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Mandalay Club Thais Free Falang 300 Baht!


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So last night i wanted to show some friends around chiangmai these guys were asian from usa.

now we had a great night until we got to mandalay they had no problem getting in to the club as they looked thai, for me as im a white guy they wanted 300 baht. i didn't pay the money as i thought it was just pure racist ! we went and spent the rest of our night elsewhere.

they obviously don't want falang in their club.

im from the uk now can you imagine if there was a club in london where if you was black you had to pay and if white you didn't??

ok im not from thailand but neither were my friends.

i just think this is a bit uncool. :)

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So last night i wanted to show some friends around chiangmai these guys were asian from usa.

now we had a great night until we got to mandalay they had no problem getting in to the club as they looked thai, for me as im a white guy they wanted 300 baht. i didn't pay the money as i thought it was just pure racist ! we went and spent the rest of our night elsewhere.

they obviously don't want falang in their club.

im from the uk now can you imagine if there was a club in london where if you was black you had to pay and if white you didn't??

ok im not from thailand but neither were my friends.

i just think this is a bit uncool. :D

try Fabrique next time :)

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all essential for the thai economy

if thai's had to pay farang prices they would need farang wages. where would the rice be then?

The one time at the Madalay they tried the same but relented immediately when I turned around with a simile right away; but the Thai's that invited me out were far wealthier than me.

The part I find funny is when your asked for the special price and then you politely refuse, sometimes the charges are waived. Kinda like 'oh well i tired', the it never hurts to ask philosophy applies here.

There is several well documented cases from the large cooperation I previously worked of employees taking foregin speaking customers for that little bit more. And yes when the company found out the employees caught were dismissed.

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try Fabrique next time :)

Good idea because there it's a farang bouncer who tells you that you have to pay 300 baht while your Thai friends get in for free. Neither place will ever see my money, but it's good people can be warned in advance.

This is what the bouncer thinks of people who don't want to pay 300 baht:

"khunvee good man and well said come down to fabrique and have a drink with us, keep your 300 baht in your pocket your the kind of customer we want, not scum"


post 41

Nice guy

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I love these Mandalay and Fabrique threads. They always get shut down by the mods but they are so much more interesting to read than the "Where can I buy flea powder? / Great new burger joint" type threads.

Personally, I really don't care about paying 300 baht. My attitude is that there are hundreds of places in Chiang Mai that want my business and make me feel welcome, so I am happy to take my business elsewhere. What always upsets me reading these threads is when an employee, manager or diehard fan of Mandalay or Fabrique starts up with one of these same old excuses:

1. They have to keep out the farang who only take up space listening to music and don't drink anything.

2. They have to keep out the farang who don't dress properly.

3. They have to keep out the farang who are loud and obnoxious and start fights.

4. Farang make more money than Thai and should have to pay more.

Did I miss any? I get upset at these arguments because I feel they are dishonest. So here is my little rant:

#1. The argument that farang don't drink and just take up table space is the weakest argument of them all. To say that ALL Thai people drink and ALL westerners don't makes no sense at all. I know many Thai that enjoy chatting with their friends in clubs and don't want to get drunk. My Thai girlfriend doesn't drink at all. Sometimes I don't. So what does that have to do with race? Whether a person wants to have a glass of water or drink a beer has absolutely nothing to do with race, it's up to the individual, and basing a pricing policy on the idea that you can tell how much someone is going to drink based on their skin color is just being dishonest.

#2. "Farang don't dress properly so we have to charge extra to keep out the 'riff-raff'." So if I wear shorts, slippers and a tank top and have 300 baht will I be refused entry? If I wear a tuxedo will I get in free? Nuff said. The pricing policy has nothing to do with dress code. If improper attire was the problem they would post a dress code at the door.

#3. "Farang start fights and cause problems." Again, no race or ethnic group has a monopoly on being obnoxious and starting fights, except maybe Australians. I've seen Thai guys (and girls) drunk and fighting in clubs just as much as anyone else. It's just not true to say that farang are worse than Thai and everyone knows it. Young guys and alcohol = rowdy behavior and fights, no matter what country you come from.

