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Happened again! Just talked to a female platonic friend who got knocked up by a guy she has known for 4-5 months..

I asked her if they planned the baby, and she said they didn't ! Said they are happy, but still.........

wow....... :)

I thought the practice of barebacking was steadily going away... But, I guess not.

Where I come from ( California ) we are taught about the dangers of STDs, AIDS, unplanned pregnancies, etc.. at an early age like 12.

I assumed it was common sense to use a condom, but sadly it isn't... I have never gone without one, an prob never will.

Why does this still happen? Are people just in denial about STDs and babies ? ! ? ! Seriously... what the he@# is going on?

How about in your countries back home... What's the education like?

Herpies, clamidia, AIDS, and the rest are not my idea of a good life.. So, if you're riding without a safety-sack...... WAKE UP!

Not just the guys, but girls.... need to make sure there's protection too.

THis really is common sense

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Where I come from ( California ) we are taught about the dangers of STDs, AIDS, unplanned pregnancies, etc.. at an early age like 12.

I assumed it was common sense to use a condom, but sadly it isn't...

Why does this still happen? Are people just in denial about STDs and babies ? ! ? ! Seriously... what the he@# is going on?

How about in your countries back home... What's the education like?



THis really is common sense

I don't mean this is an insulting way, but I think you're a bit naive. I guess the wonderful educational system regarding sex ed in California is why the state has one of the highest HIV/AIDS rates in the U.S.

You talk about "common sense". Have you ever heard the old saying that, "Common sense isn't very common"?

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the state has one of the highest HIV/AIDS rates in the U.S.

You talk about "common sense". Have you ever heard the old saying that, "Common sense isn't very common"?

It wouldn't surprise me, due to the state having a high number of gays being unsafe, along with DRUG use. Drug use using needles is also a very common way of transmission.. The world is full of stupid people, yes, even in California..

I am glad I am not one of them :)

On second thought, maybe we should let this weed out the people lacking common sense...

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Um..you dont know if your friend and her partner had testing done and it was just a problem with her contraceptive pill or something. Upset stomachs, antibiotics, etc can mess up the pills performance. It was an unplanned pregnancy, but thats not to say they were having unprotected and unsafe sex. Also, condoms can rip/slip off. She could have taken the morning after pill, but maybe they decided they didnt want to.

I also think you may be surprised at the numbers of hetrosexuals that engage in unsafe sex, easy to think its really just a problem with homosexuals and drug users. Sometimes when drunk people forget about it (thinking "its just the once..the chances are slim of getting anything), sometimes a couple who have been dating a while decide to just use the pill and not think about it because they know each other (thus a false sense of security thinking they are safe from std's), etc. Many easy reasons to think its ok. Also, a person could be the victim of a cheating partner who doesnt use protection. Or, a victim of rape/assault.

A few years back one of my friends was talking to me and another friend about a new guy she was dating that we knew well. She said he was "pierced down there". Made me laugh..then made me think "how does he get a condom on?"..so i asked her. SHe looked at me like i was crazy and said "im on the pill". I said..i dont mean that.. i mean like ..std's n stuff. Both girls looked at me like i was crazy..saying..well..we know him. Thats when i realised that not all people think about safe sex. Tbh i was surprised...and shocked. Another time a friend once called them joy-killers or something like that (male friend), saying that how can he kill the moment with stopping to put on a condom.

Also, i think many people arent comfortable with the idea of talking about the more unsexy/unromantic side of sex by asking their partner to take a sexual health/family test. Some, like myself, prefer to feel safe. However, thats also then putting trust in each other that we are faithful within the relationship. Again, that also doesnt mean that the contraception is 100% fail safe against pregnancy. Im not planning right now to get pregnant, but if i did, i know we would both be happy about it as its something we want in the future. Maybe your friend was in a similar situation.

I think people jump too quickly to the assumption that an unplanned pregnancy meant they were engaging in risky sex or unprotected sex (although all sex, even with a condom, has risk of various levels). Doesnt necessarily mean that.

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A man boarded a plane with 6 kids.

After they got settled in their seats a woman sitting across the aisle from

him leaned over to him and asked, "Are all of those kids yours?"

He replied, "No. I work for a condom company. These are customer


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Well, the child is actually 5 months old now..

I feel like I am the only one that has heard of a condom over here..

I also enjoy sleeping a lot better at night! I have even read stories on this board about guys and girls scared to death after a condom free encounter with a bar girl or boy... Wishing they could go back in time and use one... dreading an aids test. Yup, aids still kills many.

But, I must add: Use a NAME BRAND condom only.

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Well, the child is actually 5 months old now..

I feel like I am the only one that has heard of a condom over here..

I also enjoy sleeping a lot better at night! I have even read stories on this board about guys and girls scared to death after a condom free encounter with a bar girl or boy... Wishing they could go back in time and use one... dreading an aids test. Yup, aids still kills many.

But, I must add: Use a NAME BRAND condom only.


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My partner has told me that here condoms as are sold in Pharmacies and 7/11 s are too expensive for most thais. She says that many uni students are on the pill but do not use condoms due to the pricel She also said that standard condoms are available free from hospitals. Sounds as if it is time to get them into schools and universities.

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