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Dont know here to search for this soooo

I am on a retirement extension and have been for years. I want to bring my Cambodia GF over and then get married and then can i add her to my extension so she can stay?

Would a visit to the local ampur for the marriage papers be sufficient for this? I live in Phuket

Any and all help is appreciated.



You both would have to visit your embassies to obtain paperwork allowing marriage. They you would visit District Officer to register marriage. After that she could take copy of your passport and the marriage certificate to a Consulate to obtain a single entry non immigrant visa. Then an extension of stay could be done by Immigration.



do u know if she is here on a tourist visa and we did the embassy thing and got married would they convert thta to a non o or would we need go to Penang?

Does anyone know if the Cambodian embassy in Bangkok would issue the paper work or tell us to go to Phnom Penh?


There is a provision that should allow it but believe others have been told no. I would ask at Immigration officer first (it will cost 2,000 baht if they do).


To marry a Cambodian Woman is NOT so easy.

Cambodian gvt forbade any marriage during nearly one year in 2008.

Now it's possible but before to begin the process you need an agreement from the Cambodian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cambodian Ministry of Interior. BUT to obtain that, you need first to obtain a certificate from the Embassy of your country in Phnom Penh.

When you have all of that, you can marry in the district of your wife in Cambodia.

Then you can validate this marriage to your Embassy in Phnom Penh.

Cambodian Embassy in Bangkok will not be able to help you in any way.

All these troubles because, a few years ago, Taiwanese and Korean men organized fake marriages with Khmer girls.


I have the official regulations (decree) in Khmer and French. If you want them, send me a message because I'm not sure we can attach something in the forums.


For the whole process, expect one year.

Google traduction of the process


A / S: Procedure for application for marriage with Cambodian authorities

Sub-Decree No. 183 ANK / BK of November 3, 2008 establishes the procedures and formalities of marriage in the Kingdom of Cambodia between Cambodians and foreigners.

The French partner will provide a record of marriage application will be sent to the Cambodian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation through the Embassy of France in Phnom Penh.

Its presence is required to complete these formalities.

This file must be submitted to the Embassy of France and consists of the following:

- Marriage application (to remove the Cambodian Ministry of Foreign Affairs);

- Photocopy of the passport with valid entry visa;

- Certificate of celibacy;

- Medical certificate issued by the Cambodian authorities;

- Criminal record (www.cnj.justice.gouv.fr);

- Certificate of employment stating the income;

- Family book as appropriate;

- Passport photographs of the 2 spouses under three months

1, Monivong Boulevard, Phnom Penh, Tel: (855) 23 430 026, Fax: (855) 23 430 041,

Email: consulat.phnom-penh-amba @ diplomatie.gouv.fr.


Nation Religion King




No. 183 ANK / BK


laying down procedures and formalities of marriage

between Cambodians and foreigners

The Royal Government

- Having regard to the Constitution of the Kingdom of Cambodia

- Seen the Royal Decree No. NS/RKT/0908/1055 from 25/09/2008 appointing the Royal Government,

- Seen Kram No. 02/NS/94 20/07/1994 Promulgating the Law on the organization and functioning of the Council of Ministers,

- Seen Kram No. 02/NS/RKM/1207/030 From 08/12/2007 enacting the Civil Code,

- Seen Kret No. 56 KR, 26/07/1989 Promulgating the Law on Marriage and Family

- Seen Kram No. NS/RKM/1096/30 of 09/10/1996 Promulgating the Law on Nationality,

- Seen Kram No. 05/NS/94 of 22/09/1994 enacting the Immigration Act,

- Seen Kram No. NS/RKM/0208/005 on 15/02/2008, enacting the law on the fight against human trafficking and sexual exploitation,

- Seen Kram No. NS/RKM/1006/026 of 21/10/2006 promulgating the law on monogamy

- Seen Kram No. NS/RKM/0196/05, 24/01/1996 enacting the law establishing the Ministry of Interior

- Seen Kram No. NS/RKM/0196/10, 24/01/1996 enacting the law establishing the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation

- Having regard to the Sub-Decree No. 103 ANK-BK, 29/12/2000 on Vital

- Saw the need for the Royal Government of Cambodia



General Provisions

Article 1:

This sub-decree aims to determine the formalities and procedures of marriage in the Kingdom of Cambodia between Cambodians and foreigners.

Article 2:

The marriage between Cambodian citizens and foreign nationals must be based on the principle of volunteerism and the willingness of each prospective spouses must take place under the conditions prescribed by law and regulations of the Kingdom of Cambodia.

Article 3:

Is marriage strictly prohibits organized with the help of marriage agencies, intermediaries or companies.

Article 4:

Strictly prohibits any false marriage for the purpose of deception, exploitation, human trafficking or sexual exploitation.


Formalities and procedures to be completed in contemplation of marriage

a Cambodian citizen with a foreigner

Article 5:

A foreign national wishing to marry a person of Cambodian nationality must necessarily come to Cambodia to complete the formalities and procedures of marriage.

