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If You Feel There Might Be Trouble


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I'm sure a lot of you might know each other in person and have expat friends near by,but i think there are also expats who's only contact with others is here

on TV because of there location or preference.

With more and more murders and other nasty things happening to expats i think it might be a good idea for members to contact other members if he/she

feels in some sort of danger,you don't have to post to the forum,just PM 1-2 members with your details and your problem and who might be involved!

In other threads FRED2007 posted he was having some problems with someone torching one of his units and his gf/wife fearing he might be shot.

Another thread someone noticed NEVERDIE was missing from the forum for a while,but its good to know there was someone here that knows him and he

is holidaying in Oz!

Its just a thought,but maybe a good idea.

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Good topic I have quite a problem with 3 Brithish guys up where I am. I am retired and live alone. I donot drink or smoke or do drugs. For some reason this angers them. 2 of them have threatened to come to my house. One follows me around and constantly challenges me publicly by interrupting me whenever I talk and never letting me finish a statement in public constantly trying to provoke something. Every time I go out of my home is less than an hour he is around me.When I visit thais he doesnot know he sits across the street and watches us and when I leave he follows me. They are all teachers at a local school and give me the feeling their acts are acts of paranoia. All three brag about connections with bar owners in Pattaya and their police contacts, as to sound like they are connected gangsters and thugs. I mind my own business but they harrass me constantly.One guy is 40something the other 2 early 50s. I think all wannabes but dangerous as hel_l.

When they have threatened me they make it appear they have the police in their backpocket so as to say no where for me to seek assistance or help.They have told me openly their wifes relatives will do crimial acts cheap. I am old enough I willnot give in to thugs would rather die first. So welcome to my funeral.

One last thing as teachers I donot see how he can be away from school so much to watch me?

Edited by lovelomsak
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thailand seems to draw its fair share of expat misfits here,people that would be the same back home.If it was me having your problem i would up and leave,move somewhere else................easiest way to remove the threat.

sorry willnot give in to such thuggery acts as stated before Iam old and will die first

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thailand seems to draw its fair share of expat misfits here,people that would be the same back home.If it was me having your problem i would up and leave,move somewhere else................easiest way to remove the threat.

sorry willnot give in to such thuggery acts as stated before Iam old and will die first

well as they say "up to you" but why cause yourself unnecessary grief.

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Good topic I have quite a problem with 3 Brithish guys up where I am. I am retired and live alone. I donot drink or smoke or do drugs. For some reason this angers them. 2 of them have threatened to come to my house. One follows me around and constantly challenges me publicly by interrupting me whenever I talk and never letting me finish a statement in public constantly trying to provoke something. Every time I go out of my home is less than an hour he is around me.When I visit thais he doesnot know he sits across the street and watches us and when I leave he follows me. They are all teachers at a local school and give me the feeling their acts are acts of paranoia. All three brag about connections with bar owners in Pattaya and their police contacts, as to sound like they are connected gangsters and thugs. I mind my own business but they harrass me constantly.One guy is 40something the other 2 early 50s. I think all wannabes but dangerous as hel_l.

When they have threatened me they make it appear they have the police in their backpocket so as to say no where for me to seek assistance or help.They have told me openly their wifes relatives will do crimial acts cheap. I am old enough I willnot give in to thugs would rather die first. So welcome to my funeral.

One last thing as teachers I donot see how he can be away from school so much to watch me?

Thats very disturbing what you wrote there , it would disturb me a lot if it would happen to me .

I wonder what the main reason is why they stalk you like that , did you have a past conversation with them

which instigates them to harrass you ? Do they think you are a possible child molester ....I could not think

of anything worse , but probably they have something to hide for themselves , or you knowing or them thinking

you might know something , them getting paranoid especially when you are in contact with locals .

I would seriously tell someone whats going on , and when they cross the line by Thai law I would report them instantly .

Don't be scared with them threatening you knowing police , when you step into a police station they will and have to take

it seriously , and believe me don't underestimate the local police , they will tell you they might have a look at their residence .

Will not surprise me they they will stop harrassing you , the moment when you did the correct thing and still no

improvement consider to move and have a nice retirement in another ampuh or province equally to your satisfaction .

good luck and do something about it .

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thailand seems to draw its fair share of expat misfits here,people that would be the same back home.If it was me having your problem i would up and leave,move somewhere else................easiest way to remove the threat.

