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Pls Help! Unsolvable Utorrent Connection Problem


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Hi everyone,

The problem is that my Utorrent seems to be able to download fine with acceptable speed, however it is not uploading at all (unless one would called intermittent 0.3kbps/sec uploading at all) :) and a red error symbol appears that says "Not Connectable - Your firewall/router is limiting your network traffic. You need to open a port so others can connect to you".

The thing is, I have already forwarded my ports correctly (as instructed on portforward.com to my assigned static IP address- which I've also assigned correctly). Please find all the relevant info below.

I've also disabled my windows firewall as well as recently deleted my newly purchased BitDefender 2009 anti-virus program that comes with a comprehensive firewall protection too. So, those two factors are totally eliminated.

All the steps I have taken to diagnose and resolve the problem should technically (or theoretically) lead to Utorrent functioning properly, however much to my nightmare it isn't and I am very desperate for help here, so any tech gurus (or anyone!) out there I need your help!!! (please :D )

I use TrueInternet 4MBs/256kbps package.

The modem/router I use is the one that they've given me a few years back which was:

Billion BiPac-5200s.

In my router page, I go to Advanced Set up => NAT => Virtual Server => Assigned my ports for Utorrent as follow:

60000 - 65535 to my local IP address of

And I am using port number: 60101 right now for Utorrent, which is in the applicable range, however the problem is still not resolved ie: the red symbol still occurs and I'm unable to upload.

I have ensured that is my static IP address, which I have configured on my TCP/IP protocol setting page:

Address Type: Manually configured

IP Address:

Subnet Mask:

Default Gateway:

Preferred DNS Servers: ( I fortgot what numbers I've plugged in here, but I should think it's insignificant to the Utorrent red error problem)

Alternatve DNS Servers: (same comment as above).

If anyone could help me figure this problem out, I'd really appreciate your time and effort. Any questions or more information I can supply for you, please ask.

Some trivial side-information that you may or may not find it relevant/useful:

(1) I called up TrueInternet ISP and they said that they didn't have any policy of blocking peer2peer programs or file sharing programs so it should work, which is actually true coz I have been using Utorrent fine since I got back here - 2-3 years now.

(2) Strangely the problem began when I had to extend my Bitdenfender 2009 license as my 2008 version had come to expiration AND this was about the same time I decided to up my Utorrent version from something I had to 1.8.3. I now have 1.8.4 (stable) version though. As mentioned, I've already uninstalled my newly purchased Bitdefender Internet Antivirus/Firewall package, so it's gone for good and also disabled Windows Firewall COMPLETELY. I don't care if I have no virus/firewall protection, I just want my Utorrent to work! And that's the most important thing.

(3) I recently changed my TRUE Internet Speed package from 512/256 => 4Mbs/256 as higher speeds package are now available in where I live, which is in Bangkok, Pravet District not too far from Suvarnabumi airport. 4Mbs/256 is the fastest package I could obtain at this stage.

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I'm not sure if this is the same thing. i could not get a green tick until i bridged my maxnet modem and let my linksys router do the work. I now i download at 320kpbs and upload at 50-55 kpbs using utorrent 1.8.3 heard 1.8.4 had problems.

good luck.

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Thanks, but version 1.8.4 is currently identified as stable and I doubt that this version would be the primary cause of my problem.


Did it. Done that. God knows how many times I've checked it (must have been at least 50 times in the last couple of weeks).


You're lucky then.

Can anyone else please help diagnose my problems? Need some experts in here please.

I miss using my Utorrent already... :)

Edited by Scott11
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Sounds as tho you have done everything correct so it is a strange one, i have used bitdefender 2009 on xp sp3 and utorrent with no issues for a while now. only things i would also try are:

Revert modem to default factory settings and set it up again - long shot i know

confirm all firewalls etc are off on your system and completely un-installed

move port range incase thats getting blocked somewhere

and if your modem has the feature use Upnp to see if it gets it working - there is a security risk with using upnp so be warned :)

Just out of interest while you are downloading torrents does the rest of your internet activity preform ok? (obviously a bit slower if the torrents are pumping).