#4. And lastly, "Farang have money and should have to pay more". What?! I see quite a few Mercedes parked in front of Mandalay and Fabrique, and I'll bet that not a one of them belongs to the 20 and 30 something farang backpackers that are getting charged to go in. Are you going to tell me that the backpacker that can only afford a cheap guesthouse bed has more money than the guy who rolled up in his BMW, just because the backpacker is farang? I don't think so. Mandalay and Fabrique don't have any customers who are wealthy retired farang. It's the younger tourists and expats who are scratching to make a buck that go there.

The last argument that seems to pop up after these threads get heated is, "We don't want your kind coming anyway". At least that one rings true.

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#3. "Farang start fights and cause problems." Again, no race or ethnic group has a monopoly on being obnoxious and starting fights, except maybe Australians.

Woa there fella. Aren't you guilty here of the same kind of sweeping generalizations you accuse others of?

Some of the nicest people I've ever met are Australian, though even that is beside the point.

I'm with you on all the rest.

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I love these Mandalay and Fabrique threads. They always get shut down by the mods but they are so much more interesting to read than the "Where can I buy flea powder? / Great new burger joint" type threads.

Personally, I really don't care about paying 300 baht. My attitude is that there are hundreds of places in Chiang Mai that want my business and make me feel welcome, so I am happy to take my business elsewhere. What always upsets me reading these threads is when an employee, manager or diehard fan of Mandalay or Fabrique starts up with one of these same old excuses:

1. They have to keep out the farang who only take up space listening to music and don't drink anything.

2. They have to keep out the farang who don't dress properly.

3. They have to keep out the farang who are loud and obnoxious and start fights.

4. Farang make more money than Thai and should have to pay more.

Did I miss any? I get upset at these arguments because I feel they are dishonest. So here is my little rant:

#1. The argument that farang don't drink and just take up table space is the weakest argument of them all. To say that ALL Thai people drink and ALL westerners don't makes no sense at all. I know many Thai that enjoy chatting with their friends in clubs and don't want to get drunk. My Thai girlfriend doesn't drink at all. Sometimes I don't. So what does that have to do with race? Whether a person wants to have a glass of water or drink a beer has absolutely nothing to do with race, it's up to the individual, and basing a pricing policy on the idea that you can tell how much someone is going to drink based on their skin color is just being dishonest.

#2. "Farang don't dress properly so we have to charge extra to keep out the 'riff-raff'." So if I wear shorts, slippers and a tank top and have 300 baht will I be refused entry? If I wear a tuxedo will I get in free? Nuff said. The pricing policy has nothing to do with dress code. If improper attire was the problem they would post a dress code at the door.

#3. "Farang start fights and cause problems." Again, no race or ethnic group has a monopoly on being obnoxious and starting fights, except maybe Australians. I've seen Thai guys (and girls) drunk and fighting in clubs just as much as anyone else. It's just not true to say that farang are worse than Thai and everyone knows it. Young guys and alcohol = rowdy behavior and fights, no matter what country you come from.

#4. And lastly, "Farang have money and should have to pay more". What?! I see quite a few Mercedes parked in front of Mandalay and Fabrique, and I'll bet that not a one of them belongs to the 20 and 30 something farang backpackers that are getting charged to go in. Are you going to tell me that the backpacker that can only afford a cheap guesthouse bed has more money than the guy who rolled up in his BMW, just because the backpacker is farang? I don't think so. Mandalay and Fabrique don't have any customers who are wealthy retired farang. It's the younger tourists and expats who are scratching to make a buck that go there.

The last argument that seems to pop up after these threads get heated is, "We don't want your kind coming anyway". At least that one rings true.

Oh Yes you missed one.

Farang get free drink for 300 baht. So we are not really charging you 300 baht. :):D I would guess that most farangs that go to these 2 clubs are tourists and since there is no sign at the door that says free for Asians and 300 Baht for Caucasians they dont know they are getting fleeced.It only becomes apparent if you are with a mixed group or someone makes you aware of the policy.I am sure if there was a sign up there stating this policy there would be alot less farangs going in not to mention the verbal exchanges.

