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Thailand Is Deadliest Holiday Destination For Britons

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There is some possible confusion here- there are two stories getting mixed up really: 1) Some UK youngsters often less educated tend to be more volatile, disrespectful, drunk when abroad- you do not get that many reaching Thailand. No one quite knows why this so perhaps the UK is so repressed, so socially unrelaxed, so routine driven, not family centered so that when people get in the sun, drink beers or go on holiday they go bonkers. Was it not the mayor of Riga who complaining about English males peeing over their cultural monuments and called the English "the pigs" of Europe?

2) The absoulutely frightening road accidents and UK fatalities in Thailand is very disturbing; the UK to its credit has one of the lowest road fatalities in the world and some of the best road safety and road planning etc.,all aimed at minimising serious road accidents. Thailand does not do this and here we know the THAI government is at fault for not imposing law and order on their traffic systems, on wearing helmets, wearing safety belts, stopping U -turns on dual carriagways , crazy crossing points, stopping babies being carried on bikes, stopping young teenagers on bikes, stopping vast numbers of people being carried on pick-ups., stopping the massive long distance buses speeding along as if they had the biggest road rights, Like it or not Thailand is very backwards on Road safety and needs to get its act together to save the pointless death and destruction of its own nationals and its visitors.


I usually get along with everybody and that includes the Brits. All nationalities have their idiots and you can see examples of those behaviours every day in Thailand-it isn't limited to the British :)

I've often heard Brits say "At least in Thailand we are free!" I believe that perception of "freedom" -which is actually lawlessness- attracts many misfits of many different nationalities.

One trait I have noticed about many British is their intense disatisfaction with life back home. Many simply do not have any positive comments about the UK. Expats by nature do have wunderlust and a curiosity of foreign lands sometimes bordering on an inability to adjust at home; however, many of us still enjoy life in our native countries and are content to live there as well...

Well this looks very encouraging for the high season this year also, what else can this government do or say to make a happy tourist influx to this country??? So far they are looking like they are totally against frangs- :)

It's not the Thai governments fault that British low-class people tend to drink too much.

They are they very same I try to avoid and even British friends complain about.

They are the main reason I only go to British pubs here if I have to due to meeting someone there.

Just take a look at British Farang at Songkran


My recommendation: Britons stay home. I wonder anyhow why they still let them leave their island!! :)

I am an American Guy, I have lived in Thailand 5 years, Brittan 6 months, Spain a month and France a month, the British behavior while on holiday is outrageous. I fully understand the Spanish Government arresting them repeatedly, if not in bulk and deporting them, Drunk and fighting every night in the pubs, France too. There were bars in France where I couldn't get a drink until I showed my passport to prove I was not British. Thailand is a little further, we can hope only the somewhat more responsible Britts get that far from home, that they might not still be somewhat special, I have no doubt. Behave yourselves! English speakers around the world suffer the consequences of what U do on Holiday! :)

....and English speakers around the world suffer the consequences of what U do in the Middle East :D

otherwise I totally agree we should sweep 'em off the streets, give'em a bayonet and a new M-1 as the song says and put all that excess testosterone to positive imperial use like you guys do. :D


"Brittan" Guy


I started the original thread and yes im a Brit yes i was a frequent visitor to patong yes i like a drink and have fun i have read the post's and it sickens me that we brits are slagged off a piss head whoremongering trouble makers. All the so called brits that live in the LOS are i believe not brits but people jumping on the brit bashing wagon. Lets just have a quick think here where was the beer mat thief from in patong dont remember a brit or brits being chased down the beach rd. Where was the guy from just nicked at swampy with the ecstasy stashed in his undies from, where were the 2 prisoners just executed from need i go on. The tread was about safety not brit bashing, to say we ride about drunk is totally arrogance is it not the fact that most fatalities are caused by locals riding on the wrong side of the road sometimes coming straight at you or the fact the locals ride about at night without lights on or the truck drivers driving vehicles with defective brake's then running off when there is an accident, i could go on and on. These are facts not fiction, was it not the governor of phuket said we get more trouble and bad behaviour from the aussie tourists. Not many brits mentioned there was there. How many young brits in the last year have comitted ( suicide) from throwing themselves from balconies, not a single 1 of you that live there in phuket have mentioned your gun murders in the last 2 monthes, so its ok to have a shootout in a resort full of tourists. or take out 3 men sat having a beer. is Thailand dangerouse ask the guy in phi phi who was drugged and robbed last week. Incidently there with his wife not a brit lager lout.


