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Corruption At The Lowest Level


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Aug 29

Highway Robbery in Thailand

by Richard Barrow envelope.gif

Saturday 29th August, 2009 | 371 words | Category: Road Trips | 2 feedbacks » Today I received an email forward that is doing the rounds in Thailand at the moment. It shows some "highway robbers" in action in Thailand. The lady who took these pictures was annoyed with being pulled over and decided to document her experience. Don't ask me how she got away with taking these pictures. Maybe because so many people were being pulled over.

This actually happened to me a few years back when I was going down the highway in the middle of no-where. They were literally pulling everyone over for speeding though they had no speed camera to back up their claim. They apparently tried the same trick with this woman saying that she was driving too fast. She told them that it was impossible as her twenty year old car wasn't capable of going faster than 80 km/ph.

The policeman than walked around the car looking for some other reason to fine her. He then spotted that her rear license plate was missing. She explained to him that it had fallen off recently and hadn't put it back on yet. She showed him the plate in the back of the car. But, he told her it would be a 200 baht fine that she could pay immediately.

When she was lining up with other people who were also waiting to pay fines, she noticed that there were two kinds of tickets being issued. The above book shows a home-made version made with a stamp. You can see one of these home-made tickets at the bottom of the third picture. There is a drivers license on top of it. She said that the fines were ranging from 200 to 1,000 baht depending on how much you argued and how you behaved.

This final picture that she took shows that there was also a real ticket book which they would sometimes use. Maybe this one was for people who argued too much and had to pay the full price. As you can see, these photographs are dated November 2008. Of course, not all policemen are corrupt. I am not sure what the statistics are, but I have been stopped four times by Thai policemen and only one of them didn't ask for a bribe first.

Edited by cdnvic
Images removed per copyright owner's request
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Leadership is the key to most wrongs in this country and as you can see from above the post, in this case, the leadership is leading the way alright, leading the way in the dark abyss. I have never heard of anything that was this orchestrated. There doesn't seem to be any way to stop it, in my opinion, it is burned in the psyce of Thailand. "It is just the way things are", kind of thing. I really don't know what else to say. This is pathetic. I am not Thai so I cannot comment on they should run their country but as a human being, this disgusts me.

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Just to give an alternative perspective, have you heard of the West Midland Serious Crime Squad in the UK.

Now that disgusts me.

And it happens in the U.S. as well but it is not the norm. Here, it seems corruption is the norm. The vast majority of coppers in the U.S. are on the level and work to serve and to protect, the same in the U.K., I'm sure. But I don't think Thai police believe they are there to serve and to protect, they don't believe in the honor of serving and protecting unless it is seving their own ends. When a cop goes bad in the states, he sould be stamped out and dealt with. It seems when a cop is found to be corrupt here it is more "welcome to the club!". I know there are honest thai cops out there but what must they go through to stay that way? Is it like Serpico on acid?

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Just to give an alternative perspective, have you heard of the West Midland Serious Crime Squad in the UK.

Now that disgusts me.

And it happens in the U.S. as well but it is not the norm. Here, it seems corruption is the norm. The vast majority of coppers in the U.S. are on the level and work to serve and to protect, the same in the U.K., I'm sure. But I don't think Thai police believe they are there to serve and to protect, they don't believe in the honor of serving and protecting unless it is seving their own ends. When a cop goes bad in the states, he sould be stamped out and dealt with. It seems when a cop is found to be corrupt here it is more "welcome to the club!". I know there are honest thai cops out there but what must they go through to stay that way? Is it like Serpico on acid?

OK, you understood my post and maybe I misunderstood yours, perhaps it is a little more endemic in Thailand, but corruption can manifest it self at all levels wherever you are.

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My point was that there is corruption in whatever country you live in, get over it, the amount of posts and threads regarding Bib are innumerable, if you failed to understand it, I'll make it simpler next time.

and you make my point. Get over it, igonore it, don't worry about it. It is that mentality that lets evil exists in the world. If they ignored the rampant corruipt that plagued the NYPD in the late 60's and 70's, where would the city be now. If cops like Seripico hadn't stood up to it to make a difference. I am not trying to change anything in Thailand, that is for the Thais to do. But don't ask me to get over it. Wherever I see injustice I will call it out and the day where I just shrug my shouders and say "whatever" is the day I will give away my humanity card. I don't want to be like you.

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Just to give an alternative perspective, have you heard of the West Midland Serious Crime Squad in the UK.

Now that disgusts me.

