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Why Do Farangs Like Thai Girls With Dark Skin ?

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It seems like a lot of people here don't want to accept the truth of the matter, and I'm sure I'll get loads of people telling me how wrong I am (I wonder why?). But, after more than 10 years of living in Thailand and having had Thai girlfriends of varying degrees of dark skin, it is my opinion that a lot of western guys would be just as happy with a fair skinned Thai girlfriend as long as they still have a lovely personality. However, most just don't know how to go about finding one (most Thai girls hanging out in the touristy areas will usually be of darker skin color, as in general that is the working class/farmer shade of skin color), or if they do know, they aren't willing to put in the effort required (a bit of dating and getting to know eachother, as well as probably no bedtime activities for a while). There are also western guys that just wouldn't be able to chat up a fair skinned good Thai girl, the same way they have problems in their home country with girls. It seems to me, guys who don't really know anything about Thailand come here and fancy themselves as Romeos, and somehow loose sight of the fact that anybody in Thailand with a bit of money can score a nice looking young girl (probably dark skinned though!).

I have also been asked this question by many Thais, and it can be a difficult thing to explain with my limited Thai. The really unfortunate thing though is that a lot of Thais will also pre-judge you on what your Thai girlfriend looks like, dresses like, education level etc. I guess it's up to each individual if they want to buy into that or not. I went out with a very fair skinned pretty northern girl for a while and all the Thais we would meet would tell me how lucky I was to have such a beautiful girlfriend. However, I have never met such a spoiled, mean and volatile girl in my entire life!

I must admit, I prefer the fairer look (as long as it a healthy look and not that overly white pasty kind of white), but I would never use this as a criterea for choosing a girlfriend and would be quite happy with a darker skinned girl if I liked her. This is what I also try to tell the Thais who ask me this question.

So anyway, my answer to the question, most farangs don't prefer darker skin, but it's what they can get without too much effort, they are after all here for a holiday or nice easy lifestyle!

This arguement is probably the least liked (by many forum members), as it highlights the possibility that ones' partner could have been, might have been, a working girl. Whether true or not, the perception that ones' partner may have been on the game upsets people.

Unfortunately, some peoples minds' are very small and will never be able to accept another theory or reason for what they observe. That is up to them. Let them live in their myopic world. If they want to treat you and your partner different, walk away, take your custom to someone who may not judge on appearance. Remember there are Luddytes everywhere.

One point of note is that many people who monger, are not the dysfunctional creatures you illustrate. They just like the availability of plenty of cheap action. Nothing wrong with that. To label them with the inability to chat up the opposite sex, sez more about you than it does them. No offensive

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Actually it is the East Asian (Chinese) concept of feminine beauty which praises lighter skin over darker skin tones. With their control over the media in Thailand, this cultural preference has now long been instilled into the Thai population who have been taught to see themselves as inferior on this mark. Let's face it, nobody does racism as well as the Chinese, although some segments of the US population are a very close second indeed.

One can only speculate over the origins of these cultural norms, but I think some insight can be gained by looking towards that greatest of American worldly philosophers, Thorstein Veblen. In China, light skin showed that one did not work out in the sun, that one was not a day laborer or farmer. It was the mark of the leisure class. In the west in more recent times, having the time to get out to a beach, disrobe to near nudity and tan became a mark of leisure. Now add in the underlying racist attitudes of melanin challenged people from the more northern latitudes towards the more melanin enriched derma of those originating from the more tropical latitudes and one can begin to see why some folks make a big deal out of skin tone.

Very good post, Johpa. I agree. And, surprisingly enough there are many other good posts as well. I've often been amused at the two concepts: Asians wanting to be more white and Caucasians wanting a darker tan. Personally, I love the natural golden tan of Asian women. But, I'm also attracted to very black women as well if they are slim. I'm not physically attracted to any woman that's fat, but don't mind a fat woman as a platonic friend if she is interesting. It just happens to be my personal taste and I expect everyone else to have their own taste... even if it means someone of the same gender.

Actually it is the East Asian (Chinese) concept of feminine beauty which praises lighter skin over darker skin tones. With their control over the media in Thailand, this cultural preference has now long been instilled into the Thai population who have been taught to see themselves as inferior on this mark. Let's face it, nobody does racism as well as the Chinese, although some segments of the US population are a very close second indeed.

One can only speculate over the origins of these cultural norms, but I think some insight can be gained by looking towards that greatest of American worldly philosophers, Thorstein Veblen. In China, light skin showed that one did not work out in the sun, that one was not a day laborer or farmer. It was the mark of the leisure class. In the west in more recent times, having the time to get out to a beach, disrobe to near nudity and tan became a mark of leisure. Now add in the underlying racist attitudes of melanin challenged people from the more northern latitudes towards the more melanin enriched derma of those originating from the more tropical latitudes and one can begin to see why some folks make a big deal out of skin tone.

Very good post, Johpa. I agree. And, surprisingly enough there are many other good posts as well. I've often been amused at the two concepts: Asians wanting to be more white and Caucasians wanting a darker tan. Personally, I love the natural golden tan of Asian women. But, I'm also attracted to very black women as well if they are slim. I'm not physically attracted to any woman that's fat, but don't mind a fat woman as a platonic friend if she is interesting. It just happens to be my personal taste and I expect everyone else to have their own taste... even if it means someone of the same gender.

