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So I've seen many snakes around here, and for the most part I feel fine with them. It's the jungle, it's their territory, no problem. But last night coming home with the groceries I noticed the dogs going batshit in the backyard. I turned the corner and saw they were barking at a cobra. It was standing with the hood raised and all.

I could have had a heart attack. It's the first time I saw one on the defense mode. The hood is pretty impressive. Well it had no problem overstaying it's welcome. It was there in the same spot for 20 minuets while I tried to figure out a plan to get inside and just let it go on it's merry way.

Since it was hanging out, pissed off at the backdoor, I just waited until it left and let the dogs out in the street so not to tempt fate.

My question is: Is there an organic way to keep them off the property? I've got a small backyard and I don't want them around. There are too many people going in and out of my house at all times of the day and night. And seeing how territorial this one was, I can tell it's not easy to just shoo them away with a broom, without killing them.


I would have thought that the presence of dogs around the yard would be about as good an organic snake deterrent as one could find. Apparently, I'm mistaken.

Perhaps you can buy a mongoose. 555


If the snakeis attracted by a source of food (mice?) you should deal with that first, otherwise was the snake looking to nest there, covered areas, wood piles etc.

Have a read throught the Pets, Plants and Vets forum, many related snake threads that will help you.



The best way to deal with snakes is leave them alone and they will go away, most people bitten by snakes are bitten when they try to kill them, as previously mentioned if no source of food such as mice etc and no where for them to live such as stacks of timber and sheets of any material lying on the ground they will move on, for every snake you see there will be at least 10 you don't see.


Yeah well that makes sense. We just recently had a mouse problem. Duh. Will get that taken care of asap.

The dogs are not really a deterrent. They bark at it and it just stays there in defense mode. I don't want to take chances on one of them getting bit.

Also thanks I'll check out more snake related topics. Like what to do when you get bit and where to go for help.

thanks everyone!


The best way is to Run Away but dont run straight, run zig-zag and it will not follow for long. That's what I've heard of from a guy who had experienced a Cobra.


If you do a search through this forum you should find the number for a snake guy who does come and take them away. I might even do a check for you if I get a moment or two.


Here you go. Try this :-

There is a charity called the Phuket Raum Jai Rescue Foundation which specializes in catching snakes (and other dangerous critters) FOR FREE !!!.

I used them once and they were very good. They do not kill the snake but release it far away.

Contact Khun Sayan Tammapant at

I believe he does not speak much English so get a Thai to call.

More here :-


Try the above thread for phone number

Cheers & Good Luck.


Snakes do not hear as we do they feel vi abrasions from the ground, there eyesight is good, it was the dogs running around it that put the snake in a defensive mood, if you are walking in a area where you suspect there are snakes stomp your feet and they will get out of the way, as for running away in in a zig zag there are some aggressive snakes but none that i know of in Thailand, they wont zig zag but come straight after you and bite you on the butt.If you come upon a snake suddenly and it stands up in a defensive mood its best to stand still and the snake will go away, you are to big to eat and the snake is probably more freighted than you.

The best way is to Run Away but dont run straight, run zig-zag and it will not follow for long. That's what I've heard of from a guy who had experienced a Cobra.

What?! They will follow you?! :D Don't run straight but zig-zag?! I didn't know that, I thought we could just walk away. Jeezuz, are we all nuts to live here where we can be attacked and chased by Cobras? :) Something present only in nightmares back home but not unusual in the Land of Snakes. I still think if I ever see one in strike mode up close and personal, I will croak on the spot.


Was trimming the long grass at the side of the garden a few months back. Wife and son were down at the "outlaws" so I thought I'd tidy up the garden.

The grass was maybe 6" long and I was cutting with hand shears when a dark (brown/black) object launched itself at me, yes it was a snake.

Now in hindsight, I had a pair of shears in my hands and could have defended my self but in the instant I saw the movement I would have left Usain Bolt trailing in second place over those first 10 metres.

It did pursue me for quite a few metres and on enquiring afterwards, my Thai friends informed me it would attack if a nest existed and was threatened.

We searched the area afterwards and no nest was found. So those who say stand still and it will go away, well I would question those words of wisdom.

The best way is to Run Away but dont run straight, run zig-zag and it will not follow for long. That's what I've heard of from a guy who had experienced a Cobra.

What?! They will follow you?! :D Don't run straight but zig-zag?! I didn't know that, I thought we could just walk away. Jeezuz, are we all nuts to live here where we can be attacked and chased by Cobras? :) Something present only in nightmares back home but not unusual in the Land of Snakes. I still think if I ever see one in strike mode up close and personal, I will croak on the spot.

What alot of bullshit.... Sorry, you do not have anything to worry about. Just take it cool. In worst case, take a hose and spray some water on the snake, directing it to get away. Or call the Thai guy as mentioned before. Do not try to catch or frighten it.

1. There are no repellants, spray, chemicals or plants that will make the snakes to disappear. Sorry. Just a way to trick money from people.

2. There might be situations where a snake (King cobra or Taipan or Mamba will try to defend itself, for a couple of meters... EXTREMELY RARE!!! But at the first chance, they will escape.

3. Don´t try this, but you can actually catch a common cobra by hand. If you know what you are doing.

Please read some of my posts and you will find pictures as well as some more info.

Even my kids laugh at that post now....

Was trimming the long grass at the side of the garden a few months back. Wife and son were down at the "outlaws" so I thought I'd tidy up the garden.

The grass was maybe 6" long and I was cutting with hand shears when a dark (brown/black) object launched itself at me, yes it was a snake.

Now in hindsight, I had a pair of shears in my hands and could have defended my self but in the instant I saw the movement I would have left Usain Bolt trailing in second place over those first 10 metres.

It did pursue me for quite a few metres and on enquiring afterwards, my Thai friends informed me it would attack if a nest existed and was threatened.

We searched the area afterwards and no nest was found. So those who say stand still and it will go away, well I would question those words of wisdom.

If you were working quietly and the snake felt no vibrations from the ground and it could not escape in another direction of course it will come towards you and 6 inches of grass is plenty to hide a very large snake, before you start work stomp around for awhile and any snakes will take of as long as they have some way of escaping, i had a situation where i was burning of old grass in a paddock i set light to a patch of grass, after the fire spread to a area of 12 inches a tiger snake reared up on the opposite side and took of, i almost set alight to its nose, i was working quietly and did not expect a snake to be there and was not stamping my feet as i worked, guess what the grass was about 6 inches long.

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