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I Just Stole A Range Rover From An Army General


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LivinLOS (and any other RR guys out there a la Richard_Smith).... I just landed myself a pretty dam_n mint P38 Range Rover. Black (the real P38 Range Rover black, metallic) on grey....

So it turns out I've met the owner before (at my fav petrol station) and he's given me his card before because I remember the name of his company... and he remembers me from about 6 months ago when I saw him in his silver Range (mint - 18" Hurricane wheels, all interior changed to 2002-model, even side airbags.... freaking mint - it's in some off-road magazine if you can find it)....

Anyway, I drive the car today, and as I'm driving it back to the garage - Army General comes. The owner of the garage tells me this Army General has just called him (I heard the conversation) and he wants the car. But I'm first in line (in car etiquette). So I duck out of there without talking to the General and call the owner of the car and tell him done deal. Owner of the garage wants the owner to sell to the General because the General has a Freelander (POS) and if he sells that he'll get some money on the side... but the owner of my Rangie is a stand-up guy and he says jcon was first in line....

I just got back to Thailand to sell everything and move somewhere else. In 2 weeks I've sold 3 of my cars, already - and only keep the 4th so I can get around. So it's idiocy to buy another car, especially a Range Rover. Especially when I'm leaving.

But I don't care if I have to sell this thing in 3 months - at least it will 3 months of joy/pain with my Rangie... bring on the random beeping and SuperLock!!!!

Pics as soon as I can take delivery... and dang I forgot how huge the P38 is... front hood so big seems like it's like steering a boat... But hey, no more petty tickets, no more breathalyzers, no more stopping at checkpoints - and I get to once again use my favorite line to the cop that dares pull over a Rangie, "Mai du reu neah?!" aka "Are you not looking??" **wave on**

4kms/litre bring it on!!!!!

And LivinLOS, remember the Brit I told you about that sold the other Blue Rangie I was looking at.... well here that owner's former 850CSI:



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Oh and while at the garage I saw something that brought tears to my eyes.... A Range Rover Sport Turbo-Diesel (bad ass) .... with no engine (definitely not bad ass).... :)

Even worse was the front console all taken apart, it made me cringe... like seeing a body mid-autopsy... Poor Range Rover....


I didn't get a shot of the wheels... but oh so sexy.

And can someone confirm that 20" tyres are in fact going for cheaper than 18" tyres (Yokohama was the example given to me buy the guys at the RR garage) because of demand for 20" and not 18"???

edit: sorry had the 18" and 20" mixed up. correct now.

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Signed, sealed, delivered, she's mine! :)



Here is the guy's other Rangie... Freaking MINT if I've ever seen one... everything inside is upgraded to 2002, all seats, door trims, etc... plus he has the 18" Hurricane wheels, which are so hard to find in Thailand....


(mmm he's got the badass foglights... so hard to find in Thailand too, but I think I already got my hands on a pair!)

NOTHING like sitting behind the wheel of a Rangie...


That's it for now, as it's dark... I've gotta find some wheels for her and then I'll show off some side-pics... right now she's just got 16" wheels so not ready to show...

Mission Accomplished - Fewer than 24 hours from when I saw the car to me owning it - I like, I buy... sorry Army General but my pimp hand is strong :D

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Nice one JC,

I'll give you a wave as I flash past you in my Fortuner. :)

Dont be nasty,. you could have at least offered to tow him home when/if he breaks down ,.! :D

I thought they were like Rolld Royce they send a covered truck every time you break down as the do not want to be seen.

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Nice one JC,

I'll give you a wave as I flash past you in my Fortuner. :)

Dont be nasty,. you could have at least offered to tow him home when/if he breaks down ,.! :D

I thought they were like Rolld Royce they send a covered truck every time you break down as the do not want to be seen.

I bought a new range rover brooklands in nov 92,,,at 2 years old and 65000 miles it literally started to fall apart, it was leaking oil out of everything except the headlights !...i then got a disoovery, 18 months and it too felt worn out, went to landcruisrs and never had any issues,land rovers are/were overpriced rubbish in my opinion, maybe better now , :D
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Nice one JC,

I'll give you a wave as I flash past you in my Fortuner. :)

Dont be nasty,. you could have at least offered to tow him home when/if he breaks down ,.! :D

I thought they were like Rolld Royce they send a covered truck every time you break down as the do not want to be seen.

nah, they cover the driver up,.! :D
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Have you seen the range rover sport advertised on ex pat motors 4.4 MILLION BAHT second hand,New 6.5 MILLION BAHT,I mean <deleted> would pay

that for a motor even if money was no object, mind you they do say a fool and his money is soon parted :) the same motor in the uk is 1 million

BAHT,YES i no its not the uk but <deleted> no way would i pay that sought of dough,never.

would buy a top pf the range vigo or fortuner money much

better spent me thinks. :D

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Ahh jcon congratulations on joining the Bonnet Up Club. :)

haha I welcome it!!! it's part of the 'charm' of owning a Range Rover!!!