Good luck.

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Hi Saraquin,

Thanks for your comment and suggestion. It is indeed a strage case and I've never seen anything quite like this before.

I will take your suggestion into consideration and if all else fails.... I will do something that defies logic.

As I've taken every single rational step to diagnose and resolve this problem but yet with no success, I will do something that's completely irrational and this will be my last "card"...

PS:Yes, while downloading torrents internet activity seems to perform ok, but abit slower as you rightly pointed out.

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wouldn't hurt to try a different torrent program there is plenty of them.

uninstall and reinstall it you never know.

Have you checked the tracker you are using that the connection is not closed. Anything with pirate bay is blocked.

If your port is forwarded as you say it should work. Even when i could not get a green tick it still worked.

Edited by sammycic
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Enable DMZ and point it to your internal IP of .103

This eliminates local routing issues.

If this works, then you just need to figure out the correct way of forwarding ports.

Another way is to enable upnp in both your router and torrent client. If your router does not support upnp, disable it in your torrent client.

The most likely culprit, if the above does not work, is the windows antivirus/firewall. Even though it is uninstalled it might have left its restrictive settings in windows. This I am not sure how to help you with, except checking the task manager for residual processes left behind by the uninstalled program (stop the processes and then delete associated files and any registry entries).

Off topic a little.

If you need a firewall that is free, functional and fairly transparent, try PC Tools Firewall Plus or Comodo Firewall. Generally speaking, antivirus programs are not needed unless you are in the habit of visiting shady porno sites or like to open email attachments freely.

Online antivirus scans for individual files or the whole HDD is a better choice (eg. virusscan.jotti.org/ and pandasecurity.com/activescan/).

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I'm interested in exploring your suggestion. How do I exactly enable DMZ and point it to my internal IP address (which is now .105)?

I think enabling upnp in my router and torrent client poses too many security risks, so is something I don't want to mess around with.

"The most likely culprit, if the above does not work, is the windows antivirus/firewall. Even though it is uninstalled it might have left its restrictive settings in windows. This I am not sure how to help you with, except checking the task manager for residual processes left behind by the uninstalled program (stop the processes and then delete associated files and any registry entries)."

Now that you've mentioned this, last night I downloaded and installed AVG free virus program and during the installation set up it identified that my computer had another antivirus program already! And it recommended me not to proceed with the installation as two or more antivirus programs could conflict the functions of one another...

However, I proceeded to install the AVG virus program anyway. :)

So it seems that certain files and registered entries of BitDefender 2009 (my previous antivirus programs) remains active or perhaps dormant.

How will I go about identifying which files and registered entries in the task manager that are associated with the uninstalled antivirus program for deletion? I wouldn't know what they are.

"Off topic a little.

If you need a firewall that is free, functional and fairly transparent, try PC Tools Firewall Plus or Comodo Firewall. Generally speaking, antivirus programs are not needed unless you are in the habit of visiting shady porno sites or like to open email attachments freely.

Online antivirus scans for individual files or the whole HDD is a better choice (eg. virusscan.jotti.org/ and pandasecurity.com/activescan/)."

My question is does one even need a firewall at all? I haven't had one for years and my notebook has been OK. BTW, I've always disabled my windows firewall since I first bought the notebook.

With online antivirus, that sounds like a viable alternative, but I would imagine the scanning to be fairly slow comparing to having one installed on your computer readily for scanning right? But on the other hand, I really hate how antivirus programs these days monitor real-time threats and seems to monitor every move I make and every single click on the internet. It is slowing down my notebook considerably.

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wouldn't hurt to try a different torrent program there is plenty of them.

uninstall and reinstall it you never know.

Have you checked the tracker you are using that the connection is not closed. Anything with pirate bay is blocked.

