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Living In China After Thailand


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I lived for 6 months in Beijing from October last year.

If you get the right visa/permit then those woes will disappear, otherwise it can be a hassle. A lot of people go through visa companies and face a lot of rigmarole.

Beijing is the nation's government capital. They run a tight ship in Beijing as a matter of pride, they want it to look stable and safe so it mostly is.

The food isn't great. As well as the oil their idea of spicy is lumped with whole chilles and garlic. There isn't much finesse to it.

The really cold Beijing days are maximum -5, minimum -15. I experienced -29 at the Mongolian border. Then in summer they're in the mid 30s, talk about extremes.

OP didn't speak much of the language barrier. China is much less outsider (waigouren) friendly than Thailand. China doesn't expect to live off tourists though, in fact many of the tourists in China are Chinese. I was there to learn some Chinese. Remember China is charging ahead as a world economic super power, career minded individuals might want to consider that.

I wouldn't say the girls are more or less attractive, both have their primates and dolls. Probably Thailand wins though.

Chinese New Year, wow, that's something else. For 2 weeks fireworks are permitted in the city and they make a BANG of it. In a high apartment on the strike of 12 the view was amazing.

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