The British do have a poor reputation abroad it's true, but in Thailand there are so many visiting nationalities is it really only British tourists that behave badly? I am sure that one reason Brits go a little mad on their holidays is because thanks to the nanny state we have back home where everything is either illegal or bad for your health, there's a sense or relief to leave all that crap behind!

It also doesn't help that many tourists seem to think the ideal place to learn to ride a bike is an island in Thailand.

Maybe they look around them and think "if a 10 year odl can ride a motorbike it must be easy!

Cheap motorbike rentals + cheap booze + lax traffic laws = Thailand Is Deadliest Holiday Destination For Britons

:) Cheap motorbike rentals, cheap booze?.....lax traffic laws?....Do you really think that Thais who rent bikes are telling Brits to drink lots of alcohol, to rent big bikes they never had driven before? The question is: Why is Thailand the deadliest holiday destination for them? I think we all know the answer, right? 1. Who likes expensive motorbike rentals? 2. Should alcohol be much more expensive to prevent them to drink and drive? 3. lax traffic laws is one reason why a lot of people like this country, wouldn't they take your license ,if you've got one, back in the UK after a lot of alcohol? For god's sake: Your incompetent brainless statement looks like you don't know anything about this country. Let's call it freedom. If it's not a good place to go to, why don't you go to Ibiza? No cheap girls? Time for you to wake up.

I am an American Guy, I have lived in Thailand 5 years, Brittan 6 months, Spain a month and France a month, the British behavior while on holiday is outrageous. I fully understand the Spanish Government arresting them repeatedly, if not in bulk and deporting them, Drunk and fighting every night in the pubs, France too. There were bars in France where I couldn't get a drink until I showed my passport to prove I was not British. Thailand is a little further, we can hope only the somewhat more responsible Britts get that far from home, that they might not still be somewhat special, I have no doubt. Behave yourselves! English speakers around the world suffer the consequences of what U do on Holiday! :)

I pretty sure you can't deport EU citizens from an EU country.


Subsequently, the ECJ had decided in April 2004, a designation also offenders EU citizens was only in "extreme cases" be made if the time threatened to expel a "present danger" to public safety. In weighing possible changes in personality while in custody were taken into account, as well as the protection of the family.



So this has become a 'Brits Abroad' thread.

I would say that the majority of the lager lout types do not go to Thailand; they have their resorts in Spain, Greece and Cyprus and I feel sorry for any local or regular holidaymaker that ends up there unwittingly and these idiots ar a total disgrace.

In Phuket the English are no worse than the Swedes, Finns, Aussies.

The thread is actually about the dangers of holidaying in Thailand. I would guess that it's not just the English who would come up with these statistics either. There are numerous threads on here, many quite recent, pertaining to the ongoing dangers of Thailand as a tourist detination. For those that disputed thjis, I hope this latest report mighht enabple you to change your stance that Thailand is an extremely safe country for tourists.

I think you are right - it is the English who cause all these problems not the other Brits - Welsh, Scots, N.Irish. :)

Or did I misinterpret your anglo-centric writings?

Today's lesson for the geographically/dermographically challenged

English = from England (not Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland)

British = from Great Britain (but generally accepted to include Northern Ireland) and includes England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland

Er, slight correction to your correction.

Northern Ireland is not part of Great Britain. It is part of the UK. See link below-

Terminology of the British Isles

People from Northern Ireland are entitled to dual citizenship and two passports (British and Irish), as are people from many other parts of the world.

But in general I agree with the other points. It is a small minority of English people that give the majority a bad name.

Back on topic

We all know that Thailand is a very safe country.

However, the old saying applies '' If you go looking for trouble, you will probably find it''.

Riding a motorbike, without a helmet, in any country, is dangerous. Throw in alcohol as well, and we have a lethal mixture.

Just take a look at British Farang at Songkran


My recommendation: Britons stay home. I wonder anyhow why they still let them leave their island!! :)

:D I totally agree with you. Hopping from Island to Island might not be as dangerous as driving a scooter after having 15 big beers and driving through the night to find some flesh. All Brits should have a big B in front of their scooters, ( with neon light) that Thais realize that they've to drive on the right (left)? side.