If your port is forwarded as you say it should work. Even when i could not get a green tick it still worked.


I uninstalled Utorrent 1.8.4 and installed 1.8.2 in the hopes of it resolving my problem, but no that didn't help either.

Don't really want to use other torrent programs other than Utorrent, coz IMO it's the best.

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wouldn't hurt to try a different torrent program there is plenty of them.

uninstall and reinstall it you never know.

Have you checked the tracker you are using that the connection is not closed. Anything with pirate bay is blocked.

If your port is forwarded as you say it should work. Even when i could not get a green tick it still worked.


I uninstalled Utorrent 1.8.4 and installed 1.8.2 in the hopes of it resolving my problem, but no that didn't help either.

Don't really want to use other torrent programs other than Utorrent, coz IMO it's the best.

I agree I have no problems using utorrent 1.8.3 does the trick that is why i cannot understand why yours does not work. I use both private and public trackers and no problems except pirate bay and bittorrent. are you using peer guardian as it blocks utorrent and i had to allow it in settings. i have dht disabled etc and makes no difference if i turn it on.

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Hi everyone,

The problem is that my Utorrent seems to be able to download fine with acceptable speed, however it is not uploading at all (unless one would called intermittent 0.3kbps/sec uploading at all) :) and a red error symbol appears that says "Not Connectable - Your firewall/router is limiting your network traffic. You need to open a port so others can connect to you".

The thing is, I have already forwarded my ports correctly (as instructed on portforward.com to my assigned static IP address- which I've also assigned correctly). Please find all the relevant info below.

I've also disabled my windows firewall as well as recently deleted my newly purchased BitDefender 2009 anti-virus program that comes with a comprehensive firewall protection too. So, those two factors are totally eliminated.

All the steps I have taken to diagnose and resolve the problem should technically (or theoretically) lead to Utorrent functioning properly, however much to my nightmare it isn't and I am very desperate for help here, so any tech gurus (or anyone!) out there I need your help!!! (please :D )

I use TrueInternet 4MBs/256kbps package.

The modem/router I use is the one that they've given me a few years back which was:

Billion BiPac-5200s.

In my router page, I go to Advanced Set up => NAT => Virtual Server => Assigned my ports for Utorrent as follow:

60000 - 65535 to my local IP address of

And I am using port number: 60101 right now for Utorrent, which is in the applicable range, however the problem is still not resolved ie: the red symbol still occurs and I'm unable to upload.

I have ensured that is my static IP address, which I have configured on my TCP/IP protocol setting page:

Address Type: Manually configured

IP Address:

Subnet Mask:

Default Gateway:

Preferred DNS Servers: ( I fortgot what numbers I've plugged in here, but I should think it's insignificant to the Utorrent red error problem)

Alternatve DNS Servers: (same comment as above).

If anyone could help me figure this problem out, I'd really appreciate your time and effort. Any questions or more information I can supply for you, please ask.

I don't see any reason why you should be specifying 60000-65535 as the port range. Specify a FIXED port for *both* incoming and outgoing connections in your modem/router; which is what I do.

Incoming (TCP/UDP): 60101

Outgoing (TCP/UDP): 60101

Also avoid using UPNP if possible. If you have port forwarding setup manually (like I have), disable UPNP.

uTorrent Preferences

In the Connection window under Listening Port, unless you're using UPNP, uncheck everything except "Add Windows Firewall exception". Leave this checked even if you're not using Windows built-in firewall.

In the BitTorrent window, under Protocol Encryption (outgoing), select "Enabled" or "Forced".

In the Advanced options, set or limit net.max_halfopen to 50. Also enter your computer's IP address (ex. to net.bind_ip AND net.outgoing_ip. Leave everything else as it is.

Btw, I'm also using uTorrent 1.8.4 and it works just fine.

Edited by Supernova
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your routeur configuration seems wrong, you redirect the port 60000(from the internet) to the port 65535 on the internal side.


