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Amex Travellers Cheques Lost


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I just returned from Ko Chang and realise I left some TCs in my hotel room. It was only 100 pounds worth, so not an emergency, however I don't know the exact numbers of the cheques I lost, just the numbers for the whole batch of that denomination, some of which I had spent without recording the numbers.

1) Will this be a problem? I'd have thought it should be an easy process of deduction to work out which cheques I lost as the ones which I had already spent were cashed several months ago, and should have gone through the system by now.

2) Are they likely to refuse to pay up if I tell them the truth that it was my absent mindedness that resulted in their loss?

3) Do American Express have an office in Pattaya that I can go to, to sort all this out? I'd rather explain face to face than try to make myself understood over the telephone.

Of course, I could always try to contact the hotel and ask if they've found the cheques, but think it would be a lot easier just to pop into an office here and get them cancelled.



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The cheques were issued in the UK, and they give a different number to call: 001-800-441-0193.

I was thinking that maybe there was somewhere in Pattaya I could just pop in to sort it out, however it seems this can only be done in Bangkok, Chiang Mai, and Phuket, so it looks like I'll have to call the number they supplied with the cheques. If anyone knows any different, please post.



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  • 1 year later...

My brother has just arrived in Pattaya, having left his Travellers Cheques safe and sound in his home back in UK... :o

I am told there used to be an American Express office at the back of Royal Garden.

Does anyone know if it is still there, or better still have a phone number for Amex in Pattaya?

Thanks. :D

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I would contact the hotel. They may have them and can arrange return. I rather doubt American Express will be happy about a claim without a police report but perhaps the amount is low enough to allow it.

As mentioned above, Google also provides this number for Thailand Amex checks from Thai website: 0-2273-5296 which is a Bangkok landline. They would be able to advise if there is an office in Pattaya.

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I would contact the hotel. They may have them and can arrange return. I rather doubt American Express will be happy about a claim without a police report but perhaps the amount is low enough to allow it.

Google provides this number for Thailand Amex checks: 0-2273-5296

Thanks Lop, but there is no hotel involved. My brother left the TC's at his home back in UK.

He has now managed to contact a friend/neighbour who is going to scan them and e-mail to me.

I was under the impression that one of the major selling points of TC's was easy replacement if lost or stolen. :D

I have another "24 hour" Amex tel # for BKK, but they appear to be closed at weekends... :o

Once I get the scans and therefore have the TC details, I will try your number. :D

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To the op

They say you can only have a refund if you take reasonable care to protect your cheques, as if they were cash. So i reckon telling them you left them in your hotel room is a no no :o

Edited by daleyboy
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My brother has just arrived in Pattaya, having left his Travellers Cheques safe and sound in his home back in UK... :o

I am told there used to be an American Express office at the back of Royal Garden.

Does anyone know if it is still there, or better still have a phone number for Amex in Pattaya?

Thanks. :D


It's not a very good idea to reply to an old thread when you have a question (even if the old thread had the concerned the same subject), it just causes confusion as you can probably see.

If you have a question just start a new thread, and I'm sure you will get all te information you need.


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My brother has just arrived in Pattaya, having left his Travellers Cheques safe and sound in his home back in UK... :D

I am told there used to be an American Express office at the back of Royal Garden.

Does anyone know if it is still there, or better still have a phone number for Amex in Pattaya?

Thanks. :D


It's not a very good idea to reply to an old thread when you have a question (even if the old thread had the concerned the same subject), it just causes confusion as you can probably see.

If you have a question just start a new thread, and I'm sure you will get all te information you need.


In hindsight you are probably right, although had I done so no doubt someone else would have ticked me off for not using the search function... :o

Anyhow, my brother has finally made some progress this morning and hopes to have the situation resolved in the next day or two. :D

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Well, my brother finally managed to get the Travellers Cheques reissued yesterday.

He eventually managed to talk to a human on the Bangkok number: (02) 273 52 96 provided above (thanks Lop) on Monday morning.

He was passed from pillar to post during the first hour+ long call, being asked for a string of information including passport number and details, driving licence, UK address, issuing bank name/address/telephone number/contact name, date of issue, method of payment, plus of course the all important cheque numbers with amounts.

He was also asked to provide the names, addresses and telephone numbers of two close friends who could vouch for him.

He basically told them that his last recollection of seeing the TC's was in UK and said they could have gone astray anywhere between his home and Don Muang.

No Police report was requested.

During a subsequent call he was kept on hold for an age before they rang off and called him back. Once again he was passed from extension to extension before finally being transferred to someone in Australia of all places. His only comment about that was that it made a change from India...

He collected the new cheques from the Naklua branch of Bangkok Bank.

As alluded to above by Brit, if you feel the need to use TC's, having full details of the numbers held separately is essential as they will not reissue without them... :o

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