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Ways To Improve 'western Foreigner' Reputation Here


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Why is a topic so often brought down to sleeze,sex tourists and bargirls?.......so the permanent ex pat residents in Thailand can blame the dislike of the foreigner on this group of people.......

Do none of you understand jealousy?.....think the Thai people do not possess this trait?.......I have lost count of the number of 'farang houses' built in villages.....new ute outside.........all alongside dwellings of Thai farmers who have worked hard all those years on the farm for next to nothing......what effect do you think this imbalance has on the villagers.....really?........and when this new found wealth comes to the village and is not shared a little.....what effect do you think that has on Thai opinion of foreigners?......and when the farang ignores a blind beggar........and when the farang complains about a 300 baht nightclub entry charge....not just walk away....or heaven forbid pay it!!!.......look at the Thai position taken on foreigners buying land........good grief look around you......Thai rak Thai.......Thailand for Thais.......

This is not about sex tourists.......this is about rich foreigners buying up Thailand it is about high earners from abroad taking advantage.........it is about Thailand for Thai people........personally I think the anti foreigner feeling is probably no bad thing in the best interests of Thailand......

On a recent visit to relations upcountry I noticed a very large Western style house being built. A salient feature was a very high hall being set in place around the perimeter of the property. I mentioned to my son in law that I thought it commissioned by a farang. He confirmed my opinion. I told him that the wall was a dead give away.

I think that this was discussed out of my hearing because later that day I said to my wife how much I was, as always, enjoying myself in the company of my family and the village people. She said that they all loved me and offered that a prime reason was that I stayed in the family home and not in a local hotel. I interpreted this as that they appreciated my attempts to integrate with them.

With regard to my home in Pattaya/Jomtien that is a creature of a different stripe. It is MY house and everything is conducted on UK lines. My wife explains to all what the rules are, such as helping themselves to anything in the refrigerator - or indeed anything else - is strictly verboten. A simple request is required and I, or her adorable self, will make a decision one way or the other. It is seen by me, and now also by her, as the difference between a charitable act or theft and herself explains this. The use of the words "Please' and Thank You' are mandatory. (Yeah, I'm very old English :) ) As a cousin said, coming to my house is like a trip abroad without having a passport. It seems that it is an experience that Thai people enjoy just as much as I enjoy living amongst them.

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Make an effort to learn at least passable Thai if you're here for the long term. The long termer who hasn't even a basic grasp of the language and gets pissed off and insults the locals when the poor girl in the 7-11 doesn't understand what he wants when he tries to buy stuff using English earns nothing more than my contempt.

I always use my rudimentary Thai in 7-11 and other shops. When I am not understood I have the nous to know that my pronunciation is at fault. Making sure that I have a large grin on my oh so attractive face I gently ask the assistant if they speak Thai. This sets everybody off in fits of giggles while I assume a look of amazement and ask if I have said something funny. I find that many Thais do not understand jokes but acting the clown can so easily bring a touch of merriment.

Pulled in by a roadside cop he asked for 200 baht. I asked why I should hand over any of my hard earned. He told me that I had been exceeding the speed limit. I protested with a smile and told him that my truck couldn't get above 80 clicks. He grinned back and said that I was clocked at 119ks. That he used such unusual number put me on guard and I realised I was going to have to fork out. He then pointed out two cops down the road that I hadn't noticed operating a radar gun. Still I lightly protested that I wasn't travelling at that speed and he asked what speed did I think I was doing. Easy one, eh? I told him 120 at which he burst into laughter and told me 100 would be OK. I opened my wallet and being short of readies found it contained a solitary 50 baht note. He gently extracted it and wished me a pleasant journey. We shook hands, laughing at what had been a nice experience for us both.

So often have I seen Brits in different parts of the world raise the volume of their voices when not understood. Possible candidates for Darwin awards?

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Not offended at all. I have lived here full time for 8 years- spent a few months here every year since '82- worked here for a year in the mid 90s-As can be calculated- I'm not young- nor are most of my Thai acquaintances and friends. That may have something to do with it. I know that in the west young people are almost obsessively concerned with appearances- always have been- and it probably isn't much different here either- but I dont think most young people pay us old farts much attention regardless of how we dress.

Some people find suits offensive- they are the uniform of those who wish to convey dominance and power- like a military uniform worn by corporate soldiers. I would much prefer that my country be invaded by a bunch of foreigners wearing singlets and cargo pants- than wearing suits.

But certainly basic hygiene is important- that's just common sense.

But branching off a bit- I would hope that at some point the Thais start asking themselves what their reputation is, such that so many unappealing characters wash up on their shores each day.

Well- I'm being a bit facetious- but the bottom line is- I have no complaints about the way I am treated by Thais. In fact, I am surprised at how nicely I am treated- and my wardrobe is not- shall we say- top shelf. And I really don't feel like the treatment afforded to me by THais- strangers as well as acquaintances- is in any way shaped by their experiences with seeing unkempt foreigners (or kempt ones for that matter) on the BTS.

I sure have learned one thing though over the years- you walk around looking snooty- or angry- or miserable- and it won't matter how sweet you smell- how tussled your hair- or current your suit- Thais pick up on face very very fast= and amazingly, I think, accurately.

Thanks for the reply. I'm glad I was wrong. You've been here longer than me and say you don't think Thais treat you any differently because of how other westerners dress. I didn't mean to suggest this might be the case. But the thread is about westerner reputation so we should surely take the whole and not the indivuduals. I don't even own a suit but I suggest everyone wearing one would only help. Its a strong and ridiculous example but one I hope shows how often I hear Thais complain about the way some westerners dress themselves. I am also treated on the whole very well. But this thread isnt about me or about you and one should not deny we have a reputation regardless of either of us.

Of course you and the other posters mentioning attitude as important are right- its also very important. As is language. But since most Thais do not interact with most of us, and a great deal of them see us more than they interact with us, the way we look I think still matters, for better or worse. Coupled with their own judging of Thais based on appearance, skin colour, etc etc.

Edited by OxfordWill
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