How Sad, Never mind, |Grow UP :)

U obviously rennaged on a deal, you perpetrated my Son, in those days, (26years ago), if you did the crime, you served the time, now that U cocked it up, Ur bleating like a lamb that has lost it's Mummy is so Sad...........

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Just to give an alternative perspective, have you heard of the West Midland Serious Crime Squad in the UK.

Now that disgusts me.

And it happens in the U.S. as well but it is not the norm. Here, it seems corruption is the norm. The vast majority of coppers in the U.S. are on the level and work to serve and to protect, the same in the U.K., I'm sure. But I don't think Thai police believe they are there to serve and to protect, they don't believe in the honor of serving and protecting unless it is seving their own ends. When a cop goes bad in the states, he sould be stamped out and dealt with. It seems when a cop is found to be corrupt here it is more "welcome to the club!". I know there are honest thai cops out there but what must they go through to stay that way? Is it like Serpico on acid?

OK, you understood my post and maybe I misunderstood yours, perhaps it is a little more endemic in Thailand, but corruption can manifest it self at all levels wherever you are.

Yes, true, but by God never accept it.

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It is my understanding that the Policeman does not get to keep all the money they extort. It has to be shared with the rest of the pecking order upstairs. :D

Ol' Bill, always collected, that' why your skint now........................... :)

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It is my understanding that the Policeman does not get to keep all the money they extort. It has to be shared with the rest of the pecking order upstairs. :D

Ol' Bill, always collected, that' why your skint now........................... :)

Ok, really, I have no idea what that means, please in Americanized English please. Please don't make me think.

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Have you not heard?.....no-one wants to talk about it.....ignorance is bliss!

Its true there's corruption in every country,but Thailand has it everywhere, on all levels, and the sad thing is nobody cares!

There is no-one to stop it because most officials from top to bottom are getting their few baht and who is going to say no to some easy cash?

I said it in another tread and i'll say it again.....SOMEONE WITH A PAIR OF BALLS can only stop this!


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My point was that there is corruption in whatever country you live in, get over it, the amount of posts and threads regarding Bib are innumerable, if you failed to understand it, I'll make it simpler next time.

Get over it, igonore it, don't worry about it.

My post above was not aimed at you and my previous post was influenced by the innumerable posts regarding the BiB that has jaundiced my view regarding such posts.

My post in response to your OP regarding getting 'over it' on reflection was poorly worded and I wish I had not stated it, I also agree with your latter post and this should be supported by one of my signatures

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing. Edmund Burke

Good Luck


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U obviously rennaged on a deal, you perpetrated my Son, in those days, (26years ago), if you did the crime, you served the time, now that U cocked it up, Ur bleating like a lamb that has lost it's Mummy is so Sad...........

Right, I absolutely understand, or maybe not :)

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Have you not heard?.....no-one wants to talk about it.....ignorance is bliss!

Its true there's corruption in every country,but Thailand has it everywhere, on all levels, and the sad thing is nobody cares!

There is no-one to stop it because most officials from top to bottom are getting their few baht and who is going to say no to some easy cash?

I said it in another tread and i'll say it again.....SOMEONE WITH A PAIR OF BALLS can only stop this!


Acutally, I think it is quite the opposite. Believe me, I a true male chavaunistic pig, but I think poltics, the corruption in Thailand could be best stamped out if you got rid of the the men in power. Same in the Middle-East, the real work is done by the women, in the fields, in the stores, ect. They have the most at stake as mothers. I say, give them a chance to lead, they can't bullock it up as bad as the current male-dominated power regime has. What is the percentage of women in political power? God, I sound like a freakin' liberal puke. But I think Thailand neads strong women, not in the vain of Clinton but more in the vain of Thatcher or a few other female leaders out there. Ok, I need to go look up some sexist jokes to make myself feel better now.

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The police officers here are only paid about baht 5k/month and that's a big reason for why this sort of thing takes place. I taught students who were in the governement admin. in charge of the hiring and firing of the police force. They know this sort of thing happens. The officers want bigger salaries, but the government claims they don't have it. Meanwhile, those in the highest positions get HUGE salaries. The whole system is based on Thai PHOO Yai mentality.

That being said, I've been here for years and never had anything but pleasant experiences with the police. Actually, they've been some of the most friendly and helpful Thais I've ever had to deal with. So based on my experiences, I have nothing but positivie things to say about them. :)

Sorry I can't say the same for the police pigs back in the USA. They totally abuse their power! I've had a few police officers as my friends and they even agree with me on that!!!!!! The good cops get run out by the pigs in every dept. They never rat on each other even when they've murdered people unjustifiably! There is SOOOOOO MUCH corruption amongst the US police force it's unbelievable. It is a myth that they are a bunch of good guys. Only SOME of them are...