Maigo6, feel free go give me a honk as you pass on by, I'll just be cruising, 4.6 litres of environmentally-unfriendly V8 churning out fumes... but yes, I'd appreciate a tow but I wouldn't want to rip the chassis off your Fortuner while trying to tow the Rangie :D

... just stop and say hi and if you're feeling friendly you can wait with me for the flat-bed to come... I'll have a bottle of whiskey in the glove box for such occasions...

edit: yeesipha... have you ever driven a RR Sport? Mmmm.... yum yum... If you have the means, why not? I admit 4.4 million is a bit much, but for some people it isn't.... our own Richard_Smith has a New RR (the proper HUGE one, not the sport).... some people just like their cars... you can't fault them for that, can you? This is, after all, the motor forum!!! Check out corky with his S-class and SLK!!!! And that guy with the Diablo in Malaysia (what happened to him btw?)

Edited by jcon
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Ahh jcon congratulations on joining the Bonnet Up Club. :D

haha I welcome it!!! it's part of the 'charm' of owning a Range Rover!!!

Maigo6, feel free go give me a honk as you pass on by, I'll just be cruising, 4.6 litres of environmentally-unfriendly V8 churning out fumes... but yes, I'd appreciate a tow but I wouldn't want to rip the chassis off your Fortuner while trying to tow the Rangie :D

... just stop and say hi and if you're feeling friendly you can wait with me for the flat-bed to come... I'll have a bottle of whiskey in the glove box for such occasions...

edit: yeesipha... have you ever driven a RR Sport? Mmmm.... yum yum... If you have the means, why not? I admit 4.4 million is a bit much, but for some people it isn't.... our own Richard_Smith has a New RR (the proper HUGE one, not the sport).... some people just like their cars... you can't fault them for that, can you? This is, after all, the motor forum!!! Check out corky with his S-class and SLK!!!! And that guy with the Diablo in Malaysia (what happened to him btw?)

jcon,dont get me wrong,i like"FLASH"motors,im not knocking you,but me thinks 4.4 million for a second hand used RRS is Mmmmm PAANG!!

As for driveing a RR,nope havnt, here in chelsea in the uk RR such a common site,all the YUM YUM YUMMY MUMMYS drive um,my minds made up

its a BIRDS MOTOR! :)

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no worries... but this ain't kansas (chelsea) anymore!!! I'd take a bird in a RR over a bird in a Jazz anyday... in the US, hot chicks drive dad's RR... which makes them even hotter... I've no problems with that.... now if it were a Hummer or something, OK then we can sling shit!!! (and RR is anti-"flash"... that's the whole point....)

Maigo - I just filled the 'drink compartment' (I wasn't joking - gotta have something for the traffic jams....):


Just made it in 15 seconds before the cash registers lock up for no alcohol sales at midnight - cashier says, "Khun jcon mee boon" I said, "Nope it's for Maigo6...." :)

edit: and yes 4.4 million is a lot of cash for a car that you can get for fewer dollars/pounds back home... but if you're paying 4.4 (6.5 new) I'm not sure they care!!! Ask Richard_Smith though, he actually bought a red plate RR in Thailand!!! wowza!

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Nice one JC,

I'll give you a wave as I flash past you in my Fortuner. :)

Dont be nasty,. you could have at least offered to tow him home when/if he breaks down ,.! :D

I thought they were like Rolld Royce they send a covered truck every time you break down as the do not want to be seen.

No... Been there done that - When the alternator popped it's pants last month (under warranty) it still cost me 2000 B for a tow which would otherwise be free with Citi Bank !

Fortuna for the tow next time please, bottle of Whiskey OK ? ... (Please don't read other 'car' threads I've commented on - normally I accuse you Fortuna drivers of being a little too aggressive when manipulating your way through traffic ... solly na - You were probably correct all along, but you'd still rather drive an RR !!! Solly na again ! )

(Edit: 'Cos I can't type properly !)

Edited by richard_smith237
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Jcon – You foooker !

Today, the Girl Friend and I swapped cars due to drinking logistics (we’re not married and don’t live together).

She took my car back, and I’ll be driving Her car tomorrow (not unusual).

I had a boring moment in a club earlier and killed the time with a look at Thai Visa on my phone… Your thread title gave me a momentary ‘Tok-jai’ !!!

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Ahh jcon congratulations on joining the Bonnet Up Club. :)

haha I welcome it!!! it's part of the 'charm' of owning a Range Rover!!!

Maigo6, feel free go give me a honk as you pass on by, I'll just be cruising, 4.6 litres of environmentally-unfriendly V8 churning out fumes... but yes, I'd appreciate a tow but I wouldn't want to rip the chassis off your Fortuner while trying to tow the Rangie :D

... just stop and say hi and if you're feeling friendly you can wait with me for the flat-bed to come... I'll have a bottle of whiskey in the glove box for such occasions...

edit: yeesipha... have you ever driven a RR Sport? Mmmm.... yum yum... If you have the means, why not? I admit 4.4 million is a bit much, but for some people it isn't.... our own Richard_Smith has a New RR (the proper HUGE one, not the sport).... some people just like their cars... you can't fault them for that, can you? This is, after all, the motor forum!!! Check out corky with his S-class and SLK!!!! And that guy with the Diablo in Malaysia (what happened to him btw?)