The combination of extreme carelessness (sheer stupidness) fueled with excessive alchohol and 'speed', mixed with the chaotic traffic environment found on all Thai roads will no doubt lead to a deadly and in most cases fatal ending. This happens everywhere throughout the world, however, is highlighted in Thailand where there is an intrinsic and particularly blase attitude by many visiting farang that "she'll be right Jack". Just take a look at any intersection and its your "hel_l on wheels" or a start to Le' Mans. Stats like these don't surprise..... :)

The British do have a poor reputation abroad it's true, but in Thailand there are so many visiting nationalities is it really only British tourists that behave badly? I am sure that one reason Brits go a little mad on their holidays is because thanks to the nanny state we have back home where everything is either illegal or bad for your health, there's a sense or relief to leave all that crap behind!

It starts in my local pub, which has no windows towards the street, but smoking inside is forbidden. Germans and Dutch people go outside to have a smoke, the Brits stay inside at the bar, and don't give a hoot about the laws. And there are signs everywhere. :)

Thailand is deadliest holiday destination for Britons

British tourists are more likely to be killed in Thailand than any other destination, according to new figures released today.

I am not surprised, those drunk loud and very very often obnoxious brits are to be found everywhere here in Thailand.

I'm a Brit living in Thailand and I have to say I agree with the comments above. Too many Brits come here and use the country like a playground wherer anything goes.

I have been coming to Thailand for many years and have recently noticed some Thais becoming a little tired of farangs in their country. I don't blame them, I'm tired of some farangs being here and I'm a farang!!

Its not excusivly British who use the country as a playground - i've seen plenty of American and Europeans doing the same

And what about Aussies ? even WORSE !!


The good news is the British tourists will not be able to continue their drunken fighting ways in Thailand much longer because UK economy is totally clusterf*cked. I mean really fubared. Thanks to Mad Maggie's Reagan-Lite politics and all-out outsourcing of the industrial base. All is left is selling crappy houses to each other but even that is failing nowadays badly.

I am an American Guy, I have lived in Thailand 5 years, Brittan 6 months, Spain a month and France a month, the British behavior while on holiday is outrageous. I fully understand the Spanish Government arresting them repeatedly, if not in bulk and deporting them, Drunk and fighting every night in the pubs, France too. There were bars in France where I couldn't get a drink until I showed my passport to prove I was not British. Thailand is a little further, we can hope only the somewhat more responsible Britt's get that far from home, that they might not still be somewhat special, I have no doubt. Behave yourselves! English speakers around the world suffer the consequences of what U do on Holiday! :)

It's worth noting that the true Brit does not exist any more. The Britisher of yeaster-years is nothing like the Britisher of today. Today's Britisher is a mish-mash of many cultures and races. just because they sound like a Londoner, Brummie, Scouse, Jordie, Mancunian Yorkie or Scot; doesn't make them one. The behavior today of the so called Britisher is appalling both in Britain and outside of Britain. There is no defense for the way in which they behave. I ask you - what else can you honestly expect? What I am about to say now should not be taken in any way as being random racism, but, when you have a platform of multi races formulating the core of your country e.g. Lebanese, Indians, Africans, Muslims, Saudis Jamaicans Europeans and any other race of people that now inhabit Britain, they just don't embrace the same beliefs or thinking. A common standard of behavior is not able to be established; so don't expect a standard code of behavior from todays Britisher. When they leave their home shores and head for any other shores, be aware that "Behavior is not a word they know or even start to understand". It's not going to happen; not as long as their arse points to the ground. Just try to rise above it, compromise your own tolerance levels knowing that you have a better understanding of some of the underlying reasons as to why they behave like they do; but you don't ever excuse it.


Oh fer gawds sakes. KIDS, listen up!!

Yanks (and Canucks to a much lesser degree) are dominant in their hemisphere getaways, places like Peurto Vallarta, Cabo, Cancun etc and one just has to see 'spring break' to see some similarities of 'Muppets R US'.

Brits on the other hand are most dominant in this hemisphere, places like Spain, Thailand etc, thus, suffer more dominant negative views due to sheer #s.

This doesn't mean to say either group on the whole is a biligerent bunch of drunken tossers, just with their dominant groups within each hemisphere 'hot-spot', this may be the take-away impression by others.

BOTH groups may share one commonality - both likely disdain nanny-states, yet once overseas and finding themselves in a spot, many expect nanny-state protection... hel_l, this ain't Kansas or Coventry, this IS Thailand!

Play nice, play safe, keep well and enjoy. :)


Er, slight correction to your correction.

Northern Ireland is not part of Great Britain. It is part of the UK. See link below-

Er, slight correction to your correction.

Do not wish to inflame any fans or fan any flames?

Northern Ireland is NOT part of the United Kingdom. The United Kingdom comprises Scotland and England only.