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My point was that there is corruption in whatever country you live in, get over it, the amount of posts and threads regarding Bib are innumerable, if you failed to understand it, I'll make it simpler next time.

Get over it, igonore it, don't worry about it.

My post above was not aimed at you and my previous post was influenced by the innumerable posts regarding the BiB that has jaundiced my view regarding such posts.

My post in response to your OP regarding getting 'over it' on reflection was poorly worded and I wish I had not stated it, I also agree with your latter post and this should be supported by one of my signatures

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing. Edmund Burke

Good Luck


I thought that was funny with your signature. Ok, my english is crap and that is my first language.

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The police officers here are only paid about baht 5k/month and that's a big reason for why this sort of thing takes place. I taught students who were in the governement admin. in charge of the hiring and firing of the police force. They know this sort of thing happens. The officers want bigger salaries, but the government claims they don't have it. Meanwhile, those in the highest positions get HUGE salaries. The whole system is based on Thai PHOO Yai mentality.

That being said, I've been here for years and never had anything but pleasant experiences with the police. Actually, they've been some of the most friendly and helpful Thais I've ever had to deal with. So based on my experiences, I have nothing but positivie things to say about them. :)

Sorry I can't say the same for the police pigs back in the USA. They totally abuse their power! I've had a few police officers as my friends and they even agree with me on that!!!!!! The good cops get run out by the pigs in every dept. They never rat on each other even when they've murdered people unjustifiably! There is SOOOOOO MUCH corruption amongst the US police force it's unbelievable. It is a myth that they are a bunch of good guys. Only SOME of them are...

...and you have the facts to back this up? What were you doing at the time of your arrest? Your use of the term "pig" pretty much shows your mentality. You only have hate for those that actually enforce the laws?

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Have you not heard?.....no-one wants to talk about it.....ignorance is bliss!

Its true there's corruption in every country,but Thailand has it everywhere, on all levels, and the sad thing is nobody cares!

There is no-one to stop it because most officials from top to bottom are getting their few baht and who is going to say no to some easy cash?

I said it in another tread and i'll say it again.....SOMEONE WITH A PAIR OF BALLS can only stop this!


Acutally, I think it is quite the opposite. Believe me, I a true male chavaunistic pig, but I think poltics, the corruption in Thailand could be best stamped out if you got rid of the the men in power. Same in the Middle-East, the real work is done by the women, in the fields, in the stores, ect. They have the most at stake as mothers. I say, give them a chance to lead, they can't bullock it up as bad as the current male-dominated power regime has. What is the percentage of women in political power? God, I sound like a freakin' liberal puke. But I think Thailand neads strong women, not in the vain of Clinton but more in the vain of Thatcher or a few other female leaders out there. Ok, I need to go look up some sexist jokes to make myself feel better now.

When i said "someone with a pair" i mean someone with the guts (man or woman), who's not afraid to step on some toes and tackle the problem on

all levels....no more ignoring,turning the other cheek and the never mind attitude!

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When i said "someone with a pair" i mean someone with the guts (man or woman), who's not afraid to step on some toes and tackle the problem on

all levels....no more ignoring,turning the other cheek and the never mind attitude!

I know, I was just playing with your words. Still, it seems that the best work is done by women or at least a lot of the labor but they don't have eqaul representation. Maybe it would take a women who would not worry about 'face' and would think of her country first.

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The police officers here are only paid about baht 5k/month and that's a big reason for why this sort of thing takes place. I taught students who were in the governement admin. in charge of the hiring and firing of the police force. They know this sort of thing happens. The officers want bigger salaries, but the government claims they don't have it. Meanwhile, those in the highest positions get HUGE salaries. The whole system is based on Thai PHOO Yai mentality.

That being said, I've been here for years and never had anything but pleasant experiences with the police. Actually, they've been some of the most friendly and helpful Thais I've ever had to deal with. So based on my experiences, I have nothing but positivie things to say about them. :)

Sorry I can't say the same for the police pigs back in the USA. They totally abuse their power! I've had a few police officers as my friends and they even agree with me on that!!!!!! The good cops get run out by the pigs in every dept. They never rat on each other even when they've murdered people unjustifiably! There is SOOOOOO MUCH corruption amongst the US police force it's unbelievable. It is a myth that they are a bunch of good guys. Only SOME of them are...

...and you have the facts to back this up? What were you doing at the time of your arrest? Your use of the term "pig" pretty much shows your mentality. You only have hate for those that actually enforce the laws?