There's an Exige for 3.99 MB on one2car... Now that would be track day fun at Bira.... Part of me died when TVR shot their load...

Westfield??? I remember something about something about something about westfield near pattaya ? anyone ?

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Why is it that the UN and other countries use Toyota Land cruisers in preference to Range Rovers.

It's not the price!

The simple answer is, because they are far superior.

What has happened in your case is that "The General" was in on it.

Never heard the old ploy, I have someone who wants to buy it but as you made the first offer, I will sell to you.

Iv'e used the same when selling houses, worked every time. :)

Edited by khundon
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Ahh jcon congratulations on joining the Bonnet Up Club. :)

haha I welcome it!!! it's part of the 'charm' of owning a Range Rover!!!

Maigo6, feel free go give me a honk as you pass on by, I'll just be cruising, 4.6 litres of environmentally-unfriendly V8 churning out fumes... but yes, I'd appreciate a tow but I wouldn't want to rip the chassis off your Fortuner while trying to tow the Rangie :D

... just stop and say hi and if you're feeling friendly you can wait with me for the flat-bed to come... I'll have a bottle of whiskey in the glove box for such occasions...

edit: yeesipha... have you ever driven a RR Sport? Mmmm.... yum yum... If you have the means, why not? I admit 4.4 million is a bit much, but for some people it isn't.... our own Richard_Smith has a New RR (the proper HUGE one, not the sport).... some people just like their cars... you can't fault them for that, can you? This is, after all, the motor forum!!! Check out corky with his S-class and SLK!!!! And that guy with the Diablo in Malaysia (what happened to him btw?)

There's an Exige for 3.99 MB on one2car... Now that would be track day fun at Bira.... Part of me died when TVR shot their load...

Westfield??? I remember something about something about something about westfield near pattaya ? anyone ?

get yourself a go cart ,and stick a cr 500 engine on the back much more fun :D

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Jcon – You foooker !

Today, the Girl Friend and I swapped cars due to drinking logistics (we're not married and don't live together).

She took my car back, and I'll be driving Her car tomorrow (not unusual).

I had a boring moment in a club earlier and killed the time with a look at Thai Visa on my phone… Your thread title gave me a momentary 'Tok-jai' !!!

Richard_Smith.... dang I didn't know you weren't married... I just assumed you were... Do you like Brasilian models? :) the tall one is single (184cm) the other is MINE....


I came home at 6am in the Rangie...


Was at Bed... hrmmm.. Rangie vs. Model tough choice but I'd have to choose Rangie unless she's a 10.5+!

I can tell that we'd get along just from your car choices alone.... - Circle RuamRudee on Friday (douchey yes, but it's fun if you have friends there)? Bring your lady if you want, or take your chances with one of my friends if you're feeling frisky (and lucky - you rich Oil and Gas bastard!)... I'm just getting off a bout of sickness so by Friday I should be good to go I hope... Rangie Night (though I'll prob take a taxi - anyway there is usually a Gallardo parked out front and to be honest my Rangie is cool but not that cool lol....) Maybe we can get corkscrew that old bugger to come out in the S-class or the SLK, I know he lives near there and I know he likes the area.... And RJT that crazy Russian.... :D Or at the latest next week... I need to recoup...

Fortuner - hahahahahhahahahaahahahahaahahahahaahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahaha


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Range Rovers are OK if you don't mind breaking down constantly and being annoyed by the creaking poor quality plastic interior. Would be worth considering a conversion to standard struts and springs as the air suspension is one of the major achilles heels. Speaking from experience as a former 4.6HSE owner.

They still look good though.

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I respectfully disagree INTJ (esp about the air suspension part). Why buy a RR if not for the EAS (air suspension) :D ? While the EAS system may not be as reliable as, say, the Lexus RX Air-S (which I keep flogging for some reason on here, maybe I should get one I talk about it so much), RR was ahead of their time with the P38. A coil spring conversion on a P38 is absolute blasphemy :)

If you're not riding on air, then why drive at all........................................

Blown air suspension bags are just part of 'maintaining' a P38 RR. It's like changing tires. If you accept it in that manner then it's not a problem. Plus nowadays each airbag costs only 7k, so 28k to swap out all 4, not bad considering it used to be 100K back in the day.... and if you're super-cheap you can haul them over yourself from the US/UK for I dunno, maybe fewer than 100USD each.

And I'd say the RR doesn't really 'break down' as much as just throw some codes at you every once in awhile... nothing wrong with that, she's just begging for attention, that's all. Some TLC and she'll quiet down until she gets upset again. Just like a girlfriend :D

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