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Gmail Invites (again)


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just in case any1 hasnt yet got a gmail account that wants 1 :o i've got a load here goin spare - email/PM/post here if u want one and include ur current email address so i have somewhere to send the invite to... :D

cheers then

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Although the 1 gig space is what originally atracted me to Gmail.

It is the interface that I love the most. I used to have a premium Yahoo account that I used POP3 with Outlook (not Express). But I like the interface on GMail so much that I don't POP any more.

I think the way that it keeps replies and threads together is fantastic.

I also got plenty of invites if someone wants one.

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The only problem with it is that I ended up with a klunky e-mail address. I wanted something that resembled my real name, but the only thing I could come up with has two dots in it. Not easy for someone to remember.

The other thing is: Do I really want to change my e-mail address, again?

That said, the web interface is the best I've ever seen for web-based e-mail, as is their habit, Google has made it clean, uncluttered and very quick. Nice job Google!

And, yes, I too have unused invites....

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Those with extra invites might consider sending them to this web site which then makes them available to the general public (like me) in an easy manner.

Although Gmail web site is sometimes not available for download it is never gone long and have had very good luck with it. Would suggest those that may want it to get now while the choice of names is still quite good.


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