You mean run like a coward?

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thailand seems to draw its fair share of expat misfits here,people that would be the same back home.If it was me having your problem i would up and leave,move somewhere else................easiest way to remove the threat.

You mean run like a coward?

whats wrong with that , if you have no significant investments , the most intelligent thing to do

could me to move on , if its full of morons , would be moronic to flow with them .

I had a friend , who was a world champion in Thai boxing in his Heydays , always coming up for his friends ,

he was no coward a hero perhaps , but foolish , some real cowards shot him in the back and killed him .

So you wanna be a hero ?

Edited by tijnebijn
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Good topic I have quite a problem with 3 Brithish guys up where I am. I am retired and live alone. I donot drink or smoke or do drugs. For some reason this angers them. 2 of them have threatened to come to my house. One follows me around and constantly challenges me publicly by interrupting me whenever I talk and never letting me finish a statement in public constantly trying to provoke something. Every time I go out of my home is less than an hour he is around me.When I visit thais he doesnot know he sits across the street and watches us and when I leave he follows me. They are all teachers at a local school and give me the feeling their acts are acts of paranoia. All three brag about connections with bar owners in Pattaya and their police contacts, as to sound like they are connected gangsters and thugs. I mind my own business but they harrass me constantly.One guy is 40something the other 2 early 50s. I think all wannabes but dangerous as hel_l.

When they have threatened me they make it appear they have the police in their backpocket so as to say no where for me to seek assistance or help.They have told me openly their wifes relatives will do crimial acts cheap. I am old enough I willnot give in to thugs would rather die first. So welcome to my funeral.

One last thing as teachers I donot see how he can be away from school so much to watch me?

It sound as as though you're having a fairly serious problem, I wonder if there's any other TV members in this posters neck of the woods that would like to offer support or assistance?

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The ones who boast about "police contacts" and what they can have done are usually full to the brim of what makes the flowers grow.

Do I have a police contact? Sure. Ex Region 4 in KK General. He did some business with my in laws a few years back. Mobile number in my phone. He gave it to me. I didn't ask. No doubt he his phone is chockablock with numbers. Nice friendly chap. Same as my wife's old school chum is a judge. Have a meal with him and his and a couple of times a year.

I certainly don't advertise in my locale who I know. The one's who do don't know anybody.

The main difference is I can't use my contacts to have things done to other people like some wannabe mafioso. They said he'd help me out if I had any problems with the stipulation that if the problem was self inflcited then it's a case of you're on your own mate.

Never had to call. Hopefully never will. I'm not one of those types to get on the blower if I'm stopped for speeding with a "Do you know who I know" type crap. I'll bite the bullet on that sort of stuff.

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Good topic I have quite a problem with 3 Brithish guys up where I am. I am retired and live alone. I donot drink or smoke or do drugs. For some reason this angers them. 2 of them have threatened to come to my house. One follows me around and constantly challenges me publicly by interrupting me whenever I talk and never letting me finish a statement in public constantly trying to provoke something. Every time I go out of my home is less than an hour he is around me.When I visit thais he doesnot know he sits across the street and watches us and when I leave he follows me. They are all teachers at a local school and give me the feeling their acts are acts of paranoia. All three brag about connections with bar owners in Pattaya and their police contacts, as to sound like they are connected gangsters and thugs. I mind my own business but they harrass me constantly.One guy is 40something the other 2 early 50s. I think all wannabes but dangerous as hel_l.

When they have threatened me they make it appear they have the police in their backpocket so as to say no where for me to seek assistance or help.They have told me openly their wifes relatives will do crimial acts cheap. I am old enough I willnot give in to thugs would rather die first. So welcome to my funeral.

One last thing as teachers I donot see how he can be away from school so much to watch me?

cum clean man. what did you do?

tell us the rest of the story.

you story sounds ridiculous!

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more in fo for the curious ok

I was offered a job at a school. I went there to check it out. Went to english department. Met 2 of the guys, the 40ish guy refused to even say hello wouldnot even recognize my presence ok so I leave him alone no want conflict donot need it. Second guy 50ish says right off he has been there the longest and is in charge ok a guy on power tripI willnot interfere. He then goes on to tell me he used to manage a crew at heathrow airport afternoon shift. He tells me he is a pilot etc. Some female students come in he has been videoing he says for school project. What he says next blows me away. He states get this exact quote." there is just something about seeing those small school uniforms laying on the floor."