You need a university crash corse on Civil Rights and Civil Liberties in the USA to understand.

Get over the brainwashing cultural USA is all THAT mentality. OKAY It's OLD school. I've advanced a bit since then, opened my eyes and now I can SEE.

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Crash courses in Civil rights/liberties sound like something a potential lawyer would be taking or a person thinking of pushing the legal system to/past its limit. The US has a multitude of both of these illustrious groups, who history will probably confirm as making absolutely no contribution to the overall good of society.

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The police officers here are only paid about baht 5k/month and that's a big reason for why this sort of thing takes place. I taught students who were in the governement admin. in charge of the hiring and firing of the police force. They know this sort of thing happens. The officers want bigger salaries, but the government claims they don't have it. Meanwhile, those in the highest positions get HUGE salaries. The whole system is based on Thai PHOO Yai mentality.

That being said, I've been here for years and never had anything but pleasant experiences with the police. Actually, they've been some of the most friendly and helpful Thais I've ever had to deal with. So based on my experiences, I have nothing but positivie things to say about them. :)

Sorry I can't say the same for the police pigs back in the USA. They totally abuse their power! I've had a few police officers as my friends and they even agree with me on that!!!!!! The good cops get run out by the pigs in every dept. They never rat on each other even when they've murdered people unjustifiably! There is SOOOOOO MUCH corruption amongst the US police force it's unbelievable. It is a myth that they are a bunch of good guys. Only SOME of them are...

"US police force"? What is that?

As a retired police officer from the US, I find your comments completely off base and without any fact supporting your claim. Offensive, to say the least.

Officers that I worked with and around for over 20 years would not put up with any corrupt officer.

You must have had some serious run ins with the deaprtment in where you lived or have lived.

When I see comments such as yours, I only assume that you are the problem, not the police.

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The police officers here are only paid about baht 5k/month and that's a big reason for why this sort of thing takes place............................................................

I don't know what the normal salary for the police are, so I can't comment on that.

However 5K per month is a fairly normal salary in Thailand.

Maybe the Thai government could afford to pay more if they did some filtering. If half the force operate solely to line their own pockets, get rid of them and pay the remainder double!

I believe that they do get commission from any legitimate fines. When half the country is riding Motorbikes without helmets and 90% of pickups DO speed, there is ample opportunity for the police to collect legitimate fines, without making up offenses.

It does seem to me that the Thai police force is overstaffed. No figures to back it up - just using my eyes. Is there really a need for a highway police station every 5 or 10 kilometres? It's 10Km to the nearest big town and I pass 4 on the way there!

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The police officers here are only paid about baht 5k/month and that's a big reason for why this sort of thing takes place. I taught students who were in the governement admin. in charge of the hiring and firing of the police force. They know this sort of thing happens. The officers want bigger salaries, but the government claims they don't have it. Meanwhile, those in the highest positions get HUGE salaries. The whole system is based on Thai PHOO Yai mentality.

That being said, I've been here for years and never had anything but pleasant experiences with the police. Actually, they've been some of the most friendly and helpful Thais I've ever had to deal with. So based on my experiences, I have nothing but positivie things to say about them. :)

Sorry I can't say the same for the police pigs back in the USA. They totally abuse their power! I've had a few police officers as my friends and they even agree with me on that!!!!!! The good cops get run out by the pigs in every dept. They never rat on each other even when they've murdered people unjustifiably! There is SOOOOOO MUCH corruption amongst the US police force it's unbelievable. It is a myth that they are a bunch of good guys. Only SOME of them are...

"US police force"? What is that?

As a retired police officer from the US, I find your comments completely off base and without any fact supporting your claim. Offensive, to say the least.

Officers that I worked with and around for over 20 years would not put up with any corrupt officer.

You must have had some serious run ins with the deaprtment in where you lived or have lived.

When I see comments such as yours, I only assume that you are the problem, not the police.

I really couldn't care less if you found my post offensive or not! That's my opinion and I'm sticking to it.

I've seen LOADS of power hungry corrupt police officers who use the 'law' to beat and even kill people unjustifiably. They are NOT at all trusted where I've been. Try looking up Parma, Ohio Police on your google search. Or how about Detroit or LAPD or Kentucky. The police and the judges in eastern and western Kentucky own most of the number 1 growing crop and it's not tobacco, it's pot. Kentucky has some of the worst police departments in the USA. And let's talk about how corrupt the New Orleans police were during the Katrina disaster. I could go on and on and on for days here but this OP is not about the US police by comparison to the Thai police now is it?!

Edited by EffectiveAnger
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