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Police Checks/shakedowns In Sukumvit


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Again, how do these officers identify themselves as officials when they stop you? I'm interested in the answer to this question. When a policeman in an outfit approaches you he's obviously police (unless it's some elaborate fraud like the guy in California who did it to extort sex from female drivers, heh), but how do plainclothes guys approach you and identify themselves as Immigration police?

Edited by on-on
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"Can you buy alcohol in the UK after 11pm or before 10.30am from supermarkets or shops?"


One thing I learned to do a while ago is to get a type written headed letter from the highest ranking Thai I can find. Just saying that should I have any problem then could whomever give me assistance. You'd be suprised how many Thai officials will actually do this even if they don't know you from 'Adam'.

On the 2 occasions I've been stopped by the police this has been the first thing I hand them, I've never been asked for anything more.

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One thing I learned to do a while ago is to get a type written headed letter from the highest ranking Thai I can find. Just saying that should I have any problem then could whomever give me assistance. You'd be suprised how many Thai officials will actually do this even if they don't know you from 'Adam'.

On the 2 occasions I've been stopped by the police this has been the first thing I hand them, I've never been asked for anything more.

This is cracking me up. When I visit back home in The States I'm going to get the mayor of some nowheresville town to write me a letter and then present it to customs officials and such. Why am I traveling outside the country? Why, perhaps you'd like to have a look at this letter from Mayor Quimby...

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soi 22 is the thong lor police area, and for many years have always been known for the worst police district for stopping foreigners in bkk, always 2 coppers, usually on one motorbike but sometimes plain clothes, you can be in soi 24 getting out of a taxi and searched and fined for getting out of a taxi which happened to japanese friend or just walking along soi 26 or around rama 4 near ekamai turn and stopped and asked to remove your shoes in a family mart which happened to canadian friend, or just walking past soi 51 and stopped which happened to me, they always use the same excuses.

its been going on for many years so it has nothing to do with past or present pms which another poster eluded to, its just that police force is something to avoid if in bkk

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... Taking photos of policeman carrying out their duty is not really advisable in most countries especially here where there is less regulation for you to follow through with an official complaint.

More to the point, this could serve just to incense and anger the cop,

which could escalate a bad situation into a terrible one, :)

Edited by cobra
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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey gys.I don't know who you believe you are but in most countrys you need to carry your passport on you.

I've been stoped several times and I just have a copy of my passport and the visa and that's been accepted

No problem at all.

And to the drug crack downs at the discos and night clubs? Well what's the big deal? They do this in many countrys as well.So don't use drogs and there will not be any problems to leave a pee test.

If you go to Us or Australia then you will se how the police behave them selvs.Like shit.

And at last,remember that you are in a forign country and you play at their backyard so why complain.

If,then stay home in your own country.

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Hey gys.I don't know who you believe you are but in most countrys you need to carry your passport on you.

I've been stoped several times and I just have a copy of my passport and the visa and that's been accepted

No problem at all.

And to the drug crack downs at the discos and night clubs? Well what's the big deal? They do this in many countrys as well.So don't use drogs and there will not be any problems to leave a pee test.

If you go to Us or Australia then you will se how the police behave them selvs.Like shit.

And at last,remember that you are in a forign country and you play at their backyard so why complain.

If,then stay home in your own country.

Another big F@#$%ng yawn!!! Mr. If you dont like it go home. Heres the deal, meet me for coffee tomorrow, and i will check to make sure you have shaved, are wearing appropriate clothes and have your passport, work permit, tax id card and everything else these excuses for police ask you forn and if you dont YOUR the tit!!!. People like you piss me off. its well known Thong lor police try and shake down more people than the other areas. You either live in a hole or you are perfect if you havent experienced this in your time in thailand! You, 'go home if you dont like it' crowd arent helping the situation, you are encouraging it with your laisse faire attitude!

