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It Goes Against The Grain

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There I am, outside and this 6 foot Thai man is having a go at this 5 foot Thai woman. Shoving her about and has his arm around her neck a few times as she tries to go back into the night club.

The doorman and others simply look on and do nothing.

I want to smack the b*stard. You do not fight with women!!

This went on for 5 minutes and no one helps her. Maybe a lovers tiff? Husband and wife having a spat?

When I am back inside he is sat at a table with his friend and she is sat at the opposite side of the room with her female companions. So not an obvious lovers spat, unless she is out and he wonders why. I cannot really hear or understand what is said outside.

In 5 minutes he and his friend get the bill. He walks over to her table and starts again. As he is escorted outside she lands a good one on him before marching back to the table.

Yes, I know, no interference from Farang. But it rankles the hel_l out of me that a big guy like that can manhandle a woman in that way and no-one does anything.

Ooooh, I so wanted to........


I know what you mean, but it could get you killed if you got involved. A friend of mine in Victoria BC went to the aid of a woman getting beaten by her boyfriend, and my friend was stabbed to death when BOTH turned on him. But, tt's tough to stand by and watch it happen. However, depending on the situation, I can't say I wouldn't help. I've stuck my nose in more than a few confrontations where a little more discretion would have been wiser. Fights between women and men happen frequently in Thailand, but as a foreigner it's best to stay out of their business.


If you don't understand what the fight was about, you can't realy judge if the guy was in the wrong.

Would you feel like intervening if the 5 foot person was another guy?

I know I will get howled down for saying this.

I'm not a violent person, but:

If a person hits me and I didn't deserve it, then I hit them back, harder.

If a person goes off the rails and needs to be restrained, then I restrain them.

If a person is drunk and has my car keys and is trying to go somewhere, then I will use whatever force neccessary to get the keys back.

In this age of sexual equality, the sex of the combatants shouldn't come into it, just the justice of the situation.

Who is bigger (and thus having an unfair advantage)? Who is in the wrong? Sometimes the bigger person is in the right. Sometimes the woman is in the wrong. Sometimes the woman can handle herself very well...... A million possibilities.

I think it is rational. In so saying, I have to assume that those precepts may be followed by others, therefore I wouldn't intervene unless it was an obviously bad situation.


And then there is the situation where you DO intervene, and both parties turn on YOU! I understand how upsetting it is to witness, but unless murder is being committed, I agree better to keep your distance.

Let the Thais fix Thailand. Let adult Thais kill each other.

I agree your thinking behind your first sentence. But " Let adult Thais kill each other." :)

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