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What Would You Like To Be Told If You Had A Life Threatening Disease?


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Ever seen the movie "Soylent Green"?


Now that is the way to die. That type of euthanasia for somebody ready to die make a lot of sense to me!

Have your favorite dinner, listen to your favorite music, get drowsy and slowly and peacefully pass on.

Jack Kevorkian, aka "Dr. Death" would approve. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Kevorkian

..... and be processed into somtum. :D

And I would hope I'd give ya the shits... :)

"Bring in the scoops!"

Still it would be nice to know that after you have gone you will still be giving pleasure to some hot little Isaan maiden. :D

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I would like to be told the truth, in a gentle way...

I also would like to be told how long I still have, but more important, when it is expected to start to be painful, and/or when it will start to be "ugly"...

I would like to be told how to fight pain, and how to keep a bit of dignity.

I think I would like my wife to be with me when I am told the bad new

I think that I gotta go along with your thoughts.

But maybe I wouldn't want to know any way :)

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I would like to be told the truth, in a gentle way...

I also would like to be told how long I still have, but more important, when it is expected to start to be painful, and/or when it will start to be "ugly"...

I would like to be told how to fight pain, and how to keep a bit of dignity.

I think I would like my wife to be with me when I am told the bad new

Best response yet.

But maybe I wouldn't want to know :)

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I would like to be told the truth, in a gentle way...

I also would like to be told how long I still have, but more important, when it is expected to start to be painful, and/or when it will start to be "ugly"...

I would like to be told how to fight pain, and how to keep a bit of dignity.

I think I would like my wife to be with me when I am told the bad new

I think that I gotta go along with your thoughts.

But maybe I wouldn't want to know any way :)

I would like to be told, only to have time to prepare myself, and my beloved wife, and to make sure that she won't be in trouble. Also to make sure that I would spend the remaining time with her 100%.

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Why worry? I ain't joined the one foot in the grave brigade yet :D

Still got another 20 years before they tell me I've got sclerosis of the liver :D Ummmmm :) , (thinks about last weekend, or what can be remembered therof :D ) OK, make that 10 years :D

Don't forget adding heart disorder, cancer, prostate, HIV, Thai drivers, greedy partners, Hep C, etc to the list.

Don't know why the OP got hammered by some grumpies. I suspect he has good reason for asking that question, bad taste me thinks.

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"Change girlfriends".. Oops, too late..

This thread has nothing whatsoever to do with Thailand...

Well, I've had to educate some docs up here in the provinces that unlike the Thai, farang tend to want to know the truth. It would appear that the docs don't want to give out bad news, so they coddle more than a bit. Somebody's mother was dying with only a few days to live, and when asked, the doctor said we'll have to wait and see. Sheesh...

By the same token, 10 years ago after one of the three bypasses failed and couldn't be redone, I was given 'less than a year' to live. So, 9+ years on borrowed time, or just a screw-up by the stateside doc? Doesn't matter, I'm still here, making life miserable for those around me :D:)

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By the same token, 10 years ago after one of the three bypasses failed and couldn't be redone, I was given 'less than a year' to live. So, 9+ years on borrowed time, or just a screw-up by the stateside doc? Doesn't matter, I'm still here, making life miserable for those around me :D:)

That's great Noah! Best wishes for your continued good luck and for many more healthy years to come!

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Twice, so far, I have had a life threatening ailment and I was glad I was told about it.

Both times the problems were fixed thanks to the wonderful NHS, though it was a stressful time waiting for the operations.

After the 2nd (heart), that was enough for me. Gave me a good kick up the ass and I decided to get my skates on and get away from the stressful UK and enjoy more of life.

Never looked back and health is better here :)

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This reminds me of the guy who went to see his doctor, and after all the test results were back, the doctor says, "I have good news and bad news for you, which would you like to hear first?"

The guy says, "I'll take the bad news first.”

“The bad news is that unfortunately you’ve only got 3 months to live.”

Taken aback, the guy asks, “What’s the good news then Doctor?”

The doctor points over to the front desk, “Did you notice that cute new secretary with the great figure?”

The guy nods his head and the doctor replies, “I’m sleeping with her.”


Edited by zzdocxx
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