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What Is The Least Touristy Part Of Thailand?


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Which part of thailand has less tourists? the north south east or west?

which part of thailand has the less touristy beaches?

which countries in SE asia have the least tourists (cambodia/burma/nepal/laos/vietnam/phillipines

is the phillipines and indonesia more expensive thn thailand?


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1. Issan


3. Myamar. Last time I looked Nepal was not part of SE Asia

4. Yes/ No/ Depends.

Don't they have a Thomas Cook where you come from cos the questions are at that level.

Edited by roamer
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Can I just add that you shouldn't be looking at whole regions of the country to assign a touristy vs non-touristy status?

ALL major regions of Thailand have their touristy bits, and all have their completely untouristed bits. Granted there are more untouristed bits in the North East, but really there's no shortage of completely un-touristed areas in all other regions. So don't let that stop you from visiting any region if this is a requirement.

Then, keep in mind that sometimes certain places get tourists because they're worth seeing. Angkhor Wat is by FAR the most touristy bit of Cambodia, but that's really not any kind of reason to not go see it.

And, keep in mind that places COMPLETELY without tourist infrastructure really are a bitch to stay at, cause you'd be on your own in a tent, or on the floor in someone's house.

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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Which part of thailand has less tourists? the north south east or west?

which part of thailand has the less touristy beaches?


There's this lovely seaside town called Tak Bai, on the coast in Narathiwat in the beautiful south of Thailand. Always plenty of space available for tourists, and I believe they are also looking for English teachers too...

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Which part of thailand has less tourists? the north south east or west?

which part of thailand has the less touristy beaches?


There's this lovely seaside town called Tak Bai, on the coast in Narathiwat in the beautiful south of Thailand. Always plenty of space available for tourists, and I believe they are also looking for English teachers too...


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Id say

North/south of chumporn to for east coast.

Between Khao lak and Victoria point west coast

Basically rent a car and drive towards the tourist areas and then stop before you get there, or ask the Thais where they go.

Theres lots of national parks and camping in Thailand cheap as somtam and great locations with no/very few westerners there.

Stay away from the real deep south east coast not fun and police dont want you there either.

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Which part of thailand has less tourists? the north south east or west? Northeast. Nothing touristy there.

which part of thailand has the less touristy beaches? Islands in the deep south.

which countries in SE asia have the least tourists (cambodia/burma/nepal/laos/vietnam/phillipines. Burma

is the phillipines and indonesia more expensive thn thailand? Same same depends where you are.

cheers No worries

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Can I just add that you shouldn't be looking at whole regions of the country to assign a touristy vs non-touristy status?

ALL major regions of Thailand have their touristy bits, and all have their completely untouristed bits. Granted there are more untouristed bits in the North East, but really there's no shortage of completely un-touristed areas in all other regions. So don't let that stop you from visiting any region if this is a requirement.

Then, keep in mind that sometimes certain places get tourists because they're worth seeing. Angkhor Wat is by FAR the most touristy bit of Cambodia, but that's really not any kind of reason to not go see it.

And, keep in mind that places COMPLETELY without tourist infrastructure really are a bitch to stay at, cause you'd be on your own in a tent, or on the floor in someone's house.

I have to agree with Winnie. Issan is only popular with a few expats and there is not the infrastructure to attract English speaking tourists. If that is what you want then go for it. The land is relatively flat and uninviting. There are a few big reservoirs, but that is about it. I've spent some time in Sakhon Nakon and have no desire to return. I only saw one farang in 2 weeks there with my girl friend.

There are many great and deserted beach areas only a few miles from popular centers like Pattaya and Hua Hin. You just have to go out of town about 15 kilometers. You can even find a deserted beach in Koh Samui if you go looking.

The Philippines is composed of about 7000 islands. There's lots of deserted beaches, but what is there to do and how can you feed yourself? There is a REASON why tourist centers exist... they provide the necessities for living. For that you have to pay.

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Some expats want to live in a non-touristy Thailand and live amongst ordinary Thais. No problem with feeding and the necessities of life.

It's up to individuals. Some expats like to be with their own kind, speak English, and eat werstern food; others mix a little

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Which part of thailand has less tourists? the north south east or west?

which part of thailand has the less touristy beaches?

which countries in SE asia have the least tourists (cambodia/burma/nepal/laos/vietnam/phillipines

is the phillipines and indonesia more expensive thn thailand?


With all these questions sound like you doing some kind of school report hahaa ! :):D:D

least tourst place I would have to say some where like BETONG south of thailand good luck

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Less touristy beaches roamer? :)

Pattaya 2 in Isarn gets quite a lot of tourists now - good beach.

Where is this place (pattaya 2 in Issan) ?

It's on the banks of Ubolratana Dam in Khon Kaen province. About 50 kilometres from Khon Kaen city.

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The province of Amnat Charoen has officially the least amount of tourists in Thailand.

Been through the town of Amnat Charoen lots of times, and I always think that it looks really nice compared to most towns in Isaan.

There are scores of uninhabited/virtually uninhabited islands off the coast of Phuket where there are no tourists. There is a reason for this as has been pointed out, there is nothing to do there.

If you want pristine white beaches all to yourself then this is where to go.

I can lend you a tent, pick up water and food at a store, and i'll pick you up again in 10 days time, if you're still alive.

In case you're not, can you leave me a deposit beforehand..........................

I recently went to Pathalung in the south. I think i saw 1 foreigner there the whole time. There is a reason for this.........................there's nothing much to see or do. If you want to live like a Thai then i guess it's a reasonably average place. But i dont really want to live fully like a native. I find their lives tedious. And they would find my life tedious too. Nothing wrong with both of us, it's just that we've been brought up differently and have different enjoyment thresholds.

You make your choice.

Edited by markg
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I recently went to Pathalung in the south. I think i saw 1 foreigner there the whole time. There is a reason for this.........................there's nothing much to see or do.

Yes I was recently in Koh Sukorn....... beautiful island, friendly people - but as you say, nothing to do.

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