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Well this one's been around for a while and bits are starting to drop off :)

Enough of my medical issues, the real question is should I replace my aging Canon EOS D60 (2002 vintage) with a more recent body?

I have a fair selection of good glass, much of it 'L' series (once bitten by the L bug you're comitted to a life seeing the limitations of lesser glass) and some real SLR lenses, full manual Pentax screw with an EOS adapter, it's amazing what good lenses can be picked up for a song on ebay because they're 'old' :D

Over the past year or so, I've been limited to my 'site camera' a little Casio point-n-shoot, the D-SLR living in its case in the wardrobe (metro tunnels and D-SLRs do not mix). The arrival of my daughter with my two grand-daughters prompted resurection of the 'real' camera. After this long away I'm still stunned by the quality that this camera produces despite it being 'only' 6MP, clear bright images straight out of the camera with minimal post-processing. Comparing it with my son-in-laws EOS 450D with it's stock lens there is no competition (D-60 wins hands down), I'd like to try the 450 with my L glass but I'm afraid I'd not get it back (that bug bites quickly).

So is anyone using a 450 or 500 with good glass? Thoughts?

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


I guess it depends really on your intended output.

If you're shooting family snaps for A4 prints etc then the D-60 will be fine.

Having said that it is lagging behind in the latest innovations which may appeal to you.

Depends on your budget really

If you thought the D60 blew you away - try a FF EOS 5D and brace yourself! :)

If you thought the D60 blew you away - try a FF EOS 5D and brace yourself! :)

Sadly the 59,000 Baht price tag for the Mk-1 and 135,000 Baht for the Mk-2 (klongdigital.com) blows me away too :D

We've has A1 exhibition posters done from the D60, at normal viewing distances they're great, look close and you see the blocks of course.

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"

If you thought the D60 blew you away - try a FF EOS 5D and brace yourself! :D

Sadly the 59,000 Baht price tag for the Mk-1 and 135,000 Baht for the Mk-2 (klongdigital.com) blows me away too :D

We've had A1 exhibition posters done from the D60, at normal viewing distances they're great, look close and you see the blocks of course.

That's not necessarily down to pixels though. Could be post processing, poor upsizing etc. PLUS, pixel peeping! :D PITA.

But it is most probably resolution to be fair.

The MK11 is actually ONLY 85,000 baht (fotofile) :)

Well this one's been around for a while and bits are starting to drop off :D

I know the feeling........ :)

Look at the Canon 50D.

I have the 40D, but would have bought the 50D if I had waited.

What lenses do you already have?

The L lenses will all fit on the new body.


Follow your heart and your budget....sometimes they go in opposite directions........

I have had every camera from the 10D up in canon and its a fun ride to see the difference...

your collection of lenses is the key....... and your desire to kick it up a notch......

I say go for it and get another body......50D is great and because of the cropping factor no


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