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Another Gay Scandal Brewing

Sao Jiang Mai

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Most people in the West think that Thailand sells sex from shore to shore and they are pretty much right. Not every place has Go Go Bars or Kerokes, but even the smallest towns have brothels for Thai men and Chiang Mai is not a small town.

I don't see how the Night Bazzar area, Loi Kroh Road and the whole Thapae Gate area is much different from Pattaya and Bangkok and the places for Thai men are all over the place. I am not complaining, but that is how it is.

I'm surprised that some people find gay sexual outlets somehow more shocking or threatening than straight ones in this day and age. :)

Well said, Ulysses. I agree totally. I grew up in the west end of Vancouver. One of my playgrounds was the sandy beach cliffs area off Point Grey. It took a steep climb down to the beach below and wasn't for everyone. In the 1960s the beach below the cliffs became a popular spot for nudists. Prior to that I hardly saw anyone down there except for the odd hiker. But, once the word got out that there was a nud_e beach in Vancouver all the self righteous people had to go down for a look and then report back how dreadful it was. For a while the police tried to harrass the nudists, but eventually gave up. Now there are several nud_e beaches scattered around and nobody cares. There will always be people who try to butt into other people's personal life style and act all self righteous when anyone calls them on it.

That is one of the beauties of living in Thailand. For the most part, people are allowed to do their own thing without interference. Chiang Mai offers a wide variety for every life style. As far as business success is concerned it will live or die on the decisions of the owners. My grandfather was a butcher and his store specialized in pork. Unfortunately, over time, his neighbourhood became mostly Jewish with a small section of Muslims. As most people know, Jews and Muslims don't eat pork. Had my grandfather been smart he could have moved his store to a more appropriate part of Toronto. Instead, he stuck it out and lost his business. And then, he spent is time complaining about the Jews instead of doing something positive.

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I am sorry. I smell homophobia here. Being gay is not all about sex. It is a gay hotel for tourists, not an orgy palace. They deserve a chance to compete in the market. I won't be staying there for my own reasons but I wish them luck as they try to make their venture succeed. <br /><br />What is so threatening and offensive about this, tell me:<br /><br /><a href="http://lavenderlannahotel.com/contact.php" target="_blank">http://lavenderlannahotel.com/contact.php</a>
<br /><br />It's a sweet .com but is so focused. We support everything gay ! Nothing about the culture or the people of CM. It is a separatist view. The advertisement in the City Life says it all " Chiang Mai, Thailand, Asia's biggest resort for gay men" no mention of gay women says a lot!!! It is a systematic signal that Chiang Mai is open for invasion. That is offensive !!!<br />
<br /><br /><br />

agree that the website seems separatist. heterophobic, in fact. surely there must be more to being gay than being gay. must everything in life have a gay aspect? what's the point of only offering shuttle service

to gay businesses? do hetero golf clubs swing the wrong way? why a scholarship program only for gay youths? is chiang mai fresh out of needy straight youths? i've never seen a sholarship application where

one was required to check off sexual orientation. can a straight youth apply for the scholarship, or would he/she be discriminated against based solely on their straightitude?

According to 'official' figures (which admittedly vary according to who you talk to) 95%+ of the world is straight. In other words more or less the whole world give or take a sliver. Why do some of you straight folks have to get so incensed that us gay folks like to gather together occasionally? Is it harming any of you? Does it affect your life in any way? The Lavender Hotel website is trying to sell its room to a particular market segment. If you feel that you'd be uncomfortable staying there there are plenty of other hotels in Chiang Mai that you can stay in. Have you ever seen any gay folks complaining about all the straight hotels in Chiang Mai and their blatant heterosexual advertising?

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homophobia, a word far newer to English than homosexual which was coined mid-19th century, is defined more broadly than most -phobia words. It includes the hatred of homosexuals. Most ignorant people are both anti and afraid.

Phobia does not mean hatred. it means fear.

But maybe I misunderstand you. I do not find your post clear, " far newer to" ,

Can you explain the last sentence - using most and both is not clear.

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I am not gay, but like most expats living here, do have friends who are. Some of them are very obvious in that regard.