I don't know what you mean, perhaps you are getting confused with "port 60000 to the port 65335". What I meant was port RANGE from (60000 - 65335). Any of the ports in the range between those specified numerics I have forwarded them for Utorrent on my router.

Anyway, the range is no longer that huge anymore. I had mine changed to 61109 last night. That's the start of port number and End of port number too.

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Turn off all networking devices, and your PC.

Re-start all networking devices. Re-start your PC.

Uninstall u-Torrent, I recommend Revo uninstaller, then re-install it.

You need to re-verify your IP address, ipconfig /all from the command line/DOS window.

Choose an internal port in U-Torrent (select one, which is hopefully not being used by another application, or try the random option).

Then map that one, single port as both the start and end ports, to your local IP address; 192.168.1.nnn in the Virtual Server UI on your router.

If that doesn't work you've probably got some combination of UPnP and firewalls working against you.

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My comments embedded in blue. Thanks heaps for your time in looking into this.

I don't see any reason why you should be specifying 60000-65535 as the port range. Specify a FIXED port for *both* incoming and outgoing connections in your modem/router; which is what I do.

Incoming (TCP/UDP): 60101

Outgoing (TCP/UDP): 60101

I did this last night. I specified a fixed port for Utorrent connections. Please note that for the Billion router, there is no seperate boxes for Incoming or Outgoing connections. Scroll to the bottom and you'll see what my router page looks like visually: http://www.portforward.com/english/routers...00/Utorrent.htm

Also, interestingly as I mentioned my torrent downloads are fine (ie: incoming connections OK) but I am unable to upload (outgoing connection problem) I wonder if the OUTGOING (TCP/UDP) setting is the culprit???? Where would I be able to look into the setting? My router NAT's page doesn't have a setting preference for outgoing connection.

Also avoid using UPNP if possible. If you have port forwarding setup manually (like I have), disable UPNP.

Yes, I realized that.

uTorrent Preferences

In the Advanced options, set or limit net.max_halfopen to 50. Also enter your computer's IP address (ex. to net.bind_ip AND net.outgoing_ip. Leave everything else as it is.

Can you please elaborate on the above? What's the net.max_halfopen setting? And why 50?

Also, I have never seen any of those things before ie: net.bind_ip and net.outgoing_ip.

I guess I'll try it when I get home after work tonight..

Btw, I'm also using uTorrent 1.8.4 and it works just fine.

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Turn off all networking devices, and your PC.

Re-start all networking devices. Re-start your PC.

Uninstall u-Torrent, I recommend Revo uninstaller, then re-install it.

You need to re-verify your IP address, ipconfig /all from the command line/DOS window.

Choose an internal port in U-Torrent (select one, which is hopefully not being used by another application, or try the random option).

Then map that one, single port as both the start and end ports, to your local IP address; 192.168.1.nnn in the Virtual Server UI on your router.

If that doesn't work you've probably got some combination of UPnP and firewalls working against you.

Revo uninstaller sounds like a cool uninstaller program. May be this program will be able to effectively & entirely delete my previously deleted antivirus program - BitDefender 2009 where I suspect left over registry keys, files and folders are still in tact. Will try this tonight.

(This is going to be done with the assumption that some sort of a firewall mechanism that's still in placed is preventing any outgoing utorrents connection even after uninstalling the antivirus/firewall program)


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My comments embedded in blue. Thanks heaps for your time in looking into this.

I don't see any reason why you should be specifying 60000-65535 as the port range. Specify a FIXED port for *both* incoming and outgoing connections in your modem/router; which is what I do.

Incoming (TCP/UDP): 60101

Outgoing (TCP/UDP): 60101

I did this last night. I specified a fixed port for Utorrent connections. Please note that for the Billion router, there is no seperate boxes for Incoming or Outgoing connections. Scroll to the bottom and you'll see what my router page looks like visually: http://www.portforward.com/english/routers...00/Utorrent.htm

Also, interestingly as I mentioned my torrent downloads are fine (ie: incoming connections OK) but I am unable to upload (outgoing connection problem) I wonder if the OUTGOING (TCP/UDP) setting is the culprit???? Where would I be able to look into the setting? My router NAT's page doesn't have a setting preference for outgoing connection.

