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I didn't really want to post here, I wanted to respect Fred's privacy. However, some people genuinely care. I was in contact with Fred yesterday and he is doing fine considering!

Thank you, and it is nice to hear that you have made contact with him. Wish him all the best.

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Best wishes Fred .

...."You need something to open up a new door

To show you something you seen before

But overlooked a hundred times or more

You need something to open your eyes

You need something to make it known

That it's you and no one else that owns

That spot that yer standing, that space that you're sitting

That the world ain't got you beat

That it ain't got you licked

It can't get you crazy no matter how many

Times you might get kicked".....



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It is good to hear Fred is ok. I don't know him at all, but he is a person just like me and has joys and hardships in life like the rest of us. I truly hope that whatever ails him subsides and hope that one day he can come back to TV and share his ideas and reflections with us again. Derek-C and others, I hope that my comment earlier did not offend you or possibly Fred. I don't know if I worded everything to be taken as positive "advice/thoughts/opinions" and in no way did I intend to belittle Fred. Like I said before, I do not know this gentleman, and I may have been out of line for saying what I did, but I really hope that he gets his life back and happiness returns. Give him my best also, when/if you talk to him. Thanks and take care.

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Good to hear Fred's OK. Well done Derek, everybody needs mates like that. A good social network is important, especially as an expat living in a foreign country. You just never know when you need help but you will! And when your struggling but too afraid to ask becasuse pride wont let you, thats when the quality of your mates shines through.

Edited by Steps
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Nice to hear that Fred is OK.

Maybe things have gone a bit pear shaped for him here in Thailand. Crap happens in life and can happen to any of us.

There was a time in my eariler days when I fell in deep doo doos and just couldn`t see that light at the end of the tunnel. Divorced, death of my baby, lost my kids, homeless, no job. I won`t say anymore, don`t want to see ThaiVisa members cry.

But now 30 years on, I am an official member of the rich bastards club and the past is firmly behind me.

I`m sure we have all been there sometime in our lives, the ups and the downs. Most of it is just a temporary setback. Thats life.

So Fred, please don`t despair, because your situation will improve. Trust me on that one.

Edited by sassienie
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whilst i dont want to speculate on freds state of mind..because i dont know him, i think its worth pointing out that not all talk of suicide are simply cries for help.

i have delt with more suicides over the years than i care to remember, i am a firefighter and have witnessed and cleaned up the mess from far to many. and seen possibly every type going , bridge and cliff jumps, hangings, under trains, set on fire etc

Last night i spent almost 2 hours with a man on a bridge over the highway threatening to jump.i was sure he would do it yet he didnt . that one was a cry for help

3 weeks ago i spent 7 hours on another bridge listening to passers by yelling at him to jump, i was certain it was a cry for help until he dropped into the water 100ft below.

you can just never tell

3 years ago after numerous threats to kill herself my auntie finally did. it was the one time we didnt take her seriously.

whilst its we dont like to have our chains yanked and we all hate the idea of someone fooling us ( thats how the cry for help is often percieved) please remember suicide is a serious issue and in my opinion id rather give someone the attention they crave and need than ignore them and have them take theor own lives.

a little compassion goes a long way . the people who write these post are real people and not everyone is made of the same strong stuff as the rest of us , other just have testing times that they can see no end to. if youre not helping ..youre only making it worse.

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Hmmm... now who will be the next one to 'pull a Fred'?

Wow! That's about the most insensitive reply I have seen here! Indicates an EQ of below freezing point... I feel sorry for you.

I don't know you Fred, but I just wish that you will see and feel the warm side of the sun in your life soon again. It's always sad when life lead's anyone of us into dark territories and test our breaking point. I hope this phase of your life will make you stronger in the end and thus will have at least one positive aspect. I followed this thread and felt powerless to help - but now I feel better after I heard that you seem to be able to get your life together again.

3 years ago after numerous threats to kill herself my auntie finally did. it was the one time we didnt take her seriously.

I am with you on that one... Last November my ex-wife, the mother of my two sons threw herself from a railbridge and under a train. She threatened to do that for many years and her threats were finally not taken seriously any more...

Edited by TallForeigner
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Hmmm... now who will be the next one to 'pull a Fred'?

Wow! That's about the most insensitive reply I have seen here! Indicates an EQ of below freezing point... I feel sorry for you.

I dont see it as being insensitive at all. Whats insensitive is Fred or Derek not telling tv whats going on. It really does make a difference, we all want people to recover from car accidents. BUt eliciting sympathy for nothing doesnt cut it.

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Whats insensitive is Fred or Derek not telling tv whats going on. It really does make a difference, we all want people to recover from car accidents. BUt eliciting sympathy for nothing doesnt cut it.

On the one hand, I wish the best for Fred. But, I have to agree with Queenbill -- Fred has caused a great deal of consternation with a posting that was so cryptic.

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i still don't understand what is leading you guys to believe he is or was even on the verge of committing suicide.

So you would have been shocked had he? I wouldn't have. This was bizarre behavior many of us believe.

But of course Thank God he is OK.

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i still don't understand what is leading you guys to believe he is or was even on the verge of committing suicide.

What makes you think that we all thought that might be the case? Jumping to a few conclusions there aren't you?

What is quite clear though, is that Fred is having a tough time - and probably needs a bit of support. I continue to be disappointed by the lack of compassion/empathy shown by a number of people on this forum.

It has been nice to see though that several members here have taken the time to contact Fred and establish his situation.

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I do not know fred but having read all the posts i can only say this.

Fred please pick yourself up and say sod the world i am strong it is not going to beat me. You seem to have a lot of very concerned mates on here listen to them, Cry on their shoulder if you must i'm sure they won't mind.

As for the other posters @*%#@%%% make of that what you like. :)

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i still don't understand what is leading you guys to believe he is or was even on the verge of committing suicide.

Same same here.

I agree. My first impression was that Fred had finally figured out that spending much time here at TVF was a waste of it, so he was going to find something more constructive to do, or he just didn't want to face the sometimes very frank replies we all get occasionally.

However, others have speculated that Fred has (had?) plans to meet his maker ahead of schedule, so if that's the case Fred, please keep in mind that suicide is a long-term solution to a short-term problem.

Edited by Beacher
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given we have established Fred is ok, I dont see any reason to let this thread continue running.

if the OP wishes to use the thread to communicate again at some stage, let me know and Ill see what can be done.

in the mean time this thread is closed.

all the best Fred, and thanks again Derek, and everyone else for their good wishes for Fred.


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