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Another big F@#$%ng yawn!!! Mr. If you dont like it go home. Heres the deal, meet me for coffee tomorrow, and i will check to make sure you have shaved, are wearing appropriate clothes and have your passport, work permit, tax id card and everything else these excuses for police ask you forn and if you dont YOUR the tit!!!. People like you piss me off. its well known Thong lor police try and shake down more people than the other areas. You either live in a hole or you are perfect if you havent experienced this in your time in thailand! You, 'go home if you dont like it' crowd arent helping the situation, you are encouraging it with your laisse faire attitude!

Things actually are better in Thailand. Try copping attitude towards the police in the U.S. and or refusing to show ID and see how fast you get your ass thrown down a flight of stairs. I'm guessing most of the "Thai police hassled me" stories are due to some people showing attitude or some kind of disrespect towards government officials which will always result in issues in a foreign country. Farang vacationing in Thailand always expect to get away with everything and step all over Thai people.

Edited by wintermute
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I was not required to take part of this and totally ignored until I took out my phone and to take a photo!

Did this ever change things ! They then become super polite.

interesting tip about the photo.

i actually got shaken down in Paris in a similar way once when i was 20ish. funny thing was, i had a bad cold and in my pocket was lots of used tissues. the police didn't know what they were at first until i mimed blowing my nose. the gendarme dropped the tissue pretty quick and send me on my way.

Never mind the photo, put it on video mode, so you can actually record the actions and words.

Sgt Somchai will not want to put himself in such a position to be held accountable for his bs, usually works best for traffic cops and the bs they dream up, number plates too small springs to mind.

Was with a friend who offered to go to the police station and pay the fine for the so called infringement instead of the on the spot justice, Sgt Somchai waved him on.

I recommend the photo trick as well, it has helped get me out of their little stop and searches many times. If they get snippy about you taking photos just say "FACE BOOK NEKRUB" and they will either understand or stop caring.

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Another big F@#$%ng yawn!!! Mr. If you dont like it go home. Heres the deal, meet me for coffee tomorrow, and i will check to make sure you have shaved, are wearing appropriate clothes and have your passport, work permit, tax id card and everything else these excuses for police ask you forn and if you dont YOUR the tit!!!. People like you piss me off. its well known Thong lor police try and shake down more people than the other areas. You either live in a hole or you are perfect if you havent experienced this in your time in thailand! You, 'go home if you dont like it' crowd arent helping the situation, you are encouraging it with your laisse faire attitude!

Things actually are better in Thailand. Try copping attitude towards the police in the U.S. and or refusing to show ID and see how fast you get your ass thrown down a flight of stairs. I'm guessing most of the "Thai police hassled me" stories are due to some people showing attitude or some kind of disrespect towards government officials which will always result in issues in a foreign country. Farang vacationing in Thailand always expect to get away with everything and step all over Thai people.

Well your probably guessing wrong. Most people post about the BIB here because they have been unfairly shaken down, because the BIB see us as easy targets. If you genuinely have done something wrong i agree dont give attitude. farang vacationing in Thailand dont expect to get away with everything and step over thai people either, they just expect to be treated fairly and not conned by a Govt official who wants to subsidise his salary.

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Another big F@#$%ng yawn!!! Mr. If you dont like it go home. Heres the deal, meet me for coffee tomorrow, and i will check to make sure you have shaved, are wearing appropriate clothes and have your passport, work permit, tax id card and everything else these excuses for police ask you forn and if you dont YOUR the tit!!!. People like you piss me off. its well known Thong lor police try and shake down more people than the other areas. You either live in a hole or you are perfect if you havent experienced this in your time in thailand! You, 'go home if you dont like it' crowd arent helping the situation, you are encouraging it with your laisse faire attitude!

Things actually are better in Thailand. Try copping attitude towards the police in the U.S. and or refusing to show ID and see how fast you get your ass thrown down a flight of stairs. I'm guessing most of the "Thai police hassled me" stories are due to some people showing attitude or some kind of disrespect towards government officials which will always result in issues in a foreign country. Farang vacationing in Thailand always expect to get away with everything and step all over Thai people.

