron Le Boutillier. I bought it at a book store in Bangkok last month. I bought it because I visited Kho Phi Phi for the first time in July. I started reading it this past weekend and could barely put it down.

Anyway, I'm just passing on my experience. I'd also be curious to hear if others that have read it were as moved as I was by this personal account of what happened that aweful day.

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I met Aaron on several occasions in Phuket because he trains the Tourist Police Volunteers in self-defence techniques - all completely free of charge. I can say that Aaron comes across as a totally unselfish person and a great guy! I have read his book and it is a very moving first-hand description of his experiences during the Tsunami.

You should buy this book! Apart from being an excellent read, profits from the sale are donated to various different Thai charities.


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You should buy this book! Apart from being an excellent read, profits from the sale are donated to various different Thai charities.

If you are referring to me when you say this, then I can assure you that I did buy the book. I brought it back with me to the US. If you are referring to others, then I totally agree. It is well worth the price.

Aaron certainly exposes much of himself in this book. It is courageous of him and a true reflection of the love he has for Heinz and his family.

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I am glad you like the book ,i will mention to Aaron that it was recomended on Thai visa when i e mail him later today .As was mentioned he is a nice guy ,i have known him for many years both here and in the U.K.

Yes, please let him know how moved I was. His writing was so vivid that I felt I was reliving what he went through. I have never read a book in so few days in my entire life. It was so enthralling that I spent the entire weekend reading it from cover to cover. My heart goes out to all those touched by this tragedy.

One of the most heart wrenching parts for me was Aaron's description of Dino wearing one shoe and Dino's matter-of-fact explanation of how he lost his shoe in the big wave.

I hope he sells a million copies. Give him my regards.

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I am glad you like the book ,i will mention to Aaron that it was recomended on Thai visa when i e mail him later today .As was mentioned he is a nice guy ,i have known him for many years both here and in the U.K.

Yes, please let him know how moved I was. His writing was so vivid that I felt I was reliving what he went through. I have never read a book in so few days in my entire life. It was so enthralling that I spent the entire weekend reading it from cover to cover. My heart goes out to all those touched by this tragedy.

One of the most heart wrenching parts for me was Aaron's description of Dino wearing one shoe and Dino's matter-of-fact explanation of how he lost his shoe in the big wave.

I hope he sells a million copies. Give him my regards.

he has read your quote here on thaivisa and is glad that you read the book ,i will be seeing him soon when we go to BKK for a few days.

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I was talking to Aaron on Thursday and suggested he register here and post his own comments.

He obviously hasn't done so yet, so let me pass on his comments, which were basically to say thank you to everyone who has bought the book, and said nice things about it.

Aaron's royalties from book sales go to fund schools and orphanages in the tsunami-affected areas of Thailand, so you not only get a moving and graphic first-hand account of this dreadful tragedy, but are supporting a good cause as well.

Aaron has said that it took him three years until he could bring himself to write down the events on paper, such was the traumatic experience he went through, an experience he captures well in And Then One Morning, published through the appropriately-named Big Wave Publications.

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