Article 6:

To marry a Cambodian citizen, the alien must submit to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Cambodia, a file containing the following documents:

- Application for marriage

- Photocopy of passport of the applicant abroad with an entry visa valid

- Certificate of celibacy or widowhood, issued by the authorities of the requesting country,

- Medical certificate issued by the Cambodian authorities,

- Preview of criminal records issued by the authorities of the requesting country,

- Certificate of work ensuring the living standards of the applicant issued by the authorities of his country.

Photocopies of the passport and certificate of celibacy or widowhood the applicant must be legalized by the embassy or diplomatic mission of his country in Cambodia.

Article 7:

The Cambodian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation is responsible for reviewing and advising on the documents submitted by the foreign national wishing to marry a Cambodian person. It must submit its reply to the complainant within a maximum of 5 working days. When completed the review of the record, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation forward to the Ministry of Interior and inform the institutions concerned.

Article 8:

After receiving the dossier submitted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, the Ministry of Interior is responsible for:

- Save the file and inform the complainant within a maximum of 5 working days

- Inform the registrar of the town / district of permanent residence of the person of Cambodian nationality,

- Authenticate documents issued by the registrar of the town / district of permanent residence of the person of Cambodian nationality.

Article 9:

When his case is reviewed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and duly registered by the Ministry of Interior, the foreign national must apply for a marriage to the registrar of the town / district the permanent home of the future spouse of Cambodian nationality.

The Cambodian citizen who marries a foreign national must also apply for a marriage to the registrar of his permanent residence to which are attached the following documents:

- A marriage application,

- A copy of birth certificate or certificate of birth Cambodia

- A certificate of celibacy or widowhood, issued by the Mayor or the Chief of his home

- A medical certificate issued by a hospital recognized by the Cambodian Ministry of Health,

Applications for marriage of the intending spouses and their records are deposited at the same time, the registrar of the town / district of permanent residence of the person of Cambodian nationality following the rules and procedures of the Vital.

Article 10:

The registrar of the municipality / district shall examine and decide on the marriage application of the intending spouses within a maximum of 3 days after receipt of the marriage application and attachments.

After reviewing applications for marriage and attachments in accordance with the law, the registrar of the town / district of permanent residence of the person of Cambodian nationality shall establish a publication of marriage in the presence of those concerned. This publication is displayed for 10 days at the embassy or diplomatic representative of the country's future spouse at home and abroad and for mayor of the Cambodian people under the procedures of civil status. In the absence of objection by the deadline above, interested parties can marry.

Article 11:

The marriage will have no legal effect until the bride and groom wedding contractor have been transcribed in the presence of two adult witnesses, their marriage in the civil registration by the registrar of the town / district where their applications were filed.

Article 12:

The Ministry of Interior gives registrars of the town / district, local authorities of all levels and all departments concerned under his tutelage, the instructions for models acts, formalities and additional procedures to apply for the marriage of a person of Cambodian nationality to a foreign national.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation gives instructions to the models of acts, formalities and procedures, in addition to applying for the marriage of a foreigner with a person of Cambodian nationality.


Final Provisions

Article 13:

All provisions contrary to this sub-decree is repealed.

Article 14:

The Minister for the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Minister of Interior, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, the Ministers and Secretaries of State institutions are responsible for implementing this sub-decree from the date of signature.

Phnom Penh, November 3, 2008

Prime Minister

(signature and stamp)


Presented for signature by the Prime Minister:

Deputy Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister,

Interior Minister and Foreign Minister CI

(Signature) (Signature)

Sar Kheng Hor Namhong


- Ministry of Royal Palace

- Secretariat General of Constitutional Council

- Secretariat General of Senate

- General Secretariat of the Assembly

- Secretariat General of Royal Government

- Prime Minister

- Persons referred to in Article 14

- All provinces and cities

- Archive chrono -


actually things can be attached and also pinned if its something official

since several people have asked about cambodian marriages/visas for gf to live in thailand in the past year, it might be worth it to have it pinned i would think...


actually things can be attached and also pinned if its something official

since several people have asked about cambodian marriages/visas for gf to live in thailand in the past year, it might be worth it to have it pinned i would think...


I saw the attachment editor below but it's laborious. I upload a couple of documents. Not all.

I suggest you use the Google translation in English or give me an email address to allow me to send you the attachments.




i have been doing lots of research and it seems that a Cambodian CANNOT obtain permission to marry here in Thailand, the Cambodian embassy will not help or issue any paper. Although it is not easy to do in Cambodian it is only like 4-6 weeks and not cheap.

Now i have been told that when a Cambodina receives a TOURIST visa in PP it is only good for 30 days not 60.

So does anyone know 100% ( please no,... i heard from someone that heard...) can that be extended in Thailand another 30 and can she then travel to Malyasia ( either pennag or Kota Bahru and obtain another tourist visa and how long thta one would be good for.


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