Gay people come into my place of business and there is no problem with that. ....and to add further, I didn't even know that there was supposed to be a possibility that there may be a problem to have gay people visit ! !

cmdream , you, particularly, seem to be over the top with your vehemence. You openly do not like gay people, its obvious, and a gay hotel in going to open. SO WHAT ?? If you do not like that fact , and you have enough money, buy them out and make it a sheep hotel if that is your preference.

Live and let live, those hotel people are not causing you any problem, YOU are causing yourself the problem.

Your vehemence could make other forum readers think that you had a homosexual experience and didn't like it,,,,, or you had a homosexual experience and did like it ==== and you don't like to accept that fact.

Your right to have your opinion is not questioned.

Strange, but your reaction reminds me of a white, southern male of about 50 years ago. If it wasn't the blacks, or the gays, or anyone who didn't see things their way, those individuals were just there to be a whipping post so the bigots would appear to be a macho, manly type person, in their friends eyes.

I think all readers are now fully aware of your feelings and opinions....

Do live your life. Do associate with people who make you comfortable to be with and around. If you do not like gays, or lesbians, do not go where those people choose to congregate. I am sure all of "those" will not leave CM , just to make you content.

Don't let it upset you,,,,,, you'll get an ullcer.

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Most people in the West think that Thailand sells sex from shore to shore and they are pretty much right. Not every place has Go Go Bars or Kerokes, but even the smallest towns have brothels for Thai men and Chiang Mai is not a small town.

I don't see how the Night Bazzar area, Loi Kroh Road and the whole Thapae Gate area is much different from Pattaya and Bangkok and the places for Thai men are all over the place. I am not complaining, but that is how it is.

I'm surprised that some people find gay sexual outlets somehow more shocking or threatening than straight ones in this day and age. :)

Well said, Ulysses. I agree totally. I grew up in the west end of Vancouver. One of my playgrounds was the sandy beach cliffs area off Point Grey. It took a steep climb down to the beach below and wasn't for everyone. In the 1960s the beach below the cliffs became a popular spot for nudists. Prior to that I hardly saw anyone down there except for the odd hiker. But, once the word got out that there was a nud_e beach in Vancouver all the self righteous people had to go down for a look and then report back how dreadful it was. For a while the police tried to harrass the nudists, but eventually gave up. Now there are several nud_e beaches scattered around and nobody cares. There will always be people who try to butt into other people's personal life style and act all self righteous when anyone calls them on it.

That is one of the beauties of living in Thailand. For the most part, people are allowed to do their own thing without interference. Chiang Mai offers a wide variety for every life style. As far as business success is concerned it will live or die on the decisions of the owners. My grandfather was a butcher and his store specialized in pork. Unfortunately, over time, his neighbourhood became mostly Jewish with a small section of Muslims. As most people know, Jews and Muslims don't eat pork. Had my grandfather been smart he could have moved his store to a more appropriate part of Toronto. Instead, he stuck it out and lost his business. And then, he spent is time complaining about the Jews instead of doing something positive.

Why didnt he ask you for your enlightened advice. :D

Is this thread about gay scandals, pork butchers, nudists, or family gene patterns

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homophobia, a word far newer to English than homosexual which was coined mid-19th century, is defined more broadly than most -phobia words. It includes the hatred of homosexuals. Most ignorant people are both anti and afraid.

Phobia does not mean hatred. it means fear.

But maybe I misunderstand you. I do not find your post clear, " far newer to" ,

Can you explain the last sentence - using most and both is not clear.

Yes; I'll be glad to try to explain.

phobia is ancient Greek for fear. Thus most newly coined -phobia words mean fear of the other part of the word. E.g., agoraphobia, fear of crowded places like markets. homo- is ancient Latin for man.

Almost as soon as homophobia was coined as a word in the 1970's, it came to mean both fear of same-sex actions, and hatred of the persons who do them. Linguists decry it as improper, but the coined Greek-Latin mishmash means both. Most people who fear gay sex also hate it. That's my opinion. I never met a gay who hated guys who shove their willies into females.

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