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The Chiang Mai Medical Check-up?

Drew Aitch

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Hi Forum

A mate of mine who is around my age (late 40's) decided to have a full medical check-up in Bkk a few months back. Total cost was about 16,000 Baht. Nothing untoward or suspicious was found, and so he was given a clean bill of health and sent on his merry way.

I recently went for a medical check-up in Chiang Mai. I also needed a clean bill of health certificate so that I could apply for a new 5 year driving licence. The doctor asked me if I was feeling ok, to which I replied, 'Fine thanks doc' He then charged me about 70 Baht and gave me the required paperwork……..

Personally, I like to follow the rule of if something is not broken then don't try to fix it. I think when it comes to health issues there's always a possibility of finding stuff that's not really there if you allow your mind to wander after reading too much literature on a subject. This is how hypochondria sets in! That said, there are certain recommendations for both men and women to get tested for various common ills and conditions after they reach a certain age group.

The reason for this post is because I might be going on some prescription medication in the near future, and it's important that blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and heart condition are all in fine fettle before commencing. This is not a requirement of the doctor, but on the information sheet that comes with the meds.

Personally, I feel as strong as an Ox, I'm not overweight, and I exercise regularly, so my gut feeling is that there is no need to get checked out for any of the above on the assumption that all is well with the ole body.

But there's then again, it would probably just be a quick, simple, and painless experience to get checked for the above? It would also give a little peace of mind before starting on medication. So I guess my question in a long-winded sort of way is can I get a medical check-up in CM that is somewhere between the Bangkok Buddy's full work-over and the laughable medical certificate given by the doc by answering a simple question. Anyone had any quick check-ups here which include BP, cholesterol readings, and a few other general checks? Until recently i haven't been to visit a doctor for about 12 years, so i'm not really up to speed with how the system works :)

Thanks in advance


Edited by Drew Aitch
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Sripat Medical Center has several levels of check-ups available starting at about 800 Baht on up to about 4500 Baht which they check you for everything under the sun. You should at least get checked for the things you mentioned, plus prostate, etc. The "Silver" package at 3300 Baht is pretty good value

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Is this the sort of check-up you are looking for?

Program J (For Men)

  1. Physical Examination [PE]
  2. Complete Blood cell Count [CBC]
  3. Platelet Count
  4. Urinalysis [u/A]
  5. Glucose
  6. Kidney Function Test [bUN , Creatinine]
  7. Uric Acid
  8. Liver Function Test [Total Protein, Albumin, Globulin,Total Bilirubin, Direct Biliriubin, AST , ALT , ALP]
  9. Cholesterol
  10. Triglyceride
  11. High Density Lipoprotein [HDL]
  12. Low Density Lipoprotein [LDL]
  13. Very Low Density Lipoprotein [VLDL]
  14. Total Calcium, Inorganic phosphorus [Calcium , PO4]
  15. Chest X-ray
  16. Electrocardiogram [EKG]
  17. Alpha-fetoprotien [AFP]
  18. Carcinoembrionic [CEA]
  19. Prostate Specific Antigen [PSA]
  20. Thyroid Function Test [Thyroid FT3 , FT4 , TSH]

Total 4,080 Baht

Have a look at the Sripat Website http://www.cmed.cmu.ac.th/container-eng/?cat=3

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I got Sripat's 3,300 baht chekup earlier this year. When one critical indicator (creatine) crept to barely above normal, five years of prior tests at Sripat showed no cause for alarm. Five years of EKG'S, xrays, lab tests, MRI's, eye exams - all accessible on same database. But if you get wheeled in some day with no baseline to compare, who knows what you are, that couldn't have been found earlier. There are silent killers.

Drew, "everything put together, sooner or later falls apart" - Paul Simon

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Hi Forum

A mate of mine who is around my age (late 40's) decided to have a full medical check-up in Bkk a few months back. Total cost was about 16,000 Baht. Nothing untoward or suspicious was found, and so he was given a clean bill of health and sent on his merry way.

I recently went for a medical check-up in Chiang Mai. I also needed a clean bill of health certificate so that I could apply for a new 5 year driving licence. The doctor asked me if I was feeling ok, to which I replied, 'Fine thanks doc' He then charged me about 70 Baht and gave me the required paperwork……..

Personally, I like to follow the rule of if something is not broken then don't try to fix it. I think when it comes to health issues there's always a possibility of finding stuff that's not really there if you allow your mind to wander after reading too much literature on a subject. This is how hypochondria sets in! That said, there are certain recommendations for both men and women to get tested for various common ills and conditions after they reach a certain age group.