I decide right there I want nothing to do with these guys or the school. I go find the thai person that offered me the job and politely state that I amnot interested in working and donot want to change my visa, i will stay retired thank you. Good enough I thought. I just want to go home forget this ever happened.

I rent a townhouse in the city the school is in. And continues on with my life. One day the 50ish guy meets me on street, asks what do i want he can get it for me. I reply I am ok thanks nothing at the moment. He tells me come to Oasis friday he goes there every friday around 12. I didnot go. We meet about 4 days later he says not to play with him or he will come to house to deal with me. First threat simply because I avoid him. He then says wifes cousin is a policeman and he will assist him no problem.

I am told by other foreigners in the area the second guy the 40ish oh i forgot to add he is the tough guy of the 2,., is waiting for the opportunity to give me a good beating, because he cannot stand me.

After that new Bitish guy gets hired as teacher. Within 1 week he starts following me and thats where it is now.

I willnot go into the stories I here about them bragging about police contacts and bar owners in pattaya because I get this from other foreigners they talk too.

Any other questions?

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makes more sense now. in opening you made it seem like you innocent bystander.

you in deep man. you know too much. you could report them to international pervert control or something and they know it.

its like when you have info on mafia stuff they know they got to bump ya ogg or something.

id move!

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lovelomsak - your story reminds me of Bitchy Girls I use to go to School with.

These are grown men we are talking about, its very unusual for Men to act this way.

Its like they dislike you because they wanted to make friends with you and you stayed away from them.

Its like they wanted you to maybe 'join the gang' and because you won't, they now hate you.

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I had almost the same problem a few months back. I could swear a foreign guy was stalking me, mid 40's and quite tall. I would see him everywhere and he would try and mingle in the crowd when I noticed him. I chalked it up to paranoia and I haven't seen him for a few weeks now.

My wife had a stalker a few years back, a Thai bloke who would always follow her and talk to her. While I don't mind taking chances with myself, I didn't want to take any chances with my wife and we moved away from that area.

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Clearly the Op knows too much .

On the other hand I would feel morally guilty if I knew what he knows , this is a very serious issue .

How would you feel if one of your own kids would attend on this school with such dangerous individuals ,

who should get life sentences or as in Poland get castrated if proven guilty ....

I would feel such guilt for those poor souls the OP should report those bastards , report it to the Police or and

international agency for possible child molesters who they will investigate , try to get protection and move out of the area

very quickly but not before the report , I 'm very serious , who thinks the same ?

Edited by tijnebijn
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No disrespect to English language school teachers but the proffesion does seem to attract some scum.

I had a similar inccident whilst teaching. The farang teacher in question was sexually harrasing members of the teaching staff. I mentioned it the head of the department. Next thing this farang teacher comes up to my desk and takes pictures of me. After that I had some Thai thug following me around. I left the job, lost a fair bit money as I wasn't paid and found a new job (that isn't teaching).

My advice would be to move. It would help to know if you are renting? Once you have moved then blow the whistle on the creeps. It would help if you had some evidence rather than just what you heard.

Other than that it may be worth offering the local police a donation in exchange for some of their services.

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A few weeks back my wifes brother lost 20,000 baht in a chicken fighting match, 20K he didnt have, now he has some bad people

really angry he cant pay.

So he comes to me and asks for money (my wife was steaming he did this). I politely said "sorry no have". He left and didnt seem

angry i didnt give it to him. (I have always been nice to him and his wife and we never had any conflicts)

Next day my wife calls and says "Be careful Brother going to do something bad to you". I say "why?". He angry you not give $$$ to him.

Next day she says "Brothers motocy taxi friends going to box you big, be careful".

I kept my mouth shut, i wanted say "bring it on you little twirp" but dont want escalate anything.

That was 2 weeks ago, nothing happened so far.

Edited by SoiGirlHunter
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Clearly the Op knows too much .

On the other hand I would feel morally guilty if I knew what he knows , this is a very serious issue .

How would you feel if one of your own kids would attend on this school with such dangerous individuals ,

who should get life sentences or as in Poland get castrated if proven guilty ....

