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my wife before i met her had 3 underwear shops in a centre in bkk ,one day when she was working in the shop her thai man came in drunk with another thai girl , without even thinking she pulled out a gun from the draw and shot him in the arm hence she spent 6months inside and a lot of money by the family was payed , when it comes to another woman she just goes crazy , but she has been good to me .


I'm surprised she told you this.

Be careful mate.

Attorney client privilege? :)

Anyone who would go to sleep next to a gun toting knicker seller is clearly in a league of their own!

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my wife before i met her had 3 underwear shops in a centre in bkk ,one day when she was working in the shop her thai man came in drunk with another thai girl , without even thinking she pulled out a gun from the draw and shot him in the arm hence she spent 6months inside and a lot of money by the family was payed , when it comes to another woman she just goes crazy , but she has been good to me .


Good Luck !!! You will need it. I hope you don't have an "eye" for the ladies. To be honest, I would not touch a GF with such tendencies, let alone a wife.

I think he hopes she will leave him shortly, he has to be careful otherwise there could be a DV issue.

He has made statements to his solicitor on the matter as what has been said by the Thais border on slander.

And here is another one!

Thai wife goes to Thailand from Australia to visit family for 1 month, goes to a fortune teller at a Wat and is informed that her husband is having an affair with a young girl.( A Japanese exchange student was staying with them).

Comes back from Thailand and accuses him of it, and has a go with him with a knife.

All the time is is innocent, lucky there was no damage. They are still together but only just.

Seems to me that Thai women have a real problem.

The minor wife syndrome perhaps?

Where he lives all the Thai women fight amongst themselves and none can be trusted to keep their mouth shut.

"The minor wife syndrome perhaps?"

Soap operas, "fortune tellers" (with their very own agenda!) people exploiting others on a grand scale!

Immaturity, lack of self esteem, way too much weight put on hear say, strange believes (in ghost and stuff)

The very base question is, but - "Where he lives all the Thai women fight amongst themselves and none can be trusted to keep their mouth shut." with whom does he live - where and who exactly are these "Thai-Women"?

this kind of behavior is not necessarily very common between the "normal", educated thai females!

But to a certain clique of females..... it's about social ranking, that why there is such an expression like "low life" - sorry again, it's about the expression, as a sample, not meant to offend anyone, or a particular circle of people!

my wife before i met her had 3 underwear shops in a centre in bkk ,one day when she was working in the shop her thai man came in drunk with another thai girl , without even thinking she pulled out a gun from the draw and shot him in the arm hence she spent 6months inside and a lot of money by the family was payed , when it comes to another woman she just goes crazy , but she has been good to me .


That doesnt bother you at all. Better not go close or speak to any other women.

Bang, bang!!!!

In nearly all these extreme jealousy cases the women are from "the industry ",they trust no one,and have serious issues that can result in killing you for something they have imagined ,.......and yes i was a recpieint of attempted murder by one,. :)

I cannot agree that they are "nearly all from the industry"

My GF (and never been in the industry) is always going on about my Thai wife even though I haven't seen her for more than five years.

All this bullshyt such as "yes I stay with you but she stay in your heart"

Take a look at this link http://www.chiangmainews.com/ecmn/viewfa.php?id=2586 it explains a lot about the psyche of Thai women.

Obsessive jealousy bordering on paranoia is very hard to live with :D

I have to agree with this (nothing to do with the "industry"). My, now ex-gf, was always saying similar stuff about my ex-wife and couldn't understand "why you keep giving her money if you don't love her anymore?" No matter how many times I explained that alimony and child support are required by the court..... she never understood it. Finally, after many months of near violence (on her part), we broke up. I would come home from work and find her sitting in the garden waiting for me (after she climbed over the 2 meter wall). I finally had to relocate house to get away from her. Nothing worse than an "over-jealous" woman.


mines not , ive got all my x,s photos in a box in my house, when the thai wife seen them first i was expecting to come home and see them rip to shreds, they are still here after 4 yrs, plus my wife and i went down to hauhin recently to meet my x and have a few drinks etc :)

my wife before i met her had 3 underwear shops in a centre in bkk ,one day when she was working in the shop her thai man came in drunk with another thai girl , without even thinking she pulled out a gun from the draw and shot him in the arm hence she spent 6months inside and a lot of money by the family was payed , when it comes to another woman she just goes crazy , but she has been good to me .


................................................So far!

She was, I've no doubt good to her Thai man.....Till she shoot him! And you found this out before or after you got marred?I sure anyone who’s lived a full life has been, at some point in a relationship, or is now with a partner that has jealousy issues, after a wail that little green monster gets it’s way and turn the perfect relationship into a pile of steaming nothing! But good luck, I really mean that and just something for you to contemplation; did you ever think the only reason she only shot him in the arm? Maybe she’s just a lousy shot.

My Thai wife used to get phone calls telling her that I was seen with different women. My wife's pat answer was, "Up to him, he'll come home when he's ready." When I asked her about the calls, she told me that they were from jealous women trying to cause problems. My Thai wife is mature, secure and independent. She could get along quite well without me.

Same here. I often wonder what my wife saw in me. I can still leave lethal skidmarks in my underwear.

The wife of the Puu Yai Baan tried to make trouble between me and my wife about a year back. My wife saw her in the local shop and the woman took great glee in informing my wife that while she was a work I was having this freshy uni girl visit me nearly every day. Considering my wife has never spoken to the PYB or his wife she just knew the woman was a shit stirring old bitch. My wife said the PYB wife's face was a picture when she informed her that the girl was in fact our niece.

One of the nicest things about our marriage is the trust issue. She trusts me implicitly as I do her. In all our years together there's never been any reason for us to doubt each other. It makes life so easy. When my pal visited from home I took him to the "cocktail lounge" in the Pullman hotel. He was like a kid in a candy store. I just sat and had a drink. When I came home my wife jsut said "Have a nice time?" She knows I'd no more stray and break up our family with her and our daughter than go to the moon. A couple of women have tried to make trouble for us in the past by accusing me of playing around. My wife just laughed it off.

Hi Mca,

Nice to see it's working out for some.

But please ease up on the image projecting sentences mate; I’m struggling to block that image now! I don’t think as a test of ones love, you really need to keep handing your “airport runway crusty’s” over for washing, all the time checking her reaction. Ha ha.


90 % foreign men in Thailand (that I know) they have "kik". That's enough to make Thai wife go crazy

If you want your wife to be happy with this issue, bring her to your home country and live their till your testosterone expire and just come back to Thailand.

Living in Thailand there is high possibility to lose your foreign husbands. Accept it !

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