The reason for this post is because I might be going on some prescription medication in the near future, and it's important that blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and heart condition are all in fine fettle before commencing. This is not a requirement of the doctor, but on the information sheet that comes with the meds.

Personally, I feel as strong as an Ox, I'm not overweight, and I exercise regularly, so my gut feeling is that there is no need to get checked out for any of the above on the assumption that all is well with the ole body.

But there's then again, it would probably just be a quick, simple, and painless experience to get checked for the above? It would also give a little peace of mind before starting on medication. So I guess my question in a long-winded sort of way is can I get a medical check-up in CM that is somewhere between the Bangkok Buddy's full work-over and the laughable medical certificate given by the doc by answering a simple question. Anyone had any quick check-ups here which include BP, cholesterol readings, and a few other general checks? Until recently i haven't been to visit a doctor for about 12 years, so i'm not really up to speed with how the system works :)

Thanks in advance


Aitch ... Do not regard C/Mai as a small town, it is Thailand's second city no less, with all the advantages and facilities one would expect including hospitals.

Hospital RAMA 1 has a selection of health check's from minor to major depending on what you want with all the details clarified on their leaflets that is to say from 2000 THB up to 7000 THB. and if one has a particular request then that too can be dealt with (plus additional cost) since the technical equipment in situ is up to date.

Lanna Hospital has also a selection of various health checks and is slightly cheaper than RAMA 1. visit them both and collect the appropriate brochures which outline the various details.

There are of course several other Hospitals in C/Mai offering the same service, so visit them in person or 'online' look at their services, then take your pick, traveling to BKK for this purpose is not necessary.

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I had my last couple of physical exams done at Sripat and I've always been quite happy with the services I've received there and the specialists I've seen. BUT the one thing that bothered me was that after you take all your blood tests, EKG, chest x-ray, etc., the "physical exam" consists of sitting in the chair while the doctor reads you the results of the tests. Now where I come from, a physical exam consists of the doctor examining you, i.e. listening to your heart and lungs, checking your throat, eyes, ears, poking at your abdomen, and dare I say it, checking the old prostate. :) These are all quite important when you are 50 or over. I always got the feeling at Sripat that the doctor was in a rush because there were 20 other patients waiting to see him.

For this reason, I'm taking my next physical exam at a smaller clinic recommended in another thread in this forum.

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Hi folks and thanks for some good responses :)

Drew, "everything put together, sooner or later falls apart" - Paul Simon

Ha ha lol :D Yes, okay, this is true, but i would like to think I'm still pretty well glued together:) I know, i know, YOU NEVER KNOW, but i choose not to focus on such thoughts at this stage of my life.

To be honest guys, the last thing i want is any kind of detailed medical that covers god knows what. I just don't see the point of poking around into the dark depths of the body testing for this that and the other bugger when general health and fitness is in good condition. I'm sure the body will let me know as and when it needs repairing :D Okay, so prevention is better than cure, but prevention from what? And do i really need to know!!!

But it's nice to see that there are a variety of health check packages out there as I honestly had no idea! I'll probably go for the most bog-basic check-up i can dig up so long as it covers what's outlined in the first post.

I was out with a few mates the other month, and the conversation (over dinner) revolved around their experiences with prostate cancer, replacement knees and hips, dental plates, by-pass surgery, and gout! At 48 I just don't feel qualified to join that club yet (my time shall come!), and touch wood, it'll be another 12 years before i have to visit the doctor again after this current episode :D

Thanks once again one and all, your feedback is appreciated :D


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Hi folks and thanks for some good responses :)
Drew, "everything put together, sooner or later falls apart" - Paul Simon

Ha ha lol :D Yes, okay, this is true, but i would like to think I'm still pretty well glued together:) I know, i know, YOU NEVER KNOW, but i choose not to focus on such thoughts at this stage of my life.

To be honest guys, the last thing i want is any kind of detailed medical that covers god knows what. I just don't see the point of poking around into the dark depths of the body testing for this that and the other bugger when general health and fitness is in good condition. I'm sure the body will let me know as and when it needs repairing :D Okay, so prevention is better than cure, but prevention from what? And do i really need to know!!!

But it's nice to see that there are a variety of health check packages out there as I honestly had no idea! I'll probably go for the most bog-basic check-up i can dig up so long as it covers what's outlined in the first post.

