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Electric Bill Double Billing


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Hello everyone,

I am new here to thaivisa and hope I am in right forum. Also new to forums. So apologizes for any errors made in advance.

I feel I have an unique situation here. I will do my best to explain it.

In April 2009 I received my electric bill the previous reading was 4476 and present reading was 4594 bill amounted to 371.30 baht I paid my bill the regulat cashier wasnot there another woman took my cash She didnot give me a reciept, but initialled my bill and stamped it. In May 2009 my electric bill came it read 4476 again for the previous reading instead of 4594. I went to the electric company and pointed out the error. The woman I was sent to to deal with this problem said she would call me in 3 days.She never called.after one week I went back to see if if it was fixed and they forgot to call. I wanted to pay what I owed.Because the bill had me using the 4476 reading instead of the proper one 4594, it had me paying my was paying my April bill twice.She complained of being busy and would call me next week. To make a long story short I went back many times to correct nothing happened. My June 2009 bill comes still has 4476 for previous reading.so again this whole process starts again. I go down point out the problem same replies. Another months go by. July2009 I recive my bill still has 4476 as previous reading. I get a thai friend to call the office. She is directed to woman who took my money in April,the woman states she will call Lopburi and fix the problem.

August2009 I receive my bill,all is good previous readig is correct 4842 I am happy and present reading is 4908 usage is small I get free electric for the month.All appears well. September 2009 quess what. previous bill reading is 4842 not 4908 as it should be. Again I go down and point this out. Again they say will call in 3 days. Nothing happens. I go to office 3 days in a row woman always out of office when I arrive even though her lunch is at her desk and purse. Other people there finally tell me she will be in next wednesday.Next tuesday a man comes to remove my meter for not paying my May and June bill. I tell him cannot do that I will go to office and fix the problem he says ok. Now I am angry and have had enough..I go see my friend and tell her all the woman she spoke to before because I want this fixed. I told my friend I was thinking of sueing them if they donot fix this time. Of course my friend mentions this to the women on the phone in the office. She then gives me the name of another woman to see when I go down to the office.The new woman is in charge of non payment. I show her my copies of all my double bills she says will call me in 3 days. That was last week havenot heard from her.

Any suggestions on what to do?

Edited by lovelomsak
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Firstly, take along the person whose name is on the bill and a Thai friend who can translate what you wish to say.

Insist on seeing the manager and don`t leave the premises until something is sorted out.

Than you for your reply but the woman who started all this, seems to be unavailable to see me or talk to me other than by phone and then my translater talks and we all know how translaters work, they often just confuse things. Do you think taking a lawyer with me to the main office and asking to talk to the 2 women who have both promised at different times to contact me in 3 days and never have contacted me. I can locate them in the office, if they donot run away when I appear.

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Got my monthly bill today all is well everything up to date and no charges. That problem is solved. I quess mentioning to the woman who started the whole mess a possible 0ne million baht lawsuit may be placed by my lawyer helped , not sure but I think that is what fixed it.Ayways no more double billing.

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