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So many physicists believe the "universe" was created by a big bang. Fair enough. What I wanna know is what created the big bang, what existed before the big bang, even if there was just an infinite expanse of nothingness(kind of  a mind spinner because AFAIC even an infinite vaccum is "something"), where did the materials for the big bang come from.

Great question, Penelope! These are questions anyone would have, I would think. I used to ask myself: 1. What was there before there was anything? (you are correct in discerning that 'nothingness' is in itself a 'something') 2. What time was it before time began?

The only way to answer an infinite question from a finite perspective is, for me, to look to the Lord God--the Alpha and the Omega, the Creator of both time and space. I believe in God of the Bible, Penelope.

Incredibly intelligent people like Hawking, etc. will expound about cosmological issues I can barely grasp. They are much more intelligent than I can ever hope to be. But, for me, it all comes down to faith. At some point there has to have been a Spacemaker and a Timemaker, One whom always was and always will be. As I said, I'm no genius, but I know in Whom my faith lies. Things just fall too well into place in this universe for me to give any serious thought to coincidence or some 'big bang'. Just thougt I'd throw in my two cents. I totally enjoyed reading this thread!

Have a great day!


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the manner of your existence is predicated by your sense of awareness.

most people are aware of their 5 physical senses, but there are other senses within the mind that most are not aware of.

I'm aware of the existence of different levels of awareness, and believe that there are other people more aware than I.

I believe the level I am at now was due to my education. but I also believe it is fundamentally still a low level form of awareness.

because of the different levels of awareness that I see expressed around me, I know there must be a way to increase ones level of awareness.

but because it is a sense with no physical attribute, no one really knows how to train to enhance it.

some people accidentally find out. but I think they don't let others know aware of the danger that they could put themselves in by acknowleging this.

have you ever wondered why some people stand in your way when you exit a bus or a train? or why some people are willing to commit suicide for their religion? or why some people work until they die?

I believe most do it because they are not aware of what they are doing.

are you aware that I'm making light of this string?

existence. the pathway to expression.

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the manner of your existence is predicated by your sense of awareness. 

most people are aware of their 5 physical senses, but there are other senses within the mind that most are not aware of.

I'm aware of the existence of different levels of awareness, and believe that there are other people more aware than I.

I believe the level I am at now was due to my education.  but I also believe it is fundamentally still a low level form of awareness.

because of the different levels of awareness that I see expressed around me, I know there must be a way to increase ones level of awareness.

but because it is a sense with no physical attribute, no one really knows how to train to enhance it.

some people accidentally find out.  but I think they don't let others know aware of the danger that they could put themselves in by acknowleging this.

have you ever wondered why some people stand in your way when you exit a bus or a train?  or why some people are willing to commit suicide for their religion?  or why some people work until they die?

I believe most do it because they are not aware of what they are doing.

are you aware that I'm making light of this string?

existence. the pathway to expression.

What color of lights did you make and what kind of string did you use? Does his have something to do with string theory?...string vests?...string beans?...stringing you along?...string cheese?....

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