I was out with a few mates the other month, and the conversation (over dinner) revolved around their experiences with prostate cancer, replacement knees and hips, dental plates, by-pass surgery, and gout! At 48 I just don't feel qualified to join that club yet (my time shall come!), and touch wood, it'll be another 12 years before i have to visit the doctor again after this current episode :D

Thanks once again one and all, your feedback is appreciated :D


Drew a word of advice from a reasonably healthy old fart. prevention is better than cure. Age is not a barometer for ill health,genes,diet and life style are. Kids die of cancer in their teens. Last week or so a 26 year old top Spanish footballer collapsed and died. I am not suggesting in any way it will happen to you but we are talking about such a small amount of money for peace of mind, why wait, do it. (we await your results with interest )

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Drew a word of advice from a reasonably healthy old fart. prevention is better than cure. Age is not a barometer for ill health,genes,diet and life style are. Kids die of cancer in their teens. Last week or so a 26 year old top Spanish footballer collapsed and died. I am not suggesting in any way it will happen to you but we are talking about such a small amount of money for peace of mind, why wait, do it. (we await your results with interest )

Hi Sparkles.

Yes, I hear what you're saying and a little healthy maintenance is probably the mature thing to do. But to be honest, getting full medical checks when nothing is wrong seems like a waste of time and money. Back home, if someone announced that they were going for a medical check-up, you would respond with something along the lines of; "Why. Are you sick?" What that means is it's not normal to get medical check ups unless there is cause for concern :)


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Hi Forum

A mate of mine who is around my age (late 40's) decided to have a full medical check-up in Bkk a few months back. Total cost was about 16,000 Baht. Nothing untoward or suspicious was found, and so he was given a clean bill of health and sent on his merry way.

I recently went for a medical check-up in Chiang Mai. I also needed a clean bill of health certificate so that I could apply for a new 5 year driving licence. The doctor asked me if I was feeling ok, to which I replied, 'Fine thanks doc' He then charged me about 70 Baht and gave me the required paperwork……..

Personally, I like to follow the rule of if something is not broken then don't try to fix it. I think when it comes to health issues there's always a possibility of finding stuff that's not really there if you allow your mind to wander after reading too much literature on a subject. This is how hypochondria sets in! That said, there are certain recommendations for both men and women to get tested for various common ills and conditions after they reach a certain age group.

The reason for this post is because I might be going on some prescription medication in the near future, and it's important that blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and heart condition are all in fine fettle before commencing. This is not a requirement of the doctor, but on the information sheet that comes with the meds.

Personally, I feel as strong as an Ox, I'm not overweight, and I exercise regularly, so my gut feeling is that there is no need to get checked out for any of the above on the assumption that all is well with the ole body.

But there's then again, it would probably just be a quick, simple, and painless experience to get checked for the above? It would also give a little peace of mind before starting on medication. So I guess my question in a long-winded sort of way is can I get a medical check-up in CM that is somewhere between the Bangkok Buddy's full work-over and the laughable medical certificate given by the doc by answering a simple question. Anyone had any quick check-ups here which include BP, cholesterol readings, and a few other general checks? Until recently i haven't been to visit a doctor for about 12 years, so i'm not really up to speed with how the system works :)

Thanks in advance


Lanna Hospital also does checkups. You can have blood tests/ BP etc and they cost far less than your friends ( I suspect RAM Hospital which is very expensive). There is a 'menu' here you can chose different levels of test. Not as smart as Ram ,but very competent, I've been going there for a long time. Had an ultrasonic scan to check on the lower half.

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I had my last couple of physical exams done at Sripat and I've always been quite happy with the services I've received there and the specialists I've seen. BUT the one thing that bothered me was that after you take all your blood tests, EKG, chest x-ray, etc., the "physical exam" consists of sitting in the chair while the doctor reads you the results of the tests. Now where I come from, a physical exam consists of the doctor examining you, i.e. listening to your heart and lungs, checking your throat, eyes, ears, poking at your abdomen, and dare I say it, checking the old prostate. :) These are all quite important when you are 50 or over.


