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A nice quiet soi dog that sleeps on my porch got pregnant 3 months ago.

4 weeks ago she went under the house to give birth.

Last Sunday I woke up at noon to the unusually loud sound of the pups to see that she brough 3 of the 6 up to live on my porch.

They now have little teeth and the mum is kinda fedup with the pain of feeding, so I'm helping the mum out with food a little (via puppy formula milk, and soon to be soft solid food so they get used to it).

Would you like one? When are available for you?

Anyway ... if you are looking a puppy, you are more than welcome to take one home.

I won't let them go before they are about 8 or 9 weeks because if they leave their mum before that age, they miss out on learning to behave and will cause their owners possibly endless grief and you will end up getting rid of them, which is no good for either you or the puppy. After that, they are good to go! So that will be around mid November.

Size and temperament of the dogs when grown

The mother is a small-ish breed ... about 30cm high and i would guess about 6-7kg. She is very quiet and I literally never heard a sound out of her before she was pregnant (and now only barks at strangers to protect her young). So she is a very relaxed and quiet dog.

I know which dog is the father of 4 of the puppies, and he is about 20kg .. medium/normal size .. not huge but not small. He is owned by another house but is let to roam sometimes. He never barks at people, is friendly, looks very healthy/taken-care-of, and when you look at him, he just looks like he is somehow intellegent and thinking (yeh i cant explain it exactly .. you have to see him to know what I mean)

So I expect these 4 to be pretty good, smart, dogs as long as you train them a little and take care of them.

I have no idea who the other fathers are (the last 2 dogs are clearly by different fathers), but as puppies they seem friendly so I think they would nice.

Pic's at 3.5 weeks



Please don't clutter this thread with useless rubbish like "OHH THEY ARE CUTE" or other superfluous crap that litters this forum. I am trying to look for a good home for them. Please post only things that are relevant such as questions for those that are interested, or information on where I can offload them so they have a good home (or feel free to PM me which is a good idea).


Edited by itsmeagain
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Well, one thing that the "oh, aren't they cute" posts do is keep your "ad" on the front page of the forum. Many people check just the first or second page and without the harmless, but non-helpful comments, your post is soon going to disappear.

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  • 1 month later...
Edit: weird that there is no way to delete a post on here .... Anyway can a mod delete this post.

Just blank it out and they'll come along and sweep it into the bit bucket for ya....

As for wanting one of the pups, no, sorry, but I understand your concern. If all else fails, maybe one or more wats in the local area will take them in. I know they do for cats (more desirable 'cuz they help keep the rat infestation down...)

Good luck.

(Note: maybe it would help if you disclosed your location?)

Edited by ballzafire
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Well, one thing that the "oh, aren't they cute" posts do is keep your "ad" on the front page of the forum. Many people check just the first or second page and without the harmless, but non-helpful comments, your post is soon going to disappear.

"No man who hates children and doga can be all bad"

W.C. Fields

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I'm going to be heading to a market to give the remaining 3 away next weekend (to passers by at a market who cant resist taking one home). So if you're interested in a puppy, PM me soon to come and take a look if you have any interest.

They are 9 weeks old now and i guess a kilo or slightly over so at least 3 times the size in the original pictures above, and are very playful and outgoing.

Information on the parents of the black and brown ones up top in the original post. The grey one has a different father who i don't know who that is, so cant comment on its size (temperament info below on each of them)

Brown female

Temprament - This one is nice. Isn't crazy energetic or anything (like the grey one below is). She avoids aggressive situations, doesn't much like to play-fight/wrestle with the other puppies - mainly just with her mum when her mum initiates the playing. She is quite relaxed and seems quite happy to hang out a lot of the time.




Black famale

Temprament - she is the most submissive/gentle of all the puppies. she still has a lot of energy at times and is very curious, sociable, and loves people. She is very playful, but if another puppy want's to be more dominant, she will let them be the dominant one and not be aggressive at all or fight for dominance. I think she would be perfect for a family with kids. She is very nice and playful and comes up and climbs up onto my lap to sit and stay with me more than the others, so i think she would be great with pretty much all people.




Grey female

Temprament - a lot of energy, VERY alert, and likes to look everywhere, play alot, and get the attention of new people. Ideally would have another older dog to teach it to be a little more submissive I think (not sure ... just guessing). If you are kind of lazy like me I'm not sure this one is for you with all of its energy (even though everyone loves how this grey one looks - you need a personality match also). I'd say she will need to go for walks/runs most every day to burn off some of that crazy energy =)



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