Yes it was a very good post.

But Im not sure about the conspiracy theory that the Chinese is behind it.


In that case they must have spread their conspiracy as efficient as a virus, and should be entitled to get memberships in certain bad organizations in the west, because this is not only a case in Thailand, but almost entire Asia, and also in more and more countries in Africa.

The second part I agree about, and mentioned myself, together with a few other members in this thread already.

It is a fact though that people with Chinese blood in Thailand represent a big portion of the rich families here.

Again, the conspiracy theory about the Chinese I do not buy.


My Mrs has lightish skin colour - I call it honey gold. This doesn't stop me eyeing up other women from white to black and everything in between (the blunt scissors stop me dpoing more than eyeing them up though :) ).

I generally go for Asian girls and have had relationships with a Filipino born in Australia (in the UK) and a few Indian girls, in my life (I am only including 'real' relkationships not one night stands in my youth etc).

In my younger days I was always with white, blonde, blue-eyed girls - it was almost a running joke with my friends back then. However, once I had a disastrous 2 year marriage to one I completely switched and have never dated a white girl since. I know this is completely subconscious and I still see some very attractive white girls (almost always with dark hair though - I just realised that as I typed this!), but my preferences have changed. I guess a good few of us have come here because we had finished with earlier realtionships in our home countries and wanted something completely different.

I live in the UK with my Thai Mrs for 10 years before coming here, but after the break up of my first marriage, I only seemed attracted to darker hair, eyes and skin. Its only in the latter years I've even started noticing white girls again for their attractiveness. We are all tainted by a past I guess.


Are we assuming in this discussion that all farangs are white? Or are we assuming that black Americans and black Europeans don't count? Or that they prefer Thai girls with dark skin, too?


Thais ask me this question all the time and i am unable to give any satisfactory answer.

I say, "why don't thais like darker shades of skin ?" they say it looks dirty, and are amazed at why farangs are attracted to dark skinned females. truly amazed. and they seem to think or expect me to have the answers.

does anyone have an explanation for this (perhaps false) perception ? BTW this sterotype that farangs love dark skin is huge, up there with the walking ATM stereotype.

This is an idiotic post. If you want to adopt Thai prejudices then go ahead but don't insult our intelligence with it.

I have had white and darker skinned girls, I choose them because I like them individually and couldn't give a stuff what others including you think. You may be delighted to know that the current is fair though, but the next may be black as spades, I don't care.

I suppose this is a infantile dig at Pattaya relationships where most are dark from Isaan, if so spit it out and face them down.

I agree with the above. This is obviously a troll thread geared towards a flame fest towards NE Thai women.



It just shows ignorance on the part of the people asking the question. Surprised you weren't able to answer, unless of course you also believe it to be true as well or have found your level here in Thailand... :)

It really isn't worth going into an explanation for them, so just tell them anything. Or you could selelect from the following answers which seem to satisfy many Thais who ask that question...

- In Farangland dark skin shows you have a lot of money so can go on holiday a lot. White skin shows you are poor and no money so can't go on holiday

- 200 years ago farangs used to think like Thai people as well that fair skin was beautiful. If they can read English you might even throw in a few 19th century authors as examples - if you know any that is. Don't forget to add that farang society has moved on or should I say developed since then though.

- Farangs think White skinned people look sickly or pale.

Please ensure you use the words farang and farangland in your reply though. Otherwise you might confuse them into thinking that farangs are not all the same. Also emphasise that all farangs speak English. :D

Are we assuming in this discussion that all farangs are white? Or are we assuming that black Americans and black Europeans don't count? Or that they prefer Thai girls with dark skin, too?


I dont think we assume that all farangs are white, unless someone wants to start another "What is a farang Thread", but it is probably quite clear from all the posts that we are talking about white skinned foreigners in Thailand.

Come to think about it, I have seen a lot more black American/European guys in the Philippines than in Thailand.

But I cant say if that is a fact since I do not travel that much within Thailand these days.

Just to make it clear, being aware that I might have walked into a "mine field" here.

It was not my intention if anyone has been offended.


I like light skin and dark skin and all in between! If I had to choose I would probably say I think Thai girls with a bit of chinese heritage in them looks the best. Dark skin is more exotic though for a newcomer maybe? Some jungle girl / master of the plantation fantasy?

Farang should start taking girls out of the Thai massage parlors. plenty of white skin prostitutes to be had. better yet, about a billion dirt poor white skin Chinese in that place called CHINA.



Farang should start taking girls out of the Thai massage parlors. plenty of white skin prostitutes to be had. better yet, about a billion dirt poor white skin Chinese in that place called CHINA.



i find it funny how guys take great pride in having a white skinned gf in thailand... i mean, wow, congrats, you can find many more chinese in that place called China.