In 1603 King James VI of Scotland took over the throne of England, therefore Uniting two Kingdoms under one crown.

Wales was a Principality of the English crown and had been since the Plantagenets.

When Scotland and England merged Parliments in 1707 you had the Union. This produced the Union flag comprising the Saltire of St Andrew and the cross of St George. When Ireland was brought into the union the saltire of St Patrick (Red on a white background) was added. So the Union flag is England, Ireland and Scotland. No Welsh flag

Northern Ireland was a political creation resulting from the Irish home rule bill of 1922.

That is why a british passport say "The United kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland"

No offensive intent is made or implied by the above. Its just the facts. Google if you do not believe

I am an American Guy, I have lived in Thailand 5 years, Brittan 6 months, Spain a month and France a month, the British behavior while on holiday is outrageous. I fully understand the Spanish Government arresting them repeatedly, if not in bulk and deporting them, Drunk and fighting every night in the pubs, France too. There were bars in France where I couldn't get a drink until I showed my passport to prove I was not British. Thailand is a little further, we can hope only the somewhat more responsible Britts get that far from home, that they might not still be somewhat special, I have no doubt. Behave yourselves! English speakers around the world suffer the consequences of what U do on Holiday! :)

It's worth noting that the true Brit does not exist any more. The Britisher of yeaster-years is nothing like the Britisher of today. Today's Britisher is a mish-mash of many cultures and races. just because they sound like a Londoner, Brummie, Scouse, Jordie, Mancunian Yorkie or Scot; doesn't make them one. The behavior today of the so called Britisher is appalling both in Britain and outside of Britain. There is no defense for the way in which they behave. I ask you - what else can you honestly expect? What I am about to say now should not be taken in any way as being random racism, but, when you have a platform of multi races formulating the core of your country e.g. Lebanese, Indians, Africans, Muslims, Saudis Jamaicans Europeans and any other race of people that now inhabit Britain, they just don't embrace the same beliefs or thinking. A common standard of behavior is not able to be established; so don't expect a standard code of behavior from todays Britisher. When they leave their home shores and head for any other shores, be aware that "Behavior is not a word they know or even start to understand". It's not going to happen; not as long as their arse points to the ground. Just try to rise above it, compromise your own tolerance levels knowing that you have a better understanding of some of the underlying reasons as to why they behave like they do; but you don't ever excuse it. :D

I would be interested to know how many of these accidents, deaths and incarceration are related to alcohol.

......And Drugs.....

I am an American Guy, I have lived in Thailand 5 years, Brittan 6 months, Spain a month and France a month, the British behavior while on holiday is outrageous. I fully understand the Spanish Government arresting them repeatedly, if not in bulk and deporting them, Drunk and fighting every night in the pubs, France too. There were bars in France where I couldn't get a drink until I showed my passport to prove I was not British. Thailand is a little further, we can hope only the somewhat more responsible Britts get that far from home, that they might not still be somewhat special, I have no doubt. Behave yourselves! English speakers around the world suffer the consequences of what U do on Holiday! :)

I pretty sure you can't deport EU citizens from an EU country.

Yes, EU citizens can be "kicked-out" of an EU country and sent back home (under certain circumstances).


For two years, I worked for on eof the UK's local authorities doing a post that involved having to go to most departments' committee meetings. It is one of the country's most rural authorities with a population of around 50,000. However, people in the main towns were reporting a major fear of crime and those over 30 were complaining they were too afraid to leave their homes in these towns after 8pm, even in Summer. It was due to lager louts and binge drinking - people drinking for the sake of getting drunk and causing trouble including assault and murder. Our Authority tried to combat this by setting up alcohol-free zones and issuing more and more ASBOs (Anti-Social Behaviour Orders). However, things are no better. They are in fact getting worse.

The British psyche is that it is cool to get drunk at every possible opportunity and be as rude and violent as possible. It is probably why we need a Police State whereas other parts of the worlds can do without it.

One thing is for sure, Thais do not consider somebody's nationality in their judgement of people. These nutters cause Thais to feel resentful to all Westerners.


it's probably because our traffic is rubbish and the motorbikes in Thailand and Britain aren't the same, the Britons probably find it harder to drive a motorbike in Thailand than in Britain

And yes most UK people take advantage of being able to drink and drive and accordingly pay the consequences of their stupidity! :)

The problem here is that OTHER people pay the consequences of their stupidity - i.e. the drunk, incompetent motor cyclist or car driver causing the accident which injures or kills others.

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