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Rubber Tree Plantation


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Hi Guys

I've been offered a plantation as follows:

located South West of Surin

1200 trees on 13 rai with chanoute title.

8 years old, moving into 4th year of tapping.

960 trees being tapped, from what I understand, the remainder are young replacements.

Termite free.

Any ideas on value & likely income?

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I agree with the previous post;they were tapped too young.Anyway,to give you an ideá,where I live in NW,and not having chanot for the land,(we do not need it;nobody has),the price would be around 1 miljon-1.3 miljon.IF ! the trees were in good condition.My wife says also,that the trees will die or alternatively,not give good.I think you should wait for a better opportunity,if you want to step into this business...

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I forgot to answer your second qestion: In my area,usually you pay 50% to the tappers to do ALL the work.At this price,they have to pay for half of the fertilizor,which are rather expensive. The price of rubber fluctuates ,for now it is about 60-70 Baht/kilo. I guess in a good plantation,if you tap 2 days and let the trees rest the third day, you get about600 kg/ month. BUT,and this is a BIG but,when the trees are wet,you can not tap them! So you will miss many days from rain.And the tree must rest in the offseason,another loss of tappingoppurtunity.Good luck! PS. I do not know about Your area;I can only tell you from MY area.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello people, :) I too have just joined. My Fiance and her family have found what seems like an investment op. 23 rai, 2000 trees, all ready for first tap next year, brand new house with electric and water but seems to be about 90% finished. My fiance and her family (mother, father and 5 brothers have all tapped before) 5 hours North east of Bangkok near Bhan Kruhat. 2.9 million baht. I am looking to retire there and will start a company so I can maintain land ownership through it. I will see it for the 1st time 22/09/09 where a down payment is to be delivered. Reading some of the replies from the past replies re. pricing, I get the feeling this might not be too bad. Please advise if you can. Reason for selling is the woman feels the land is too far from her home now at her age and wants to purchase land closer to her home. should the trees be a certain diameter around at a certrain age? What is gpt/ Gallons per tap? 600? 250? Thanx for any advice

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Hello people, :) I too have just joined. My Fiance and her family have found what seems like an investment op. 23 rai, 2000 trees, all ready for first tap next year, brand new house with electric and water but seems to be about 90% finished. My fiance and her family (mother, father and 5 brothers have all tapped before) 5 hours North east of Bangkok near Bhan Kruhat. 2.9 million baht. I am looking to retire there and will start a company so I can maintain land ownership through it. I will see it for the 1st time 22/09/09 where a down payment is to be delivered. Reading some of the replies from the past replies re. pricing, I get the feeling this might not be too bad. Please advise if you can. Reason for selling is the woman feels the land is too far from her home now at her age and wants to purchase land closer to her home. should the trees be a certain diameter around at a certrain age? What is gpt/ Gallons per tap? 600? 250? Thanx for any advice

My advice....Walk Very Slowly....You're going to make a down payment and you are going to turn this over to the family...Remember...Never spend money in Thailand that you can not afford to lose...... There is no way you can set up a company that will guarantee you continued use of the land...Even the best agreement is a dodgy situation... My advice...Wait...Do nothing and keep your money in your pocket..


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