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Thai Visa Regular 'yeti' Passed Away 22/09/2009


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RIP Yeti :)

Sadly, it is unlikely that we will ever really discover what went wrong, or even the strain of flu that started the tragic chain of events.

Hopefully his wife has loving family to help her through this sad time :D

Other Mods, would this not be better in General, not hidden away in health??

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RIP Yeti :)

Sadly, it is unlikely that we will ever really discover what went wrong, or even the strain of flu that started the tragic chain of events.

Hopefully his wife has loving family to help her through this sad time :D

Other Mods, would this not be better in General, not hidden away in health??

Good idea; Moved to general

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So sad. I sympathies to the family.

Once again it shows it's important to have a good insurance. Last week my friend, 34 years old, woke up and couldn't move his legs and left arm. He don't have insurance. He is still in Samitvej and the doctors can't figure out what´s wrong with him and the bill getting bigger each day...

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This is very sad news. RIP Yeti.

On a practical point, Abandon do you know what is the position with his wife and children? Did Yeti have any life insurance/assets that will be available for his wife? Whilst the tragedy of his early death is bad enough, it could be that his wife now finds herself in a difficult financial situation.


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I have heard hundreds of these nightmare stories here in Thailand and yes they can happen in a western country too. It seems here they are more frequent and many times the doctors do not have a bit of beside manor. Maybe that's a transference from the same attitude one sees at roadside accidents and in cases where the driver always runs off.

In this case the kid was laying there in the care of a doctor who could not even be bothered to do anything but talk to nurses on the phone. I have had that very same thing, just laying there with high fever, waiting on some doctor who may or may not have cheated, lied or pulled a VIP, to get a medical license as you never know here. I have had good doctors and I have had doctors who could not even be bothered to open a chart when I was a inpatient being treated for a long term illness. In that case had the doctor bothered to open the chart he would see that I was taking a maximum dosage of antibiotics yet he prescribed me a second maximum dosage which may or may not have shut down my kidneys and killed me. Once I took the issue to the director of the VIP hospital he pretended like nothing was wrong and that was the end of the story, no telling how many people this incompetent fool killed over the years. Later another doctor quietly told me to never let that doctor treat me, the entire hospital knew he was incompetent but he could not be fired or even complained about. That incident left me doing a complete rethink about medical care here. That and the fact a Uni Professor told me that he had caught many students cheating their way to degrees and when he tried to do something he was told "<deleted>, not good for school reputation!"

As for this young mans kids and wife, hopefully the parents will help them move to France if the kids are French Citizens. If he had any good friends maybe they can help with that or at least see that the family can somehow stay together here in Thailand but I suspect the bill has been ran up at hospital and money collectors will be up to the usual things regarding the mans assets as they will quickly disappear as if he was never even here.

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He was insured but only for certain treatments, and there was a cap on the payout which was exceeded. The bill is many millions of baht. His parents will pay, but it will clean them out. The condo Yeti bought has a hefty mortgage that his wife will never be able to maintain. I guess she will be reliant on the French family to support her - but his parents are in their 80's already - it is going to be very tough. Yeti has 2 brothers also.

The French side of the family are also very anti-Buddhist, and their main concern as Yeti was getting better was to get the children Baptised (or is it Christened?). In fact I was visiting in the middle of the night to avoid upsetting his parents (as I am Buddhist). Even when he recovered enough to tell them I was a friend and he wanted me there, they were pretty hostile. His wife hung a little Buddha image behind his bed hidden in a little bag of scent to dusguise it, but they were very unhappy when they found out about it. Such a shame, as they were otherwise very nice people.

On the plus side, it was quiet in the middle of the night, and it was his hardest time as there were no distractions and he could not sleep.

He was straight and clear that his children could make up their own religious minds when they are older. The parents allowed one day for a Thai funeral and then ship the body back to France for a Christian burial. I can't imagine they have much left after the costs of the last 2 months.

It seems somehow wrong that someone so nice can pass away, and all that's left is a thread in a forum that fades away, and a gravestone. Will his children google this up in years to come ? I can understand why people build monuments to their loved ones, but a monument does not seem right either - Samsara is a hard place to fathom.