Farang should start taking girls out of the Thai massage parlors. plenty of white skin prostitutes to be had. better yet, about a billion dirt poor white skin Chinese in that place called CHINA.



i find it funny how guys take great pride in having a white skinned gf in thailand... i mean, wow, congrats, you can find many more chinese in that place called China.

They do?

I have not noticed it.

I though the overall majority here more or less agree about the fact that it does not matter what color it is.

We have our preferences, but in the end of the day we do not care what color it is.

At least that goes for the ones here that are married or in a steady relationship.

Anyhow, I just reacted to your use of the word Farang, as it was farangs in general you talked about, and your referrence to a certain profession.

Dark skin looks terrific against white sheets. Yes, I do prefer dark skin. Unfortunately my wife is pretty fair skinned but I can easily overlook that. :D

One more thing, They say go with blank and never go back. :D Ummm may the dark people :) said that


Is there farang racism against whiter skinned Thai girls? It's like some people assume that lighter skinned girls must somehow be part of an evil chinese agenda. Let's be honest here, lighter skinned girls are usually better educated here and with better jobs and so not as likely to want a foreign man unless he is on her level socially and economically.

Is there farang racism against whiter skinned Thai girls? It's like some people assume that lighter skinned girls must somehow be part of an evil chinese agenda. Let's be honest here, lighter skinned girls are usually better educated here and with better jobs and so not as likely to want a foreign man unless he is on her level socially and economically.

mostly the white skin girls have options so they say no to farang so farang hate them.

i think bragging about ur gfs skin color is idiotic as is trying to say that one is definitively better than the other.

Is there farang racism against whiter skinned Thai girls? It's like some people assume that lighter skinned girls must somehow be part of an evil chinese agenda. Let's be honest here, lighter skinned girls are usually better educated here and with better jobs and so not as likely to want a foreign man unless he is on her level socially and economically.

mostly the white skin girls have options so they say no to farang so farang hate them.

i think bragging about ur gfs skin color is idiotic as is trying to say that one is definitively better than the other.

You just can not let go?

Can you?

Would you please stop the generalization of farangs?

And once again, who is it that actually brag about their gfs skin color?


How many do you presume actualy have that high a rating , the only major level I found was their level of FACE , general intelligence was moot(debatable) , from the local lass to the ex millionaires wife , the worst in my experience was a uni teacher , despite her fancy attire .

Is there farang racism against whiter skinned Thai girls? It's like some people assume that lighter skinned girls must somehow be part of an evil chinese agenda. Let's be honest here, lighter skinned girls are usually better educated here and with better jobs and so not as likely to want a foreign man unless he is on her level socially and economically.

I dont think it is a racism against whiter skinned Thai ladies.

I believe it is more an individual preference.

I agree with you about the lighter skinned girls. They normally (not always of course) come from so called better families and usually have more education, thus want to match themself with someone on their own level.


I don't think it's so much that farang prefer dark skin, I think farang just have no reservations against dark skin though for the most part.

Same with the Isaan nose... I don't notice it so much, but then my Thai friends notice things like that right away. LoL I usually had just been thinking, wow, this person looks really Thai. :)

Farang should start taking girls out of the Thai massage parlors. plenty of white skin prostitutes to be had. better yet, about a billion dirt poor white skin Chinese in that place called CHINA.



i find it funny how guys take great pride in having a white skinned gf in thailand... i mean, wow, congrats, you can find many more chinese in that place called China.

They do?

I have not noticed it.

I though the overall majority here more or less agree about the fact that it does not matter what color it is.

We have our preferences, but in the end of the day we do not care what color it is.

At least that goes for the ones here that are married or in a steady relationship.

Anyhow, I just reacted to your use of the word Farang, as it was farangs in general you talked about, and your referrence to a certain profession.

I suspect he means that many posters often say, 'but I married a white/chinese bird', after saying colour/background doesn't matter. I think I even said it once myself on another thread as a joke, of course :) . He is indicating although these posters are saying one thing, they use the 'but married a white one' to distance themselves from the very class of people they have been defending least some readers thinks they are one of theses miscreants.

Again, I don't think most males coming to thailand to date, think too much about colour with a racists view, more so as a personal perference. I only have two perferences, slim, women. I just happened to find these in Thailand and have found no reason to move on. I have made my nest and will try to sit in it for as long as possible, cos it's a very nice nest to be in.

My Thai partner sulks with me if I sunbathe, he loves my white skin. :D

And I love his brown skin. :)

We're on the same page, Pattaya Girl!

First time my BF & I went to Starbucks together he started chuckling because I order mocha and he orders vanilla. :D


When you're stuck with my looks..........any reasonably young female that shows a me little attention immediately becomes much more attractive.... :)


i think most farangs aren't hung up on the skin colour. They might have a preference for dark or light but it is not a deciding factor. (whereas for the thais, skin colour is a deciding factor.)

which makes me think it boils down to availability. there are more dark skinned ladies available therefore the odds are that a farang will get a dark skinned lady.

and, also the stereotype that all farangs like dark skinned ladies gives these ladies hope and confidence to approach (or make themselves available to) a farang, resulting in more of these relationships, thus perpetuating the stereotype.

so im thinking its not a question of preference but of availability and opportunity.

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