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I had my last couple of physical exams done at Sripat and I've always been quite happy with the services I've received there and the specialists I've seen. BUT the one thing that bothered me was that after you take all your blood tests, EKG, chest x-ray, etc., the "physical exam" consists of sitting in the chair while the doctor reads you the results of the tests. Now where I come from, a physical exam consists of the doctor examining you, i.e. listening to your heart and lungs, checking your throat, eyes, ears, poking at your abdomen, and dare I say it, checking the old prostate. :) These are all quite important when you are 50 or over. I always got the feeling at Sripat that the doctor was in a rush because there were 20 other patients waiting to see him.

For this reason, I'm taking my next physical exam at a smaller clinic recommended in another thread in this forum.

The physician in the clinic on the corner of Loi Kroh Rd and Soi 3 (his name I'm sorry to say I forgot) will do all you could possibly want for <1,000 baht..but you may experience a fair wait as he is so dam_n good.

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Drew a word of advice from a reasonably healthy old fart. prevention is better than cure. Age is not a barometer for ill health,genes,diet and life style are. Kids die of cancer in their teens. Last week or so a 26 year old top Spanish footballer collapsed and died. I am not suggesting in any way it will happen to you but we are talking about such a small amount of money for peace of mind, why wait, do it. (we await your results with interest )

Hi Sparkles.

Yes, I hear what you're saying and a little healthy maintenance is probably the mature thing to do. But to be honest, getting full medical checks when nothing is wrong seems like a waste of time and money. Back home, if someone announced that they were going for a medical check-up, you would respond with something along the lines of; "Why. Are you sick?" What that means is it's not normal to get medical check ups unless there is cause for concern :)


I'm guessing you take better care of your car i.e. you get it serviced every 10,000kms or so.

I never went to the doctor for about 15 years, then at 40 I had a dizzy spell and the wife bullied me into making an appointment. The result, a blood test revealed high cholesterol, lifestyle changes did not improve things, so it was a daily tablet. Cholesterol is just one of many silent conditions that can kill, the first thing many people know is that they have a heart attack...well they know if they survive.

Get a basic check up at least, it might be scary that it will turn up some condition you don't want to know about, but catching things early is for the best.

Back home people don't get check ups because National health schemes can't afford to offer them. many companies do provide them for manager etc.

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Dr Morgan at the HCMC Clinic on the Hang Dong Road offers a full health check at a very competative price...(way way cheaper than I ever paid at CMR.

I had some blood tests done there recently and could not believe how little it cost.

She even follows up with e-mails...a great service, and she speaks perfect English.

Her number is 053 804 405

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Drew a word of advice from a reasonably healthy old fart. prevention is better than cure. Age is not a barometer for ill health,genes,diet and life style are. Kids die of cancer in their teens. Last week or so a 26 year old top Spanish footballer collapsed and died. I am not suggesting in any way it will happen to you but we are talking about such a small amount of money for peace of mind, why wait, do it. (we await your results with interest )

Hi Sparkles.

Yes, I hear what you're saying and a little healthy maintenance is probably the mature thing to do. But to be honest, getting full medical checks when nothing is wrong seems like a waste of time and money. Back home, if someone announced that they were going for a medical check-up, you would respond with something along the lines of; "Why. Are you sick?" What that means is it's not normal to get medical check ups unless there is cause for concern :)


Using that logic, you shouldn't worry about what you eat either.

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Prevention is indeed better than cure, but these tests don't prevent anything and IMO there is little good evidence that getting them done regularly leads to a longer life span. The best prevention is a risk managed diet and life style and carefully observing your own body and mind.

While I suppose getting a blood test and colonoscopy every thirty days wouldn't be harmful, the same cannot be said for Xrays and the more you can avoid bodily intercepting them the better. IMO annual chest (and dental and mammo) Xrays increase rather than decrease your total health risk in the absence of any other symptoms or findings.

Edited by cloudhopper
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McCormick Hospital in the Health Center,the basic program costs 1900 Baht,covers pretty much everything important.

I have experience of mccormick

They don't try and sell you procedures you do not need. They are very communicative. They spend time with you.

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Drew a word of advice from a reasonably healthy old fart. prevention is better than cure. Age is not a barometer for ill health,genes,diet and life style are. Kids die of cancer in their teens. Last week or so a 26 year old top Spanish footballer collapsed and died. I am not suggesting in any way it will happen to you but we are talking about such a small amount of money for peace of mind, why wait, do it. (we await your results with interest )

Hi Sparkles.