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I should say that none involved can really fault the hospital. It was top quality care - as good as you will get anywhere. It's one of those things .... there was no reason for a healthy young guy to react so badly to a flu, or to spiral down the way he did. His entire body was kept going by machines - I am sure that even 10 - 15 years ago he would have died pretty quickly from the condition he was in. Yes, I'd have thought a Dr should be there (for that money) through the night when he obviously needed it. But it seems pretty clear there was nothing they could do.

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I’m a relative newcomer to TV, but I am deeply moved by this tragedy, and especially by  the awful situation of yeti’s wife and children. He sounded like a great guy, and WHAT a fighter!

It’s the second time I’ve felt part of the TV community since joining. The first time I felt that way was when that guy blew himself up near Pattaya recently. Initially the story looked like an execution and I was horrified. When I checked in there were literally hundreds just as shocked following developments, a real community and not merely an anonymous notice board. Felt good to be a part of it.

This is actually the only forum I hang out on – normally can’t be bothered. Nice to be here. 

(By the way, if ever I die in Thailand/SEA and you pick up on it, please please try and make sure I get a minimal Buddhist cremation where I give out and not anywhere else!)

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That's a very sad story.

My best wishes go out to his wife and children, I hope the extended family look after them, and as I sit here, drinking coffee, planning the days activities, I am reminded that life is so precious, we should live each day with the knowledge ( not fear ) that it could be our last.

Spread love and joy to all that you meet and live each day like it could be your last.

peace and love.

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I should say that none involved can really fault the hospital. It was top quality care - as good as you will get anywhere. It's one of those things .... there was no reason for a healthy young guy to react so badly to a flu, or to spiral down the way he did. His entire body was kept going by machines - I am sure that even 10 - 15 years ago he would have died pretty quickly from the condition he was in. Yes, I'd have thought a Dr should be there (for that money) through the night when he obviously needed it. But it seems pretty clear there was nothing they could do.

This is not necessarily correct as there is no oversight in Thai medicine. They could have easily given the wrong medicine combination or a overdose that caused his kidneys to work to hard which led to failure. If a patient dies and the doctor cannot tell you why or what had transpired to cause the death I would not say its not their fault. Its not like the hospital has any legal obligation to tell you if they made mistakes and certainly there is no moral obligation as they were making money, in Thailand that is often the bottom line.

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Abandon, If everyone had a friend as good as you the world would be a happier place. Thank you for your charity and compassion and for sharing the story with us.

I sympathize with the parents, although their attitude to Buddhism seems rather UN- Christian.

My heart goes out to the wife and children left to cope and it struck me as odd in this community of TV that no one has suggested some sort of fund raiser to help provide for the family, something that often happens in Australia when someone is taken unexpectedly.

I realize that a lot of TV members are not wealthy, but if Abandon were willing to open an account in the name of the wife or provide her account details I am sure that there would be many on TV that would contribute.

I know it is asking a lot of the Admin team and may be stretching the rules but surely this is a worthy cause and a chance for some of us to give something back to Thailand. I recognize that something like this is open to abuse but if done under the supervision of Admin (George?) we could have some measure of confidence that donations would reach their intended target.

Abandon, please PM me if there is anything I can do to help.

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There are many Christian grave yards in Thailand, its not necessary to go back to France just for that. I would hate to second guess exactly what the parents motivation was but I suspect they just wanted to buried with him themselves as they are old and know they do not have forever left in this life.

If they have strong religious beliefs that does not make them anti Buddhist. For that matter Buddhism was spiritual thing in the beginning but now its idol worship with statues and amulets and things, this kind of thing is against the ten commandments of Christianity so its normal for some people to really freak out about it. They may even blame the little amulet thing in the bed as the cause of their own prayers not being answered. My own mom believes Thailand is a completely evil land full of devils and tells me as much every time we are on the phone and she does not even go to church but Easter in a good year. I can imagine how horribly she would behave if I were sick and she came to be with me, for that matter I doubt she would even come.