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Mandaly, the HUGE club with the music so loud that it is heard over much of the Top North hotel neighborhood. They would have to pay ME B300 to endure torture like that.. :D:)

Slight correction ! Not Top North Hotel !! It's Top North Guest House.

Big difference geographically. But a backpacker here for a couple of nights would not be expected to know the difference would they :D

Edited by john b good
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#3. "Farang start fights and cause problems." Again, no race or ethnic group has a monopoly on being obnoxious and starting fights, except maybe Australians.

Woa there fella. Aren't you guilty here of the same kind of sweeping generalizations you accuse others of?

Some of the nicest people I've ever met are Australian, though even that is beside the point.

I'm with you on all the rest.

:D Sorry, I meant it tongue-in-cheek. I love Australians. :)

Edited by HTWoodson
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So last night i wanted to show some friends around chiangmai these guys were asian from usa.

now we had a great night until we got to mandalay they had no problem getting in to the club as they looked thai, for me as im a white guy they wanted 300 baht. i didn't pay the money as i thought it was just pure racist ! we went and spent the rest of our night elsewhere.

they obviously don't want falang in their club.

im from the uk now can you imagine if there was a club in london where if you was black you had to pay and if white you didn't??

ok im not from thailand but neither were my friends.

i just think this is a bit uncool. :)

I would do the same and go to Spicy that is where the wife and I go. :D

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So last night i wanted to show some friends around chiangmai these guys were asian from usa.

now we had a great night until we got to mandalay they had no problem getting in to the club as they looked thai, for me as im a white guy they wanted 300 baht. i didn't pay the money as i thought it was just pure racist ! we went and spent the rest of our night elsewhere.

they obviously don't want falang in their club.

im from the uk now can you imagine if there was a club in london where if you was black you had to pay and if white you didn't??

ok im not from thailand but neither were my friends.

i just think this is a bit uncool. :)

This sort of thing certainly does leave a sour taste in the mouth.

And these morons wonder why the tourists are staying away.

Quite honestly I would avoid these ripoff joints. Even without the entrance fees the prices are well over the top.

These days the night entertainments what`s left of them in Chiang Mai are crap and over priced.

I love Thailand and enjoy living here, but the double standards of the Thais really does spoil things. Personally I find it difficult to believe or trust anyone here.

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^Spicy :) - prob better off at Bubbles.

I enjoyed Bubbles, but it's not an after hours joint. There should be a few after hours places to go with your girl after the regular bars close. I never liked Spicey much, but there wasn't much else.

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yes the 300baht is an initial slap in the face and can be quite upsetting. however i was slightly inebbriated and soon got over it. i payed about 3 times, its kinda nice because you know that that 300baht will keep out sven and todd the backpackers that could slander and tarnish the good managay name.

recently though they have waivered the 300baht fee as i have started dating one of the coyotes there and we now enter the club together and they dont bother charging me anymore.

happy clubbing!

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yes the 300baht is an initial slap in the face and can be quite upsetting. however i was slightly inebbriated and soon got over it. i payed about 3 times, its kinda nice because you know that that 300baht will keep out sven and todd the backpackers that could slander and tarnish the good managay name.

recently though they have waivered the 300baht fee as i have started dating one of the coyotes there and we now enter the club together and they dont bother charging me anymore.

happy clubbing!

arh yes the coyotes! Forgot about them, now, where do I pay my 300 baht? :)


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yes the 300baht is an initial slap in the face and can be quite upsetting. however i was slightly inebbriated and soon got over it. i payed about 3 times, its kinda nice because you know that that 300baht will keep out sven and todd the backpackers that could slander and tarnish the good managay name.

recently though they have waivered the 300baht fee as i have started dating one of the coyotes there and we now enter the club together and they dont bother charging me anymore.

happy clubbing!

arh yes the coyotes! Forgot about them, now, where do I pay my 300 baht? :)


Nice. None of them work at Mandalay anymore though, they are at Magic Club now.

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