Also avoid using UPNP if possible. If you have port forwarding setup manually (like I have), disable UPNP.

Yes, I realized that.

uTorrent Preferences

In the Advanced options, set or limit net.max_halfopen to 50. Also enter your computer's IP address (ex. to net.bind_ip AND net.outgoing_ip. Leave everything else as it is.

Can you please elaborate on the above? What's the net.max_halfopen setting? And why 50?

Also, I have never seen any of those things before ie: net.bind_ip and net.outgoing_ip.

I guess I'll try it when I get home after work tonight..

Btw, I'm also using uTorrent 1.8.4 and it works just fine.

The net.max_halfopen allows you to set the number of concurrent connections; uTorrent default is 8. This won't fix your problem, but since I was on the subject of configuring uTorrent, I thought I'd mention it. You don't have to change this setting if you have no problems downloading. However, to get the most out of this setting, you will need to patch the TCPIP.SYS file in Windows. Windows XP by default, allows a maximum of 10 half-open connections at a time. Increasing this limit will allow more connections and better speeds (although some will dispute the latter). I have mine patched and can accept up to 100 half-open concurrent connections. However, in uTorrent I set this number to 50. Sorry for the confusion.

The net.bind_ip and net.outgoing_ip just tells uTorrent to use a specific LAN adapter for incoming and outgoing connections. This would be your computer's manually assigned static IP address (192.168.xxx.xxx).

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I re-reviewed your post and strongly suspect your attempts to create a static IP have caused you to use the wrong IP address to map to port 61109 in your router.

I have ensured that is my static IP address, which I have configured on my TCP/IP protocol setting page:

Your router assigns the IP address, which should be (assuming you have only one PC).

You need to determine your actual local IP address, either by looking in the router status table or by using ipconfig. I think you'll find you do not have as an IP address and thus are forwarding the wrong IP address.

You do not need to have a static IP address, but you do have forward the current IP address even as it might change (owing to a lease expiration).

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I re-reviewed your post and strongly suspect your attempts to create a static IP have caused you to use the wrong IP address to map to port 61109 in your router.
I have ensured that is my static IP address, which I have configured on my TCP/IP protocol setting page:

Your router assigns the IP address, which should be (assuming you have only one PC).

You need to determine your actual local IP address, either by looking in the router status table or by using ipconfig. I think you'll find you do not have as an IP address and thus are forwarding the wrong IP address.

You do not need to have a static IP address, but you do have forward the current IP address even as it might change (owing to a lease expiration).

It doesn't matter whether its .100, .103, or .200. If the gateway host is, you should be able to manually assign a static IP of anywhere from - Mine is setup in a similar fashion. Although I'm not using a Billion router, I would imagine all routers work the same.

I forgot to mention it earlier... The Billion Bipac 5200s from TRUE are horrible. Consider getting yourself a better router; doesn't have to be anything fancy though. A budget of 1,500 baht will get you something fairly decent nowadays.

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Mine is setup in a similar fashion. Although I'm not using a Billion router, I would imagine all routers work the same.

The BiPAC 5200 has a default dynamic IP address range of through

If you configure Windows to request .103 then the router could still hand that same IP address out to another PC, causing problems.

Anyway, I would reconfigure Windows for dynamic IP addressing, determine the current IP address then map that to 61109.

It sounds like an IP addressing issue, based on the information presented.

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The BiPAC 5200 has a default dynamic IP address range of through

If you configure Windows to request .103 then the router could still hand that same IP address out to another PC, causing problems.

In this case, I would assign the client computer a static IP outside the .100-.199 range; something in between .201-.254. In doing so, the router has no chance of assigning the same IP to another PC on the network. I have mine setup exactly this way.

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