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Where To Find A Good Wig In Bangkok?


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I was severely ill 2.5 months ago (dengue) and in the last 2 wks more than 1/2 my hair has fallen out. Drs. seem quite sure it's a side effect of dengue and it will grow back, but in the meantime I think I am going to need a wig. Is there a professional wig store in Bangkok? I'm not looking for one of those cheap-y bright pink or green wigs, but a proper wig. I mean, everyone will know it's not my hair, but I don't want it to look totally silly either, I will need to wear it to work.

If anyone knows if such a shop exists I would appreciate it!


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I've seen them everywhere in the Central department stores. Maybe Robinson. Can't remember exactly where, but I was wondering through Pratunam shopping mall (the big one diagonal from Central World) and saw a shop with loads of them. I think it was the 2nd or 3rd floor.

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I've seen them everywhere in the Central department stores. Maybe Robinson. Can't remember exactly where, but I was wondering through Pratunam shopping mall (the big one diagonal from Central World) and saw a shop with loads of them. I think it was the 2nd or 3rd floor.

Better go to Pahurat - same quality, 10% price.

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I brought my girlfriend a silk Paul Smith scarf - Although she has no hair issues she sometimes wears it over her head. If you can not find a suitable wig this may be one option (although I'm sure you've considered this already). I think she looked quite quirky and attractive wearing this scarf in a different style...

Just a thought anyway - Good luck with the 're-growth'.....

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I've seen a wig shop on Petchaburi Road opposite the soi leading to Bangkok Hospital. It is almost opposite the Bangkok Hosp. Dental offices which are on Petchaburi Road. The shop appears to be primarily for women (long hair wigs in the window) but no idea of the quality or price.

Another avenue would be to talk to the cancer dept of any large hosp. and ask them where they refer their chemo patients for wigs.

Good luck.

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I brought my girlfriend a silk Paul Smith scarf...

Great idea! This will probably last months, though so while I will definitely try to pull off the Grace Kelly-in-a-convertible look a few times, I need an everyday kind of solution :D I'm a brunette, so I kind of have a fancy to get a really nice long blond wig. If I'm going to get a wig that is apparent to everyone, may as well have some fun with it :)

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I've seen a wig shop on Petchaburi Road opposite the soi leading to Bangkok Hospital. It is almost opposite the Bangkok Hosp. Dental offices which are on Petchaburi Road. The shop appears to be primarily for women (long hair wigs in the window) but no idea of the quality or price.

Another avenue would be to talk to the cancer dept of any large hosp. and ask them where they refer their chemo patients for wigs.

Good luck.

I appreciate both those recommendations. Hadn't thought of the last one, a bit morbid but probably a very good lead actually!

Can I just say, I don't live in BKK (hardly know it in fact), I live in Mae Hong Son. So more details on how to find these places e.g. when telling a taxi driver would be great. I don't know any of the landmarks you all are referring to, I will basically be making a trip to BKK just for this so probably heading straight from airport in a cab to wig shop so will need to know how to explain how to get there!

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Finding the wig shop on Petchaburi Road in Bangkok:

Go to Bangkok Hospital website.

The last tab on the right (Contact Us) has a drop down menu. The last item in the menu is the "Shuttle Bus Schedule" which shows the van schedule from various places around Bangkok (Central Dept Store, an MRT station and 2 BTS stations).

If your hotel is near one of these points, taking the van is the easiest way to get to the dental offices. Petchaburi Road can get congested at peak times.

Tell the driver you want the dental office when you get in the van. When you arrive, stand in front of the dental office building, then look across the street and you will see the wig place.

Shuttles run every 30 minutes or so during the day light hours.

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if you live in wisutcasa / pinklaow / balhampuu

they are a good shop in samsem, post for more details

i just read your details, i will pass the next days and get business card for you

The place was close, about 30 wigs on display, the number I got is 026287063 CHUR- CHAN- SHOP

Perhaps you have someone talking thai who could ring them for more information.

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