I would feel such guilt for those poor souls the OP should report those bastards , report it to the Police or and

international agency for possible child molesters who they will investigate , try to get protection and move out of the area

very quickly but not before the report , I 'm very serious , who thinks the same ?

Yes. Go to Interpol.


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Not a nice way to have to live your life.

Not all Thai Police are bad. Most infact would not go along with hurting or murdering an innocent bystander. I gather you are in Pattaya. You could even ask one of the Farang Police volunteers as a last resort.Mention this to all the people you are in contact with as well.

wouldnt hurt to carry a stun gun or some pepper spray however.

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more in fo for the curious ok

I was offered a job at a school. I went there to check it out. Went to english department. Met 2 of the guys, the 40ish guy refused to even say hello wouldnot even recognize my presence ok so I leave him alone no want conflict donot need it. Second guy 50ish says right off he has been there the longest and is in charge ok a guy on power tripI willnot interfere. He then goes on to tell me he used to manage a crew at heathrow airport afternoon shift. He tells me he is a pilot etc. Some female students come in he has been videoing he says for school project. What he says next blows me away. He states get this exact quote." there is just something about seeing those small school uniforms laying on the floor."

I decide right there I want nothing to do with these guys or the school. I go find the thai person that offered me the job and politely state that I amnot interested in working and donot want to change my visa, i will stay retired thank you. Good enough I thought. I just want to go home forget this ever happened.

I rent a townhouse in the city the school is in. And continues on with my life. One day the 50ish guy meets me on street, asks what do i want he can get it for me. I reply I am ok thanks nothing at the moment. He tells me come to Oasis friday he goes there every friday around 12. I didnot go. We meet about 4 days later he says not to play with him or he will come to house to deal with me. First threat simply because I avoid him. He then says wifes cousin is a policeman and he will assist him no problem.

I am told by other foreigners in the area the second guy the 40ish oh i forgot to add he is the tough guy of the 2,., is waiting for the opportunity to give me a good beating, because he cannot stand me.

After that new Bitish guy gets hired as teacher. Within 1 week he starts following me and thats where it is now.

I willnot go into the stories I here about them bragging about police contacts and bar owners in pattaya because I get this from other foreigners they talk too.

Any other questions?

You were intending to teach English?

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Good topic I have quite a problem with 3 Brithish guys up where I am. I am retired and live alone. I donot drink or smoke or do drugs. For some reason this angers them. 2 of them have threatened to come to my house. One follows me around and constantly challenges me publicly by interrupting me whenever I talk and never letting me finish a statement in public constantly trying to provoke something. Every time I go out of my home is less than an hour he is around me.When I visit thais he doesnot know he sits across the street and watches us and when I leave he follows me. They are all teachers at a local school and give me the feeling their acts are acts of paranoia. All three brag about connections with bar owners in Pattaya and their police contacts, as to sound like they are connected gangsters and thugs. I mind my own business but they harrass me constantly.One guy is 40something the other 2 early 50s. I think all wannabes but dangerous as hel_l.

When they have threatened me they make it appear they have the police in their backpocket so as to say no where for me to seek assistance or help.They have told me openly their wifes relatives will do crimial acts cheap. I am old enough I willnot give in to thugs would rather die first. So welcome to my funeral.

One last thing as teachers I donot see how he can be away from school so much to watch me?

cum clean man. what did you do?

tell us the rest of the story.

you story sounds ridiculous!

I got to agree it sounds stupid, why would you draw this kind of attention. I don’t ever remember having been given such a hard time by anyone that was not warranted, and you get it in triplicate all at the same time.

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Clearly the Op knows too much .

On the other hand I would feel morally guilty if I knew what he knows , this is a very serious issue .

How would you feel if one of your own kids would attend on this school with such dangerous individuals ,

who should get life sentences or as in Poland get castrated if proven guilty ....

I would feel such guilt for those poor souls the OP should report those bastards , report it to the Police or and

international agency for possible child molesters who they will investigate , try to get protection and move out of the area

very quickly but not before the report , I 'm very serious , who thinks the same ?

Yes. Go to Interpol.


Exactly , there should be no reason why lovelomsak shouldn't do it .

Report the name of the school , their names should pop out easily , who knows perhaps they already ' know ' them

internationally .

Sorry for earlier , I mentioned him as the Op but he wasn't .

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