Yes, I hear what you're saying and a little healthy maintenance is probably the mature thing to do. But to be honest, getting full medical checks when nothing is wrong seems like a waste of time and money. Back home, if someone announced that they were going for a medical check-up, you would respond with something along the lines of; "Why. Are you sick?" What that means is it's not normal to get medical check ups unless there is cause for concern :)


Sorry you have lost me. How do you know when nothing is wrong ????The whole point of having a check up is to see if there is something that may be in the early stages with no alert system ringing bells.

A few months ago my perfectly healthy looking wife ,who was feeling great at my insistence had a medical. Au ultrasound indicated tumours in her womb ,most likely benign according to the specialist . However they grew and she recenty had a hysterectomy at RAM. If she hadnt taken action they could have caused much bigger problems later on. They were benign and she is recovering. I dont know how else I can explain the importance of regular check ups without repeating myself. In the end its up to you if you dont want to "waste", as you put it, your time and money.

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Some radical Medical Doctors claim that the more time you spend at a Doctor's office the more chance you have of getting seriously ill. They are against the yearly check up for that reason.

I'm not saying that I agree with them, but what they say is certainly worth considering,

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Prevention is better than cure. Early detection is far better than late treatment.

When you reach your late middle age there are plenty of diseases that await.

Eventhough you take good care of yourself how do you know there is no tiny tumor growing inside?

Check up is for this purpose, how often? That is the issue.

Some honest dr can tell you. Some certain test is just unneccessary and just a waste of your money.

The best thing is to discuss with your dr and they can give you good advise.

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A British friend of mine has never had his vision checked in 58 years. Therefore he has no idea about eye disease or degeneration. Prostate checks by urinalysis, while not foolproof, often detect prostate cancer. How do you know you don't already have cancer, any of ten STD's, TB, etc. without a checkup at least every few years? You don't know. You needn't fly to London or Rochester or Bum's-your-Dad.

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Sorry you have lost me. How do you know when nothing is wrong ????The whole point of having a check up is to see if there is something that may be in the early stages with no alert system ringing bells.

It's like my ole grandmother used to say; 'You die if you worry, and you die if you don't! So why worry? Look, I only started a post asking if there's somewhere to get a few basic health checks, i.e. BP, cholesterol, and heart – that's all – there was no further discussion requested, even though some posts have been somewhat interesting!

I'd sooner be busy living life than worrying about what disease or condition might, just might, be lurking in the dark depths of the lonely body. Maybe there is some mystery illness waiting to pounce and throw apparent good health into a downward spiral. Phew! Perish the thought! I'd prefer not to squander the days, weeks, months, and years even, wondering when Dr. Death is going to come knocking. If you go looking for stuff that ain't there, you'll probably find it regardless. Ever heard the saying; If you keep going to the barber shop, you will eventually get your hair cut'.

My philosophy is this – go to doctors and hospitals when you're body warns you that something might be wrong, or if it's been suggested by a medical professional (off-line). Apart from the suggested middle-aged prostate checks and smear tests for women, no one in the UK goes to get 'thorough health check-ups' when they're in fine fettle. We just don't! And before anyone knocks the British National Health Service (NHS) as being substandard or inadequate, we have on average a longer life expectancy than North Americans and some West European countries.

We human's are a long time dead, and I'll concern myself about dying a lot nearer the time. If some of you like to keep popping in and out of clinics getting check-up after check-up (just in case), then that's up to you, but I fail to see why anyone would want to frequent such places while in apparent good health (despite what MIGHT be skulking in around the skeleton).

After my 'mini' check-up, I hope I'll not to need another doctor's appointment for a further 15 years. If I do need to go sooner, then so be it. And if I don't, then that suits me just fine and dandy too. Oh, and if I wake up dead one morning, then it was all a fuss about nothing anyway :)


Edited by Drew Aitch
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Dr Morgan at the HCMC Clinic on the Hang Dong Road offers a full health check at a very competative price...(way way cheaper than I ever paid at CMR.

I had some blood tests done there recently and could not believe how little it cost.

She even follows up with e-mails...a great service, and she speaks perfect English.

Her number is 053 804 405

At risk of being labelled a shareholder again (as in another thread on Dr Morgan) - the Mrs and I had medical check-up here last week, and are pleased with the detailed professionalism.

Downside is have to make some diet/exercise improvements - which are long overdue!

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I have been going to the Loi Khroh clinic for my last 3 annual checkups and found Dr. ????? having a good command of the English language, professional, thorough and surprisingly in-expensive,

but out of curiosity,

has anyone using the Loi Khroh clinic also tried the new Hang Dong road clinic?

Edited by vagabond48
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