Well your probably guessing wrong. Most people post about the BIB here because they have been unfairly shaken down, because the BIB see us as easy targets. If you genuinely have done something wrong i agree dont give attitude. farang vacationing in Thailand dont expect to get away with everything and step over thai people either, they just expect to be treated fairly and not conned by a Govt official who wants to subsidise his salary.

I am in complete agreement

I don't care what Alex Ferguson says about you all. :)

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Another big F@#$%ng yawn!!! Mr. If you dont like it go home. Heres the deal, meet me for coffee tomorrow, and i will check to make sure you have shaved, are wearing appropriate clothes and have your passport, work permit, tax id card and everything else these excuses for police ask you forn and if you dont YOUR the tit!!!. People like you piss me off. its well known Thong lor police try and shake down more people than the other areas. You either live in a hole or you are perfect if you havent experienced this in your time in thailand! You, 'go home if you dont like it' crowd arent helping the situation, you are encouraging it with your laisse faire attitude!

Things actually are better in Thailand. Try copping attitude towards the police in the U.S. and or refusing to show ID and see how fast you get your ass thrown down a flight of stairs. I'm guessing most of the "Thai police hassled me" stories are due to some people showing attitude or some kind of disrespect towards government officials which will always result in issues in a foreign country. Farang vacationing in Thailand always expect to get away with everything and step all over Thai people.

Well your probably guessing wrong. Most people post about the BIB here because they have been unfairly shaken down, because the BIB see us as easy targets. If you genuinely have done something wrong i agree dont give attitude. farang vacationing in Thailand dont expect to get away with everything and step over thai people either, they just expect to be treated fairly and not conned by a Govt official who wants to subsidise his salary.

I am in complete agreement

I don't care what Alex Ferguson says about you all. :)

You only have to look at the inaction in detecting and preventing crime by the Thai Police to see that its easy for them to stop motorbike riders and frisk tourists so as to look good for their boss. And Serious Crime just keeps on .....up up up up

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I wonder if the mods here would let us do a 'name and shame' thread where we could post pics of the BIB doing things against the law. I have a good one of a cop in Silom sharing a coffee with the owner of a pirate dvd stall, at his stall! Also have shitloads of cops on motorcycles picking their kids up from school minus helmets on them and the kids!

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I have one question for you?

Where is the photo you took?

Did it mysteriously disappear?

The whole story to me sounds pretty damned far fetched and I am sure things did not happen as you describe.

You could save your own self by producing the photo and if not, oh well.

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I have one question for you?

Where is the photo you took?

Did it mysteriously disappear?

The whole story to me sounds pretty damned far fetched and I am sure things did not happen as you describe.

You could save your own self by producing the photo and if not, oh well.

Thats 2 questions actually.

The photo is on my digi camera.

Didnt post it on here, as my posts says would it be alright with the mods to post it.

Far fetched??? <deleted> have you been. its well known that the police control most of the street stalls.

And if you want your own proof, go to the pirate dvd stall outside of Oreillys any day at about 5 or 6 pm and you can take your own photo.

Also stand near any govt school at home time and see for yourself if you can spot a police man on his m/c with kids and no helmets

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  • 2 months later...
I nearly read the whole post without nodding off and so maybe i missed the shakedown part?

Not carrying your passport or carrying illegal drugs is against the law..can someone explain to me what the shakedown part is I've just fell asleep again writing this.

I also never get the part when taking photos over powers the BiBs doing their job by keeping the law of the land. Am i missing kryptonite in my phone/camera?

I once had a Thai barber handle my penis twice! i was shocked and so took his photo and he gave me all his money but it didn't last long....what's the point again..

In Thailand,If you want to avoid trouble with the Thai filth dress nicely, wear your hair short and don't be young. As a rule of thumb, as with all third world, corrupt, tinpot, banana republic, dictatorships, carry the equivalent of months salary, or more, as immediate bribe money.

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They could make good money as penis fondlers if they pulled this in Boyz Town.

I've been pulled over by the police but never pulled off! Mind you most cops are wanke_rs so it is hardly surprising. Lucky it was not a WPC you might have been charged a short time rate!

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