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Wow, 15,000 Posts!


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 I seldom take offence at anything. I'm quite confident in who I am and figure anyone who is intentionally offensive without being provoked has a problem themselves.

A man after my own heart. As that great philosopher Popeye said 'I yam what I yam'.

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Hmmmmm!! you really are a angry man? Why?


You may have missed the point, as unsubtle as it was. I'll add smiley's next time, just for you. :D

Consider the fact that 'Jerk your chain' may mean different things to different people, and some of them may be Rude!!

If you are a regular reader then I'll let you in on a secret - nothing I write here should be taken seriously or at face value. :)

BTW, IanForbes awarded me three Smileys. I thought it might be worth only two but then he is a happy chappy.


OK I got you... but must admit that you remind me a bit of somebody else on this forum

who says that he is mean all the time and a bad man. He is also joking as he says....

So just to say I understand, I give you 2 small smileys

Glegolo :D:D

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Congrats ! PB

Always enjoy reading your posts. :D Thanks for sharing your thoughts and your experiences, best of all I had learned some of life wisdom through your words.

Please continueing what you're doing best.

I see myself reading your 100,000th post in a not so far distant future. :)

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Congrats ! PB

Always enjoy reading your posts. :D Thanks for sharing your thoughts and your experiences, best of all I had learned some of life wisdom through your words.

Please continueing what you're doing best.

I see myself reading your 100,000th post in a not so far distant future. :)

Tinkerbell, my old buddy! Say lady, you're looking a bit green around the gills there. You may need to sprinkle some magic pixie dust. The trouble with too mamy posts is that you can't always say something new and clever at the sperm of the moment.
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I'm one of those fortunate enough to have the pleasure of face-to-face (i.e. non-biblical :) ) "knowledge" of PB - and have good cause to be grateful to him for advice on many things Thai and non-Thai........... from the mysteries of two-wheeled machines to the vagaries of two-legged creatures. And some of that advice I have also taken - and given some in return. Long may he prosper.

[PS, PB: As I see I'm approaching my albeit paltry 2,000th* post, I'll PM you with a few notes for your spontaneous congratulations/compliments on my milestone]

* Might well have been 3,000th by now were it not for my happy decision some months ago not to participate further in the tediously repetitive dialogue of the deaf conducted by the same dozen die-hards over in News Clippings. :D

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