Many of my friends are well on in years, the topic of death and burial is a regular subject. My biggest fear is not dieing itself but having my body held for ransom by some Thai hospital while they are running up a bill for my family here, its a regular scam. I have sat down with family and gave them very specific instructions on what to do if I happen to make a early exit as many of my friends have made. If any good at all come come out of this horrible nightmare, maybe some folks will get their houses in order while they can.

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Abandon, If everyone had a friend as good as you the world would be a happier place. Thank you for your charity and compassion and for sharing the story with us.

I sympathize with the parents, although their attitude to Buddhism seems rather UN- Christian.

My heart goes out to the wife and children left to cope and it struck me as odd in this community of TV that no one has suggested some sort of fund raiser to help provide for the family, something that often happens in Australia when someone is taken unexpectedly.

I realize that a lot of TV members are not wealthy, but if Abandon were willing to open an account in the name of the wife or provide her account details I am sure that there would be many on TV that would contribute.

I know it is asking a lot of the Admin team and may be stretching the rules but surely this is a worthy cause and a chance for some of us to give something back to Thailand. I recognize that something like this is open to abuse but if done under the supervision of Admin (George?) we could have some measure of confidence that donations would reach their intended target.

Abandon, please PM me if there is anything I can do to help.

This case has been on my mind since I read it with deep concern for Yeti's wife and children. I'm with midasthailand on this one and will gladly help with a contribution, might just be one thing less for Yeti's wife to worry about at this terrible time.

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Abandon, If everyone had a friend as good as you the world would be a happier place. Thank you for your charity and compassion and for sharing the story with us.

I sympathize with the parents, although their attitude to Buddhism seems rather UN- Christian.

My heart goes out to the wife and children left to cope and it struck me as odd in this community of TV that no one has suggested some sort of fund raiser to help provide for the family, something that often happens in Australia when someone is taken unexpectedly.

I realize that a lot of TV members are not wealthy, but if Abandon were willing to open an account in the name of the wife or provide her account details I am sure that there would be many on TV that would contribute.

I know it is asking a lot of the Admin team and may be stretching the rules but surely this is a worthy cause and a chance for some of us to give something back to Thailand. I recognize that something like this is open to abuse but if done under the supervision of Admin (George?) we could have some measure of confidence that donations would reach their intended target.

Abandon, please PM me if there is anything I can do to help.

This case has been on my mind since I read it with deep concern for Yeti's wife and children. I'm with midasthailand on this one and will gladly help with a contribution, might just be one thing less for Yeti's wife to worry about at this terrible time.

Or one more thing to worry about. As long as they are perceived as being broke they will be left alone by the money grubbers. A new bank account could bring the worst kind of people into their lives. For sure they are going to need money but its a delicate balance as I have seen plenty of kids dragged off and held hostage at some village because certain people became beneficiaries of monthly payments.

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The fund raising is a great idea, and very kind. But for now we'll have to wait to see what will happen.

Afterall he may have a giant life insurance policy. He was also pretty good with money, so they'll certainly be ok for the moment.

Perhaps Yeti's brothers or close friends from France will set up some kind of support. Next hurdle is the family leaving and Mrs Yeti getting used to being alone, and sorting out all the legal details and bills etc.. She has real character in fact - I never cease to be amazed by Thailand. She took it all in her stride and kept everything on an even keel.

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RIP Yeti

Good to see so many members reading the thread with sympathy and compassion. And good that some of TVs more objectionable members are staying away.

I would support the idea of contributions to the family whether towards costs already incurred or for the children and wife. I understand the point about money chasers but could this be done discreetly so that the money gets quietly to the intended.

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My thoughts and prayers are for his loved ones. RIP.

Yes, they say that only the good die young. But this is a timely reminder that it is possible to die young, and it is very important to make adequate provision for wife, kids, and other dependents.

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Shocking and sad. :)


Shocking but unfortunately sometimes even an influenza gets out of control. It is called cytokine storm. Body immune system overreacts to the flu in a bad "positive" feedback loop and start damaging even organs. Ironically, it is not the flu that kills in these cases. Sort of like dying of friendly fire. Nobody knows how to stop it.

RIP and condolences to the family.

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